Go to the documentation of this file.
86 void load(
const String& filename,
87 std::vector<ProteinIdentification>& proteins,
88 std::vector<PeptideIdentification>& peptides,
89 const String& experiment_name,
98 void load(
const String& filename,
99 std::vector<ProteinIdentification>& proteins,
100 std::vector<PeptideIdentification>& peptides,
101 const String& experiment_name =
108 void store(
const String& filename, std::vector<ProteinIdentification>& protein_ids,
109 std::vector<PeptideIdentification>& peptide_ids,
const String& mz_file =
110 const String& mz_name =
bool peptideprophet_analyzed =
double rt_tolerance = 0.01);
121 keep_native_name_ = keep;
127 void endElement(
const XMLCh*
const ,
const XMLCh*
const ,
const XMLCh*
const qname)
130 void startElement(
const XMLCh*
const ,
const XMLCh*
const ,
const XMLCh*
const qname,
const xercesc::Attributes& attributes)
138 void readRTMZCharge_(
const xercesc::Attributes& attributes);
152 void matchModification_(
const double mass,
const String& origin,
String& modification_description);
171 aminoacid(rhs.aminoacid),
172 massdiff(rhs.massdiff),
174 variable(rhs.variable),
175 description(rhs.description),
176 terminus(rhs.terminus),
177 protein_terminus(rhs.protein_terminus)
bool wrong_experiment_
Do current entries belong to the experiment of interest (for pepXML files that bundle results from di...
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:245
AminoAcidModification & operator=(const AminoAcidModification &rhs)
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:185
bool seen_experiment_
Have we seen the experiment of interest at all?
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:248
bool search_score_summary_
Are we currently in an "search_score_summary" element (should be skipped)?
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:239
String status_
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:221
Base class for XML handlers.
Definition: XMLHandler.h:151
double rt_
RT and m/z of current PeptideIdentification.
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:278
AminoAcidModification(const AminoAcidModification &rhs)
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:170
bool use_precursor_data_
Get RT and m/z for peptide ID from precursor scan (should only matter for RT)?
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:224
String enzyme_
Enzyme name associated with the current identification run.
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:263
bool checked_base_name_
Have we checked the "base_name" attribute in the "msms_run_summary" element?
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:251
std::map< Size, Size > scan_map_
Mapping between scan number in the pepXML file and index in the corresponding MSExperiment.
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:227
std::vector< std::pair< String, Size > > current_modifications_
The modifications of the current peptide hit (position is 1-based)
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:296
std::vector< ProteinIdentification > * proteins_
Pointer to the list of identified proteins.
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:203
double mass
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:158
PeptideIdentification current_peptide_
PeptideIdentification instance currently being processed.
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:266
String search_engine_
Set name of search engine.
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:215
std::vector< AminoAcidModification > fixed_modifications_
Fixed aminoacid modifications.
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:299
ProteinIdentification::SearchParameters params_
Search parameters of the current identification run.
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:260
DateTime Class.
Definition: DateTime.h:54
String description
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:160
std::vector< AminoAcidModification > variable_modifications_
Variable aminoacid modifications.
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:302
bool variable
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:159
bool protein_terminus
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:162
Search parameters of the DB search.
Definition: ProteinIdentification.h:221
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:164
String terminus
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:161
Used to load and store PepXML files.
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:62
String swath_assay_
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:220
UInt search_id_
ID of current search result.
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:284
bool analysis_summary_
Are we currently in an "analysis_summary" element (should be skipped)?
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:233
bool keep_native_name_
Whether we should keep the native spectrum name of the pepXML.
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:236
Int charge_
Precursor ion charge.
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:281
std::vector< std::vector< ProteinIdentification >::iterator > current_proteins_
References to currently active ProteinIdentifications.
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:257
String aminoacid
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:156
String prot_id_
Identifier linking PeptideIdentifications and ProteinIdentifications.
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:287
static const double xtandem_artificial_mod_tol_
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:307
Represents the peptide hits for a spectrum.
Definition: PeptideIdentification.h:62
static const double mod_tol_
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:306
String experiment_label_
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:219
String massdiff
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:157
String current_base_name_
current base name
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:254
A more convenient string class.
Definition: String.h:58
Helper class for looking up spectrum meta data.
Definition: SpectrumMetaDataLookup.h:142
Representation of a peptide hit.
Definition: PeptideHit.h:54
void keepNativeSpectrumName(bool keep)
Whether we should keep the native spectrum name of the pepXML.
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:119
String current_sequence_
Sequence of the current peptide hit.
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:275
String exp_name_
Name of the associated experiment (filename of the data file, extension will be removed)
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:212
Analysis Result (containing search engine / prophet results)
Definition: PeptideHit.h:210
Base class for loading/storing XML files that have a handler derived from XMLHandler.
Definition: XMLFile.h:48
PeptideHit peptide_hit_
PeptideHit instance currently being processed.
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:272
Main OpenMS namespace.
Definition: FeatureDeconvolution.h:46
DateTime date_
Date the pepXML file was generated.
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:290
Element hydrogen_
Hydrogen data (for mass types)
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:230
String native_spectrum_name_
Several optional attributes of spectrum_query.
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:218
bool search_summary_
Are we currently in an "search_summary" element (should be skipped)?
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:242
double hydrogen_mass_
Mass of a hydrogen atom (monoisotopic/average depending on case)
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:293
unsigned int UInt
Unsigned integer type.
Definition: Types.h:94
PeptideHit::PepXMLAnalysisResult current_analysis_result_
Analysis result instance currently being processed.
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:269
const SpectrumMetaDataLookup * lookup_
Pointer to wrapper for looking up spectrum meta data.
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:209
virtual ~AminoAcidModification()
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:181
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:154
Representation of an element.
Definition: Element.h:53
std::vector< PeptideIdentification > * peptides_
Pointer to the list of identified peptides.
Definition: PepXMLFile.h:206