Go to the documentation of this file.
128 std::vector<double> & n_term_intensities, std::vector<double> & c_term_intensities, FragmentationType type);
131 void setPeptideProtonDistribution(
const std::vector<double> & bb_charge,
const std::vector<double> & sc_charge);
152 Residue::ResidueType n_term_type, std::vector<double> & n_term_intensities, std::vector<double> & c_term_intensities, FragmentationType type);
155 void calcChargeStateIntensities_(
const AASequence & peptide,
const AASequence & n_term_ion,
const AASequence & c_term_ion,
Int charge,
Residue::ResidueType n_term_type,
double & n_term1,
double & c_term1,
double & n_term2,
double & c_term2, FragmentationType type);
158 void getLeftAndRightGBValues_(
const AASequence & peptide,
double & left_gb,
double & right_gb,
Size position);
Exit codes.
Definition: PeptideIndexing.h:130
static std::set< Size > correctToHighestIntensityMS1Peak(MSExperiment &exp, double mz_tolerance, bool ppm, std::vector< double > &delta_mzs, std::vector< double > &mzs, std::vector< double > &rts)
Selection of the peak with the highest intensity as corrected precursor mass in a given mass range (e...
void transform_(vector< FeatureMap > &feature_maps, vector< TransformationDescription > &transformations)
Definition: ProteomicsLFQ.cpp:499
static bool addMissingSpectrumReferences(std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &peptides, const String &filename, bool stop_on_error=false, bool override_spectra_data=false, bool override_spectra_references=false, std::vector< ProteinIdentification > proteins=std::vector< ProteinIdentification >())
Add missing "spectrum_reference"s to peptide identifications based on raw data.
Management and storage of parameters / INI files.
Definition: Param.h:73
Resolves shared peptides based on protein scores.
Definition: PeptideProteinResolution.h:86
void quantifyProteins(const ProteinIdentification &proteins=ProteinIdentification())
Compute protein abundances.
A feature grouping algorithm for unlabeled data.
Definition: FeatureGroupingAlgorithmQT.h:52
void store(const String &filename, const ConsensusMap &consensus_map)
Stores a consensus map to file.
void setValue(const String &key, const DataValue &value, const String &description="", const StringList &tags=StringList())
Sets a value.
static void removeUnreferencedProteins(std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &proteins, const std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &peptides)
Removes protein hits from proteins that are not referenced by a peptide in peptides.
This class provides Input/Output functionality for feature maps.
Definition: FeatureXMLFile.h:68
static bool updateProteinGroups(std::vector< ProteinIdentification::ProteinGroup > &groups, const std::vector< ProteinHit > &hits)
Update protein groups after protein hits were filtered.
ConsensusMap & appendColumns(const ConsensusMap &rhs)
Add consensus map entries as new columns.
unsigned getNumberOfFractionGroups() const
Definition: ProtonDistributionModel.h:98
static String absolutePath(const String &file)
Replaces the relative path in the argument with the absolute path.
void clear(bool clear_meta_data=true)
Clears all data and meta data.
const Param & getParameters() const
Non-mutable access to the parameters.
Definition: FeatureFinderIdentificationAlgorithm.h:56
size_t Size
Size type e.g. used as variable which can hold result of size()
Definition: Types.h:127
static void normalizeMaps(ConsensusMap &map, NormalizationMethod method, const String &acc_filter, const String &desc_filter)
normalizes the maps of the consensusMap
std::vector< MSFileSectionEntry > MSFileSection
Definition: ExperimentalDesign.h:155
A method or algorithm argument contains illegal values.
Definition: Exception.h:648
Definition: PeptideIndexing.h:136
static void resolve(FeatureMap &features, bool keep_matching=false)
Resolves ambiguous annotations of features with peptide identifications. The the filtered identificat...
Exit codes.
Definition: TOPPBase.h:149
void run(const PeakMap &, std::vector< MassTrace > &, const Size max_traces=0)
Main method of MassTraceDetection. Extracts mass traces of a MSExperiment and gathers them into a vec...
static String concatenate(const std::vector< T > &container, const String &glue="")
Concatenates all elements of the container and puts the glue string between elements.
Definition: ListUtils.h:193
ProgressLogger & getProgressLogger()
Definition: FeatureFinderIdentificationAlgorithm.h:83
Macro if a information, e.g. a status should be reported.
Definition: LogStream.h:465
double MAD(IteratorType begin, IteratorType end, double median_of_numbers)
median absolute deviation (MAD)
Definition: StatisticFunctions.h:198
void registerOptionsAndFlags_() override
Sets the valid command line options (with argument) and flags (without argument).
Definition: ProteomicsLFQ.cpp:120
static void setRANSACParams(const Math::RANSACParam &p)
Set the global (program wide) parameters for RANSAC.
Size size() const
Number of calibration points.
void readQuantData(FeatureMap &features, const ExperimentalDesign &ed)
Read quantitative data from a feature map.
std::vector< double > bb_charge_full_
Definition: ProtonDistributionModel.h:163
std::vector< double > sc_charge_full_
Definition: ProtonDistributionModel.h:162
Size size() const
Definition: MSExperiment.h:127
Definition: ConsensusMapNormalizerAlgorithmMedian.h:70
const CalibrationData & getCalibrationPoints() const
Get container of calibration points.
void store(const String &filename, const FeatureMap &feature_map)
stores the map feature_map in file with name filename.
Size resolveUniqueIdConflicts()
Assign new UID's to doubly occurring UID's.
Definition: UniqueIdIndexer.h:167
Definition: PeptideIndexing.h:132
double E_c_term_
Definition: ProtonDistributionModel.h:169
bool calibrate(PeakMap &exp, const IntList &target_mslvl, MZTrafoModel::MODELTYPE model_type, double rt_chunk, bool use_RANSAC, double post_ppm_median, double post_ppm_MAD, const String &file_models="", const String &file_models_plot="", const String &file_residuals="", const String &file_residuals_plot="", const String &rscript_executable="Rscript")
Apply calibration to data.
Generic description of a coordinate transformation.
Definition: TransformationDescription.h:61
const char * getMessage() const noexcept
Returns the message.
FeatureMap & getFeatureMap()
get methods
void load(const String &filename, std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &protein_ids, std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &peptide_ids)
Loads the identifications of an idXML file without identifier.
void sortByPosition()
Lexicographically sorts the peaks by their position (First RT then m/z).
Exception indicating that an invalid parameter was handed over to an algorithm.
Definition: Exception.h:347
A container for features.
Definition: FeatureMap.h:95
static void updateProteinReferences(std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &peptides, const std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &proteins, bool remove_peptides_without_reference=false)
Removes references to missing proteins.
PeakMap & getMSData()
Definition: FeatureFinderIdentificationAlgorithm.h:77
void clear(bool clear_meta_data)
Clears all data and meta data.
Definition: FeatureFinderMultiplexAlgorithm.h:56
This class implements a fast peak-picking algorithm best suited for high resolution MS data (FT-ICR-M...
Definition: PeakPickerHiRes.h:73
multimap< Size, PeptideIdentification > transferIDsBetweenSameFraction_(const ConsensusMap &consensus_fraction, Size min_occurrence=3)
Definition: ProteomicsLFQ.cpp:642
static void setCoefficientLimits(double offset, double scale, double power)
Set coefficient boundaries for which the model coefficient must not exceed to be considered a valid m...
void filterPeakMap(PeakMap &exp)
Size setUniqueId()
Assigns a new, valid unique id. Always returns 1.
Definition: UniqueIdInterface.h:146
map< String, String > mapId2MzMLs_(const map< String, String > &m2i)
Definition: ProteomicsLFQ.cpp:242
A proton distribution model to calculate the proton distribution over charged peptides.
Definition: ProtonDistributionModel.h:70
double alignAndLink_(vector< FeatureMap > &feature_maps, ConsensusMap &consensus_fraction, vector< TransformationDescription > &transformations, const double median_fwhm)
Definition: ProteomicsLFQ.cpp:566
std::vector< double > sc_charge_
Definition: ProtonDistributionModel.h:160
T getPPMAbs(T mz_obs, T mz_ref)
Compute absolute parts-per-million of two m/z values.
Definition: MathFunctions.h:248
void insert(const String &prefix, const Param ¶m)
Base class for TOPP applications.
Definition: TOPPBase.h:144
unsigned fraction_group
fraction group id
Definition: ExperimentalDesign.h:99
static void transformRetentionTimes(PeakMap &msexp, const TransformationDescription &trafo, bool store_original_rt=false)
Applies the given transformation to a peak map.
std::vector< String > StringList
Vector of String.
Definition: ListUtils.h:70
This class provides Input functionality for ConsensusMaps and Output functionality for alignments and...
Definition: ConsensusXMLFile.h:61
const std::vector< ProteinIdentification > & getProteinIdentifications() const
non-mutable access to the protein identifications
T getPPM(T mz_obs, T mz_ref)
Compute parts-per-million of two m/z values.
