Go to the documentation of this file.
38 #include <OpenMS/VISUAL/OpenMS_GUIConfig.h>
56 #include <QtWidgets/QMainWindow>
57 #include <QtWidgets/QButtonGroup>
58 #include <QtWidgets/QActionGroup>
59 #include <QtCore/QStringList>
60 #include <QtCore/QProcess>
67 class QListWidgetItem;
69 class QTreeWidgetItem;
81 class EnhancedWorkspace;
83 class Spectrum1DWidget;
84 class Spectrum2DWidget;
85 class Spectrum3DWidget;
87 class MultiGradientSelector;
130 friend class TestTOPPView;
172 void addDataFile(
const String& filename,
bool show_options,
bool add_to_recent,
String caption =
UInt window_id = 0,
Size spectrum_id = 0);
192 std::vector<PeptideIdentification>& peptides,
198 bool as_new_window =
199 const String& filename =
200 const String& caption =
202 Size spectrum_id = 0);
205 void loadFiles(
const StringList& list, QSplashScreen* splash_screen);
212 void loadPreferences(
String filename =
215 void savePreferences();
221 const LayerData* getCurrentLayer()
253 void updateCurrentPath();
257 void openFileDialog();
259 void openExampleDialog();
261 void showGoToDialog();
263 void preferencesDialog();
265 void layerStatistics();
269 void layerActivated();
271 void layerZoomChanged();
275 void layerDeactivated();
279 void updateToolBar();
281 void updateLayerBar();
283 void updateViewBar();
285 void viewChanged(
287 void viewTabwidgetDoubleClicked(
289 void updateFilterBar();
293 void updateTabBar(QMdiSubWindow* w);
297 void tileHorizontal();
304 void showStatusMessage(std::string msg,
OpenMS::UInt time);
306 void showCursorStatus(
double mz,
double rt);
308 void showCursorStatusInvert(
double mz,
double rt);
310 void showTOPPDialog();
312 void annotateWithID();
314 void showSpectrumGenerationDialog();
316 void showSpectrumAlignmentDialog();
318 void showSpectrumAs1D(
int index);
319 void showSpectrumAs1D(std::vector<
int, std::allocator<int> > indices);
321 void showCurrentPeaksAs2D();
323 void showCurrentPeaksAs3D();
325 void showCurrentPeaksAsIonMobility();
327 void showCurrentPeaksAsDIA();
329 void showAboutDialog();
333 void saveLayerVisible();
335 void toggleGridLines();
337 void toggleAxisLegends();
339 void toggleInterestingMZs();
341 void showPreferences();
343 void metadataFileDialog();
348 void setDrawMode1D(
349 void setIntensityMode(
350 void changeLayerFlag(
351 void changeLabel(QAction*);
352 void changeUnassigned(QAction*);
354 void toggleProjections();
358 void loadFile(QString);
364 void layerSelectionChange(
367 void layerFilterVisibilityChange(
369 void layerContextMenu(
const QPoint& pos);
371 void logContextMenu(
const QPoint& pos);
373 void layerVisibilityChange(QListWidgetItem* item);
375 void filterContextMenu(
const QPoint& pos);
377 void filterEdit(QListWidgetItem* item);
379 void layerEdit(QListWidgetItem* );
383 void finishTOPPToolExecution(
int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus);
385 void abortTOPPTool();
387 void rerunTOPPTool();
389 void showSpectrumBrowser();
391 void showSpectrumMetaData(
int spectrum_index);
396 void closeByTab(
int id);
399 void enhancedWorkspaceWindowChanged(
int id);
401 void openRecentFile();
403 void copyLayer(
const QMimeData* data,
QWidget* source,
int id = -1);
407 void updateProcessLog();
410 void fileChanged_(
const String&);
413 void initializeDefaultParameters_();
417 bool annotateMS1FromMassFingerprinting_(
const FeatureMap& identifications);
420 std::set<String> getFilenamesOfOpenFiles_();
425 QStringList getFileList_(
const String& path_overwrite =
504 QLabel* message_label_;
514 void addRecentFile_(
const String& filename);
517 void updateRecentMenu_();
547 void checkPreferences_();
550 void closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event)
561 void showLogMessage_(LogState state,
const String& heading,
const String& body);
567 void showTOPPDialog_(
bool visible);
587 static bool containsIMData(
const MSSpectrum& s);
static DateTime now()
Returns the current date and time.
static bool containsIMData(const MSSpectrum &s)
Returns true if contains ion mobility data.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:682
static const char IM_MS_AXIS_TITLE[]
Definition: SpectrumWidget.h:90
void store(const String &filename, const Param ¶m) const
Write XML file.
void removeAll(const String &prefix)
Remove all entries that start with prefix.
void setIntensityMode(SpectrumCanvas::IntensityModes mode)
Sets the intensity mode of the SpectrumCanvas.
static void openURL(const QString &target)
static String number(double d, UInt n)
returns a string for d with exactly n decimal places
void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) override
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:650
void annotate(PeakMap &map, const std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &peptide_ids, const std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &protein_ids, const bool clear_ids=false, const bool map_ms1=false)
Mapping method for peak maps.
bool loadFeatures(const String &filename, FeatureMap &map, FileTypes::Type force_type=FileTypes::UNKNOWN)
Loads a file into a FeatureMap.
~TOPPViewBase() override
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:4380
void layerActivated()
gets called if a layer got activated
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2497
Management and storage of parameters / INI files.
Definition: Param.h:73
static bool hasMS1Zeros(const ExperimentType &exp)
Returns true of experiment has at least one exact zero valued peak in any of its MS1 spectra.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:731
Spectrum2DCanvas * canvas()
This method is overwritten to make the class specific members accessible.
