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BALL Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
VIEW::AddBackboneModelAddBackboneModel class
VIEW::AddBallAndStickModelAddBallAndStickModel class
VIEW::AddCartoonModelAddCartoonModel class
AddHydrogenProcessorSaturate atoms with hydrogen atoms
Addition< First, Second, DataType >Addition class
PDB::AdditionalAtomInfoA structure tracking the current values of all auxiliary information required to write ATOM or HETATM records
VIEW::AddLineModelAddLineModel class
VIEW::AddSurfaceModelAddSurfaceModel class
VIEW::AddVanDerWaalsModelAddVanDerWaalsModel class
AmberBendAmber bond stretch component
VIEW::AmberConfigurationDialogDialog for changing the options of the AMBER forcefield
AmberEvaluationA class for energetic evaluators of docking results using an AMBER force field as scoring function
AmberFFAMBER force field class
AmberFF::DefaultDefault values for AMBER options
AmberFF::OptionOption names
AmberNonBondedAmber NonBonded (VdW + Electrostatic) component
AmberStretchAmber bond stretch component
AmberTorsionAmber bond stretch component
Peptides::AminoAcidDescriptorThis class represents one amino acid in the sequence
AnisotropyShiftProcessorShift assignment processor implementing Anisotropy
AromaticBondsPredicatePredicate class for atoms bearing aromatic bonds
AromaticityProcessorProcessor method to detect aromaticity of AtomContainers
AssignBaseProcessorOnly used for deriving interface
AssignChargeProcessorAssigns a charge to each atom
AssignRadiusProcessorAssigns the radius to each atom
AssignShiftProcessorSet a property called chemical_shift
AssignTypeNameProcessorAssign type names to atoms
AssignTypeProcessorType assignment processor
AtomAtom class
AtomBijectionAtom bijection
VIEW::AtomBondModelBaseProcessorAtomBondModelBaseProcessor class
VIEW::AtomChargeColorProcessorAtomChargeColorProcessor class
AtomContainerAtom Container Base Class
AtomContainerIteratorTraitsTraits class for the AtomContainerIterators
VIEW::AtomDistanceColorProcessorAtomDistanceColorProcessor class
AtomicPolarizabilitiesThis descriptor adds up the atomic polarizabilities for all atoms
AtomInformationContentThis descriptor is $n$ times MeanAtomInformationContent
AtomIteratorTraitsTraits class for the AtomIterators
AtomNamePredicatePredicate for matching atom names
VIEW::AtomOverviewDialog for creating labels for a selection of molecular objects
AtomTypePredicatePredicate for matching atom types
AtomTyperBase class for a programable Atom typer
AtomTypesForce Field Atom Type Class
AtomVectorAtom vector class
AutoDeletableAuto-deletable concept
AxialPredicateAxial predicate
BackBonePredicatePredicate indicating backbone atoms
BalabanIndexJThe Balaban index J is topological index
VIEW::BALLThreadBaseclass for threads in BALL
BaseIterator< Container, DataType, Position, Traits >Generic Iterator Class
BidirectionalIterator< Container, DataType, Position, Traits >Mutable bidirectional iterator
BinaryFileAdaptor< T >Helper class for data conversion
BinaryFunctor< FirstArgumentType, SecondArgumentType, ResultType >Generic Binary Functor Class
BinaryPredicate< T1, T2 >Generic Binary Predicate Class
BinaryProcessor< T1, T2 >Generic Binary Processor Class
BitBit Class
Bit::IllegalOperationException thrown if a file could not be processed right
BitVectorBit vector class
BondBond class
Bond::NotBoundNot bound to two atoms
BondPolarizabilitiesThis descriptor is calculated by adding up the differences in atomic polarizabilities of the both participating atoms through all bonds
VIEW::BondPropertiesDialog for showing and changing the properties of the bonds of an atom
PDB::BookKeepingThis struct contains the number of records in a PDB file as required for the MASTER record
BoundingBoxProcessorBounding box creating processor
VIEW::BoxBox class
Bruker1DFileBruker 1D spectrum format
Bruker2DFileBruker 2D spectrum format
Exception::BufferOverflowBuffer overflow exception
BuildBondsProcessorBond creation processor
BuildBondsProcessor::DefaultDefault values for options
BuildBondsProcessor::OptionOption names
BuriedPolarFresno buried polar component
BuriedPolar::DefaultDefault values for SLICK options
BuriedPolar::OptionOption names
VIEW::CameraCamera with viewpoint, a look at point and an up-vector
CanonicalMDA MD simulation in the canoncial ensemble
CanonicalMD::AuxFactorsHelper class containing auxiliary factors
ChainProtein chain class
ChainBuilderThis class provides methods for analysis of the chains in a molecule
ChainIteratorTraitsTraits class for the various ChainIterators
ChainPredicatePredicate for matching chains
ChargePredicateCharge predicate
ChargeRuleProcessorCharge Rule Processor
CharmmBendCharmm bond stretch component
VIEW::CharmmConfigurationDialogDialog for changing the options of the CHARMM forcefield
CharmmEEF1Force Field Parameter Section for CHARMM EEF1
CharmmFFCHARMM force field class
CharmmFF::DefaultDefault values
CharmmFF::OptionOptions names
CharmmImproperTorsionCharmm improper torsion component
CharmmNonBondedCharmm NonBonded component
CharmmStretchCharmm bond stretch component
CharmmTorsionCHARMM torsion component
ChemScoreMetalChemScore Metal component { Definition:} {BALL/MOLMEC/SLICK/chemScoreMetal.h}
CHPISLICK ringstacking component
CHPI::AromaticRingA class for storing aromatic rings and information associated with them
CHPI::CHGroupA class for storing aliphatic CH groups suitable for building CH- interactions with aromatic rings
ClaverieParameterClaverieParameter class
ClearChargeProcessorClears the charge on all atoms
ClearRadiusProcessorClears the radius of all atoms
ClearShiftProcessorClear assigned shift data of all atoms
ClientClient class
Client::InvalidClientInvalidClient exception class
Client::NoPersistentObjectNoPersistentObject exception class
VIEW::ClippingDialogDialog for selcting which Representations are clipped by one clipping plane
VIEW::ColorExtension2Base class for geometric objects that need two colors
VIEW::ColorHSVColorHSV class
VIEW::ColoringSettingsDialogDialog for the molecular model coloring settings
