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RotamerLibrary Class Reference

Rotamer Library Class. More...

#include <rotamerLibrary.h>

List of all members.

Protected Attributes

Index getNearestBackboneTorsion_ (double angle) const
HashMap< Index, HashMap< Index,
HashMap< String, ResidueRotamerSet > > > 
 Contains the available variants (phi, psi, name, rotamer set) in case of bb dep.
HashMap< String, ResidueRotamerSetbb_indep_sets_
 Contains the available variants (name, rotamer set) in case of bb indep.
Size step_width_
 discretization step width of the torsion angles
FragmentDB fragment_db_
 fragment db used in this class
bool backbone_dependent_
 flag which is true when the library has backbone dependent rotamers

Public Member Functions

Constructors and Destructors
 RotamerLibrary () throw ()
 Default constructor.
 RotamerLibrary (const String &filename, const FragmentDB &fragment_db) throw ()
 Detailed constructor, provided for convenience.
 RotamerLibrary (const FragmentDB &fragment_db) throw ()
 Detailed constructor.
 RotamerLibrary (const RotamerLibrary &library) throw ()
 Copy constructor.
virtual ~RotamerLibrary ()
RotamerLibraryoperator= (const RotamerLibrary &rhs)
 Assignment operator.
ResidueRotamerSetgetRotamerSet (const String &name)
 Return the residue set of the residue name.
ResidueRotamerSetgetRotamerSet (const String &name, float phi, float psi)
 Return the residue set of the given name and torsions.
ResidueRotamerSetgetRotamerSet (const Residue &residue)
 Return the residue set of the given residue.
Size getNumberOfRotamers () const
 Return total number of rotamers.
Size getNumberOfRotamers (const String &name) const
 Return the number of rotamers of the residue with the name.
Size getNumberOfRotamerSets () const
 returns the number of rotamer sets
void addRotamer (const String &name, const Rotamer &rotamer, Size number_of_torsions, Index phi, Index psi)
 adds rotamer with specific phi/psi backbone torsion
void addRotamer (const String &name, const Rotamer &rotamer, Size number_of_torsions)
 adds a rotamer with name
bool isBackboneDependent () const
 returns true if the rotamers are backbone dependent
void setBackboneDependent (bool dependent)
 sets whether the rotamers are backbone dependent or not
bool hasRotamers (const String &name) const
 returns true if the library contains rotamers with this name
bool validate ()
 method to test the validity of this library, typically called after the building (see SCWRLLibraryFile)
void sort ()
 method to sort the Rotamers of each ResidueRotamerSet descendingly according to the probability
void clear ()
 Clear rotamer library.

Static Public Attributes

String constants
 Rotamer library used when calling the default constructor.
 Fragment DB used when calling the default constructor.

Detailed Description

Rotamer Library Class.

A rotamer library contains a list of possible rotamers for each of the 18 amino acid side chains (GLY and ALA do not have rotamers).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RotamerLibrary::RotamerLibrary  )  throw ()

Default constructor.

Uses rotamer library RotamerLibrary::DEFAULT_LIBRARY and fragment db RotamerLibrary::DEFAULT_FRAGMENT_DB.

Member Function Documentation

void RotamerLibrary::clear  ) 

Clear rotamer library.

Removes all rotamers and sets library to backbone independent.