Definition: Spectrum2DWidget.h:77
QDockWidget * filter_dock_widget_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:434
Int get1stLayerIndex()
Returns the index of the selected non-flipped layer.
void setLayerFlag(LayerData::Flags f, bool value)
sets a layer flag of the current layer
Definition: SpectrumCanvas.h:268
QToolBar * tool_bar_2d_ident_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:482
void abortTOPPTool()
aborts the execution of a TOPP tool
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:3823
void store(const String &filename, const ConsensusMap &consensus_map)
Stores a consensus map to file.
void setValue(const String &key, const DataValue &value, const String &description="", const StringList &tags=StringList())
Sets a value.
void updateRecentMenu_()
update the recent files menu
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:1585
This class provides Input/Output functionality for feature maps.
Definition: FeatureXMLFile.h:68
void changeLayerFlag(bool)
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:1863
bool visible
if this layer is visible
Definition: LayerData.h:405
Shows the maximum displayed intensity as if it was the overall maximum intensity.
Definition: SpectrumCanvas.h:151
Param defaults_
Container for default parameters. This member should be filled in the constructor of derived classes!
Definition: DefaultParamHandler.h:156
bool addLayer(ExperimentSharedPtrType map, ODExperimentSharedPtrType od_map, const String &filename="")
Add a peak data layer.
static String absolutePath(const String &file)
Replaces the relative path in the argument with the absolute path.
LayerData::ConsensusMapSharedPtrType ConsensusMapSharedPtrType
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:143
void setLayerName(Size i, const String &name)
Sets the name of layer i.
QToolBar * tool_bar_2d_feat_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:480
const Param & getParameters() const
Non-mutable access to the parameters.
virtual void showMetaData(bool modifiable=false, Int index=-1)
Shows a dialog with the meta data.
LayerData::ODExperimentSharedPtrType ODExperimentSharedPtrType
Definition: SpectrumCanvas.h:113
void replace(Size index, const DataFilter &filter)
Replaces the filter corresponding to index.
size_t Size
Size type e.g. used as variable which can hold result of size()
Definition: Types.h:127
OpenMS identification format (.idXML)
Definition: FileTypes.h:66
Spectrum1DWidget * getActive1DWidget() const
returns a pointer to the active Spectrum1DWidget (0 the active window is no Spectrum1DWidget or there...
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2746
OpenMS consensus map format (.consensusXML)
Definition: FileTypes.h:67
void saveLayerAll()
Saves the whole current layer data.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:4032
String toString(bool full_precision=true) const
Conversion to String full_precision Controls number of fractional digits for all double types or list...
Features: Overall convex hull.
Definition: LayerData.h:105
void load(const String &filename, std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &poid, std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &peid)
Loads the identifications from a MzIdentML file.
CoordinateType minX() const
Accessor for min_ coordinate minimum.
Definition: DIntervalBase.h:243
void savePreferences()
Stores the preferences (used when this window is closed)
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2831
String filename
file name of the file the data comes from (if available)
Definition: LayerData.h:417
struct OpenMS::TOPPViewBase::@21 topp_
Information needed for execution of TOPP tools.
QToolButton * dm_label_2d_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:486
Tabular visualization / selection of identified spectra.
Definition: SpectraIdentificationViewWidget.h:53
void layerZoomChanged()
gets called when a layer changes in zoom
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2504
void setMinX(CoordinateType const c)
Mutator for min_ coordinate of the smaller point.
Definition: DIntervalBase.h:267
LayerData::ODExperimentSharedPtrType ODExperimentSharedPtrType
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:150
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:557
void showGridLines(bool show)
Whether or not to show grid lines.
Size size() const
Returns the number of entries (leafs).
Spectrum2DWidget * getActive2DWidget() const
returns a pointer to the active Spectrum2DWidget (0 the active window is no Spectrum2DWidget or there...
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2751
void layerStatistics()
Shows statistics (count,min,max,avg) about Intensity, Quality, Charge and meta data.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:1693
void removeId(int id)
Remove the tab with identifier id.
boost::shared_ptr< FeatureMap > FeatureMapSharedPtrType
SharedPtr on feature map.
Definition: LayerData.h:137
String toString(const T &i)
fallback template for general purpose using Boost::Karma; more specializations below
Definition: StringUtils.h:85
Representation of a mass spectrometry experiment on disk.
Definition: OnDiscMSExperiment.h:68
const LayerData & getCurrentLayer() const
returns the layer data of the active layer
Definition: SpectrumCanvas.h:242
Macro if a information, e.g. a status should be reported.
Definition: LogStream.h:465
void annotateWithID()
Annotates current layer with ID data.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:3209
Spectrum3DCanvas * canvas()
This method is overwritten to make the class specific members accessible.
Definition: Spectrum3DWidget.h:66
bool exists(const String &key) const
Tests if a parameter is set (expecting its fully qualified name, e.g., TextExporter:1:proteins_only)
void setMZ(CoordinateType mz)
Mutable access to m/z.
Definition: Peak1D.h:121
QLabel * rt_label_
RT label for messages in the status bar.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:509
int addTab(const String &text, int id)
Adds a new tab with the name text and the identifier id.
virtual void updateLayer(Size i)=0
Updates layer i when the data in the corresponding file changes.
void setDrawMode1D(int)
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:1768
Dialog which allows to enter an AA sequence and generates a theoretical spectrum for it.
Definition: TheoreticalSpectrumGenerationDialog.h:55
QToolButton * dm_unassigned_2d_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:488
void setCurrentId(int id)
Selects the tab with identifier id.
Precursor meta information.