VIEW::ColorMapThis class is used to implement a color Map that can be used to map a floating point value into a color
VIEW::ColorProcessorCalculating colors for given GeometricObject instances
VIEW::ColorRGBAColorRGBA class
VIEW::ColorUnitColorUnit class
VIEW::ColorUnit::NotInHexFormatNotInHexFormat Exception class
VIEW::ColorUnitHueValue for the hue component of the class ColorHSV
Comparator< T >Generic Comparator Class
ComposedEnergyProcessorA class for composed energy calculations
CompositeComposite Class
CompositeIteratorTraitsComposite Iterator Traits This class is used in the implementation of the kernel iterators
VIEW::CompositeManagerManagement of Composites
VIEW::CompositeMessageCompositeMessage is the base class of all messages concerning the change of one Composite
VIEW::CompositePropertiesDialog for showing and changing the properties of an Composite, e.g
Conformation4C1PredicatePredicate for determining whether a sugar ring is in 4C1 conformation
ConformationSetData structure for conformation results
ConjugateGradientMinimizerA minimizer for geometry optimization based on different conjugate gradient (CG) algorithms
ConjugateGradientMinimizer::DefaultDefaults for all options
ConjugateGradientMinimizer::OptionOptions names
ConnectedToPredicatePredicate class for atoms being connected to a constellation defined by an expression
VIEW::ConnectionObjectBase class for all widgets and dialogs that handles communication through message posting
ConnectivityBaseGeneric QSAR molecular connectivity descriptors class \
ConstantPython constants namespace wrapper
ConstantFunction< constant_template >Constant function class
ConstBidirectionalIterator< Container, DataType, Position, Traits >Constant Bidirectional Iterator
ConstForwardIterator< Container, DataType, Position, Traits >Generic non-mutable forward itterator
VIEW::ContourSurfaceDialogDialog for creating contour surfaces from RegularData3D
VIEW::ControlSelectionMessageUsed to inform MainControl of selection in MolecularControl (not the one of the checkboxes!) and the other way round
CosineTorsionCosine Torsion
VIEW::CreateRepresentationMessageNotify the DisplayProperties dialog so that it creates a new Representation
CreateSpectrumProcessorProcessor creates peaklist_
CubicFunction< Function, DataType >CubicFunction class
VIEW::CustomColorProcessorCustomColorProcessor colorizes every GeometricObject with the default color
VIEW::DatasetBaseclass for datasets
VIEW::DatasetControlDatasetControl is a widget to manage and manipulate arbitrary data types
VIEW::DatasetControllerController base class for one type of Dataset A DatasetController provides all neccessary means to manage and manipulate a kind of data in the DatasetControl
VIEW::DatasetMessageMessage to notify about changes in a Dataset
DCDFileDCD Trajectory file format
DensityThis descriptor calculates the density of the molecule, by deviding the molecular weight by the van der Waals surface area
DescriptorGeneric QSAR molecular descriptor class
VIEW::DeselectControlsMessageMessage send by one GenericControl to notify all other GenericControl instances to deselect their QListView
DirectoryDirectory class
VIEW::DiscDisc class
VIEW::DisplayPropertiesDialog for creating and changing representations for a selection of molecular objects
Division< First, Second, DataType >Division class
Exception::DivisionByZeroDivision by zero error
VIEW::DockDialogDialog for docking / redocking two systems
DockingAlgorithmInterface class for docking algorithms
VIEW::DockingControllerClass for docking two systems
VIEW::DockingFinishedMessageMessage to notify docking has finished
VIEW::DockingThreadThread for Docking
VIEW::DockProgressDialogDialog for showing the progress during a docking calculation
DockResultResult of a (re)docking calculation
DockResult::Compare_Nested class in DockResult
DockResult::Scoring_Nested class in DockResult
VIEW::DockResultControllerController base class for one type of Dataset
VIEW::DockResultDialogDialog for showing the docking results
VIEW::DockResultDialog::Compare_Nested class in DockResultDialog
VIEW::DockWidgetClass for ModularWidget, which can be docked in the MainApplication window
DoubleBondsPredicatePredicate for atoms bearing double bonds
VIEW::DownloadPDBFileDialog to search for and download structure files from the PDB data bank
DSN6FileDSN6 density map file format
VIEW::EditableSceneExtended 3D view for editing molecules
VIEW::EditFunctionsEditFunctions class
VIEW::EditOperationDialogDialog for storing the undo Operations of EditableScene
VIEW::EditSettingsEditSettings is a widget that will be inserted into the tab dialog Preferences
EFShiftProcessorShift assignment processor implementing the electric field effect
ElectrostaticPotentialCalculatorThis class is used to compute the electrostatic potential for of a system
ElectrostaticPotentialCalculator::DefaultDefault values for the options in ElectrostaticPotentialCalculator::options
ElectrostaticPotentialCalculator::OptionSymbolic names for option keys
ElementElement class
VIEW::ElementColorProcessorElementColorProcessor class
ElementPredicatePredicate for matching elements
EmbeddablePython Embedding Base Class
EnergeticEvaluationBase class for energetic evaluators of docking results
EnergyMinimizer::OptionOption names
VIEW::EnergyMinimizerThreadThread for EnergyMinimization
EnergyProcessorProcessor for energy calculations
Enumerator< Container, SiteIterator, Variant >Enumerator class
EnumeratorIndexEnumeratorIndex class
EnumeratorIndex::IncompatibleIndexException for reporting incompatible EnumeratorIndex instances, i.e
Experiment< PeakListType >Class describing a certain type of NMR experiment
ExpressionExpression class
ExpressionParserExpression Parser
ExpressionTreeExpression tree class
Factory< T >Factory class
FalsePredicateFalse predicate
FDPBFinite Difference Poisson Boltzmann Solver
FDPB::BoundaryThis struct contains symbols for the available boundary conditions
FDPB::ChargeDistributionConstants to define the charge distribution methods
FDPB::DefaultDefault values for FDPB options
FDPB::DielectricSmoothingConstants to define the dielectric smoothing methods
