Changes Since Version 1.1 (21.06.05):
The version 1.1.1 finally brings full Python, DLL and Makefile support under Windows.
Furthermore there is a large number of prominent fixes (especially for g++ 4.x)
and some new functionality for BALLView.
- Support for Python under Windows
- Python support for further classes
- Support for creating animations and movies per Python script
- Further Python example scripts
- Support for SD files in BALLView
- Some sensible Hotkeys for Python Scripts in BALLView
- Context sensitive HTML documentation in BALLView
- BALLView again has a fourth drawing precision "ultra" for real
fast graphics accelerator cards
- Amber charges and radii values for nucleotides
- Picking support for bonds
- Coloring by molecule
- BALL and BALLView libraries are now built as DLLs under Windows
- Both libraries are now compiled with optimization under Windows
- Visual improvements of the DNA cartoon model
- Renamed Mesh::colorList to Mesh::colors
- Exception::InvalidRange now has a float value
- Bond::TooManyBonds moved to Exception namespace
- A standard BALLView Python startup script will be executed in any case.
It can be found in BALL/data/
Users can choose an additional startup script, that will run afterwards.
- PyInterpreter and PyWidget report the reason if the Python module can not be loaded
- Removed Notification and changed the way to register for Log access
- Removed GLQuadricObject. This functionality is available through GLRenderer
- Improved PreferenceEntry class and reading/storing code for preferences
- Coloring of surfaces by grid: the way autoscale works and the default colors
- Renamed ColorTable to ColorMap
- Cleanup of the Scene code for move, rotate, zoom: Now cleaner, smaller and faster code.
- Adapted DownloadPDBDialog to new website
- Problems with POSIX compliance of socket classes
- Crash while reading PDB files with too many bonds
- Crash while wrongly using malformed boolean expression "residueID(...)"
- Crash in CalculateSecondaryStructureProcessor, when one SS is part of another
- Crash while running an MDS with trajectory if the DCD file could not be written
- Crash with representations for two different systems
- Crash with mouse movements while animation is running
- NMRViewer and underlying widgets did not compile
- Problems in persistence with g++ 4.x series
- Hangup in socket interface with g++ 4.x series
- Mouse sensitivity changed in Rotate mode when focusing on small structures
- Memory issues with Python objects (e.g. inserting GeometricObjects into Representations)
- Lighting, especially for directional lights
- Saving and loading of BALLView project files
- Accelerators for menu entries didn't always work
- Splitting of surfaces for given distance: computed incorrect surfaces
- POVRay export: degenerated objects (with a length of 0) and meshes with only one color
- Missing assignment operator in RotamerLibrary
- Browse button didn't work in Molecular Dynamics Simulation dialog
- Incorrect bond orders and GLN amide group planarity in fragment database
- PeptideBuilder: Naming of peptides; enabled support for paste in Dialog
- Opening of files in current directory per command line with BALLView
- Rendering of Fog
- Update of Representations after changing Selection color
- Problems with rendering Labels on Windows and MacOS
- Problems with Directory and Sysinfo on Windows
- Problems with ATI graphics cards: Line Models and Polygon Smoothing
- Minor problems with the clipping planes
- Minor problems with dashed bonds in the Ball-and-Stick model