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TRRFile Member List

This is the complete list of members for TRRFile, including all inherited members.

append(const SnapShot &snapshot)TRRFile [virtual]
box1_ (defined in TRRFile)TRRFile [protected]
box2_ (defined in TRRFile)TRRFile [protected]
box3_ (defined in TRRFile)TRRFile [protected]
clear()TRRFile [virtual]
copy(String source_name, String destination_name, Size buffer_size=4096)File [static]
copyTo(const String &destination_name, Size buffer_size=4096)File
createTemporaryFilename(String &temporary)File [static]
disableTransformation(Transformation transformation) (defined in File)File [static]
enableTransformation(Transformation transformation) (defined in File)File [static]
File(const String &name, OpenMode open_mode=std::ios::in)File
File(const File &file)File
flushToDisk(const std::vector< SnapShot > &buffer)TRRFile [virtual]
getBoundingBoxX() const (defined in TRRFile)TRRFile
getBoundingBoxY() const (defined in TRRFile)TRRFile
getBoundingBoxZ() const (defined in TRRFile)TRRFile
getName() const File
getNumberOfAtoms() const TrajectoryFile
getNumberOfSnapShots() const TrajectoryFile
getOpenMode() const File
getOriginalName() const (defined in File)File
getPrecision() const (defined in TRRFile)TRRFile
getSize(String name)File [static]
getTimestep() const (defined in TRRFile)TRRFile
getTransformationManager() const File
getType(String name, bool trace_link)File [static]
getType(bool trace_link) const File
has_forces_ (defined in TRRFile)TRRFile [protected]
has_velocities_ (defined in TRRFile)TRRFile [protected]
hasForces() const (defined in TRRFile)TRRFile
hasVelocities() const (defined in TRRFile)TRRFile
header_ (defined in TRRFile)TRRFile [protected]
init()TRRFile [virtual]
is_open_ (defined in File)File [protected]
is_temporary_ (defined in File)File [protected]
isAccessible(String name)File [static]
isAccessible() const File
isCanonized() const File
isClosed() const File
isExecutable(String name)File [static]
isExecutable() const File
isOpen() const File
isReadable(String name)File [static]
isReadable() const File
isTransformationEnabled(Transformation transformation) (defined in File)File [static]
isValid() const File
isWritable(String name)File [static]
isWritable() const File
MODE_APPFile [static]
MODE_ATEFile [static]
MODE_BINARYFile [static]
MODE_INFile [static]
MODE_OUTFile [static]
MODE_TRUNCFile [static]
move(const String &source_name, const String &destination_name)File [static]
moveTo(const String &destination_name)File
name_ (defined in File)File [protected]
number_of_atoms_ (defined in TrajectoryFile)TrajectoryFile [protected]
number_of_snapshots_ (defined in TrajectoryFile)TrajectoryFile [protected]
open(const String &name, File::OpenMode open_mode=std::ios::in)File
open_mode_ (defined in File)File [protected]
OpenMode typedefFile
operator!=(const File &file) const File
operator=(const TRRFile &file)TRRFile
TrajectoryFile::operator=(const TrajectoryFile &file)TrajectoryFile
File::operator=(const File &file)File
operator==(const TRRFile &file) const TRRFile
TrajectoryFile::operator==(const TrajectoryFile &file) const TrajectoryFile
File::operator==(const File &file) const File
operator>>(SnapShotManager &ssm)TRRFile [virtual]
original_name_ (defined in File)File [protected]
precision_ (defined in TRRFile)TRRFile [protected]
read(SnapShot &snapshot)TRRFile [virtual]
readHeader()TrajectoryFile [virtual]
readNextHeader(TRRHeader &header)TRRFile [virtual]
registerTransformation(const String &pattern, const String &exec) (defined in File)File [static]
remove(String name)File [static]
rename(String old_path, String new_path)File [static]
renameTo(const String &new_path)File
reopen(File::OpenMode open_mode)File
setBoundingBox(const Vector3 &x, const Vector3 &y, const Vector3 &z) (defined in TRRFile)TRRFile
setForceStorage(bool storage) (defined in TRRFile)TRRFile
setName(const String &name)File
setPrecision(const Size precision) (defined in TRRFile)TRRFile
setTimestep(float timestep) (defined in TRRFile)TRRFile
setVelocityStorage(bool storage) (defined in TRRFile)TRRFile
timestep_ (defined in TRRFile)TRRFile [protected]
timestep_index_ (defined in TRRFile)TRRFile [protected]
TrajectoryFile(const TrajectoryFile &file)TrajectoryFile
TrajectoryFile(const String &filename, File::OpenMode open_mode=std::ios::in)TrajectoryFile
Transformation enum nameFile
TRANSFORMATION__EXEC enum value (defined in File)File
TRANSFORMATION__FILTER enum value (defined in File)File
TRANSFORMATION__URL enum value (defined in File)File
transformation_manager_ (defined in File)File [protected, static]
transformation_methods_ (defined in File)File [protected, static]
TRRFile(const TRRFile &file)TRRFile
TRRFile(const String &name, File::OpenMode open_mode=std::ios::in)TRRFile
truncate(String path, Size size=0)File [static]
truncate(Size size=0)File
Type enum nameFile
TYPE__BLOCK_SPECIAL_FILE enum value (defined in File)File
TYPE__CHAR_SPECIAL_FILE enum value (defined in File)File
TYPE__DIRECTORY enum value (defined in File)File
TYPE__FIFO_SPECIAL_FILE enum value (defined in File)File
TYPE__REGULAR_FILE enum value (defined in File)File
TYPE__SOCKET enum value (defined in File)File
TYPE__SYMBOLIC_LINK enum value (defined in File)File
TYPE__UNKNOWN enum value (defined in File)File
unregisterTransformation(const String &pattern) (defined in File)File [static]
writeHeader()TrajectoryFile [virtual]
writeNextHeader(const TRRHeader &header)TRRFile [virtual]
~File()File [virtual]
~TrajectoryFile()TrajectoryFile [virtual]
~TRRFile()TRRFile [virtual]