Definition: Precursor.h:57
void showSpectrumWidgetInWindow(SpectrumWidget *sw, const String &caption)
Opens the provided spectrum widget in a new window.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2641
void defaultsToParam_()
Updates the parameters after the defaults have been set in the constructor.
void flipLayer(Size index)
Flips the layer with index up/downwards.
void addDataFile(const String &filename, bool show_options, bool add_to_recent, String caption="", UInt window_id=0, Size spectrum_id=0)
Opens and displays data from a file.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:1105
void layerEdit(QListWidgetItem *)
slot for editing the preferences of the current layer
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2346
void updateTabBar(QMdiSubWindow *w)
brings the tab corresponding to the active window in front
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2399
bool isDIAData() const
Check whether the current layer contains DIA (SWATH-MS) data.
Definition: LayerData.h:346
SpectraIdentificationViewWidget * getSpectraIdentificationViewWidget()
returns a pointer to the SpectraIdentificationViewWidget
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:4087
void showSpectrumAs1D(int index)
Shows the spectrum with index index of the active layer in 1D.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:3466
A low-level class to read an indexedmzML file.
Definition: IndexedMzMLHandler.h:78
A widget witch allows constructing gradients of multiple colors.
Definition: MultiGradientSelector.h:67
void load(const String &filename, FeatureMap &feature_map)
loads the file with name filename into map and calls updateRanges().
Size size() const
Definition: MSExperiment.h:127
float estimateNoiseFromRandomMS1Scans(const ExperimentType &exp, UInt n_scans=10)
Estimates the noise by evaluating n_scans random scans of MS level 1. Assumes that 4/5 of intensities...
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:698
Base class for visualization canvas classes.
Definition: SpectrumCanvas.h:98
Widgets that are placed into an EnhancedTabBar must implement this interface.
Definition: EnhancedTabBarWidgetInterface.h:51
void store(const String &filename, const FeatureMap &feature_map)
stores the map feature_map in file with name filename.
mzIdentML (HUPO PSI AnalysisXML followup format) (.mzid)
Definition: FileTypes.h:77
QActionGroup * group_unassigned_2d_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:489
void viewChanged(int)
changes the behavior according to the selected view in the spectra view bar and calls updateSpectraVi...
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2109
void showURL()
shows the URL stored in the data of the sender QAction
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:659
void setMaxX(CoordinateType const c)
Mutator for min_ coordinate of the larger point.
Definition: DIntervalBase.h:281
Progress dialog.
Definition: ProgressLogger.h:73
LayerData::FeatureMapType FeatureMapType
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:136
void layerDeactivated()
gets called if a layer got deactivated
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2636
Definition: LayerData.h:127
const ExperimentSharedPtrType & getPeakDataMuteable()
Returns a mutable reference to the current in-memory peak data.
Definition: LayerData.h:232
QButtonGroup * draw_group_1d_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:476
void openExampleDialog()
shows the file dialog for opening example files
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2907
void setCharge(Int charge)
Mutable access to the charge.
ContainerType::const_iterator ConstIterator
Non-mutable iterator.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:104
Peaks: Mark precursor peaks of MS/MS scans.
Definition: LayerData.h:108
draw as connected lines
Definition: Spectrum1DCanvas.h:94
void changeLayerFilterState(Size i, bool b)
change if the defined data filters are used
draw data as peak
Definition: Spectrum1DCanvas.h:93
LayerData::ConsensusMapType ConsensusMapType
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:141
Greater than the value or equal to the value.
Definition: DataFilters.h:67
void load(const String &filename, std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &protein_ids, std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &peptide_ids)
Loads the identifications of an idXML file without identifier.
size_t getNrSpectra() const
Returns the number of spectra available.
SpectraViewWidget * spectra_view_widget_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:439
ExperimentType::SpectrumType SpectrumType
Peak spectrum type.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:152
void setPrecursors(const std::vector< Precursor > &precursors)
sets the precursors
void layerVisibilityChange(QListWidgetItem *item)
slot for layer manager visibility change (check box)
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2382
void updateViewBar()
adapts view bar to the active window
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2062
QToolBar * tool_bar_2d_peak_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:479
Exception indicating that an invalid parameter was handed over to an algorithm.
Definition: Exception.h:347
QString toQString() const
Conversion to QString.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:556
Map class based on the STL map (containing several convenience functions)
Definition: Map.h:50
static String findSiblingTOPPExecutable(const String &toolName)
Searches for an executable with the given name.
void showCursorStatusInvert(double mz, double rt)
shows m/z and rt in the status bar (inverting RT and m/z)
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:1712
A container for features.
Definition: FeatureMap.h:95
bool viewMapAs1D() const
Returns true, if 1D mode is to be used for maps.
const LayerData * getCurrentLayer() const
Returns the active Layer data (0 if no layer is active)
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:3157
void updateFilterBar()
adapts the filter bar to the active window
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2351
MSExperiment PeakMap
Two-dimensional map of raw data points or peaks.
Definition: StandardTypes.h:61
void resetZoom(bool repaint=true)
Zooms fully out and resets the zoom stack.
void setYLabel(const QString &l)
Definition: Spectrum3DOpenGLCanvas.h:101
File adapter for MzIdentML files.
Definition: MzIdentMLFile.h:67
MzML file (.mzML)
Definition: FileTypes.h:72
void parseCommandLine(const int argc, const char **argv, const String &prefix="")
Parses command line arguments.
FilterOperation op
Filter operation.
Definition: DataFilters.h:82
void setSectionDescription(const String &key, const String &description)
Sets a description for an existing section.
double getAlignmentScore()
Returns the score of the alignment.
void disableCutoff(bool cutoff_on)
Disables cutoff section and sets the selected option.
bool isIonMobilityData() const
Check whether the current layer should be represented as ion mobility.
