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[Widget connectivity and message queuing]


class  VIEW::Message
 General Message class. More...
class  VIEW::DatasetMessage
 Message to notify about changes in a Dataset. More...
class  VIEW::CompositeMessage
 CompositeMessage is the base class of all messages concerning the change of one Composite. More...
class  VIEW::SceneMessage
 SceneMessage is the message class that is responsible for changing the content of the Scene. More...
class  VIEW::GenericSelectionMessage
 GenericSelectionMessage class. More...
class  VIEW::ControlSelectionMessage
 Used to inform MainControl of selection in MolecularControl (not the one of the checkboxes!) and the other way round. More...
class  VIEW::NewSelectionMessage
 Send by MainControl to Control objects to sync selection. More...
class  VIEW::GeometricObjectSelectionMessage
 GeometricObjectSelectionMessage class. More...
class  VIEW::RepresentationMessage
 Base class for all messages concerning a Representation. More...
class  VIEW::MolecularTaskMessage
 Message to perform specific tasks for molecular items. More...
class  VIEW::ShowDisplayPropertiesMessage
 Notify the DisplayProperties dialog to show itself. More...
class  VIEW::CreateRepresentationMessage
 Notify the DisplayProperties dialog so that it creates a new Representation. More...
class  VIEW::DeselectControlsMessage
 Message send by one GenericControl to notify all other GenericControl instances to deselect their QListView. More...
class  VIEW::RegisterHelpSystemMessage
 Register a QObject to a URL in the documentation This message is send by ModularWidget::registerForHelpSystem and should probably not be used otherwise. More...
class  VIEW::DockingFinishedMessage
 Message to notify docking has finished. More...

Detailed Description

Message classes will be sent through the ConnectionObject tree for the purpose of communication between several ConnectionObject classes.