FDPB::FastAtomStructCompact internal datastructure for the administration of the atoms extracted from the system
FDPB::OptionSymbolic names for option keys
VIEW::FDPBDialogDialog for performing Finite Distance Poisson Bolzmann calculations
FermiBaseFunctionSigmoidal base function
VIEW::FetchHTMLThreadThread to fetch a file over TCP network traffic
VIEW::FieldLineCreatorFieldLineCreator class
VIEW::FieldLinesDialogDialog for creating field lines
FileFile Class
File::CannotWriteException CannotWrite A given file could not be written, either because its not open or it has a wrong open mode
Exception::FileNotFoundFile not found
VIEW::FileObserverClass for observing changes in a molecular file
FileSystemFile System Class This class is a wrapper around some very basic properties of the machine's file system properties
VIEW::ForceColorProcessorColoring by the forces, acting on atoms
ForceFieldForce field class
ForceFieldComponentGeneric force field component class
ForceFieldEvaluationBase class for energetic evaluators of docking results using a force field as scoring function
ForceFieldParametersForce field parameter class
VIEW::ForceModelForceModel class
FormalChargeThis descriptor adds up the formal charges
ForwardIterator< Container, DataType, Position, Traits >Generic mutable forward iterator class
FragmentFragment class
FragmentDBFragmentDB - fragment database class
FragmentDB::BuildBondsProcessorBond creation processor
FragmentDB::NoFragmentNodeNo fragment node found
FragmentDB::NormalizeNamesProcessorName normalization processor
FragmentDistanceCollectorCollects all MolecularFragments that are close enough to another molecular fragment
FragmentIteratorTraitsTraits class for the FragmentIterator
GAMESSDatFileGAMESSDat file class
GAMESSDatFile::blockNested class for the data blocks of the GAMESSFile *
GAMESSDatFile::StateState of the parser *
GAMESSLogFileGAMESSLog file class
GAMESSLogFile::StateState of the parser *
Exception::GeneralExceptionGeneral exception class
GeneralizedBornModelCompute the electrostatics of a molecule in solution
VIEW::GenericControlGenericControl is a widget to display the structure of Composite objects
GenericMolFileBase class for all molecule file format classes
VIEW::GenericSelectionMessageGenericSelectionMessage class
GeometricCenterProcessorCalculates the geometric center of a given Composite object
VIEW::GeometricControlGeometricControl is a widget to display the list of representations
GeometricFitGeometricFit This class is derived from class DockingAlgorithm
GeometricFit::OptionSymbolic names for option keys
GeometricFit::Peak_Nested class Peak_ This class is needed for an efficient handling of all peaks corresponding to one orientation in a multiset
GeometricFit::RotationAngles_Nested class RotationAngles_
VIEW::GeometricFitDialogDialog for options of the docking algorithm GeometricFit
VIEW::GeometricObjectGeometricObject class
VIEW::GeometricObjectSelectionMessageGeometricObjectSelectionMessage class
VIEW::GLDisplayListGLDisplayList class
VIEW::GLDisplayList::DisplayListRedeclarationDisplayListRedeclaration exception class
VIEW::GLDisplayList::NestedDisplayListNestedDisplayList exception class
VIEW::GLDisplayList::NoDisplayListAvailableNoDisplayListAvailable exception class
Exception::GlobalExceptionHandlerClass handling uncaught exception globally
VIEW::GLRendererGLRenderer Renderer which provides hardware accelerated OPENGL rendering
VIEW::GLRenderer::WrongModesWrongModes Exception class
GradientGradient class
GraphEdge< Vertex, Edge, Face >Generic GraphEdge Class
GraphFace< Vertex, Edge, Face >Generic GraphFace Class
GraphTriangle< Vertex, Edge, Face >Generic GraphTriangle Class
GraphVertex< Vertex, Edge, Face >Generic GraphVertex Class
VIEW::GridVisualizationDialogDialog for visualizing grids
HaighMallionShiftProcessorShift assignment processor implementing Haigh Mallion theory
HashFunction< T >General Hash Function Template
HashGrid3< Item >Three-dimensional Hash Grid Class
HashGridBox3< Item >Grid Box Class
HashGridBox3< Item >::DataItem?????
HashGridBox3< Item >::NeighborBoxItem?????
HashMap< Key, T >Generic Hash Map Class
HashMap< Key, T >::IllegalKeyIllegalKey exception
HashSet< Key >Generic Hash Set Class
HashSet< Key >::IllegalKeyIllegal key exception
VIEW::HBondModelProcessorHBondModelProcessor class
HBondProcessorThis processor computes all hydrogen bonds occuring between amino acids in the composite it is applied to
HBondShiftProcessorShift assignment processor implementing the effect of hydrogen bonds
VIEW::HelpViewerDockWidget to show online help texts e.g
HINFileHyperChem file class
VIEW::HotkeyTableClass for storing Python hotkeys in a GUI table
HydrogenBondFresno Hydrogen Bond component
HydrogenBond::DefaultDefault values for SLICK options
HydrophobicVdWSurfaceThis descriptor calculates the sum of atomic SAS van der Waals surface areas of the molecule, of the hydrophobic atoms
Exception::IllegalPositionInvalid Position
Exception::IllegalSelfOperationIllegal self operation
Exception::IllegalTreeOperationIllegal tree operation
Exception::IncompatibleIteratorsIncompatible iterator
Exception::IndexOverflowIndex overflow
Exception::IndexUnderflowIndex underflow
INIFile::IteratorTraits_Interface for the LineIterator
INIFile::SectionA section within an INI file
InRingPredicatePredicate for atoms being included in rings of a certain number
VIEW::InterpolateColorProcessorBase class for ColorProcessors, that interpolate between two values
Exception::InvalidFormatInvalid format
Exception::InvalidIteratorInvalid iterator
Exception::InvalidOptionException to be thrown if an invalid option is given
Exception::InvalidRangeInvalid range
Exception::InvalidSizeInvalid Size Throw this exception to indicate that a size was unexpected
ISockStreamInput stream from a socket
JCAMPFileJCAMP file class
JohnsonBoveyShiftProcessorShift assignment processor implementing Johnson Bovey theory
KCFFileKEGG KCF file class
KekuliserClass to transform bonds with type "aromatic" to conjugated single and double bonds
KernelPredicate< T >Kernel predicate class
VIEW::LabelLabel class
VIEW::LabelDialogDialog for creating labels for a selection of molecular objects