Definition: LayerData.h:333
EnhancedTabBarWidgetInterface * window_(int id) const
Returns the enhanced tabbar widget with id id.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:1609
Lets the user select two spectra and set the parameters for the spectrum alignment.
Definition: SpectrumAlignmentDialog.h:56
The file pendant of the Param class used to load and store the param datastructure as paramXML.
Definition: ParamXMLFile.h:49
Canvas for 2D-visualization of peak map, feature map and consensus map data.
Definition: Spectrum2DCanvas.h:70
void updateMenu()
enabled/disabled menu entries depending on the current state
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:3841
Identifications: m/z source.
Definition: LayerData.h:111
static String typeToName(Type type)
Returns the name/extension of the type.
void fileChanged_(const String &)
Called if a data file has been externally changed.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:4197
ParamIterator begin() const
Begin iterator for the internal tree.
Dialog for creating and changing a DataFilter.
Definition: DataFilterDialog.h:56
Definition: LayerData.h:92
void setMSLevel(UInt ms_level)
Sets the MS level.
int getLine() const noexcept
Returns the line number where it occurred.
const std::vector< Precursor > & getPrecursors() const
returns a const reference to the precursors
void showPreferences()
Shows current layer preferences.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:4059
QDockWidget * layer_dock_widget_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:432
String getTool()
to get the currently selected tool-name
virtual void removeLayer(Size layer_index)=0
removes the layer with index layer_index
double value
Value for comparison.
Definition: DataFilters.h:84
void showSpectrumGenerationDialog()
Shows the theoretical spectrum generation dialog.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:3334
void openFileDialog()
shows the file dialog for opening files
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2897
void addRecentFile_(const String &filename)
adds a Filename to the recent files
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:1567
size_t getNrChromatograms() const
Returns the number of chromatograms available.
std::vector< QAction * > recent_actions_
list of the recently opened files actions (menu entries)
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:521
static AASequence fromString(const String &s, bool permissive=true)
create AASequence object by parsing an OpenMS string
QAction * linkZoom_action_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:461
DataType type
data type (peak or feature data)
Definition: LayerData.h:411
Spectrum1DCanvas * canvas()
This method is overwritten to make the class specific members accessible.
Definition: Spectrum1DWidget.h:77
Filter the intensity value.
Definition: DataFilters.h:58
QLabel * mz_label_
m/z label for messages in the status bar
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:507
void insert(const String &prefix, const Param ¶m)
QToolBar * tool_bar_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:469
const Spectrum1DWidget * getHorizontalProjection() const
const reference to the horizontal projection
SpectrumWidget * getActiveSpectrumWidget() const
returns a pointer to the active SpectrumWidget (0 if none is active)
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2723
SpectraIdentificationViewWidget * spectra_identification_view_widget_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:440
void loadPreferences(String filename="")
Loads the preferences from the filename given.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2761
void showAboutDialog()
Shows the 'About' dialog.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:3800
const char * tool_name
Definition: TOPPView.cpp:78
String current_path_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:571
virtual void activateBehavior()
Slot for behavior activation.
Unable to create file exception.
Definition: Exception.h:636
std::vector< String > StringList
Vector of String.
Definition: ListUtils.h:70
This class provides Input functionality for ConsensusMaps and Output functionality for alignments and...
Definition: ConsensusXMLFile.h:61
String getOutput()
to get the parameter name for output. Empty if no output was selected.
EnhancedWorkspace * ws_
Main workspace.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:496
const char * what() const noexcept override
Returns the error message of the exception.
bool flipped
if this layer is flipped (1d mirror view)
Definition: LayerData.h:408
QStringList recent_files_
list of the recently opened files
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:519
void setLegend(const String &legend)
sets the legend text
Int getMergeLayer() const
Returns the index of the selected merge layer. If the option is not selected -1 is returned.
Representation of a peak/feature filter combining FilterType, FilterOperation and a value.
Definition: DataFilters.h:74
const ODExperimentSharedPtrType & getOnDiscPeakData() const
Returns a mutable reference to the on-disc data.
Definition: LayerData.h:250
QAction * dm_ident_2d_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:492
void addData(FeatureMapSharedPtrType feature_map, ConsensusMapSharedPtrType consensus_map, std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &peptides, ExperimentSharedPtrType peak_map, ODExperimentSharedPtrType on_disc_peak_map, LayerData::DataType data_type, bool show_as_1d, bool show_options, bool as_new_window=true, const String &filename="", const String &caption="", UInt window_id=0, Size spectrum_id=0)
Adds a peak or feature map to the viewer.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:1351
const DataValue & getValue(const String &key) const
Returns a value of a parameter.
void setLabel(LayerData::LabelType label)
Definition: SpectrumCanvas.h:293
QToolBar * tool_bar_2d_cons_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:481
static String getOpenMSDataPath()
Returns the OpenMS data path (environment variable overwrites the default installation path)
Not all required information provided.
Definition: Exception.h:195
Shows intensities normalized by layer maximum: f(x)=x/max(x)*100.
Definition: SpectrumCanvas.h:150
std::vector< PeptideIdentification > peptides
peptide identifications
Definition: LayerData.h:420
DateTime Class.
Definition: DateTime.h:54
SpectrumCanvas * getActiveCanvas() const
returns a pointer to the active SpectrumCanvas (0 if none is active)
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2732
Spectrum profile or centroided data.
Definition: LayerData.h:94
void showCurrentPeaksAs3D()
Shows the current peak data of the active layer in 3D.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:3709
void filterContextMenu(const QPoint &pos)
slot for filter manager context menu
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2270
A meta data visualization widget.
Definition: MetaDataBrowser.h:104
Peptide identification data.
