BALL::MOLFile Class Reference
[Molecular structure file formats]

#include <BALL/FORMAT/MOLFile.h>

Inheritance diagram for BALL::MOLFile:
BALL::GenericMolFile BALL::LineBasedFile BALL::File BALL::SDFile

List of all members.


class  AtomStruct
class  BondStruct
class  CountsStruct
struct  Property

Public Member Functions

Constructors and Destructors
 MOLFile ()
 MOLFile (const String &filename, File::OpenMode open_mode=std::ios::in) throw (Exception::FileNotFound)
 MOLFile (const MOLFile &file) throw (Exception::FileNotFound)
virtual ~MOLFile ()


Reading and Writing of Kernel Datastructures
virtual bool write (const Molecule &molecule) throw (File::CannotWrite)
virtual bool write (const System &system) throw (File::CannotWrite)
virtual bool read (System &system) throw (Exception::ParseError)
virtual Moleculeread () throw (Exception::ParseError)
const MOLFileoperator= (const MOLFile &file)

Protected Member Functions

MoleculereadCTAB_ (std::vector< Atom * > &atom_map) throw (Exception::ParseError)

Read the CTAB of a MOL file and construct a Molecule from its data.

bool readCountsLine_ (CountsStruct &counts)

Read the Counts line of a MOL file.

bool readAtomLine_ (AtomStruct &atom)

Read a line from the atom block.

bool readBondLine_ (BondStruct &bond)

Read a line from the bond block.

void writeCountsLine_ (const CountsStruct &counts)

Write the Counts line.

void writeAtomLine_ (const AtomStruct &atom)

Write a line of the atom block.

void writeBondLine_ (const BondStruct &bond)

Write a line of the bond block.

Static Protected Attributes

Format definitions
static const String counts_format_

The format of the counts line.

static const String atom_format_

The format of an entry of the atom block.

static const String bond_format_

The format of an entry of the bond block.

Detailed Description

MDL MOL file class. This class enables BALL to read and write MDL MOL files.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BALL::MOLFile::MOLFile (  ) 

Default constructor

BALL::MOLFile::MOLFile ( const String filename,
File::OpenMode  open_mode = std::ios::in 
) throw (Exception::FileNotFound)

Detailed constructor.

BALL::MOLFile::MOLFile ( const MOLFile file  )  throw (Exception::FileNotFound)

Copy constructor

virtual BALL::MOLFile::~MOLFile (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

const MOLFile& BALL::MOLFile::operator= ( const MOLFile file  ) 
virtual Molecule* BALL::MOLFile::read (  )  throw (Exception::ParseError) [virtual]

Read a single molecule from the file

Reimplemented from BALL::GenericMolFile.

Reimplemented in BALL::SDFile.

virtual bool BALL::MOLFile::read ( System system  )  throw (Exception::ParseError) [virtual]

Read a system from the MOL file

Reimplemented from BALL::GenericMolFile.

Reimplemented in BALL::SDFile.

bool BALL::MOLFile::readAtomLine_ ( AtomStruct atom  )  [protected]

Read a line from the atom block.

bool BALL::MOLFile::readBondLine_ ( BondStruct bond  )  [protected]

Read a line from the bond block.

bool BALL::MOLFile::readCountsLine_ ( CountsStruct counts  )  [protected]

Read the Counts line of a MOL file.

Molecule* BALL::MOLFile::readCTAB_ ( std::vector< Atom * > &  atom_map  )  throw (Exception::ParseError) [protected]

Read the CTAB of a MOL file and construct a Molecule from its data.

virtual bool BALL::MOLFile::write ( const System system  )  throw (File::CannotWrite) [virtual]

Write a system to the MOL file. Note that this changes the properties of atoms in the system.

Reimplemented from BALL::GenericMolFile.

Reimplemented in BALL::SDFile.

virtual bool BALL::MOLFile::write ( const Molecule molecule  )  throw (File::CannotWrite) [virtual]

Write a molecule to the file

Reimplemented from BALL::GenericMolFile.

Reimplemented in BALL::SDFile.

void BALL::MOLFile::writeAtomLine_ ( const AtomStruct atom  )  [protected]

Write a line of the atom block.

void BALL::MOLFile::writeBondLine_ ( const BondStruct bond  )  [protected]

Write a line of the bond block.

void BALL::MOLFile::writeCountsLine_ ( const CountsStruct counts  )  [protected]

Write the Counts line.

Member Data Documentation

const String BALL::MOLFile::atom_format_ [static, protected]

The format of an entry of the atom block.

const String BALL::MOLFile::bond_format_ [static, protected]

The format of an entry of the bond block.

const String BALL::MOLFile::counts_format_ [static, protected]

The format of the counts line.