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GAMESSLogFile Class Reference
[Molecular structure file formats]

GAMESSLog file class. More...

#include <GAMESSLogFile.h>

Inheritance diagram for GAMESSLogFile:

GenericMolFile LineBasedFile File List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Constructors and Destructors
 GAMESSLogFile () throw ()
 Default constructor.
 GAMESSLogFile (const GAMESSLogFile &file) throw (Exception::FileNotFound)
 Copy constructor.
 GAMESSLogFile (const String &filename, File::OpenMode open_mode=std::ios::in) throw (Exception::FileNotFound)
 Detailed constructor.
virtual ~GAMESSLogFile () throw ()
const GAMESSLogFileoperator= (const GAMESSLogFile &rhs) throw (Exception::FileNotFound)
 Assignment operator.
Reading and Writing of Kernel Logastructures
virtual bool write (const Molecule &molecule) throw (File::CannotWrite)
 Write a molecule to a GAMESSLogFile.
virtual bool write (const System &molecule) throw (File::CannotWrite)
 Write a system to a GAMESSLogFile.
virtual Moleculeread () throw (Exception::ParseError)
 Read a Molecule from the GAMESSLogFile.
virtual bool read (System &system) throw (Exception::ParseError)
 Read a System from the GAMESSLogFile.
void newMolecule () throw ()
void setMoleculeName (char *name) throw ()
void insertAtom (const String &element, float charge, float x, float y, float z) throw ()
void insertBond (Index a1, Index a2) throw ()
void clearBonds () throw ()
void setCurrentCharge (float charge) throw ()
void setUnitConversionFactor (float factor) throw ()
void addCoefficient (float coefficient) throw ()
void initializeBasisSet () throw ()
QMBasisSet & getBasisSet () throw ()
const QMBasisSet & getBasisSet () const throw ()
void addBasisOption (const String &key, const String &value) throw ()
String getBasisOption (const String &key) throw ()

Public Attributes

Index current_atom
Index current_set
Index current_coefficient_line
Size basis_size
bool molecule_already_defined
 All of this stuff should not really be placed _here_...

Static Public Attributes

State state

Protected Member Functions

virtual void initRead_ ()
 Initialize internals for read.

Protected Attributes

float factor_
splitValenceSet qmbs_
StringHashMap< Stringbasis_options_

Detailed Description

GAMESSLog file class.

This class enables BALL to read and write input and output .log files for the GAMESS quantum chemistry application.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void GAMESSLogFile::initRead_  )  [protected, virtual]

Initialize internals for read.

This method is called by the default implementation of read(System& system) . Its purpose is the initialization of internal members holding, for example, header information from the file. The default implementation provided is empty.

Reimplemented from GenericMolFile.

const GAMESSLogFile& GAMESSLogFile::operator= const GAMESSLogFile rhs  )  throw (Exception::FileNotFound)

Assignment operator.

virtual bool GAMESSLogFile::read System system  )  throw (Exception::ParseError) [virtual]

Read a System from the GAMESSLogFile.

If the GAMESS .log - file contains additional lines apart from the molecule itself, they are stored in this class.

Reimplemented from GenericMolFile.

virtual Molecule* GAMESSLogFile::read  )  throw (Exception::ParseError) [virtual]

Read a Molecule from the GAMESSLogFile.

If the GAMESS .log - file contains additional lines apart from the molecule itself, they are stored in this class.

Reimplemented from GenericMolFile.

virtual bool GAMESSLogFile::write const System molecule  )  throw (File::CannotWrite) [virtual]

Write a system to a GAMESSLogFile.

If additional GAMESS - keywords are stored in this class, they will be written as well.

Reimplemented from GenericMolFile.

virtual bool GAMESSLogFile::write const Molecule molecule  )  throw (File::CannotWrite) [virtual]

Write a molecule to a GAMESSLogFile.

If additional GAMESS - keywords are stored in this class, they will be written as well.

Reimplemented from GenericMolFile.

Member Data Documentation

System* GAMESSLogFile::system

All of this stuff should not really be placed _here_...

we need a data structure for QM data sets that stores all the stuff here.