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DCDFile Member List

This is the complete list of members for DCDFile, including all inherited members.

adapt_float_ (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile [protected]
adapt_size_ (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile [protected]
append(const SnapShot &snapshot)DCDFile [virtual]
charmm_extra_block_A_ (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile [protected]
charmm_extra_block_B_ (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile [protected]
clear()DCDFile [virtual]
copy(String source_name, String destination_name, Size buffer_size=4096)File [static]
copyTo(const String &destination_name, Size buffer_size=4096)File
CORD_ (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile [protected]
createTemporaryFilename(String &temporary)File [static]
current_snapshot_ (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile [protected]
DCDFile(const DCDFile &file)DCDFile
DCDFile(const String &name, File::OpenMode open_mode=std::ios::in)DCDFile
disableTransformation(Transformation transformation) (defined in File)File [static]
disableVelocityStorage() (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile
enableTransformation(Transformation transformation) (defined in File)File [static]
enableVelocityStorage() (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile
File(const String &name, OpenMode open_mode=std::ios::in)File
File(const File &file)File
flushToDisk(const std::vector< SnapShot > &buffer)DCDFile [virtual]
getName() const File
getNumberOfAtoms() const TrajectoryFile
getNumberOfSnapShots() const TrajectoryFile
getOpenMode() const File
getOriginalName() const (defined in File)File
getSize(String name)File [static]
getTransformationManager() const File
getType(String name, bool trace_link)File [static]
getType(bool trace_link) const File
has_velocities_ (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile [protected]
hasVelocities() const (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile
is_open_ (defined in File)File [protected]
is_temporary_ (defined in File)File [protected]
isAccessible(String name)File [static]
isAccessible() const File
isCanonized() const File
isClosed() const File
isExecutable(String name)File [static]
isExecutable() const File
isOpen() const File
isReadable(String name)File [static]
isReadable() const File
isSwappingBytes() const (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile
isTransformationEnabled(Transformation transformation) (defined in File)File [static]
isValid() const File
isWritable(String name)File [static]
isWritable() const File
MODE_APPFile [static]
MODE_ATEFile [static]
MODE_BINARYFile [static]
MODE_INFile [static]
MODE_OUTFile [static]
MODE_TRUNCFile [static]
move(const String &source_name, const String &destination_name)File [static]
moveTo(const String &destination_name)File
name_ (defined in File)File [protected]
number_of_atoms_ (defined in TrajectoryFile)TrajectoryFile [protected]
number_of_comments_ (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile [protected]
number_of_snapshots_ (defined in TrajectoryFile)TrajectoryFile [protected]
open(const String &name, File::OpenMode open_mode=std::ios::in)DCDFile [virtual]
open_mode_ (defined in File)File [protected]
OpenMode typedefFile
operator!=(const File &file) const File
operator=(const DCDFile &file)DCDFile
TrajectoryFile::operator=(const TrajectoryFile &file)TrajectoryFile
File::operator=(const File &file)File
operator==(const DCDFile &file) const DCDFile
TrajectoryFile::operator==(const TrajectoryFile &file) const TrajectoryFile
File::operator==(const File &file) const File
original_name_ (defined in File)File [protected]
read(SnapShot &snapshot)DCDFile [virtual]
readFloat_() (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile [protected]
readHeader()DCDFile [virtual]
readSize_() (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile [protected]
readSize_(Size expected_size, const String &what) (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile [protected]
readVector_(vector< Vector3 > &v) (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile [protected]
registerTransformation(const String &pattern, const String &exec) (defined in File)File [static]
remove(String name)File [static]
rename(String old_path, String new_path)File [static]
renameTo(const String &new_path)File
reopen(File::OpenMode open_mode)File
seekAndWriteHeader() (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile [virtual]
setName(const String &name)File
step_number_of_starting_time_ (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile [protected]
steps_between_saves_ (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile [protected]
swap_bytes_ (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile [protected]
time_step_length_ (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile [protected]
TrajectoryFile(const TrajectoryFile &file)TrajectoryFile
TrajectoryFile(const String &filename, File::OpenMode open_mode=std::ios::in)TrajectoryFile
Transformation enum nameFile
TRANSFORMATION__EXEC enum value (defined in File)File
TRANSFORMATION__FILTER enum value (defined in File)File
TRANSFORMATION__URL enum value (defined in File)File
transformation_manager_ (defined in File)File [protected, static]
transformation_methods_ (defined in File)File [protected, static]
truncate(String path, Size size=0)File [static]
truncate(Size size=0)File
Type enum nameFile
TYPE__BLOCK_SPECIAL_FILE enum value (defined in File)File
TYPE__CHAR_SPECIAL_FILE enum value (defined in File)File
TYPE__DIRECTORY enum value (defined in File)File
TYPE__FIFO_SPECIAL_FILE enum value (defined in File)File
TYPE__REGULAR_FILE enum value (defined in File)File
TYPE__SOCKET enum value (defined in File)File
TYPE__SYMBOLIC_LINK enum value (defined in File)File
TYPE__UNKNOWN enum value (defined in File)File
unregisterTransformation(const String &pattern) (defined in File)File [static]
verbosity_ (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile [protected]
writeFloat_(const float &data) (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile [protected]
writeHeader()DCDFile [virtual]
writeSize_(const Size &data) (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile [protected]
writeVector_(const vector< Vector3 > &v) (defined in DCDFile)DCDFile [protected]
~DCDFile()DCDFile [virtual]
~File()File [virtual]
~TrajectoryFile()TrajectoryFile [virtual]