Definition: MathFunctions.h:233
Size applyMemberFunction(Size(Type::*member_function)())
Applies a member function of Type to the container itself and all consensus features....
Definition: ConsensusMap.h:337
A mass recalibration method using linear/quadratic interpolation (robust/weighted) of given reference...
Definition: InternalCalibration.h:61
const DataValue & getValue(const String &key) const
Returns a value of a parameter.
File adapter for MzTab files.
Definition: MSstatsFile.h:57
Not all required information provided.
Definition: Exception.h:195
void align(std::vector< DataType > &data, std::vector< TransformationDescription > &transformations, Int reference_index=-1)
Align feature maps, consensus maps, peak maps, or peptide identifications.
Definition: MapAlignmentAlgorithmIdentification.h:105
Performs a Bayesian protein inference on Protein/Peptide identifications or ConsensusMap (experimenta...
Definition: BayesianProteinInferenceAlgorithm.h:75
std::vector< double > sc_charge_ion_c_term_
Definition: ProtonDistributionModel.h:166
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
Definition: ProteomicsLFQ.cpp:1622
Macro to be used if fatal error are reported (processing stops)
Definition: LogStream.h:450
void run(MSExperiment &exp, bool progress)
main method for feature detection
void link_(vector< FeatureMap > &feature_maps, double median_fwhm, double max_alignment_diff, ConsensusMap &consensus_fraction)
Definition: ProteomicsLFQ.cpp:531
Definition: MZTrafoModel.h:98
void calculateSeeds_(const MSExperiment &ms_centroided, FeatureMap &seeds, double median_fwhm)
Definition: ProteomicsLFQ.cpp:399
#define OPENMS_PRECONDITION(condition, message)
Precondition macro.
Definition: openms/include/OpenMS/CONCEPT/Macros.h:136
void recalibrateMasses_(MSExperiment &ms_centroided, vector< PeptideIdentification > &peptide_ids, const String &id_file_abs_path)
Definition: ProteomicsLFQ.cpp:328
static void filterHitsByScore(std::vector< IdentificationType > &ids, double threshold_score)
Filters peptide or protein identifications according to the score of the hits.
Definition: IDFilter.h:783
void setPrimaryMSRunPath(const StringList &s)
set the file path to the primary MS run (usually the mzML file obtained after data conversion from ra...
double align_(vector< FeatureMap > &feature_maps, vector< TransformationDescription > &transformations)
Definition: ProteomicsLFQ.cpp:432
std::map< unsigned int, std::vector< String > > getFractionToMSFilesMapping() const
return fraction index to file paths (ordered by fraction_group)
void setLogType(LogType type) const
Sets the progress log that should be used. The default type is NONE!
void sortPeptideIdentificationsByMapIndex()
Sorts PeptideIdentifications of consensus features with respect to their map index.
Representation of a peptide/protein sequence.
Definition: AASequence.h:113
Logger::LogStream OpenMS_Log_debug
Global static instance of a LogStream to capture messages classified as debug output....
File adapter for MzTab files.
Definition: MzTabFile.h:58
MS:1001220 peptide bond up to the C-terminus.
Definition: Residue.h:160
void applyBasic(std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &ids)
simpler reimplemetation of the apply function above.
ExitCodes quantifyFraction_(const pair< unsigned int, std::vector< String > > &ms_files, const map< String, String > &mzfile2idfile, double median_fwhm, const multimap< Size, PeptideIdentification > &transfered_ids, ConsensusMap &consensus_fraction, vector< TransformationDescription > &transformations, double &max_alignment_diff, set< String > &fixed_modifications, set< String > &variable_modifications)
Definition: ProteomicsLFQ.cpp:696
const ColumnHeaders & getColumnHeaders() const
Non-mutable access to the file descriptions.
A container for consensus elements.
Definition: ConsensusMap.h:79
double estimateMedianChromatographicFWHM_(MSExperiment &ms_centroided)
Definition: ProteomicsLFQ.cpp:373
Algorithm class that implements simple protein inference by aggregation of peptide scores....
Definition: BasicProteinInferenceAlgorithm.h:58
void run(std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &pep_ids, std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &prot_ids) const
std::vector< double > sc_charge_ion_n_term_
Definition: ProtonDistributionModel.h:164
void setParameters(const Param ¶m)
Sets the parameters.
double E_n_term_
Definition: ProtonDistributionModel.h:170
A simple struct to carry all the parameters required for a RANSAC run.
Definition: RANSAC.h:58
Macro for general debugging information.
