BALL::MolFileFactory Class Reference

#include <BALL/FORMAT/molFileFactory.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static GenericMolFileopen (const String &name, File::OpenMode open_mode=std::ios::in)

Detailed Description

This class offers a factory method that given a path to a molecule file determines the file type based on the file extension and returns a pointer to an appropriate subclass of GenericMolFile

Member Function Documentation

static GenericMolFile* BALL::MolFileFactory::open ( const String name,
File::OpenMode  open_mode = std::ios::in 
) [static]

This method tries to determine the filetype based on the file extension of name and returns a pointer to an object of the appropriate subclass of GenericMolFile if available.

name the path to the requested molecule file
a pointer to a subclass of GenericMolFile, NULL if none is appropriate. Be aware, that the file handle has not been checked for validity and that you have to delete it yourself