Definition: LayerData.h:98
void closeFile()
closes the active window
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:1673
virtual void setFilters(const DataFilters &filters)
Sets the filters applied to the data before drawing (for the current layer)
Behavior of TOPPView in spectra view mode.
Definition: TOPPViewSpectraViewBehavior.h:48
static const String CAPTION_3D_SUFFIX_
Suffix appended to caption of tabs when layer is shown in 3D.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:600
QAction * dm_elements_2d_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:490
Canvas for 3D-visualization of peak map data.
Definition: Spectrum3DCanvas.h:66
The element number is used.
Definition: LayerData.h:123
void showSpectrumBrowser()
shows the spectrum browser and updates it
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:4191
Feature data.
Definition: LayerData.h:96
Dataset opening options for TOPPView.
Definition: TOPPViewOpenDialog.h:60
Iterator end()
Definition: MSExperiment.h:167
void addFile(const String &path)
Adds a file to the watcher.
Definition: FileWatcher.h:84
Unknown file extension.
Definition: FileTypes.h:60
const char * getFile() const noexcept
Returns the file where it occurred.
void toggleGridLines()
Toggles the grid lines.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:4042
IntensityModes getIntensityMode() const
Returns the intensity mode.
Definition: SpectrumCanvas.h:204
void activateSpectrum(Size index, bool repaint=true)
Sets current spectrum index of current layer to index.
Annotates an MSExperiment, FeatureMap or ConsensusMap with peptide identifications.
Definition: IDMapper.h:66
void showCurrentPeaksAsIonMobility()
Shows the current peak data of the active layer as ion mobility.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:3547
void add(const DataFilter &filter)
Adds a filter.
QListWidget * filters_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:448
double getMonoWeight(Residue::ResidueType type=Residue::Full, Int charge=0) const
void setLogType(LogType type) const
Sets the progress log that should be used. The default type is NONE!
bool isCutoffEnabled() const
Returns if the low intensity peaks should be hidden.
void tileVertical()
tile the open windows vertically
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2447
virtual void saveCurrentLayer(bool visible)=0
Saves the current layer data.
void showStatusMessage(std::string msg, OpenMS::UInt time)
Shows a status message in the status bar.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:1699
void showSpectrumMetaData(int spectrum_index)
shows the spectrum metadata
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:4092
void changeUnassigned(QAction *)
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:1809
void remove_chromatogram_flag()
remove the chromatogram flag
Definition: LayerData.h:381
PeakFileOptions & getOptions()
Mutable access to the options for loading/storing.
Representation of a peptide/protein sequence.
Definition: AASequence.h:113
Param param
Layer parameters.
Definition: LayerData.h:423
bool isActive() const
Returns if the filters are enabled.
Definition: DataFilters.h:151
void viewTabwidgetDoubleClicked(int)
adds empty ID structure to allow manual annotations
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2139
void add(PeakMap &exp)
Adds a peak map.
Definition: MetaDataBrowser.h:115
DrawModes getDrawMode() const
Returns the draw mode of the current layer.
SpectrumCanvas * canvas()
Returns a pointer to canvas object.
Definition: SpectrumWidget.h:115
static bool hasPeptideIdentifications(const ExperimentType &map)
Returns true if the experiment map contains peptide identifications.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:756
bool viewMapAs2D() const
Returns true, if 2D mode is to be used for maps.
void preferencesDialog()
shows the preferences dialog
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:768
Hierarchical visualization and selection of spectra.
Definition: SpectraViewWidget.h:51
LabelType label
Label type.
Definition: LayerData.h:444
bool hasSuffix(const String &string) const
true if String ends with string, false otherwise
void metadataFileDialog()
dialog for inspecting database meta data
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:4064
A container for consensus elements.
Definition: ConsensusMap.h:79
void showSpectrumAlignmentDialog()
Shows the spectrum alignment dialog.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:3429
QMenu * add_2d_context_
Additional context menu for 2D layers.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:564
void logContextMenu(const QPoint &pos)
slot for log window context menu
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2255
Int get2ndLayerIndex()
Returns the index of the selected flipped layer.
EnhancedTabBar * tab_bar_
Tab bar. The address of the corresponding window to a tab is stored as an int in tabData()
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:499
void layerContextMenu(const QPoint &pos)
slot for layer manager context menu
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2174
Size size() const
Filter count.
Log message states.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:554
void toggleProjections()
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:3167
Label used in visualization.
Definition: LayerData.h:120
const LayerData & getLayer(Size index) const
returns the layer data with index index
Definition: SpectrumCanvas.h:235
void setParameters(const Param ¶m)
Sets the parameters.
void layerFilterVisibilityChange(bool)
Enables/disables the data filters for the current layer.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2374
void setValidStrings(const String &key, const std::vector< String > &strings)
Sets the valid strings for the parameter key.
void closeByTab(int id)
Closes the window corresponding to the data of the tab with identifier id.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:1623
QAction * dm_hull_2d_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:484
void remove(Size index)
Removes the filter corresponding to index.
static String path(const String &file)
Returns the path of the file (without the file name).
void finishTOPPToolExecution(int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus)
slot for the finished signal of the TOPP tools execution
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:3116
CoordinateType maxX() const
Accessor for min_ coordinate maximum.
Definition: DIntervalBase.h:255
FilterType field
Field to filter.
Definition: DataFilters.h:80
static FileTypes::Type getType(const String &filename)
Tries to determine the file type (by name or content)
virtual AxisWidget * xAxis()
Returns a pointer to the x-axis axis widget.
Definition: SpectrumWidget.h:126
void showCursorStatus(double mz, double rt)
shows m/z and rt in the status bar
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:1718
Not implemented exception.
