Go to the documentation of this file.
117 void setMaxIsotope(
const Size& max_isotope);
120 void setRoundMasses(
const bool round_masses);
123 Size getMaxIsotope()
126 bool getRoundMasses()
177 IsotopeDistribution estimateFromWeightAndComp(
double average_weight,
double C,
double H,
double N,
double O,
double S,
double P);
193 IsotopeDistribution estimateFromWeightAndCompAndS(
double average_weight,
UInt S,
double C,
double H,
double N,
double O,
double P);
209 IsotopeDistribution estimateForFragmentFromPeptideWeight(
double average_weight_precursor,
double average_weight_fragment,
const std::set<UInt>& precursor_isotopes);
230 IsotopeDistribution estimateForFragmentFromPeptideWeightAndS(
double average_weight_precursor,
UInt S_precursor,
double average_weight_fragment,
UInt S_fragment,
const std::set<UInt>& precursor_isotopes);
246 IsotopeDistribution estimateForFragmentFromRNAWeight(
double average_weight_precursor,
double average_weight_fragment,
const std::set<UInt>& precursor_isotopes);
262 IsotopeDistribution estimateForFragmentFromDNAWeight(
double average_weight_precursor,
double average_weight_fragment,
const std::set<UInt>& precursor_isotopes);
285 IsotopeDistribution estimateForFragmentFromWeightAndComp(
double average_weight_precursor,
double average_weight_fragment,
const std::set<UInt>& precursor_isotopes,
double C,
double H,
double N,
double O,
double S,
double P);
Size max_isotope_
maximal isotopes which is used to calculate the distribution
Definition: CoarseIsotopePatternGenerator.h:336
WidthType getWidth() const
Non-mutable access to the features width (full width at half max, FWHM)
Representation of an empirical formula.
Definition: EmpiricalFormula.h:82
size_t Size
Size type e.g. used as variable which can hold result of size()
Definition: Types.h:127
void createConsensusMapCache(const ConsensusMap &map, std::vector< MasstracePointsType > &feature_points, std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > &max_intensities, std::vector< double > &rt_cache)
void setMZ(CoordinateType mz)
Mutable access to m/z.
Definition: Peak1D.h:121
void sortByIntensity(bool reverse=false)
Sorts the peaks according to ascending intensity.
Precursor meta information.
Definition: Precursor.h:57
Size size() const
Definition: MSExperiment.h:127
CoordinateType getMZ() const
Returns the m/z coordinate (index 1)
Definition: Peak2D.h:196
void setPrecursors(const std::vector< Precursor > &precursors)
sets the precursors
void setIntensity(IntensityType intensity)
Mutable access to the data point intensity (height)
Definition: Peak1D.h:112
void setMSLevel(UInt ms_level)
Sets the MS level.
CoordinateType getRT() const
Returns the RT coordinate (index 0)
Definition: Peak2D.h:208
Base class for TOPP applications.
Definition: TOPPBase.h:144
This class provides Input functionality for ConsensusMaps and Output functionality for alignments and...
Definition: ConsensusXMLFile.h:61
Base class for all classes that want to report their progress.
Definition: ProgressLogger.h:54
std::ifstream infile
Questionable file tested by TEST_FILE_EQUAL.
Correlates individual masstraces found in mass spectrometric maps.
Definition: MasstraceCorrelator.h:53
void setLogType(LogType type) const
Sets the progress log that should be used. The default type is NONE!
Provides an interface for different isotope pattern generator methods.
Definition: IsotopePatternGenerator.h:53
A consensus feature spanning multiple LC-MS/MS experiments.
Definition: ConsensusFeature.h:69
A container for consensus elements.
Definition: ConsensusMap.h:79
In-Memory representation of a mass spectrometry experiment.
Definition: MSExperiment.h:77
const FloatDataArrays & getFloatDataArrays() const
Returns a const reference to the float meta data arrays.
void store(const String &filename, const PeakMap &map) const
Stores a map in an MzML file.
A 1-dimensional raw data point or peak.
Definition: Peak1D.h:54
void load(const String &filename, ConsensusMap &map)
Loads a consensus map from file and calls updateRanges.
IntensityType getIntensity() const
Definition: Peak2D.h:166
File adapter for MzML files.
Definition: MzMLFile.h:55
bool round_masses_
flag to determine whether masses should be rounded or not
Definition: CoarseIsotopePatternGenerator.h:338
void sortSpectra(bool sort_mz=true)
Sorts the data points by retention time.
A more convenient string class.
Definition: String.h:58
Definition: IsotopeDistribution.h:64
void addSpectrum(const MSSpectrum &spectrum)
adds a spectrum to the list
Main OpenMS namespace.
Definition: FeatureDeconvolution.h:46
The representation of a 1D spectrum.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:67
std::vector< MassAbundance > ContainerType
Definition: IsotopeDistribution.h:72
void createPseudoSpectra(const ConsensusMap &map, MSExperiment &pseudo_spectra, Size min_peak_nr, double min_correlation, int max_lag, double max_rt_apex_difference)
unsigned int UInt
Unsigned integer type.
Definition: Types.h:94
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
Definition: INIFileEditor.cpp:73
Isotope pattern generator for coarse isotope distributions.
Definition: CoarseIsotopePatternGenerator.h:96
void setRT(double rt)
Sets the absolute retention time (in seconds)
void scoreHullpoints(const MasstracePointsType &hull_points1, const MasstracePointsType &hull_points2, int &lag, double &lag_intensity, double &pearson_score, const double min_corr, const int max_lag, const double mindiff=0.1)