Definition: LogStream.h:470
Definition: ProteomicsLFQ.cpp:114
void setMSFileSection(const MSFileSection &msfile_section)
In-Memory representation of a mass spectrometry experiment.
Definition: MSExperiment.h:77
Data model of MzTab files. Please see the official MzTab specification at https://code....
Definition: MzTab.h:855
void run(std::vector< PeptideIdentification > peptides, const std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &proteins, std::vector< PeptideIdentification > peptides_ext, std::vector< ProteinIdentification > proteins_ext, FeatureMap &features, const FeatureMap &seeds=FeatureMap())
the type of fragmentation
Definition: ProtonDistributionModel.h:95
Param copy(const String &prefix, bool remove_prefix=false) const
Returns a new Param object containing all entries that start with prefix.
map< pair< String, UInt >, vector< int > > getPeptideOccurrence_(const ConsensusMap &cons)
Definition: ProteomicsLFQ.cpp:601
void inferPosteriorProbabilities(std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &proteinIDs, std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &peptideIDs, boost::optional< const ExperimentalDesign > exp_des=boost::optional< const ExperimentalDesign >())
std::vector< double > bb_charge_ion_n_term_
Definition: ProtonDistributionModel.h:165
Definition: ExperimentalDesign.h:95
const Param & getDefaults() const
Non-mutable access to the default parameters.
Summary statistics before/after applying the transformation. For deviations before/after transformati...
Definition: TransformationDescription.h:71
void quantifyPeptides(const std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &peptides=std::vector< PeptideIdentification >())
Compute peptide abundances.
map< String, String > mapMzML2Ids_(StringList &in, StringList &in_ids)
Definition: ProteomicsLFQ.cpp:217
Represents the peptide hits for a spectrum.
Definition: PeptideIdentification.h:62
static bool exists(const String &file)
Method used to test if a file exists.
std::vector< double > bb_charge_
Definition: ProtonDistributionModel.h:161
ExitCodes centroidAndCorrectPrecursors_(const String &mz_file, MSExperiment &ms_centroided)
Definition: ProteomicsLFQ.cpp:252
A mass trace extraction method that gathers peaks similar in m/z and moving along retention time.
Definition: MassTraceDetection.h:72
A base class for all classes handling default parameters.
Definition: DefaultParamHandler.h:91
static MzTab exportConsensusMapToMzTab(const ConsensusMap &consensus_map, const String &filename, const bool first_run_inference_only, const bool export_unidentified_features, const bool export_unassigned_ids, const bool export_subfeatures, const bool export_empty_pep_ids=false, const String &title="ConsensusMap export from OpenMS")
export linked peptide features aka consensus map
void load(const String &filename, PeakMap &map)
Loads a map from a MzML file. Spectra and chromatograms are sorted by default (this can be disabled u...
Size< TNeedle >::Type position(const PatternAuxData< TNeedle > &dh)
Definition: AhoCorasickAmbiguous.h:561
void group(const std::vector< FeatureMap > &maps, ConsensusMap &out) override
Applies the algorithm to feature maps.
Used to load and store idXML files.
Definition: IdXMLFile.h:63
File adapter for MzML files.
Definition: MzMLFile.h:55
Creates and maintains a boost graph based on the OpenMS ID datastructures.
Definition: IDBoostGraph.h:78
Refreshes the protein references for all peptide hits in a vector of PeptideIdentifications and adds ...
Definition: PeptideIndexing.h:124
Feature grouping
Definition: DataProcessing.h:73
Size fillCalibrants(const PeakMap exp, const std::vector< InternalCalibration::LockMass > &ref_masses, double tol_ppm, bool lock_require_mono, bool lock_require_iso, CalibrationData &failed_lock_masses, bool verbose=true)
Extract calibrants from Raw data (mzML)
bool clearMetaDataArrays()
Clears the meta data arrays of all contained spectra (float, integer and string arrays)
ExitCodes main(int argc, const char **argv)
Main routine of all TOPP applications.
ExitCodes run(std::vector< FASTAFile::FASTAEntry > &proteins, std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &prot_ids, std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &pep_ids)
forward for old interface and pyOpenMS; use run<T>() for more control
Definition: PeptideIndexing.h:147
A more convenient string class.
Definition: String.h:58
ExitCodes main_(int, const char **) override
The actual "main" method. main_() is invoked by main().
Definition: ProteomicsLFQ.cpp:1007
Representation of a peptide hit.
Definition: PeptideHit.h:54
void store(const String &filename, const std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &protein_ids, const std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &peptide_ids, const String &document_id="")
Stores the data in an idXML file.