Definition: Exception.h:436
void setLayer(LayerData *model)
set / get layer data
double getTolerance() const
In-Memory representation of a mass spectrometry experiment.
Definition: MSExperiment.h:77
void filterEdit(QListWidgetItem *item)
slot for editing a filter
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2333
Consensus features: Show elements.
Definition: LayerData.h:110
Class that stores the data for one layer.
Definition: LayerData.h:85
void setCurrentLayerParameters(const Param ¶m)
Sets the parameters of the current layer.
Definition: SpectrumCanvas.h:470
Watcher that monitors file changes.
Definition: FileWatcher.h:65
virtual void activateLayer(Size layer_index)=0
change the active layer (the one that is used for selecting and so on)
A widget for selecting a color.
Definition: ColorSelector.h:60
Base class for spectrum widgets.
Definition: SpectrumWidget.h:80
Definition: EnhancedWorkspace.h:49
bool flippedLayersExist()
Returns whether flipped layers exist or not.
QToolBar * tool_bar_1d_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:475
Param copy(const String &prefix, bool remove_prefix=false) const
Returns a new Param object containing all entries that start with prefix.
void toggleAxisLegends()
Toggles the axis legends.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:4047
bool zoom_together_
Stores whether the individual windows should zoom together (be linked) or not.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:459
bool hasSubstring(const String &string) const
true if String contains the string, false otherwise
Fatal error.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:558
const FloatDataArrays & getFloatDataArrays() const
Returns a const reference to the float meta data arrays.
void store(const String &filename, const PeakMap &map) const
Stores a map in an MzML file.
Consensus feature data.
Definition: LayerData.h:97
OpenMS feature file (.featureXML)
Definition: FileTypes.h:65
void load(const String &filename, ConsensusMap &map)
Loads a consensus map from file and calls updateRanges.
void updateLayerBar()
adapts the layer bar to the active window
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:1989
QListWidget * layers_view_
Layer management widget.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:444
void getTime(UInt &hour, UInt &minute, UInt &second) const
Fills the arguments with the time.
void editMetadata()
lets the user edit the meta data of a layer
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:1679
TOPPViewIdentificationViewBehavior * identificationview_behavior_
TOPPView behavior for the identification view.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:577
bool toBool() const
Conversion to bool.
void showTOPPDialog()
Apply TOPP tool.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2935
EnhancedWorkspace * getWorkspace() const
returns a pointer to the EnhancedWorkspace containing SpectrumWidgets
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2718
const Param & getDefaults() const
Non-mutable access to the default parameters.
Size getLayerCount() const
Returns the number of layers.
Definition: SpectrumCanvas.h:336
QAction * dm_precursors_2d_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:483
boost::shared_ptr< OnDiscMSExperiment > ODExperimentSharedPtrType
SharedPtr on On-Disc MSExperiment.
Definition: LayerData.h:154
bool isDataDIA() const
Returns if the data is DIA / SWATH-MS data.
static bool exists(const String &file)
Method used to test if a file exists.
QTableWidget * getTableWidget()
Access the table widget.
void openFile(String filename)
Open a file.
A base class for all classes handling default parameters.
Definition: DefaultParamHandler.h:91
void removeFile(const String &path)
removes a file from the watcher
Definition: FileWatcher.h:90
TOPP tool selection dialog.
Definition: ToolsDialog.h:69
TOPPViewSpectraViewBehavior * spectraview_behavior_
TOPPView behavior for the spectra view.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:579
QTabWidget * views_tabwidget_
Tabwidget that hold the different views on the loaded data.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:574
Actual file types enum.
Definition: FileTypes.h:58
void mergeIntoLayer(Size i, FeatureMapSharedPtrType map)
Merges the features in map into the features layer i.
boost::shared_ptr< ConsensusMap > ConsensusMapSharedPtrType
SharedPtr on consensus features.
Definition: LayerData.h:143
QLabel * message_label_
Label for messages in the status bar.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:505
virtual void showSpectrumAs1D(int spectrum_index, int peptide_id_index, int peptide_hit_index)
Behavior for showSpectrumAs1D.
ParamIterator end() const
End iterator for the internal tree.
void showStatistics()
Shows statistics about the data (count, min, max, avg of intensity, charge, quality and meta data)
Widget for 3D-visualization of map data.
Definition: Spectrum3DWidget.h:53
Convenience tab bar implementation.
Definition: EnhancedTabBar.h:60
QString toQString() const
Conversion to Qt QString.
double getClockTime() const
QAction * projections_2d_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:491
void updateCurrentPath()
changes the current path according to the currently active window/layer
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:4173
static const char IM_ONEKZERO_AXIS_TITLE[]
Definition: SpectrumWidget.h:91
Main window of TOPPView tool.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:124
Identifications: Show labels (not sequences)
Definition: LayerData.h:112
Chromatogram data.
Definition: LayerData.h:95
Used to load and store idXML files.
Definition: IdXMLFile.h:63
Behavior of TOPPView in identification mode.
Definition: TOPPViewIdentificationViewBehavior.h:49
Size getCurrentSpectrumIndex() const
Get the index of the current spectrum (1D view)
Definition: LayerData.h:320
Widget for 2D-visualization of peak map and feature map data.
Definition: Spectrum2DWidget.h:63
const FeatureMapSharedPtrType & getFeatureMap() const
Returns a const reference to the current feature data.
Definition: LayerData.h:189
File adapter for MzML files.