VIEW::LabelModelLabelModel class
LennardJonesLennard Jones parameter section
VIEW::LightSettingsDialog for setting the lighting, which is added to the Preferences
VIEW::LightSourceLight source is mainly used for Renderer classes (e.g
Limits< T >Numeric limits class
VIEW::LineLine class
LinearBaseFunctionLinear base function
LineBasedFileA class for the convenient parsing of line-based file formats
LineSearchBasic line search class
LipophilicFresno lipophilic component
Lipophilic::DefaultDefault values for SLICK options
Lipophilic::OptionOption names
List< Value >Extended list object
VIEW::LogEventEvent class used for thread safe output to logview
LogStreamLog Stream Class
LogStreamBufStream buffer used by LogStream
VIEW::LogViewLogView class
VIEW::MainControlMainControl is the main administration unit for a program and must be used by all applications
VIEW::MainControlPreferencesMainControlPreferences is a widget that will be inserted into the tab dialog Preferences
VIEW::MaterialSettingsDialog for setting the Material, which is added to the Preferences
MD5HashMD5 hash of a string
VIEW::MDSimulationThreadThread for MDSimulation
MeanAtomInformationContentAtom information content (mean)
VIEW::MeshMesh class
VIEW::MeshBufferWrapper class to draw BALLView Mesh instances with OpenGL vertex buffer objects
VIEW::MessageGeneral Message class
VIEW::MessageEventA QT Event, that can contain a VIEW message
MicroCanonicalMDMicrocanonical MD: A class for doing molecular dynamics simulations according to the principle of a microcanonical ensemble (NVE), i.e., the total energy of the system is kept constant
MicroCanonicalMD::AuxFactorsA local auxiliary class
VIEW::MinimizationDialogDialog for performing energy minimisations
MMFF94MMFF94 force field class
MMFF94::DefaultDefault values for MMFF94 options
MMFF94::OptionOption names
MMFF94AtomTypeClass to store the values of an atom type from MMFFPROP.PAR
MMFF94AtomTypeEquivalencesMMFF94 equivalences for atom types (see MMFFDEF.PAR)
MMFF94AtomTypesMMFF94 parameters for atom types (see MMFFPROP.PAR)
MMFF94BendParametersMMFF94 parameters for bond bending (see MMFFANG.PAR)
MMFF94ChargeProcessorAssign MMFF94 Charges
VIEW::MMFF94ConfigurationDialogDialog for changing the options of the MMFF94 forcefield
MMFF94ESParametersMMFF94 parameters for partial charges for electrostatics (see MMFFCHG.PAR MMFFPBCI.PAR)
MMFF94NonBondedMMFF94 NonBonded (VdW + Electrostatic) component
MMFF94OutOfPlaneBendMMFF94 Out of plane component
MMFF94ParametersBaseMMFF94 component parameters base class
MMFF94PlaneParametersMMFF94 parameters for out of plane bending (see MMFFOOR.PAR)
MMFF94StretchBendMMFF94 bond stretch component
MMFF94StretchBend::BendSee MMFFANG.PAR
MMFF94StretchBendParametersMMFF94 parameters for stretch-bend interactions (see MMFFSTBN.PAR)
MMFF94StretchParametersMMFF94 parameters for bond stretching (see MMFFBOND.PAR)
MMFF94TorsionMMFF94 bond stretch component
MMFF94Torsion::TorsionSee MMFFTOR.PAR
MMFF94TorsionParametersMMFF94 parameters for torsions (see MMFFTOR.PAR)
MMFF94VDWParametersMMFF94 parameters for VDW (see MMFFVDW.PAR)
VIEW::ModelInformationModelInformation class
VIEW::ModelProcessorBase class for all model processors
VIEW::ModelSettingsDialogDialog for the molecular model settings, it is inserted into the Preferences
VIEW::ModifyRepresentationDialogDialog for coloring of surfaces The surfaces can be colored by a given color, or from the values, contained in a RegularData3D grid
VIEW::ModularWidgetModularWidget is a base class for widely independent widget that realize one feature domain
MOL2FileSYBYL MOL2 file class
VIEW::MolecularControlMolecularControl is a widget to display the molecular structure of Composite objects
MolecularDynamicsMolecular Dynamics base class
MolecularDynamics::OptionLocal classes for option names and default option values for all MD(sub)classes
VIEW::MolecularDynamicsDialogDialog for performing MD simulations
VIEW::MolecularFileDialogDialog for opening molecular data files
MolecularInformationMolecularInformation class
VIEW::MolecularStructureMolecularStructure provides means to modify molecular structures and do several calculations
VIEW::MolecularTaskMessageMessage to perform specific tasks for molecular items
MolecularWeightThis descriptor calculates the molecular weight
MoleculeMolecule class
MoleculeAssemblerClass, providing methods for the assembly of a structure diagram
MoleculeObjectCreatorMoleculeObjectCreator class
MoleculePredicatePredicate for matching molecules
MOLFileMDL MOL file class
MOLFile::PropertyString constants used for named properties
VIEW::MultiColorExtensionBase class for geometric objects that need multiple colors
VIEW::MultiLineA line with multiple vertices and colors
MutableConstant< DataType >Constant function class
MutablePower< Function, DataType >MutablePower class
NamedPropertyNamed Property Class
NegativePolarVdWSurfaceThis descriptor calculates the sum of atomic SAS van der Waals surface areas of the molecule, where the partial charge of the atom is negative and the atom is a polar atom
NegativeVdWSurfaceThis descriptor calculates the sum of atomic SAS van der Waals surface areas of the molecule, where the atoms have a negative partial charge
VIEW::NetworkPreferencesNeworkPreferences is a widget that will be inserted into the tab dialog Preferences
VIEW::NewSelectionMessageSend by MainControl to Control objects to sync selection
NMRAtomDataNMRAtomData This structure includes all information for one atom delivered by a NMR-Star-File
NodeItem< Node, Edge >The node type in a molecular graph
NonpolarSolvationSLICK nonpolar solvation component
NotificationTarget< NotificationSource >Notification Target Class
Exception::NotImplementedNot implemented exception
NucleicAcidNucleic acid class
NucleotideNucleotide class
NucleotidePredicatePredicate indicating nucleotide atoms
Exception::NullPointerNull pointer argument is invalid
NumberOfAromaticAtomsThis descriptor counts the number of aromatic atoms, a atom is aromatic if it participates a aromatic bond
NumberOfAromaticBondsThis descriptor counts the number of aromatic bonds