Definition: Residue.h:150
Helper class for peptide and protein quantification based on feature data annotated with IDs.
Definition: PeptideAndProteinQuant.h:53
static void keepUniquePeptidesPerProtein(std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &peptides)
Removes all peptides that are not annotated as unique for a protein (by PeptideIndexer)
Representation of the Experimental Design in OpenMS. Instances can be loaded via the ExperimentalDesi...
Definition: ExperimentalDesign.h:85
ThresholdMower removes all peaks below a threshold.
Definition: ThresholdMower.h:51
Definition: MZTrafoModel.h:98
double E_
Definition: ProtonDistributionModel.h:168
unsigned label
the label (e.g.,: 1 for label-free, 1..8 for TMT8plex)
Definition: ExperimentalDesign.h:102
Creates a new Protein ID run into which other runs can be inserted. Creates union of protein hits but...
Definition: IDMergerAlgorithm.h:61
Calculates false discovery rates (FDR) from identifications.
Definition: FalseDiscoveryRate.h:77
const ProteinQuant & getProteinResults()
Get protein abundance data.
void addSpectrum(const MSSpectrum &spectrum)
adds a spectrum to the list
Main OpenMS namespace.
Definition: FeatureDeconvolution.h:46
bool empty() const
Definition: MSExperiment.h:137
Definition: ProteomicsLFQ.cpp:110
Definition: PeptideIndexing.h:134
Definition: PeptideIndexing.h:133
Macro if a warning, a piece of information which should be read by the user, should be logged.
Definition: LogStream.h:460
void buildGraph(ProteinIdentification &protein, const std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &peptides, bool skip_sort=false)
void pickExperiment(const PeakMap &input, PeakMap &output, const bool check_spectrum_type=true) const
Applies the peak-picking algorithm to a map (MSExperiment). This method picks peaks for each scan in ...
std::vector< double > DoubleList
Vector of double precision real types.
Definition: ListUtils.h:62
unsigned sample
allows grouping by sample
Definition: ExperimentalDesign.h:103
FASTAContainer<TFI_File> will make FASTA entries available chunk-wise from start to end by loading it...
Definition: FASTAContainer.h:93
std::vector< Int > IntList
Vector of signed integers.
Definition: ListUtils.h:55
unsigned fraction
fraction 1..m, mandatory, 1 if not set
Definition: ExperimentalDesign.h:100
void storeLFQ(const String &filename, const ConsensusMap &consensus_map, const ExperimentalDesign &design, const StringList &reannotate_filenames, const bool is_isotope_label_type, const String &bioreplicate, const String &condition, const String &retention_time_summarization_method)
store label free experiment (MSstats)
static void annotateQuantificationsToProteins(const ProteinQuant &protein_quants, ProteinIdentification &proteins, const UInt n_samples)
Annotate protein quant results as meta data to protein ids.
std::string path
file name, mandatory
Definition: ExperimentalDesign.h:101
Used to load and store TransformationXML files.
Definition: TransformationXMLFile.h:56
static String basename(const String &file)
Returns the basename of the file (without the path).
File not found exception.
Definition: Exception.h:523
void swap(MSExperiment &from)
Swaps the content of this map with the content of from.
#define OPENMS_POSTCONDITION(condition, message)
Definition: openswathalgo/include/OpenMS/OPENSWATHALGO/Macros.h:48
Retention time alignment of different maps.
Definition: DataProcessing.h:68
std::vector< double > bb_charge_ion_c_term_
Definition: ProtonDistributionModel.h:167
A map alignment algorithm based on peptide identifications from MS2 spectra.
Definition: MapAlignmentAlgorithmIdentification.h:71
void store(String filename, const TransformationDescription &transformation)
Stores the data in an TransformationXML file.
static void convert(UInt64 const input_map_index, PeakMap &input_map, ConsensusMap &output_map, Size n=-1)
Similar to convert for FeatureMaps.
static void removeDecoyHits(std::vector< IdentificationType > &ids)
Removes hits annotated as decoys from peptide or protein identifications.
Definition: IDFilter.h:874
void store(const String &filename, const MzTab &mz_tab) const
static double median(IteratorType begin, IteratorType end, bool sorted=false)
Calculates the median of a range of values.
Definition: StatisticFunctions.h:151
static void removeEmptyIdentifications(std::vector< IdentificationType > &ids)
Removes peptide or protein identifications that have no hits in them.
Definition: IDFilter.h:771
static ExperimentalDesign load(const String &tsv_file, bool require_spectra_files)
Loads an experimental design from a tabular separated file.