Go to the documentation of this file.
44 class IsobaricQuantitationMethod;
46 class ConsensusFeature;
126 void advanceFollowUp(
const double rt);
133 bool followUpValid(
const double rt);
167 void registerChannelsInOutputMap_(
ConsensusMap& consensus_map);
175 bool isValidPrecursor_(
const Precursor& precursor)
221 void setDefaultParams_();
224 void updateMembers_()
TMT 10plex quantitation to be used with the IsobaricQuantitation.
Definition: TMTTenPlexQuantitationMethod.h:48
Management and storage of parameters / INI files.
Definition: Param.h:73
Peak2D::CoordinateType reporter_mass_shift_
Allowed deviation between the expected and observed reporter ion m/z.
Definition: IsobaricChannelExtractor.h:143
const String & getMethodName() const override
Methods to implement from IsobaricQuantitationMethod.
String selected_activation_
Used to select only specific types of spectra for the channel extraction.
Definition: IsobaricChannelExtractor.h:140
void store(const String &filename, const ConsensusMap &consensus_map)
Stores a consensus map to file.
bool keep_unannotated_precursor_
Flag if precursor with missing intensity value or missing precursor spectrum should be included or no...
Definition: IsobaricChannelExtractor.h:149
const Param & getParameters() const
Non-mutable access to the parameters.
Peak2D::IntensityType min_precursor_intensity_
Minimum intensity of the precursor to be considered for quantitation.
Definition: IsobaricChannelExtractor.h:146
bool hasFollowUpScan
Indicates if a follow up scan was found.
Definition: IsobaricChannelExtractor.h:110
const String & getMethodName() const override
Methods to implement from IsobaricQuantitationMethod.
TMT 6plex quantitation to be used with the IsobaricQuantitation.
Definition: TMTSixPlexQuantitationMethod.h:48
virtual const String & getMethodName() const =0
Returns a unique name for the quantitation method.
Precursor meta information.
Definition: Precursor.h:57
const IsobaricQuantitationMethod * quant_method_
The used quantitation method (itraq4plex, tmt6plex,..).
Definition: IsobaricChannelExtractor.h:137
String getActivationMethod_(const PeakMap::SpectrumType &s) const
Get the first (of potentially many) activation methods (HCD,CID,...) of this spectrum.
Definition: IsobaricChannelExtractor.h:209
Small struct to capture the current state of the purity computation.
Definition: IsobaricChannelExtractor.h:102
iTRAQ 4 plex quantitation to be used with the IsobaricQuantitation.
Definition: ItraqFourPlexQuantitationMethod.h:46
const std::vector< Precursor > & getPrecursors() const
returns a const reference to the precursors
Abstract base class describing an isobaric quantitation method in terms of the used channels and an i...
Definition: IsobaricQuantitationMethod.h:54
const PeakMap & baseExperiment
reference to the experiment to analyze
Definition: IsobaricChannelExtractor.h:112
Base class for TOPP applications.
Definition: TOPPBase.h:144
Extracts individual channels from MS/MS spectra for isobaric labeling experiments.
Definition: IsobaricChannelExtractor.h:69
bool remove_low_intensity_quantifications_
Flag if complete quantification should be discarded if a single reporter ion has an intensity below t...
Definition: IsobaricChannelExtractor.h:155
std::vector< String > StringList
Vector of String.
Definition: ListUtils.h:70
This class provides Input functionality for ConsensusMaps and Output functionality for alignments and...
Definition: ConsensusXMLFile.h:61
const String & getMethodName() const override
Methods to implement from IsobaricQuantitationMethod.
Definition: DataProcessing.h:72
PeakMap::ConstIterator precursorScan
Iterator pointing to the potential MS1 precursor scan.
Definition: IsobaricChannelExtractor.h:105
Size ensureUniqueId()
Assigns a valid unique id, but only if the present one is invalid. Returns 1 if the unique id was cha...
Definition: UniqueIdInterface.h:154
bool interpolate_precursor_purity_
Flag if precursor purity will solely be computed based on the precursor scan (false),...
Definition: IsobaricChannelExtractor.h:164
void setLogType(LogType type) const
Sets the progress log that should be used. The default type is NONE!
A consensus feature spanning multiple LC-MS/MS experiments.
Definition: ConsensusFeature.h:69
double max_precursor_isotope_deviation_
Max. allowed deviation between theoretical and observed isotopic peaks of the precursor peak in the i...
Definition: IsobaricChannelExtractor.h:161
std::vector< SpectrumType >::const_iterator ConstIterator
Non-mutable iterator.
Definition: MSExperiment.h:113
const ColumnHeaders & getColumnHeaders() const
Non-mutable access to the file descriptions.
A container for consensus elements.
Definition: ConsensusMap.h:79
void setParameters(const Param ¶m)
Sets the parameters.
Given the extracted channel intensities the IsobaricQuantifier corrects and normalizes the intensitie...
Definition: IsobaricQuantifier.h:51
TMT 16plex quantitation to be used with the IsobaricQuantitation.
Definition: TMTSixteenPlexQuantitationMethod.h:48
static const std::string NamesOfActivationMethod[SIZE_OF_ACTIVATIONMETHOD]
Names of activation methods.
Definition: Precursor.h:94
In-Memory representation of a mass spectrometry experiment.
Definition: MSExperiment.h:77
const String & getMethodName() const override
Methods to implement from IsobaricQuantitationMethod.
const String & getMethodName() const override
Methods to implement from IsobaricQuantitationMethod.
A base class for all classes handling default parameters.
Definition: DefaultParamHandler.h:91
PeakMap::ConstIterator followUpScan
Iterator pointing to the potential follow up MS1 scan.
Definition: IsobaricChannelExtractor.h:107
void load(const String &filename, PeakMap &map)
Loads a map from a MzML file. Spectra and chromatograms are sorted by default (this can be disabled u...
File adapter for MzML files.
Definition: MzMLFile.h:55
TMT 11plex quantitation to be used with the IsobaricQuantitation.
Definition: TMTElevenPlexQuantitationMethod.h:48
const String & getMethodName() const override
Methods to implement from IsobaricQuantitationMethod.
iTRAQ 8 plex quantitation to be used with the IsobaricQuantitation.
Definition: ItraqEightPlexQuantitationMethod.h:48
A more convenient string class.
Definition: String.h:58
double min_precursor_purity_
Minimum precursor purity to accept the spectrum for quantitation.
Definition: IsobaricChannelExtractor.h:158
Main OpenMS namespace.
Definition: FeatureDeconvolution.h:46
The representation of a 1D spectrum.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:67
Peak2D::IntensityType min_reporter_intensity_
Minimum reporter ion intensity to be considered for quantitation.
Definition: IsobaricChannelExtractor.h:152
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
Definition: INIFileEditor.cpp:73