NumberOfAtomsThis descriptor counts the number of aromatic atoms
NumberOfBondsThis descriptor counts the number of bonds of the molecule
NumberOfBondsPredicatePredicate class for atoms bearing a certain number of bonds
NumberOfBoronThis descriptor counts the number of boron
NumberOfBromineThis descriptor counts the number of bromine
NumberOfCarbonThis descriptor counts the number of carbon
NumberOfChlorineThis descriptor counts the number of chlorine
NumberOfDoubleBondsThis descriptor counts the number of double bonds of the molecule
NumberOfFlourineThis descriptor counts the number of flourine
NumberOfHeavyAtomsThis descriptor counts the heavy atoms, heavy atoms are atoms with an atomic number strictly greater than 1 (all but hydrgen)
NumberOfHeavyBondsThis descriptor counts the number of heavy bonds, a bond is heavy if both participating atoms are heavy
NumberOfHydrogenThis descriptor counts the number of hydrogen
NumberOfHydrogenBondAcceptorsThis descriptor returns the number of hydrogen bonds acceptor atoms
NumberOfHydrogenBondDonorsThis descriptor returns the number of the hydrogen bond donors of the molecule
NumberOfHydrophobicAtomsThis descriptor return the number of hydrophobic atoms
NumberOfIodineThis descriptor counts the number of iodine
NumberOfNitrogenThis descriptor counts the number of nitrogen
NumberOfOxygenThis descriptor counts the number of oxygen
NumberOfPhosphorusThis descriptor counts the number of phosphorus
NumberOfRotatableBondsThis descriptor counts the number of rotatable bonds, a bond ia rotatble if it is heavy, not in a ring and not bounds lone atoms like halogens
NumberOfRotatableSingleBondsThis descriptor counts the number of single bonds which are rotatable
NumberOfSingleBondsThis descriptor counts the number of single bonds of the molecule
NumberOfSulfurThis descriptor counts the number of sulfur
NumberOfTripleBondsThis descriptor counts the number of triple bonds of the molecule
NumericalIntegrator< Function, DataType >Numerical integrator class
ObjectGeneric object class
ObjectCreatorObjectCreator class
VIEW::OccupancyColorProcessorColoring by the occupancy of atoms from a PDBFile
VIEW::OpenBruker1DFileInterface to select and open spectra stored in the bruker file format
VIEW::OpenBruker2DFileInterface to select and open spectra stored in the bruker file format
OptionsOptions class
OSockStreamOutput stream from a socket
Exception::OutOfGridOut of grid error
Exception::OutOfMemoryOut of memory
Exception::OutOfRangeOut of range
Pair6_12InteractionEnergyProcessorProcessor for the computation of the van-der-Waals interaction energy of a molecule with its surrounding
Pair6_12InteractionEnergyProcessor::DefaultDefault values for interaction energy calculations
Pair6_12InteractionEnergyProcessor::OptionSymbolic names for option keys
Pair6_12RDFIntegrator6-12 pair potential integrator
Pair6_12RDFIntegrator::OptionSymbolic names for option keys
PairExpInteractionEnergyProcessorProcessor for the computation of the van-derWaals interaction energy of a molecule
PairExpInteractionEnergyProcessor::DefaultDefault values for interaction energy calculations
PairExpInteractionEnergyProcessor::OptionSymbolic names for option keys
PairExpRDFIntegrator6-exp pair potential integrator
PairExpRDFIntegrator::OptionSymbolic names for option keys
ParametersGeneral Parameter class
ParameterSectionGeneral Parameter Section Class
ParsedFunction< arg >ParsedFunction
VIEW::ParsedFunctionDialogDialog to visualise a parsed function
Exception::ParseErrorParse Error
PartialChargeBaseGeneric QSAR molecular partial charge descriptor class \
PathData path management class
PCMCavFreeEnergyProcessorProcessor for the computation of the cavitation free energy
PCMCavFreeEnergyProcessor::DefaultDefault values for cavitation free energy calculations
PCMCavFreeEnergyProcessor::OptionSymbolic names for option keys
PDBAtomAtom class with additional attributes
PDBAtomIteratorTraitsTraits class for the PDBAtomIterator
PDBFilePDB file class
PDBFile::DefaultDefault values for PDBFile options
PDBFile::OptionSymbolic names for option keys
PDBInfoPDB information class
PDBRecordsPDB record class
Peak< PositionType >Generic Peak Class
PeakList< PT >A generic peak list for spectra of arbitrary dimension
Peptides::PeptideBuilderBuild a Peptide from a sequence and the corresponing angles
VIEW::PeptideDialogDialog for building peptides
PeriodicBoundaryPeriodic boundary class for force field simulations
PeriodicBoundary::DefaultDefault values
PersistenceManagerPersistence manager class
PersistentObjectThe persistent object
PiecewiseFunctionPiecewise function object
PiecewisePolynomialPiecewise polynomial curve object
PierottiCavFreeEnergyProcessorProcessor for the computation of the cavitation free energy
PierottiCavFreeEnergyProcessor::DefaultDefault values for cavitation free anergy calculations
PierottiCavFreeEnergyProcessor::OptionSymbolic names for option keys
VIEW::PointPoint class
PolarSolvationSLICK polar solvation component \ { Definition:} {BALL/SCORING/COMPONENTS/polarSolvation.h}
PolarVdWSurfaceThis descriptor calculates the sum of atomic SAS van der Waals surface areas of the molecule, of the polar atoms
PositivePolarVdWSurfaceThis descriptor calculates the sum of atomic SAS van der Waals surface areas of the molecule, where the partial charge of the atom is positive and the atom is a polar atom
PositiveVdWSurfaceThis descriptor calculates the sum of atomic SAS van der Waals surface areas of the molecule, where the atoms have a positive partial charge
Exception::PostconditionPostcondition failed
VIEW::POVRendererPOVRenderer class
PreciseTimeTime class
Exception::PreconditionPrecondition failed
VIEW::PreferencesPreferences is a dialog for other preference pages to be inserted
VIEW::PreferencesEntryBase class for a dialog or a Preferences page
VIEW::PreferencesEntry::ExtendedPreferencesObjectBase class for the more sophisticated GUI elements in a dialog, to support reading and (re)storing their state
PrincipalMomentOfInertiaThis descriptor returns the principle moment of inertia calculated from the filed coordinates!
