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Search for cross-linked peptide pairs in tandem MS spectra
This tool performs a search for cross-links in the given mass spectra.
It executes the following steps in order:
See below for available parameters and more functionality.
The spectra should be provided as one PeakMap. If you have multiple files, e.g. for multiple fractions, you should run this tool on each file separately. The database should be provided as a vector of FASTAEntrys containing the target and decoy proteins.
The parameters for fixed and variable modifications refer to additional modifications beside the cross-linker. The linker used in the experiment has to be described using the cross-linker specific parameters. Only one mass is allowed for a cross-linker that links two peptides, while multiple masses are possible for mono-links of the same cross-linking reagent. Mono-links are cross-linkers, that are linked to one peptide by one of their two reactive groups. To search for isotopically labeled pairs of cross-linkers see the tool OpenPepXL. The parameters -cross_linker:residue1 and -cross_linker:residue2 are used to enumerate the amino acids, that each end of the linker can react with. This way any heterobifunctional cross-linker can be defined. To define a homobifunctional cross-linker, these two parameters should have the same value. The parameter -cross_linker:name is used to solve ambiguities caused by different cross-linkers with the same mass after the linking reaction (see section on output for clarification).
The input parameters protein_ids and peptide_ids are filled with XL-MS search parameters and IDs
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Search for cross-linked peptide pairs in tandem MS spectra
This tool performs a search for cross-links in the given mass spectra.
It executes the following steps in order:
See below or have a look at the INI file (via "OpenPepXLLF -write_ini myini.ini") for available parameters and more functionality.
The spectra should be provided as one mzML file. If you have multiple files, e.g. for multiple fractions, you should run this tool on each file separately. The database can either be provided as one merged file containing targets and decoys or as two separate files.
The parameters for fixed and variable modifications refer to additional modifications beside the cross-linker. The linker used in the experiment has to be described using the cross-linker specific parameters. Only one mass is allowed for a cross-linker that links two peptides, while multiple masses are possible for mono-links of the same cross-linking reagent. Mono-links are cross-linkers, that are linked to one peptide by one of their two reactive groups. To search for isotopically labeled pairs of cross-linkers see the tool OpenPepXL. The parameters -cross_linker:residue1 and -cross_linker:residue2 are used to enumerate the amino acids, that each end of the linker can react with. This way any heterobifunctional cross-linker can be defined. To define a homobifunctional cross-linker, these two parameters should have the same value. The parameter -cross_linker:name is used to solve ambiguities caused by different cross-linkers with the same mass after the linking reaction (see section on output for clarification).
There are three file formats for output of data possible. idXML is the internal format of OpenMS, and is recommended for post-processing using other TOPP tools like XFDR or TOPPView. The second format is the output format of xQuest,which is a popular XL-MS ID tool. This format is compatible with a number of post-processing and visulization tools, like xProphet for FDR estimation (Leitner, A. et al., 2014, Nature protocols) and through the xQuest Results Viewer also the XlinkAnalyzer for visualization and analysis using protein structures (Kosinski, J. et al., 2015, Journal of structural biology). The third format is mzIdentML according to the specifications for XL-MS ID data in version 1.2 (VizcaĆno, J. A. et al., 2017, Mol Cell Proteomics). This is a standardized format and will be compatible with complete submissions to the PRIDE database, which is part of the ProteomeXchange consortium. The specification includes the XLMOD database of cross-linking reagents, and if the provided cross-link mass matches one from the database, its accession and name are used. If the name is provided with the -cross_linker:name parameter, it is used to solve ambiguities arising from different cross-linkers having the same mass after the linking reaction (e.g. DSS and BS3). It is also used as the name of the linker, if no matching masses are found in the database.
pot. predecessor tools | ![]() ![]() | pot. successor tools |
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The command line parameters of this tool are:
INI file documentation of this tool: