▼Concept | OpenMS concepts (types, macros, ...) |
Class test macros | These macros are used by the test programs in the subdirectory OpenMS/source/TEST |
Exceptions | Exceptions |
Condition macros | Macros used for to enforce preconditions and postconditions |
System | Very basic functionality like file system or stopwatch |
Datastructures | Auxiliary datastructures |
▼Math | Math functions and classes |
Statistics functions | Various statistical functions |
Misc functions | Math functions |
▼Kernel | Kernel datastructures |
ComparatorUtils | A collection of utilities for comparators |
RangeUtils | Predicates for range operations |
▼Format | IO classes |
File IO | File IO classes |
Metadata | Classes that capture meta data about a MS or HPLC-MS experiment |
Chemistry | |
Spectrum Comparison | The classes within this group are used to compare single spectra, by reporting a similarity value |
▼Spectrum filters | This group contains filtering classes for spectra |
Spectra Preprocessors | The spectra preprocessors filter the spectra with different criteria |
Spectra Filters | Spectra filters report single values of spectra e.g. the TIC |
Peak Marker | These classes mark peaks according to different criteria |
▼Analysis | High-level analysis like PeakPicking, Quantitation, Identification, MapAlignment |
SignalProcessing | Signal processing classes (noise estimation, noise filters, baseline filters) |
PeakPicking | Classes for the transformation of raw ms data into peak data |
FeatureFinder | The feature detection algorithms |
MapAlignment | The map alignment algorithms |
FeatureGrouping | The feature grouping |
Identification | Protein and peptide identification classes |
Clustering | This class contains SpectraClustering classes These classes are components for clustering all kinds of data for which a distance relation, normalizable in the range of [0,1], is available. Mainly this will be data for which there is a corresponding CompareFunctor given (e.g. PeakSpectrum) that is yielding the similarity normalized in the range of [0,1] of such two elements, so it can easily converted to the needed distances |
▼Visual | Visualization classes |
Spectrum visualization widgets | Spectrum visualization widgets |
TOPPView | GUI elements for TOPPView |
TOPPAS | GUI elements for TOPPAS |
Dialogs | Dialogs for user interaction |
Simulation | Simulation classes |
Get scores from ID structures for FDR | Fills the scores_labels vector from an ID data structure |
Sets FDRs/qVals | Sets FDRs/qVals from a scores_to_FDR map in the ID data structures |