PrincipalMomentOfInertiaXThis descripor adds up the x-axis component of the principal moment of inertia over all atoms, calculated from the filed coordinates!
PrincipalMomentOfInertiaYThis descriptor adds up the y-axis component of the principal moment of inertia over all atoms, calculated from the filed coordinates!
PrincipalMomentOfInertiaZThis descriptor adds up the z-axis component of the principal moment of interia over all atoms, calculated from the filed coordinates!
ProcessorGlobal Types and Enums for Processors
Product< First, Second, DataType >Multiplication class
PropertyManagerProperty Manager class
ProteinProtein Class
ProteinPredicatePredicate for matching proteins
PTE_Periodic Table of Elements Class
VIEW::PTEDialogDialog for choosing the element type for the edit mode of scene
VIEW::PubChemDialogDialog for querying PubChem and generating structures from a SMILES string
PyColorRGBAVectorEquivalent for a STL::vector of ColorRGBA in Python
PyCompositeListEquivalent for a STL::List of Composite Pointers in Python
PyDatasetVectorEquivalent for a STL::Vector of Dataset Pointers in Python
PyIndexListEquivalent for an STL::List of numbers/indices in Python
PyInterpreterEmbedded Python interpreter
VIEW::PythonHighlighterClass for syntax highlighting of Python code
VIEW::PythonSettingsDialog for setting the Python preferences
VIEW::PyWidgetPython Widget This class is a Window for a Python interpreter interface
VIEW::QColorTableClass for storing colors in a GUI table
VIEW::QuadMeshQuadMesh class
Quadruple< T1, T2, T3, T4 >Quadruple Class
RadialDistributionFunctionRadial distribution function
RadiusRuleProcessorRadius Rule Processor
RandomAccessIterator< Container, DataType, Position, Traits >Random Access Iterator Class
RandomCoilShiftProcessorRandom coil shift assignment processor
RandomEvaluationA basis class for energetic evaluators of docking results
RandomNumberGeneratorThe following code is taken (and adapted to BALL's C++ interface) from the code provided at
RDFIntegratorIntegrator class for radial distribution functions
RDFParameterParametersection for radial distribution function ?????
RDFSectionHelper class for RDFParameter
Reciprocal< Function, DataType >Reciprocal class
ReducedSurfaceGeneric ReducedSurface Class
VIEW::RegisterHelpSystemMessageRegister a QObject to a URL in the documentation This message is send by ModularWidget::registerForHelpSystem and should probably not be used otherwise
VIEW::RegularData1DWidgetWidget used to display one-dimensional data
VIEW::RegularData2DWidgetWidget used to display two-dimensional data
VIEW::RegularData3DControllerController base class for one type of Dataset
RegularExpressionRegular expression class
ReissCavFreeEnergyProcessorProcessor for the computation of the cavitation free energy
ReissCavFreeEnergyProcessor::DefaultDefault values for cavitation free anergy calculations
ReissCavFreeEnergyProcessor::OptionSymbolic names for option keys
RelHydrophobicVdWSurfaceThis descriptor returns the fraction of the atomic SAS van der Waals surface, where the atoms are hydrophobic
RelNegativePartialChargeThis descriptor returns the fraction of negative partial charges, which is calculated by deviding the most negative partial charge value by the sum of negative partial charges
RelNegativePolarVdWSurfaceThis descriptor returns the fraction of the atomic SAS van der Waals surface, where the partial charge is negative and the atoms are polar
RelNegativeVdWSurfaceThis descriptor returns the fraction of the atomic SAS van der Waals surface, where the partial charge is negative
RelNumberOfRotatableBondsThis descriptor returns the fraction of rotatble bonds
RelNumberOfRotatableSingleBondsThis descriptor counts the fraction of the rotatble single bonds
RelPolarVdWSurfaceThis descriptor returns the fraction of the atomic SAS van der Waals surface, where the atoms are polar
RelPositivePartialChargeThis descriptor returns the fraction of positive partial charges, which is calculated by deviding the biggest partial charges value by the sum of positive partial charges
RelPositivePolarVdWSurfaceThis descriptor returns the fraction of the atomic SAS van der Waals surface, where the partial charge is positive and the atoms are polar
RelPositiveVdWSurfaceThis descriptor returns the fraction of the atomic SAS van der Waals surface, where the partial charge is positive
VIEW::RendererRenderer is just a generic base class
VIEW::RepresentationRepresentation A Representation is a collection of geometric objects for a group of composites and a given model, for example a surface
VIEW::RepresentationManagerRepresentationManager manages the graphical Representation objects and all GeometricObject
VIEW::RepresentationMessageBase class for all messages concerning a Representation
ResidueResidue class
ResidueCheckerResidue Consistency Checker
ResidueIDPredicatePredicate for matching residues IDs
VIEW::ResidueNameColorProcessorResidueNameColorProcessor is derived from the class ColorProcessor
VIEW::ResidueNumberColorProcessorColorProcessor for coloring by the numbers of the Residue 's
ResiduePredicatePredicate for matching residues
ResidueRotamerSetResidue Rotamer Set
ResidueTorsionsParameter class containing all proper torsions occuring in a residue
ResidueTorsions::DataStrcuture containing the names of the residue and the atoms for a torsion
VIEW::ResidueTypeColorProcessorColoring by the type of a Residue
ResourceEntryResource entry class
ResourceFileResource file class
RingAnalyserClass, providing methods for the analysis of the structure of ringsystems
RingClustererClass, providing a method for agglomerative clustering of single rings to ringsystems
RingFinderHelper class for all predicates that need ring information
RingPerceptionProcessorProcessor, which marks all atoms and bonds in a ring structure with the Composite Property "InRing"
RingPerceptionProcessor::DefaultDefault options for the ring perception
RingPerceptionProcessor::OptionOption names
RMSDMinimizerRMSD minimizer class
RombergIntegrator< Function, DataType >A numerical integration of a BALL-Function using a Romberg integration scheme
RotamerRotamer class
RotamerLibraryRotamer Library Class
RotationalEntropyLossSLICK rotational entropy loss contrbution { Definition:} {BALL/SCORING/COMPONENTS/rotationalEntropyLoss.h}
RotationalEntropyLoss::DefaultDefault values for SLICK options
RotationalEntropyLoss::OptionOption names
RSComputerGeneric RSComputer Class
RSConstructorClass, performing the prefabication of ringsystems (i.e. providing them with relative 2D-coordinates)
RSEdgeGeneric RSEdge Class
RSFaceGeneric RSFace Class
RSVertexGeneric RSVertex Class
RuleEvaluatorRule evaluator class
RuleProcessorRule Processor class
SASEdgeGeneric SASEdge Class
SASFaceGeneric SASFace Class
SASTriangulatorGeneric SASTriangulator Class
SASVertexGeneric SASVertex Class
VIEW::SceneScene is the main visualization widget that shows the graphical Representation 's
VIEW::SceneMessageSceneMessage is the message class that is responsible for changing the content of the Scene
ScoringBaseFunctionDefine the interface for the base function
ScoringTypesDefine the interface for the base function
SCWRLRotamerFileReads Dunbrack/SCWRL rotamer library files
SDFileMDL SD file class
SDGeneratorThe main class, provides methods for analysis of the input
SecondaryStructureSecondary structure class
VIEW::SecondaryStructureColorProcessorColoring by the secondary structure, a Composite is in
SecondaryStructurePredicatePredicate for matching secondary structures
SecondaryStructureProcessorSecondary structure extraction from 3D structure
SelectableSelectable Concept
SelectedPredicateSelection predicate
SelectorAtom Selection from Regular Expression
VIEW::ServerServer class
VIEW::Server::NotCompositeObjectNotCompositeObject Exception class
VIEW::ServerPreferencesPreferences tab for the Server
SESComputerGeneric SESComputer Class
SESEdgeGeneric SESEdge Class
SESFaceGeneric SESFace Class
SESSingularityCleanerGeneric SESComputer Class
SESTriangulatorGeneric SESTriangulator Class
SESVertexGeneric SESVertex Class
VIEW::SetCameraDialog to set the camera to a given value
VIEW::SetClippingPlaneDialog to set a clipping plane to a given value
ShiftedLVMMMinimizerShifted limited-memory variable metric methods minimizer
ShiftedLVMMMinimizer::OptionSymbolic names for option keys
ShiftModelA class representing a complete parameterized NMR shift model
ShiftModuleA single contribution of a NMR shift model
VIEW::ShowDisplayPropertiesMessageNotify the DisplayProperties dialog to show itself
SimpleBaseQSAR molecular simple descriptors base class, this class implements some methods to calculate simple descriptors
VIEW::SimpleBoxSimpleBox class
SimpleExperiment1DSimple 1D NMR experiment class
VIEW::SimulationThreadBaseclass for threads, which perform a simulation
SingleBondsPredicatePredicate class for atoms bearing single bonds
SizeOfSSSRThis descriptor returns the number of rings in the SSSR
Exception::SizeUnderflowSize underflow
SLICKEnergySLICKEnergy scoring function { Definition:} {BALL/SCORING/FUNCTIONS/slickEnergy.h}
SLICKEnergy::DefaultDefault values for SLICKEnergy options
SLICKEnergy::OptionOption names
SLICKScoreSLICKEnergy scoring function { Definition:} {BALL/SCORING/FUNCTIONS/slickScore.h}
SLICKScore::DefaultDefault values for SLICKEnergy options
SLICKScore::OptionOption names
SmartsMatcher::RecStruct_Wrapper class which is used as an interface in the matching code to the pool
SmartsMatcher::RecStructCore_Core structure of the recursive matching algorithm for the object pool
SmartsMatcher::RecStructPool_Class which does the pool operations of the RecStructCore_ pool
SmartsParserSMARTS Parser
SmartsParser::SPAtomSmarts Parser Atom class
SmartsParser::SPAtom::PropertyProperty struct of smarts parser atom
SmartsParser::SPAtom::PropertyValuePossible types of the properties
SmartsParser::SPBondBond representation of the smarts parser
SmartsParser::SPEdgeEdge representation of the smarts parser graph
SmartsParser::SPNodeRepresentation of a node in the smarts parser graph
SmartsParser::StateParser state (used by the parser itself)
SMARTSPredicatePredicate for using smarts
SnapShotSnapShot class, containing the actual data of one single snapshot
SnapShotManagerSnapshot management e.g
SnapShotManager::DefaultLocal class for handling default values for the options
SnapShotManager::OptionLocal class for handling options
VIEW::SnapshotVisualisationDialogDialog to visualise SnapShot instances
SockAddrSocket addresses
SocketBufSocket buffer class
SockInetAddrINET socket address
SockInetBufINET socket buffer
SolventAccessibleSurfaceGeneric SolventAccessibleSurface Class
SolventAtomDescriptorThis struct contains the information for one atom type of the solvent
SolventDescriptorSolvent Description
SolventExcludedSurfaceGeneric SolventExcludedSurface Class
SolventParameterParameter section for the solvent description
SolventPredicatePredicate indicating solvent atoms
Sp2HybridizedPredicatePredicate indicating sp2 hybridized atoms
Sp3HybridizedPredicatePredicate indicating sp3 hybridized atoms
Spectrum< DataT, PeakT, PositionT >A generic NMR spectrum class
VIEW::SphereSphere class
SpHybridizedPredicatePredicate indicating sp hybridized atoms
SquareFunction< Function, DataType >SquareFunction class
VIEW::StageA Stage has a Camera, LightSources and a background color
VIEW::StageSettingsDialog for the Stage setup
SteepestDescentMinimizerA minimizer for geometry optimization based on steepest descent steps
StrangLBFGSMinimizerLimited-memory BFGS minimizer based on the Strang recurrence
StrangLBFGSMinimizer::OptionSymbolic names for option keys
StringExtended String class
StringHashMap< Value >StringHashMap
