OpenMS  2.8.0
Hotkeys table
File handling
CTRL+O Open file
CTRL+W Close current window
CTRL+S Save current layer

Save visible data of current layer

Navigation in the data
CTRL Activate zoom mode
SHIFT Activate measurement mode
Arrow keys Translate currently shown data (1D View: Shift + Left/Right moves to the next peak in sparse data)
CTRL+'+',CTRL+'-' Move up and down in zoom history
mouse wheel Move up and down in zoom history
CTRL+G Goto dialog
Backspace Reset zoom
PageUp Select previous layer

Select next layer

Visualization options
CTRL+R Show/hide grid lines
CTRL+L Show/hide axis legends
N Intensity mode: Normal
P Intensity mode: Percentage
S Intensity mode: Snap-to-maximum
I 1D draw mode: peaks
R 1D draw mode: raw data
CTRL+ALT+Home 2D draw mode: increase minimum canvas coverage threshold (for raw peak scaling). 'Home' on MacOSX keyboards is also 'Fn+ArrowLeft'
CTRL+ALT+End 2D draw mode: decrease minimum canvas coverage threshold (for raw peak scaling). 'End' on MacOSX keyboards is also 'Fn+ArrowRight'
CTRL+ALT+'+' 2D draw mode: increase maximum point size (for raw peak scaling)

2D draw mode: decrease maximum point size (for raw peak scaling)

Annotations in 1D view
CTRL+A Select all annotations of the current layer

Delete all currently selected annotations

CTRL+T Apply TOPP tool to the current layer
CTRL+SHIFT+T Apply TOPP tool to the visible data of the current layer
F4 Rerun TOPP tool
CTRL+M Show layer meta information
CTRL+I Annotate with identification results
1 Show precursor peaks (2D peak layer)
2 Show projections (2D peak layer)
5 Show overall convex hull (2D feature layer)
6 Show all convex hulls (2D feature layer)
7 Show numbers and labels (2D feature layer)

Show consensus elements (2D consensus layer)

F1 Show TOPPView online tutorial

Activate What's this? mode