OpenMS  2.8.0
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LinearInterpolation< Key, Value > Class Template Reference

Provides access to linearly interpolated values (and derivatives) from discrete data points. Values beyond the given range of data points are implicitly taken as zero. More...

#include <OpenMS/MATH/MISC/LinearInterpolation.h>

Inheritance diagram for LinearInterpolation< Key, Value >:
Collaboration diagram for LinearInterpolation< Key, Value >:

Public Member Functions

Interpolated data
ValueType value (KeyType arg_pos) const
 Returns the interpolated value. More...
void addValue (KeyType arg_pos, ValueType arg_value)
 Performs linear resampling. The arg_value is split up and added to the data points around arg_pos. More...
ValueType derivative (KeyType arg_pos) const
 Returns the interpolated derivative. More...
Discrete (non-interpolated) data
ContainerTypegetData ()
 Returns the internal random access container from which interpolated values are being sampled. More...
ContainerType const & getData () const
 Returns the internal random access container from which interpolated values are being sampled. More...
template<typename SourceContainer >
void setData (SourceContainer const &data)
 Assigns data to the internal random access container from which interpolated values are being sampled. More...
bool empty () const
 Returns true if getData() is empty. More...


typedef Value value_type
typedef Key key_type
typedef std::vector< value_typecontainer_type
typedef value_type ValueType
typedef key_type KeyType
typedef container_type ContainerType
 LinearInterpolation (KeyType scale=1., KeyType offset=0.)
 Constructors and destructor. More...
 LinearInterpolation (LinearInterpolation const &arg)
 Copy constructor. More...
LinearInterpolationoperator= (LinearInterpolation const &arg)
 Assignment operator. More...
 ~LinearInterpolation ()=default
 Destructor. More...


KeyType scale_
KeyType offset_
KeyType inside_
KeyType outside_
ContainerType data_
KeyType key2index (KeyType pos) const
 The transformation from "outside" to "inside" coordinates. More...
KeyType index2key (KeyType pos) const
 The transformation from "inside" to "outside" coordinates. More...
KeyType const & getScale () const
 Accessor. "Scale" is the difference (in "outside" units) between consecutive entries in "Data". More...
void setScale (KeyType const &scale)
 Accessor. "Scale" is the difference (in "outside" units) between consecutive entries in "Data". More...
KeyType const & getOffset () const
 Accessor. "Offset" is the point (in "outside" units) which corresponds to "Data[0]". More...
void setOffset (KeyType const &offset)
 Accessor. "Offset" is the point (in "outside" units) which corresponds to "Data[0]". More...
void setMapping (KeyType const &scale, KeyType const &inside, KeyType const &outside)
 Specifies the mapping from "outside" to "inside" coordinates by the following data: More...
void setMapping (KeyType const &inside_low, KeyType const &outside_low, KeyType const &inside_high, KeyType const &outside_high)
 Specifies the mapping from "outside" to "inside" coordinates by the following data: More...
KeyType const & getInsideReferencePoint () const
 Accessor. See setMapping(). More...
KeyType const & getOutsideReferencePoint () const
 Accessor. See setMapping(). More...
KeyType supportMin () const
 Lower boundary of the support, in "outside" coordinates. More...
KeyType supportMax () const
 Upper boundary of the support, in "outside" coordinates. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename Key = double, typename Value = Key>
class OpenMS::Math::LinearInterpolation< Key, Value >

Provides access to linearly interpolated values (and derivatives) from discrete data points. Values beyond the given range of data points are implicitly taken as zero.

The input is just a vector of values ("Data"). These are interpreted as the y-coordinates at the x-coordinate positions 0,...,data_.size-1.

The interpolated data can also be scaled and shifted in the x-dimension by an affine mapping. That is, we have "inside" and "outside" x-coordinates. The affine mapping can be specified in two ways:

By default the identity mapping (scale=1, offset=0) is used.

Using the value() and derivative() methods you can sample linearly interpolated values for a given x-coordinate position of the data and the derivative of the data.

See also

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ container_type

typedef std::vector<value_type> container_type

◆ ContainerType

◆ key_type

typedef Key key_type

◆ KeyType

typedef key_type KeyType

◆ value_type

typedef Value value_type

◆ ValueType

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LinearInterpolation() [1/2]

LinearInterpolation ( KeyType  scale = 1.,
KeyType  offset = 0. 

Constructors and destructor.

The first argument is the scale which is applied to the arguments of value() and derivative() before looking up the interpolated values in the container. The second argument is the offset, which is subtracted before everything else.

◆ LinearInterpolation() [2/2]

LinearInterpolation ( LinearInterpolation< Key, Value > const &  arg)

Copy constructor.

