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This util provides an interface to the 'SEARCH' mode of the SpectraST program. All non-advanced parameters of the executable of SpectraST were translated into parameters of this util.
SpectraST: Version: 5
The command line parameters of this tool are:
SpectraSTSearchAdapter -- Interface to the SEARCH Mode of the SpectraST executable Full documentation: http://www.openms.de/doxygen/release/3.0.0/html/UTILS_SpectraSTSearchAdapter.html Version: 3.0.0 Jul 14 2023, 11:57:33, Revision: be787e9 To cite OpenMS: + Rost HL, Sachsenberg T, Aiche S, Bielow C et al.. OpenMS: a flexible open-source software platform for mass spectrometry data analysis. Nat Meth. 2016; 13, 9: 741-748. doi:10.1038/nmeth.3959. Usage: SpectraSTSearchAdapter <options> Options (mandatory options marked with '*'): -executable <path>* Path to the SpectraST execut able to use; may be empty if the executable is globall y available. -spectra_files <SearchFileName1> [ <SearchFileName2> ... <SearchFileNameN> ]* File names(s) of spectra to be searched. (valid formats: 'mzML', 'mzXML', 'mzData', 'mgf', 'dta', 'msp') -output_files <OutputFile1> [ <OutputFileName2> ... <OutputFileNameN> ]* Output files. Make sure to specify one output file for each input file (valid forma ts: 'txt', 'tsv', 'xml', 'pepXML', 'html') -library_file <lib_file>.splib* Specify library file. (valid formats: 'splib') -sequence_database_file <sequencedb_file>.fasta The sequence database. (vali d formats: 'fasta') -sequence_database_type <sequencedb_type> Specify type of sequence database (default: 'AA') (valid: 'DNA', 'AA') -search_file <search_file> Only search a subset of the query spectra in the search file (valid formats: 'txt', ' dat') -params_file <params_file> Read search options from file. All options set in the file will be overridden by command-line options, if specified. (valid formats: 'params') -precursor_mz_tolerance <precursor_mz_tolerance> M/z (in Th) tolerance within which candidate entries are compared to the query. Monoisotopic mass is assumed . (default: '3.0') (min: '0.0') Common UTIL options: -ini <file> Use the given TOPP INI file -threads <n> Sets the number of threads allowed to be used by the TOPP tool (default: '1') -write_ini <file> Writes the default configura tion file --help Shows options --helphelp Shows all options (including advanced)
INI file documentation of this tool: