Go to the documentation of this file.
68 private std::vector<Peak1D>,
RTLess :
public std::binary_function<MSSpectrum, MSSpectrum, bool>
101 typedef typename ContainerType::iterator
113 using ContainerType::operator[];
114 using ContainerType::begin;
115 using ContainerType::rbegin;
116 using ContainerType::end;
117 using ContainerType::rend;
118 using ContainerType::resize;
119 using ContainerType::size;
120 using ContainerType::push_back;
121 using ContainerType::emplace_back;
122 using ContainerType::pop_back;
123 using ContainerType::empty;
124 using ContainerType::front;
125 using ContainerType::back;
126 using ContainerType::reserve;
127 using ContainerType::insert;
128 using ContainerType::erase;
129 using ContainerType::swap;
131 using typename ContainerType::iterator;
132 using typename ContainerType::const_iterator;
133 using typename ContainerType::size_type;
134 using typename ContainerType::value_type;
135 using typename ContainerType::reference;
136 using typename ContainerType::const_reference;
137 using typename ContainerType::pointer;
138 using typename ContainerType::difference_type;
176 void updateRanges()
181 double getRT()
184 void setRT(
double rt);
194 double getDriftTime()
199 void setDriftTime(
double dt);
204 DriftTimeUnit getDriftTimeUnit()
209 void setDriftTimeUnit(DriftTimeUnit dt);
216 UInt getMSLevel()
219 void setMSLevel(
UInt ms_level);
222 const String& getName()
225 void setName(
const String& name);
242 const FloatDataArrays& getFloatDataArrays()
248 return float_data_arrays_;
252 void setFloatDataArrays(
const FloatDataArrays& fda);
255 const StringDataArrays& getStringDataArrays()
258 StringDataArrays& getStringDataArrays();
261 void setStringDataArrays(
const StringDataArrays& sda);
264 const IntegerDataArrays& getIntegerDataArrays()
267 IntegerDataArrays& getIntegerDataArrays();
270 void setIntegerDataArrays(
const IntegerDataArrays& ida);
280 void sortByIntensity(
bool reverse =
287 void sortByPosition();
290 bool isSorted()
306 Size findNearest(CoordinateType mz)
319 Int findNearest(CoordinateType mz, CoordinateType tolerance)
334 Int findNearest(CoordinateType mz, CoordinateType tolerance_left, CoordinateType tolerance_right)
341 Iterator MZBegin(CoordinateType mz);
369 ConstIterator MZBegin(CoordinateType mz)
376 ConstIterator MZBegin(ConstIterator begin, CoordinateType mz, ConstIterator end)
383 ConstIterator MZEnd(CoordinateType mz)
390 ConstIterator MZEnd(ConstIterator begin, CoordinateType mz, ConstIterator end)
399 Iterator PosBegin(CoordinateType mz);
417 ConstIterator PosBegin(CoordinateType mz)
426 ConstIterator PosBegin(ConstIterator begin, CoordinateType mz, ConstIterator end)
453 ConstIterator PosEnd(CoordinateType mz)
462 ConstIterator PosEnd(ConstIterator begin, CoordinateType mz, ConstIterator end)
472 void clear(
bool clear_meta_data);
481 MSSpectrum& select(
const std::vector<Size>& indices);
499 ConstIterator getBasePeak()
536 os <<
"-- MSSPECTRUM BEGIN --" << std::endl;
539 os << static_cast<const SpectrumSettings&>(spec);
544 os << *it << std::endl;
547 os <<
"-- MSSPECTRUM END --" << std::endl;
Drift time unit.
Definition: Precursor.h:84
Management and storage of parameters / INI files.
Definition: Param.h:73
void store(const String &filename, const ConsensusMap &consensus_map)
Stores a consensus map to file.
void setValue(const String &key, const DataValue &value, const String &description="", const StringList &tags=StringList())
Sets a value.
ConsensusMap & getChargeConsensus()
Access the charge consensus map of simulated features.
This class provides Input/Output functionality for feature maps.
Definition: FeatureXMLFile.h:68
std::vector< IntegerDataArray > IntegerDataArrays
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:96
std::vector< FloatDataArray > FloatDataArrays
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:90
Representation of 1D spectrum settings.
Definition: SpectrumSettings.h:63
size_t Size
Size type e.g. used as variable which can hold result of size()
Definition: Types.h:127
Float data array class.
Definition: DataArrays.h:45
ContainerType::iterator Iterator
Mutable iterator.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:102
Wrapper class for random number generators used by the simulation classes.
Definition: SimTypes.h:118
OpenMS::DataArrays::FloatDataArray FloatDataArray
Float data array vector type.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:89
static void load(const String &filename, std::vector< FASTAEntry > &data)
loads a FASTA file given by 'filename' and stores the information in 'data'
const SimTypes::MSSimExperiment & getExperiment() const
Access the simulated experiment.
PeakType::CoordinateType CoordinateType
Coordinate (m/z) type.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:85
bool operator==(_Iterator< _Val, _Ref, _Ptr > const &, _Iterator< _Val, _Ref, _Ptr > const &)
Definition: KDTree.h:806
Stores Citations for individual TOPP tools.
Definition: TOPPBase.h:70
void simulate(SimTypes::MutableSimRandomNumberGeneratorPtr rnd_gen, SimTypes::SampleChannels &peptides)
General purpose function to simulate a mass spectrometry run.
Peak2D PeakType
Definition: MassTrace.h:47
Handles the management of a position and intensity range.