Definition: MzMLFile.h:55
void setMirrorModeActive(bool b)
Sets whether this widget is currently in mirror mode.
void getVisibleFeatureData(FeatureMapType &map) const
Fills the handed over map with the visible features of the current layer.
void showCurrentPeaksAs2D()
Shows the current peak data of the active layer in 2D.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:3518
bool projectionsVisible() const
Returns if one of the projections is visible (or both are visible)
LayerData::ExperimentType ExperimentType
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:146
void updateToolBar()
updates the toolbar
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:1895
void updateEntries(const LayerData &cl)
QButtonGroup * intensity_button_group_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:472
virtual void showGoToDialog()=0
Shows a goto dialog.
bool loadExperiment(const String &filename, MSExperiment &exp, FileTypes::Type force_type=FileTypes::UNKNOWN, ProgressLogger::LogType log=ProgressLogger::NONE, const bool rewrite_source_file=true, const bool compute_hash=true)
Loads a file into an MSExperiment.
Param getSpectrumParameters(UInt dim)
Returns the parameters for a SpectrumCanvas of dimension dim.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:3816
void updateProcessLog()
Appends process output to log window.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:3805
void disableDimension(bool as_2d)
Disables view dimension section and sets the selected option.
const AreaType & getVisibleArea() const
Returns the currently visible area.
Definition: SpectrumCanvas.h:310
const ExperimentType::SpectrumType & getCurrentSpectrum() const
Returns a const reference to the current spectrum (1D view)
void showLogMessage_(LogState state, const String &heading, const String &body)
Shows a log message in the log_ window.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:4008
void rerunTOPPTool()
returns the last invoked TOPP tool with the same parameters
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2918
std::vector< String > subsections_
Container for registered subsections. This member should be filled in the constructor of derived clas...
Definition: DefaultParamHandler.h:163
void resetZoom()
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:1749
Generates theoretical spectra for peptides with various options.
Definition: TheoreticalSpectrumGenerator.h:67
CoordinateType minY() const
Accessor for max_ coordinate minimum.
Definition: DIntervalBase.h:249
void setMetadataOnly(bool only)
sets whether or not to load only meta data
std::set< String > getFilenamesOfOpenFiles_()
unique list of files referenced by all layers
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:1082
void getVisibleConsensusData(ConsensusMapType &map) const
Fills the handed over map with the visible consensus features of the current layer.
const ConsensusMapSharedPtrType & getConsensusMap() const
Returns a const reference to the consensus feature data.
Definition: LayerData.h:201
File not readable exception.
Definition: Exception.h:537
Exception base class.
Definition: Exception.h:89
Size getCurrentLayerIndex() const
returns the index of the active layer
Definition: SpectrumCanvas.h:249
A more convenient string class.
Definition: String.h:58
void enhancedWorkspaceWindowChanged(int id)
Raises the window corresponding to the data of the tab with identifier id.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:1634
bool watcher_msgbox_
Holds the messageboxes for each layer that are currently popped up (to avoid popping them up again,...
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:456
QDockWidget * views_dockwidget_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:433
void print_usage()
Definition: TOPPView.cpp:84
static String removeExtension(const String &file)
Extension to the QApplication for running TOPPs GUI tools.
Definition: QApplicationTOPP.h:50
void showCurrentPeaksAsDIA()
Shows the current peak data of the active layer as DIA data.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:3622
void loadFile(QString)
Loads a file given by the passed string.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:3185
Forward const iterator for the Param class.
Definition: Param.h:197
Widget for visualization of several spectra.
Definition: Spectrum1DWidget.h:65
virtual void activateBehavior()
Slot for behavior activation.
bool openAsNewWindow() const
Returns true, if the data should be opened in a new window.
void saveLayerVisible()
Saves the visible layer data.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:4037
void layerSelectionChange(int)
slot for layer manager selection change
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2164
File is empty.
Definition: Exception.h:594
String name
layer name
Definition: LayerData.h:414
static const std::string NamesOfLabelType[SIZE_OF_LABEL_TYPE]
Label names.
Definition: LayerData.h:131
Size getAlignmentSize()
Returns the number of aligned pairs of peaks.
bool chromatogram_flag_set() const
Check whether the current layer is a chromatogram.
Definition: LayerData.h:367
void changeVisibility(Size i, bool b)
change the visibility of a layer
String getSequence() const
static bool containsMS1Scans(const ExperimentType &exp)
Returns true if contains at least one MS1 spectrum.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:666
void tileHorizontal()
tile the open windows horizontally
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2409
void addSpectrum(const MSSpectrum &spectrum)
adds a spectrum to the list
LayerData::FeatureMapSharedPtrType FeatureMapSharedPtrType
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:138
void load(const String &filename, Param ¶m)
Read XML file.
Main OpenMS namespace.
Definition: FeatureDeconvolution.h:46
void setMinInt(const String &key, Int min)
Sets the minimum value for the integer or integer list parameter key.
Preferences dialog for TOPPView.
Definition: TOPPViewPrefDialog.h:55
bool empty() const
Definition: MSExperiment.h:137
virtual void showLegend(bool show)
Shows/hides axis labels.
bool mirrorModeActive()
Returns whether this widget is currently in mirror mode.
static bool writable(const String &file)
Return true if the file is writable.
const ConstExperimentSharedPtrType getPeakData() const
Returns a const reference to the current in-memory peak data.
void toggleProjections()
Shows/hides the projections.
const std::vector< ProteinIdentification > & getProteinIdentifications() const
non-mutable access to the protein identifications
FileWatcher * watcher_
Watcher that tracks file changes (in order to update the data in the different views)
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:453
const Spectrum1DWidget * getVerticalProjection() const
const reference to the vertical projection
QStringList getFileList_(const String &path_overwrite="")
Shows a dialog where the user can select files.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2866
virtual void getSpectrum(PeakSpectrum &spec, const AASequence &peptide, Int min_charge, Int max_charge) const
Generates a spectrum for a peptide sequence, with the ion types that are set in the tool parameters.