◆ ~LinearInterpolation()

~LinearInterpolation ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ addValue()

void addValue ( KeyType  arg_pos,
ValueType  arg_value 

Performs linear resampling. The arg_value is split up and added to the data points around arg_pos.

References LinearInterpolation< Key, Value >::data_, and LinearInterpolation< Key, Value >::key2index().

◆ derivative()

ValueType derivative ( KeyType  arg_pos) const

Returns the interpolated derivative.

Please drop me (= the maintainer) a message if you are using this.

References LinearInterpolation< Key, Value >::data_, and LinearInterpolation< Key, Value >::key2index().

◆ empty()

bool empty ( ) const

◆ getData() [1/2]

ContainerType& getData ( )

Returns the internal random access container from which interpolated values are being sampled.

References LinearInterpolation< Key, Value >::data_.

◆ getData() [2/2]

ContainerType const& getData ( ) const

Returns the internal random access container from which interpolated values are being sampled.

References LinearInterpolation< Key, Value >::data_.

◆ getInsideReferencePoint()

KeyType const& getInsideReferencePoint ( ) const

◆ getOffset()

KeyType const& getOffset ( ) const

Accessor. "Offset" is the point (in "outside" units) which corresponds to "Data[0]".

References LinearInterpolation< Key, Value >::offset_.

◆ getOutsideReferencePoint()

KeyType const& getOutsideReferencePoint ( ) const

◆ getScale()

KeyType const& getScale ( ) const

Accessor. "Scale" is the difference (in "outside" units) between consecutive entries in "Data".

References LinearInterpolation< Key, Value >::scale_.

◆ index2key()

KeyType index2key ( KeyType  pos) const

◆ key2index()

KeyType key2index ( KeyType  pos) const

◆ operator=()

LinearInterpolation& operator= ( LinearInterpolation< Key, Value > const &  arg)

◆ setData()

void setData ( SourceContainer const &  data)

Assigns data to the internal random access container from which interpolated values are being sampled.

SourceContainer must be assignable to ContainerType.

References LinearInterpolation< Key, Value >::data_.

◆ setMapping() [1/2]

void setMapping ( KeyType const &  inside_low,
KeyType const &  outside_low,
KeyType const &  inside_high,
KeyType const &  outside_high 

Specifies the mapping from "outside" to "inside" coordinates by the following data:

  • inside_low and outside_low: these axis positions are mapped onto each other.
  • inside_high and outside_high: these axis positions are mapped onto each other.

This four argument version is just a convenience overload for the three argument version, which see.

References LinearInterpolation< Key, Value >::setMapping().

◆ setMapping() [2/2]

void setMapping ( KeyType const &  scale,
KeyType const &  inside,
KeyType const &  outside 

Specifies the mapping from "outside" to "inside" coordinates by the following data:

  • scale: the difference in outside coordinates between consecutive values in the data vector.

inside and outside: these x-axis positions are mapped onto each other.

For example, when you have a complicated probability distribution which is in fact centered around zero (but you cannot have negative indices in the data vector), then you can arrange things such that inside is the mean of the pre-computed, shifted density values of that distribution and outside is the centroid position of, say, a peak in the real world which you want to model by a scaled and shifted version of the probability distribution.

References LinearInterpolation< Key, Value >::inside_, LinearInterpolation< Key, Value >::offset_, LinearInterpolation< Key, Value >::outside_, and LinearInterpolation< Key, Value >::scale_.

Referenced by LinearInterpolation< Key, Value >::setMapping().

◆ setOffset()

void setOffset ( KeyType const &  offset)

Accessor. "Offset" is the point (in "outside" units) which corresponds to "Data[0]".

Note: Using this invalidates the inside and outside reference points.

References LinearInterpolation< Key, Value >::offset_.

◆ setScale()

void setScale ( KeyType const &  scale)

Accessor. "Scale" is the difference (in "outside" units) between consecutive entries in "Data".

Note: Using this invalidates the inside and outside reference points.

References LinearInterpolation< Key, Value >::scale_.

◆ supportMax()

KeyType supportMax ( ) const

Upper boundary of the support, in "outside" coordinates.

References LinearInterpolation< Key, Value >::data_, and LinearInterpolation< Key, Value >::index2key().

◆ supportMin()

KeyType supportMin ( ) const

Lower boundary of the support, in "outside" coordinates.

References LinearInterpolation< Key, Value >::empty(), and LinearInterpolation< Key, Value >::index2key().

◆ value()

ValueType value ( KeyType  arg_pos) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ data_

ContainerType data_

◆ inside_

KeyType inside_

◆ offset_

KeyType offset_

◆ outside_

KeyType outside_

◆ scale_

KeyType scale_