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Peptides::PeptideBuilder Class Reference
[Creation of peptides]

Build a Peptide from a sequence and the corresponing angles. More...

#include <peptideBuilder.h>

Inheritance diagram for Peptides::PeptideBuilder:

VIEW::PeptideDialog List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 PeptideBuilder ()
 Default constructor.
 PeptideBuilder (const std::vector< AminoAcidDescriptor > &sequence)
 Detailed constructor.
 PeptideBuilder (const String &sequence, const Angle &phi=Angle(-47., false), const Angle &psi=Angle(-58., false), const Angle &omega=Angle(180., false))
 Construct a peptide from a one-letter code sequence.
 PeptideBuilder (const PeptideBuilder &pc)
 copy constructor
virtual ~PeptideBuilder ()
void addAminoAcid (const String &type, const Angle &phi=Angle(-47., false), const Angle &psi=Angle(-58., false), const Angle &omega=Angle(180., false))
 Adds another amino acid to the sequence.
void addAminoAcid (const AminoAcidDescriptor &aad)
 Adds another amino acid to the sequence.
void setChainName (const String &name)
 Sets the name of the chain.
const StringgetChainName () const
 Returns the name of the chain.
void setProteinName (const String &name)
 Sets the name of the protein.
const StringgetProteinName () const
 Returns the name of the protein.
Proteinconstruct ()
 Constructs the peptide and returns it.
void setFragmentDB (const FragmentDB *db) throw ()
const FragmentDBgetFragmentDB () const throw ()

Protected Member Functions

ResiduecreateResidue_ (const String &type, const int id)
 some helper functions for the construction of the residue; for internal use only omega is not yet implemented
void insert_ (Residue &resnew, Residue &resold)
void transform_ (const Angle &phi, const Angle &psi, Residue &resold, Residue &resnew)
void peptide_ (Residue &resold, Residue &resnew)
void setOmega_ (Residue &resold, Residue &residue, const Angle &omega)
PDBAtomgetAtomByName_ (Residue &res, const String &name)

Protected Attributes

std::vector< AminoAcidDescriptorsequence_
String chainname_
String proteinname_
bool is_proline_
 The proline flag.

Detailed Description

Build a Peptide from a sequence and the corresponing angles.

Dont forget to call setFragmentDB() before using this class.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Peptides::PeptideBuilder::PeptideBuilder  ) 

Default constructor.

Peptides::PeptideBuilder::PeptideBuilder const std::vector< AminoAcidDescriptor > &  sequence  ) 

Detailed constructor.

This constructor takes a vector of AminoAcidDescriptors and prepares everything for the construction process.

Peptides::PeptideBuilder::PeptideBuilder const String sequence,
const Angle phi = Angle(-47., false),
const Angle psi = Angle(-58., false),
const Angle omega = Angle(180., false)

Construct a peptide from a one-letter code sequence.

virtual Peptides::PeptideBuilder::~PeptideBuilder  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

void Peptides::PeptideBuilder::addAminoAcid const AminoAcidDescriptor aad  ) 

Adds another amino acid to the sequence.

void Peptides::PeptideBuilder::addAminoAcid const String type,
const Angle phi = Angle(-47., false),
const Angle psi = Angle(-58., false),
const Angle omega = Angle(180., false)

Adds another amino acid to the sequence.

Protein* Peptides::PeptideBuilder::construct  ) 

Constructs the peptide and returns it.

const String& Peptides::PeptideBuilder::getChainName  )  const

Returns the name of the chain.

const String& Peptides::PeptideBuilder::getProteinName  )  const

Returns the name of the protein.

void Peptides::PeptideBuilder::setChainName const String name  ) 

Sets the name of the chain.

void Peptides::PeptideBuilder::setProteinName const String name  ) 

Sets the name of the protein.