extractors.h File Reference

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namespace  BALL


typedef std::list< Atom * > BALL::AtomList
typedef std::list< Bond * > BALL::BondList
typedef std::list
< AtomContainer * > 
typedef std::list< PDBAtom * > BALL::PDBAtomList
typedef std::list< Residue * > BALL::ResidueList
typedef std::list< Fragment * > BALL::FragmentList
typedef std::list< Molecule * > BALL::MoleculeList
typedef std::list< Protein * > BALL::ProteinList
typedef std::list
< SecondaryStructure * > 
typedef std::list< Chain * > BALL::ChainList
typedef std::list< Nucleotide * > BALL::NucleotideList
typedef std::list< NucleicAcid * > BALL::NucleicAcidList


BALL_EXPORT AtomList BALL::atoms (const AtomContainer &fragment, const String &expression=String())
BALL_EXPORT AtomList BALL::atoms (const AtomList &atoms, const String &expression)
BALL_EXPORT PDBAtomList BALL::PDBAtoms (const AtomContainer &fragment, const String &expression=String())
BALL_EXPORT BondList BALL::bonds (const AtomContainer &fragment, bool selected_only=false)
BALL_EXPORT BondList BALL::bonds (const Atom &atom)
BALL_EXPORT AtomContainerList BALL::atomContainers (const AtomContainer &fragment, bool selected_only=false)
BALL_EXPORT ResidueList BALL::residues (const AtomContainer &fragment, bool selected_only=false)
BALL_EXPORT FragmentList BALL::fragments (const AtomContainer &fragment, bool selected_only=false)
BALL_EXPORT MoleculeList BALL::molecules (const AtomContainer &fragment, bool selected_only=false)
BALL_EXPORT ProteinList BALL::proteins (const AtomContainer &fragment, bool selected_only=false)
BALL_EXPORT SecondaryStructureList BALL::secondaryStructures (const AtomContainer &fragment, bool selected_only=false)
BALL_EXPORT ChainList BALL::chains (const AtomContainer &fragment, bool selected_only=false)
BALL_EXPORT NucleicAcidList BALL::nucleicAcids (const AtomContainer &fragment, bool selected_only=false)
BALL_EXPORT NucleotideList BALL::nucleotides (const AtomContainer &fragment, bool selected_only=false)
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