BALL::RSEdge Member List

This is the complete list of members for BALL::RSEdge, including all inherited members.
angle_BALL::RSEdge [protected]
center_of_torus_BALL::RSEdge [protected]
circle0_BALL::RSEdge [protected]
circle1_BALL::RSEdge [protected]
face_BALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace > [protected]
getAngle() const BALL::RSEdge
getCenterOfTorus() const BALL::RSEdge
getContactCircle(Position i) const BALL::RSEdge
getFace(Position i) constBALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace >
getIndex() constBALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace >
getIntersectionPoint(Position i) const BALL::RSEdge
getMajorRadiusOfTorus() const BALL::RSEdge
getVertex(Position i) constBALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace >
GraphEdge()BALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace >
GraphEdge(const GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace > &edge, bool deep=false)BALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace >
GraphEdge(RSVertex *vertex1, RSVertex *vertex2, RSFace *face1, RSFace *face2, Index index)BALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace >
GraphFace< Vertex, Edge, Face > classBALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace > [friend]
GraphTriangle< Vertex, Edge, Face > classBALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace > [friend]
GraphVertex< Vertex, Edge, Face > classBALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace > [friend]
index_BALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace > [protected]
intersection_point0_BALL::RSEdge [protected]
intersection_point1_BALL::RSEdge [protected]
isFree() const BALL::RSEdge
isSingular() const BALL::RSEdge
operator!=(const RSEdge &rsedge) const BALL::RSEdge [virtual]
operator*=(const RSEdge &rsedge) const BALL::RSEdge [virtual]
operator=(const RSEdge &rsedge)BALL::RSEdge
GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace >::operator=(const GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace > &edge)BALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace >
operator==(const RSEdge &rsedge) const BALL::RSEdge [virtual]
other(const RSVertex *vertex) constBALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace >
other(const RSFace *face) constBALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace >
radius_of_torus_BALL::RSEdge [protected]
ReducedSurface classBALL::RSEdge [friend]
remove(const RSFace *face)BALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace >
revert()BALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace >
RSComputer classBALL::RSEdge [friend]
RSEdge(const RSEdge &rsedge, bool deep=false)BALL::RSEdge
RSEdge(RSVertex *vertex1, RSVertex *vertex2, RSFace *face1, RSFace *face2, const TVector3< double > &center_of_torus, const double &radius_of_torus, const TAngle< double > &angle, const TCircle3< double > &circle1, const TCircle3< double > &circle2, const TVector3< double > &intersection_point1, const TVector3< double > &intersection_point2, bool singular, Index index)BALL::RSEdge
RSFace classBALL::RSEdge [friend]
RSVertex classBALL::RSEdge [friend]
SASEdge classBALL::RSEdge [friend]
SASFace classBALL::RSEdge [friend]
SASTriangulator classBALL::RSEdge [friend]
SASVertex classBALL::RSEdge [friend]
SESComputer classBALL::RSEdge [friend]
SESEdge classBALL::RSEdge [friend]
SESFace classBALL::RSEdge [friend]
SESSingularityCleaner classBALL::RSEdge [friend]
SESTriangulator classBALL::RSEdge [friend]
SESVertex classBALL::RSEdge [friend]
set(const RSEdge &rsedge, bool deep=false)BALL::RSEdge
set(RSVertex *vertex0, RSVertex *vertex1, RSFace *face0, RSFace *face1, const TVector3< double > &center_of_torus, const double &radius_of_torus, const TAngle< double > &angle, const TCircle3< double > &circle0, const TCircle3< double > &circle1, const TVector3< double > &intersection_point0, const TVector3< double > &intersection_point1, bool singular, Index index)BALL::RSEdge
GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace >::set(const GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace > &edge, bool deep=false)BALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace >
GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace >::set(RSVertex *vertex0, RSVertex *vertex1, RSFace *face0, RSFace *face1, Index index)BALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace >
setAngle(const TAngle< double > &angle)BALL::RSEdge
setCenterOfTorus(const TVector3< double > &center)BALL::RSEdge
setContactCircle(Position i, const TCircle3< double > &circle)BALL::RSEdge
setFace(Position i, RSFace *face)BALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace >
setIndex(Index index)BALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace >
setIntersectionPoint(Position i, const TVector3< double > &point)BALL::RSEdge
setMajorRadiusOfTorus(const double &radius)BALL::RSEdge
setSingular(bool singular)BALL::RSEdge
setVertex(Position i, RSVertex *vertex)BALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace >
singular_BALL::RSEdge [protected]
SolventAccessibleSurface classBALL::RSEdge [friend]
SolventExcludedSurface classBALL::RSEdge [friend]
substitute(const RSVertex *old_vertex, RSVertex *new_vertex)BALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace >
substitute(const RSFace *old_vertex, RSFace *new_vertex)BALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace >
TriangulatedSAS classBALL::RSEdge [friend]
TriangulatedSES classBALL::RSEdge [friend]
vertex_BALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace > [protected]
~GraphEdge()BALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace > [virtual]
~RSEdge()BALL::RSEdge [virtual]
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