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MolecularDynamics Class Reference
[Molecular Dynamics Simulation]

Molecular Dynamics base class. More...

#include <molecularDynamics.h>

Inheritance diagram for MolecularDynamics:

CanonicalMD MicroCanonicalMD List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Constructors and Destructors
 MolecularDynamics ()
 Default constructor.
 MolecularDynamics (ForceField &force_field)
 MolecularDynamics (const MolecularDynamics &rhs)
 Copy constructor.
virtual ~MolecularDynamics ()
const MolecularDynamicsoperator= (const MolecularDynamics &rhs)
 Assignment operator.
void set (const MolecularDynamics &rhs)
 Assign a molecular dynamics objects.
Debugging and Diagnostics
bool isValid () const
 Has the molecular dynamics class been successfully set up?
Setup methods
virtual bool setup (ForceField &force_field, SnapShotManager *snapshot_man)
 Set up the molecular dynamics.
virtual bool setup (ForceField &forcefield, SnapShotManager *snapshot_man, const Options &myoptions)
 Set up the molecular dynamics.
virtual bool specificSetup ()
 Specific setup; derived class can use this method for additional preparations if necessary.
void setNumberOfIteration (Size number)
 Set the number of the current iteration.
void setMaximalNumberOfIterations (Size number)
 Set the maximal number of iterations that will be carried out.
void setMaximalSimulationTime (double time)
 Set the maximal simulation time in ps that will be carried out.
virtual void setTimeStep (double step)
 Set the time step in ps.
void setReferenceTemperature (double temperature)
 Set the reference temperature for the system.
void setCurrentTime (double time)
 Set the current time of the MD run in picoseconds.
void setEnergyOutputFrequency (Size number)
 Set the energy output frequency.
void setSnapShotFrequency (Size number)
 Set the snapshot frequency.
Size getEnergyOutputFrequency () const
 Get the energy output frequency.
Size getNumberOfIterations () const
 Get the current iteration of the MD simulation.
Size getMaximalNumberOfIterations () const
 Get the maximal number of iterations of the MD simulation.
double getMaximalSimulationTime () const
 Get the maximal simulation time of the MD simulation.
double getTimeStep () const
 Get the current time step.
Size getSnapShotFrequency () const
 Get the snapshot frequency.
double getTemperature () const
 Get the current temperature of the system.
double getTime () const
 Get the current time of the MD simulation.
double getTotalEnergy () const
 Get the current total energy of the system.
double getPotentialEnergy () const
 Get the current potential energy of the system.
double getKineticEnergy () const
 Get the current kinetic energy of the system.
ForceFieldgetForceField () const
 Get the force field the MD simulation is bound to.
bool simulate (bool restart=false)
 Start the molecular dynamics simulation.
bool simulateTime (double simulation_time, bool restart=false)
 Simulate a given time interval.
virtual bool simulateIterations (Size number, bool restart=false)
 Start the molecular dynamics simulation and carry out the given number of iterations.
void enableEnergyAbortCondition (bool state)
 Specify if the MDSimulation aborts if the Energy is greater than abort_energy_.
bool energyAbortConditionEnabled () const
 Query if the MDSimulation aborts if the Energy is greater than abort_energy_.
void setEnergyToAbort (float value)
 Specify the energy to abort the simulation.
float getEnergyToAbort () const
 Query the energy to abort the simulation.

Public Attributes

Public Attributes
Options options
 The options for this class.

Protected Member Functions

void updateInstantaneousTemperature ()

Protected Attributes

bool valid_
AtomVector atom_vector_
Size number_of_iteration_
Size maximal_number_of_iterations_
double time_step_
double reference_temperature_
double current_temperature_
double kinetic_energy_
double total_energy_
double current_time_
Size energy_output_frequency_
Size snapshot_frequency_
bool abort_by_energy_enabled_
float abort_energy_

Detailed Description

Molecular Dynamics base class.

This class is the base class for classical molecular dynamics simulations. Actual MD classes are derived from this class and then implement the actual simulation classes for the different ensembles or methods.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MolecularDynamics::MolecularDynamics  ) 

Default constructor.

MolecularDynamics::MolecularDynamics ForceField force_field  ) 


It expects the forcefield

virtual MolecularDynamics::~MolecularDynamics  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

float MolecularDynamics::getEnergyToAbort  )  const

Query the energy to abort the simulation.

The default value is 10^8.

void MolecularDynamics::set const MolecularDynamics rhs  ) 

Assign a molecular dynamics objects.

void MolecularDynamics::setEnergyOutputFrequency Size  number  ) 

Set the energy output frequency.

The current energies during the simulation will be printed every number steps.

void MolecularDynamics::setEnergyToAbort float  value  ) 

Specify the energy to abort the simulation.

The default value is 10^8.

void MolecularDynamics::setMaximalNumberOfIterations Size  number  ) 

Set the maximal number of iterations that will be carried out.

If the number of the start iteration is 0 (which is the default), this method sets the total number of simulated iterations.

void MolecularDynamics::setMaximalSimulationTime double  time  ) 

Set the maximal simulation time in ps that will be carried out.

If the start time is zero(which is the default), then this method sets the total simulation time.

void MolecularDynamics::setReferenceTemperature double  temperature  ) 

Set the reference temperature for the system.

In isothermal ensembles, this is the simulation temperature set set by the thermostat.

virtual void MolecularDynamics::setTimeStep double  step  )  [virtual]

Set the time step in ps.

Note that this will change the maximum simulation time.

Reimplemented in CanonicalMD, and MicroCanonicalMD.

bool MolecularDynamics::simulate bool  restart = false  ) 

Start the molecular dynamics simulation.

This method calls simulateIterations with the maximum number of iterations.

See also:
false if an error occured, e.g. the energy was too high

virtual bool MolecularDynamics::simulateIterations Size  number,
bool  restart = false

Start the molecular dynamics simulation and carry out the given number of iterations.

This is the proper simulation method, which is implemented in the derived classes only. The implementation provided by MolecularDynamics is simply empty.

false if an error occured, e.g. the energy was too high

Reimplemented in CanonicalMD, and MicroCanonicalMD.

bool MolecularDynamics::simulateTime double  simulation_time,
bool  restart = false

Simulate a given time interval.

This method determines the number of steps necessary to simulate a given time interval and executes a simulation for that interval by calling simulateIterations .

false if an error occured, e.g. the energy was too high