StructureMapperStructure mapping class
SubstringA substring class
Substring::InvalidSubstringException thrown if an invalid substring is accessed
Substring::UnboundSubstringException thrown if an unbound substring is accessed
Subtraction< First, Second, DataType >Subtraction class
SurfaceBaseGeneric QSAR molecular surface descriptors class \
SystemSystem class
TAngle< T >Generic Angle Class
TBox3< T >Generic three-dimensional Box
TCircle3< T >Generic Circle in Three-Dimensional Space
TContour< T >This class is intended to create and store ContourLines belonging to the same data-set
TContourLine< T >This class is intended to store a single contour line generated from a RegularData2D - class
TContourSurface< T >This class contains a contour surface
TContourSurface< T >::CubeA cube in the grid
TCPTransferClass for TCPTransfers
TCPTransfer::TransferFailedTransferFailed exception
VIEW::TemperatureFactorColorProcessorColoring by the temperature factor of atoms from a PDBFile
TemplatesForce Field Residue Template Class
VIEW::TestFrameworkClass for recording mouse and keyboard inputs, storing them in a line based file and replaying them
TextPersistenceManagerText-format-based persistence manager
TFFT1D< ComplexTraits >A class to perform Fast Fourier Transforms and inverse Fast Fourier Transforms on regularly spaced one dimensional data
TFFT2D< ComplexTraits >A class to perform Fast Fourier Transforms and inverse Fast Fourier Transforms on regularly spaced two dimensional data
TFFT3D< ComplexTraits >A class to perform Fast Fourier Transforms and inverse Fast Fourier Transforms on regularly spaced three dimensional data
TimerTimer Class
TimeStampTime stamp concept
TLine3< T >Generic Line in Three-Dimensional Space
TMatrix4x4< T >Generic 4x4 Matrix Class
Exception::TooManyBondsException to be thrown if too many bonds for one atom
Exception::TooManyErrorsException to be thrown if too many errors occur, e.g. in ForceField
TotalNegativePartialChargeThis descriptor adds up all negative partial charges over all atoms
TotalPositivePartialChargeThis descriptor adds up all positive partial charges over all atoms
TPlane3< T >Threedimensional plane
TQuaternion< T >Generic Quaternion Class
VIEW::TrajectoryControllerController base class for one type of Dataset
TrajectoryFileTrajectory file format for MD simulation
TransformationManagerThis class handles automatic file transformation methods
TransformationProcessorTransformation applicator
TranslationProcessorTranslation processor
VIEW::TreeWidgetBase class for all control widgets
TRegularData1D< ValueType >A class to store regularaly spaced data
TRegularData1D< ValueType >::BlockValueTypeThe block data type for reading and writing binary data
TRegularData2D< ValueType >Two-dimensional grid class
TRegularData2D< ValueType >::BlockValueTypeThe block data type for reading and writing binary data
TRegularData2D< ValueType >::IndexTypeThe index type used to refer to a specific element in the grid (x-, and y-index)
TRegularData3D< ValueType >Three-dimensional grid class
TRegularData3D< ValueType >::BlockValueTypeThe block data type for reading and writing binary data
TRegularData3D< ValueType >::IndexTypeThe index type used to refer to a specific element in the grid (x-, y-, and z-index)
TriangleGeneric TriangleEdge Class
TriangleEdgeGeneric TriangleEdge Class
TrianglePointGeneric TriangleEdge Class
TriangulatedSASGeneric TriangulatedSAS Class
TriangulatedSESGeneric TriangulatedSES Class
TriangulatedSphereGeneric TriangulatedSphere Class
TriangulatedSurfaceGeneric TriangulatedSurface Class
Triple< T1, T2, T3 >Triple Class
TripleBondsPredicatePredicate class for atoms bearing triple bonds
TRRFileTRR Trajectory file format
TRRFile::TRRHeaderThe header for each coordinate set stored in the TRR file
TruePredicateDefault predicate
TSimpleBox3< T >Generic three-dimensional Box
TSphere3< T >Generic Sphere Class
TSurface< T >Generic Three-dimensional Surface class
VIEW::TubeTube class
TVector2< T >Generic Two-Dimensional Vector
TVector3< T >Generic Three-Dimensional Vector
TVector4< T >Generic Four-Dimensional Vector
VIEW::TwoColoredLineTwoColoredLine class
VIEW::TwoColoredTubeTwoColoredTube class
TypenameRuleProcessorTypename Rule Processor
TypeRuleProcessorType Rule Processor
UCKUnique Chemical Key
UhligCavFreeEnergyProcessorProcessor for the computation of the cavitation free energy
UhligCavFreeEnergyProcessor::DefaultDefault values for cavitation free energy calculations
UhligCavFreeEnergyProcessor::OptionSymbolic names for option keys
UnaryFunctor< ArgumentType, ResultType >Generic Unary Functor Class
UnaryPredicate< T >Generic Unary Predicate Class
UnaryProcessor< T >Generic Unary Processor Class
VanDerWaalsSLICK van-der-Waals Component based on AmberNonBonded \ { Definition:} {BALL/SCORING/COMPONENTS/vanDerWaals.h}
VdWSurfaceThis descriptor calculates the van der Waals surface area of the molecule
VdWVolumeThis descriptor calculates the van der Waals volume of the molecule
VIEW::VectorGridControllerController base class for one type of Dataset
VersionInfoVersion information class
VIEW::VertexVertex is a base class for all GeometricObject 's that have a single vertex
VIEW::Vertex2Vertex2 is a base class for all GeometricObject 's that have two vertices
VertexAdjacencyThe vertex adjacency is calculated using the formula \( 1 + m \), where $m$ is the number of heavy bonds
VertexAdjacencyEqualityThe vertex adjacency equality si calculateed using the formula: \(-(1-f) (1-f) - f f \), where $f$ is defined as: \( f = {(n^2 -2m)}{n^2}\), where $n$ is the number of heavy atoms and $m$ is the number of heavy bonds
Visitor< Host >
VIEW::VRMLRendererVRMLRenderer class
XDRPersistenceManagerXDR-format-based persistence manager
XYZFileXYZ file class
ZagrebIndexThis descriptor returns the Zagreb Index, which is calculated as: $ d_i^2$, over all heavy atoms