Logarithmic mode.
Definition: SpectrumCanvas.h:152
virtual void deactivateBehavior()
Slot for behavior deactivation.
Features: Convex hulls of single mass traces.
Definition: LayerData.h:106
QActionGroup * group_label_2d_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:487
The representation of a 1D spectrum.
Definition: MSSpectrum.h:67
void showTOPPDialog_(bool visible)
Apply TOPP tool. If visible is true, only the visible data is used, otherwise the whole layer is used...
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2941
Invalid value exception.
Definition: Exception.h:335
String prefix(SizeType length) const
returns the prefix of length length
boost::shared_ptr< ExperimentType > ExperimentSharedPtrType
SharedPtr on MSExperiment.
Definition: LayerData.h:149
Spectrum3DWidget * getActive3DWidget() const
returns a pointer to the active Spectrum3DWidget (0 the active window is no Spectrum2DWidget or there...
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2756
LayerData::ExperimentSharedPtrType ExperimentSharedPtrType
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:148
Enumerate all available paint styles.
Definition: Spectrum1DCanvas.h:91
DataFilter array providing some convenience functions.
Definition: DataFilters.h:50
static String getVersion()
Return the version number of OpenMS.
StopWatch Class.
Definition: StopWatch.h:59
String getInput()
to get the parameter name for input
OpenMS parameters file (.ini)
Definition: FileTypes.h:69
void setVisibleArea(AreaType area)
Sets the visible area.
void showGoToDialog()
shows the DB dialog for opening files
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2709
void changeLabel(QAction *)
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:1777
bool annotateMS1FromMassFingerprinting_(const FeatureMap &identifications)
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:3190
No label is displayed.
Definition: LayerData.h:122
Spectrum3DOpenGLCanvas * openglwidget()
returns the Spectrum3DOpenGLcanvas
unsigned int UInt
Unsigned integer type.
Definition: Types.h:94
QTreeWidget * getTreeWidget()
QComboBox * getComboBox()
void getVisiblePeakData(ExperimentType &map) const
Fills the handed over map with the visible peaks of the current layer.
Size activeLayerIndex() const
Returns the index of the active layer.
DataFilters filters
Filters to apply before painting.
Definition: LayerData.h:429
static String getUniqueName(bool include_hostname=true)
Returns a string, consisting of date, time, hostname, process id, and a incrementing number....
Facilitates file handling by file type recognition.
Definition: FileHandler.h:62
QCheckBox * filters_check_box_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:449
static String basename(const String &file)
Returns the basename of the file (without the path).
Features: Unassigned peptide hits.
Definition: LayerData.h:107
Int getWindowId() override
getter for the EnhancedTabBar window id as defined in the interface
virtual void showCurrentLayerPreferences()=0
Shows the preferences dialog of the active layer.
File not found exception.
Definition: Exception.h:523
static void showAboutDialog(QWidget *parent, const QString &toolname)
Show the About-Dialog with License and Citation for all GUI tools.
Definition: QApplicationTOPP.cpp:131
static bool readable(const String &file)
Return true if the file exists and is readable.
Display modes of intensity.
Definition: SpectrumCanvas.h:147
virtual void deactivateBehavior()
Slot for behavior deactivation.
void toggleInterestingMZs()
Toggles drawing of interesting MZs.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:4052
void setIntensityMode(int)
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:1758
bool getParsingSuccess() const
Returns whether parsing was successful.
void setWindowId(Int window_id) override
setter for the EnhancedTabBar window id as defined in the interface
QTextEdit * log_
Log output window.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:464
bool modified
Flag that indicates that the layer data was modified since loading it.
Definition: LayerData.h:441
Canvas for visualization of one or several spectra.
Definition: Spectrum1DCanvas.h:67
void linkZoom()
link the zoom of individual windows
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2484
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
Definition: TOPPView.cpp:108
void copyLayer(const QMimeData *data, QWidget *source, int id=-1)
Slot for drag-and-drop of layer manager to tabbar.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:4097
void loadFiles(const StringList &list, QSplashScreen *splash_screen)
Opens all the files in the string list.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:3926
CoordinateType maxY() const
Accessor for max_ coordinate maximum.
Definition: DIntervalBase.h:261
Normal mode: f(x)=x.
Definition: SpectrumCanvas.h:149
void disableLocation(bool window)
Disables opening location section and sets the selected option.
void openRecentFile()
Opens a file from the recent files menu.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2856
Param param_
Container for current parameters.
Definition: DefaultParamHandler.h:149
Parse Error exception.
Definition: Exception.h:622
virtual void showSpectrumAs1D(int index)
Behavior for showSpectrumAs1D.
void runTOPPTool_()
Runs the TOPP tool according to the information in topp_.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:2971
void setMaxInt(const String &key, Int max)
Sets the maximum value for the integer or integer list parameter key.
static bool remove(const String &file)
Removes a file (if it exists).
void setMergeLayers(const Map< Size, String > &layers)
Sets the possible merge layers (index and name) and activates the option.
QAction * dm_hulls_2d_
Definition: TOPPViewBase.h:485
void setDrawMode(DrawModes mode)
Sets draw mode of the current layer.
void initializeDefaultParameters_()
Initializes the default parameters on TOPPView construction.
Definition: TOPPViewBase.cpp:602
bool getLayerFlag(LayerData::Flags f) const
returns a layer flag of the current layer
Definition: SpectrumCanvas.h:262
void performAlignment(Size layer_index_1, Size layer_index_2, const Param ¶m)
Performs an alignment of the layers with layer_index_1 and layer_index_2.
virtual Int getWindowId()=0
get the EnhancedTabBar unique window id