Definition: RangeManager.h:47
String data array class.
Definition: DataArrays.h:59
Precursor::DriftTimeUnit DriftTimeUnit
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:140
static bool contains(const std::vector< T > &container, const E &elem)
Checks whether the element elem is contained in the given container.
Definition: ListUtils.h:146
void store(const String &filename, const FeatureMap &feature_map)
stores the map feature_map in file with name filename.
String name_
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:522
Macro to be used if non-fatal error are reported (processing continues)
Definition: LogStream.h:455
ContainerType::const_iterator ConstIterator
Non-mutable iterator.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:104
Comparator for the retention time.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:75
Exception indicating that an invalid parameter was handed over to an algorithm.
Definition: Exception.h:347
void setSectionDescription(const String &key, const String &description)
Sets a description for an existing section.
std::vector< PeakType > ContainerType
Spectrum base type.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:87
ContainerType::reverse_iterator ReverseIterator
Mutable reverse iterator.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:106
const SimTypes::FeatureMapSim & getSimulatedFeatures() const
Access the simulated features.
ContainerType::const_reverse_iterator ConstReverseIterator
Non-mutable reverse iterator.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:108
void insert(const String &prefix, const Param ¶m)
Base class for TOPP applications.
Definition: TOPPBase.h:144
std::vector< String > StringList
Vector of String.
Definition: ListUtils.h:70
This class provides Input functionality for ConsensusMaps and Output functionality for alignments and...
Definition: ConsensusXMLFile.h:61
IntegerDataArrays integer_data_arrays_
Integer data arrays.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:531
UInt ms_level_
MS level.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:519
void getIdentifications(std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &proteins, std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &peptides) const
Access the simulated identifications (proteins and peptides)
StringDataArrays string_data_arrays_
String data arrays.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:528
void setMetaValue(const String &name, const DataValue &value)
Sets the DataValue corresponding to a name.
UInt64 getUniqueId() const
Non-mutable access to unique id - returns the unique id.
Definition: UniqueIdInterface.h:105
void setLogType(LogType type) const
Sets the progress log that should be used. The default type is NONE!
std::vector< SampleProteins > SampleChannels
Container for multiple channels of SampleProteins.
Definition: SimTypes.h:93
Interface for classes that can store arbitrary meta information (Type-Name-Value tuples).
Definition: MetaInfoInterface.h:60
std::vector< StringDataArray > StringDataArrays
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:93
const ColumnHeaders & getColumnHeaders() const
Non-mutable access to the file descriptions.
A container for consensus elements.
Definition: ConsensusMap.h:79
double drift_time_
Drift time.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:513
OpenMS::DataArrays::StringDataArray StringDataArray
String data array vector type.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:92
void setParameters(const Param ¶m)
Sets the parameters.
void setValidStrings(const String &key, const std::vector< String > &strings)
Sets the valid strings for the parameter key.
Spectrum peak type.
Definition: SpectrumSettings.h:70
Plain data object holding sequence and abundance information on a single protein.
Definition: SimTypes.h:73
bool operator!=(const MSSpectrum &rhs) const
Equality operator.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:170
std::vector< SimProtein > SampleProteins
Container for FASTAEntry & abundance information.
Definition: SimTypes.h:90
String & toUpper()
Converts the string to uppercase.
SpectrumType getType() const
returns the spectrum type (centroided (PEAKS) or profile data (RAW))
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const AccurateMassSearchResult &amsr)
void store(const String &filename, const PeakMap &map) const
Stores a map in an MzML file.
A 1-dimensional raw data point or peak.
Definition: Peak1D.h:54
Central class for simulation of mass spectrometry experiments.
Definition: MSSim.h:68
double getClockTime() const
Used to load and store idXML files.
Definition: IdXMLFile.h:63
DriftTimeUnit drift_time_unit_
Drift time unit.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:516
File adapter for MzML files.
Definition: MzMLFile.h:55
ConsensusMap & getLabelingConsensus()
Access the labeling consensus map of simulated features.
bool find(TFinder &finder, const Pattern< TNeedle, FuzzyAC > &me, PatternAuxData< TNeedle > &dh)
Definition: AhoCorasickAmbiguous.h:884
Integer data array class.
Definition: DataArrays.h:52
A more convenient string class.
Definition: String.h:58
void store(const String &filename, const std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &protein_ids, const std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &peptide_ids, const String &document_id="")
Stores the data in an idXML file.
~MSSpectrum() override
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:154
OpenMS::DataArrays::IntegerDataArray IntegerDataArray
Integer data array vector type.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:95
double retention_time_
Retention time.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:510
Main OpenMS namespace.
Definition: FeatureDeconvolution.h:46
The representation of a 1D spectrum.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:67
StopWatch Class.
Definition: StopWatch.h:59
boost::shared_ptr< SimRandomNumberGenerator > MutableSimRandomNumberGeneratorPtr
Definition: SimTypes.h:174
FloatDataArrays float_data_arrays_
Float data arrays.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:525
unsigned int UInt
Unsigned integer type.
Definition: Types.h:94
This class serves for reading in and writing FASTA files.
Definition: FASTAFile.h:64
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
Definition: INIFileEditor.cpp:73
const SimTypes::MSSimExperiment & getPeakMap() const
Access the picked (centroided) experiment.
FloatDataArrays & getFloatDataArrays()
Returns a mutable reference to the float meta data arrays.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:246
const SimTypes::FeatureMapSim & getContaminants() const
Access the contaminants feature map of simulated features.