Predicates for range operations. More...
Classes | |
class | HasMetaValue< MetaContainer > |
Predicate that determines if a class has a certain metavalue. More... | |
class | InRTRange< SpectrumType > |
Predicate that determines if a spectrum lies inside/outside a specific retention time range. More... | |
class | InMSLevelRange< SpectrumType > |
Predicate that determines if a spectrum lies inside/outside a specific MS level set. More... | |
class | HasScanMode< SpectrumType > |
Predicate that determines if a spectrum has a certain scan mode. More... | |
class | HasScanPolarity< SpectrumType > |
Predicate that determines if a spectrum has a certain scan polarity. More... | |
class | IsEmptySpectrum< SpectrumType > |
Predicate that determines if a spectrum is empty. More... | |
class | IsZoomSpectrum< SpectrumType > |
Predicate that determines if a spectrum is a zoom (enhanced resolution) spectrum. More... | |
class | HasActivationMethod< SpectrumType > |
Predicate that determines if a spectrum was generated using any activation method given in the constructor list. More... | |
class | InPrecursorMZRange< SpectrumType > |
Predicate that determines if a spectrum's precursor is within a certain m/z range. More... | |
class | HasPrecursorCharge< SpectrumType > |
Predicate that determines if a spectrum has a certain precursor charge as given in the constructor list. More... | |
class | InMzRange< PeakType > |
Predicate that determines if a peak lies inside/outside a specific m/z range. More... | |
class | InIntensityRange< PeakType > |
Predicate that determines if a peak lies inside/outside a specific intensity range. More... | |
class | IsInCollisionEnergyRange< SpectrumType > |
Predicate that determines if an MSn spectrum was generated with a collision energy in the given range. More... | |
class | IsInIsolationWindowSizeRange< SpectrumType > |
Predicate that determines if the width of the isolation window of an MSn spectrum is in the given range. More... | |
class | IsInIsolationWindow< SpectrumType > |
Predicate that determines if the isolation window covers ANY of the given m/z values. More... | |
Predicates for range operations.
A group of predicates that can be used to perform range operations on MS data. They operate on classes that have the save interface as Spectrum or Peak1D or Peak2D, respectively.
The code for the removal of spectra in a certain retention time range from a vector of spectra might look like this:
The code for the removal of peaks within certain intensity range from a spectrum might look like this: