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Residue Class Reference

Representation of a residue. More...

#include <OpenMS/CHEMISTRY/Residue.h>

Collaboration diagram for Residue:

Public Member Functions

 Residue ()
 Default constructor (needed by pyOpenMS) More...
 Residue (const Residue &)=default
 Copy constructor. More...
 Residue (Residue &&)=default
 Move constructor. More...
 Residue (const String &name, const String &three_letter_code, const String &one_letter_code, const EmpiricalFormula &formula, double pka=0, double pkb=0, double pkc=-1, double gb_sc=0, double gb_bb_l=0, double gb_bb_r=0, const std::set< String > &synonyms=std::set< String >())
virtual ~Residue ()
 Destructor. More...
Residueoperator= (const Residue &)=default
 Assignment operator. More...
Residueoperator= (Residue &&) &=default
 Move assignment operator. More...
void setName (const String &name)
 sets the name of the residue More...
const StringgetName () const
 returns the name of the residue More...
void setSynonyms (const std::set< String > &synonyms)
 sets the synonyms More...
void addSynonym (const String &synonym)
 adds a synonym More...
const std::set< String > & getSynonyms () const
 returns the synonyms More...
void setThreeLetterCode (const String &three_letter_code)
 sets the name of the residue as three letter code (String of size 3) More...
const StringgetThreeLetterCode () const
 returns the name of the residue as three letter code (String of size 3) More...
void setOneLetterCode (const String &one_letter_code)
 sets the name as one letter code (String of size 1) More...
const StringgetOneLetterCode () const
 returns the name as one letter code (String of size 1) More...
void addLossFormula (const EmpiricalFormula &)
 adds a neutral loss formula More...
void setLossFormulas (const std::vector< EmpiricalFormula > &)
 sets the neutral loss formulas More...
void addNTermLossFormula (const EmpiricalFormula &)
 adds N-terminal losses More...
void setNTermLossFormulas (const std::vector< EmpiricalFormula > &)
 sets the N-terminal losses More...
const std::vector< EmpiricalFormula > & getLossFormulas () const
 returns the neutral loss formulas More...
const std::vector< EmpiricalFormula > & getNTermLossFormulas () const
 returns N-terminal loss formulas More...
void setLossNames (const std::vector< String > &name)
 set the neutral loss molecule name More...
void setNTermLossNames (const std::vector< String > &name)
 sets the N-terminal loss names More...
void addLossName (const String &name)
 add neutral loss molecule name More...
void addNTermLossName (const String &name)
 adds a N-terminal loss name More...
const std::vector< String > & getLossNames () const
 gets neutral loss name (if there is one, else returns an empty string) More...
const std::vector< String > & getNTermLossNames () const
 returns the N-terminal loss names More...
void setFormula (const EmpiricalFormula &formula)
 set empirical formula of the residue (must be full, with N and C-terminus) More...
EmpiricalFormula getFormula (ResidueType res_type=Full) const
 returns the empirical formula of the residue More...
void setAverageWeight (double weight)
 sets average weight of the residue (must be full, with N and C-terminus) More...
double getAverageWeight (ResidueType res_type=Full) const
 returns average weight of the residue More...
void setMonoWeight (double weight)
 sets monoisotopic weight of the residue (must be full, with N and C-terminus) More...
double getMonoWeight (ResidueType res_type=Full) const
 returns monoisotopic weight of the residue More...
const ResidueModificationgetModification () const
 returns a pointer to the modification, or zero if none is set More...
void setModification (const String &name)
 sets the modification by name; the mod should be present in ModificationsDB More...
void setModification (const ResidueModification *mod)
 sets the modification by existing ResMod (make sure it exists in ModificationDB) More...
void setModification (const ResidueModification &mod)
void setModificationByDiffMonoMass (double diffMonoMass)
const StringgetModificationName () const
 returns the name (ID) of the modification, or an empty string if none is set More...
void setLowMassIons (const std::vector< EmpiricalFormula > &low_mass_ions)
 sets the low mass marker ions as a vector of formulas More...
const std::vector< EmpiricalFormula > & getLowMassIons () const
 returns a vector of formulas with the low mass markers of the residue More...
void setResidueSets (const std::set< String > &residues_sets)
 sets the residue sets the amino acid is contained in More...
void addResidueSet (const String &residue_sets)
 adds a residue set to the residue sets More...
const std::set< String > & getResidueSets () const
 returns the residue sets this residue is contained in More...
double getPka () const
 returns the pka of the residue More...
double getPkb () const
 returns the pkb of the residue More...
double getPkc () const
 returns the pkc of the residue if it exists otherwise -1 More...
double getPiValue () const
 calculates the isoelectric point using the pk* values More...
void setPka (double value)
 sets the pka of the residue More...
void setPkb (double value)
 sets the pkb of the residue More...
void setPkc (double value)
 sets the pkc of the residue More...
double getSideChainBasicity () const
 returns the side chain basicity More...
void setSideChainBasicity (double gb_sc)
 sets the side chain basicity More...
double getBackboneBasicityLeft () const
 returns the backbone basicitiy if located in N-terminal direction More...
void setBackboneBasicityLeft (double gb_bb_l)
 sets the N-terminal direction backbone basicitiy More...
double getBackboneBasicityRight () const
 returns the C-terminal direction backbone basicitiy More...
void setBackboneBasicityRight (double gb_bb_r)
 sets the C-terminal direction backbone basicity More...

Static Public Member Functions

Formula conversion

Computes empirical formula required to add to the desired type

Computes the empirical formula required to be added to convert an internal residue (inside an AA sequence) to that of a residue of the desired type. For example, to obtain the conversion formula for an internal ion to a "y ion", use getInternalToYTerm().

Formulae that need to be added to the internal residues to get to fragment type from

static const EmpiricalFormulagetInternalToFull ()
static const EmpiricalFormulagetInternalToNTerm ()
static const EmpiricalFormulagetInternalToCTerm ()
static const EmpiricalFormulagetInternalToAIon ()
static const EmpiricalFormulagetInternalToBIon ()
static const EmpiricalFormulagetInternalToCIon ()
static const EmpiricalFormulagetInternalToXIon ()
static const EmpiricalFormulagetInternalToYIon ()
static const EmpiricalFormulagetInternalToZIon ()


class ResidueDB


enum  ResidueType {
  Full = 0 , Internal , NTerminal , CTerminal ,
  AIon , BIon , CIon , XIon ,
  YIon , ZIon , Precursor , BIonMinusH20 ,
  YIonMinusH20 , BIonMinusNH3 , YIonMinusNH3 , NonIdentified ,
  Unannotated , SizeOfResidueType
static String getResidueTypeName (const ResidueType res_type)
 returns the ion name given as a residue type More...


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Residue &residue)
 ostream iterator to write the residue to a stream More...
String name_
std::set< Stringsynonyms_
String three_letter_code_
String one_letter_code_
EmpiricalFormula formula_
EmpiricalFormula internal_formula_
double average_weight_
double mono_weight_
const ResidueModificationmodification_
std::vector< Stringloss_names_
std::vector< EmpiricalFormulaloss_formulas_
std::vector< StringNTerm_loss_names_
std::vector< EmpiricalFormulaNTerm_loss_formulas_
double loss_average_weight_
double loss_mono_weight_
std::vector< EmpiricalFormulalow_mass_ions_
double pka_
double pkb_
double pkc_
double gb_sc_
double gb_bb_l_
double gb_bb_r_
std::set< Stringresidue_sets_
double internal_to_full_monoweight_ = getInternalToFull().getMonoWeight()
double internal_to_nterm_monoweight_ = getInternalToNTerm().getMonoWeight()
double internal_to_cterm_monoweight_ = getInternalToCTerm().getMonoWeight()
double internal_to_a_monoweight_ = getInternalToAIon().getMonoWeight()
double internal_to_b_monoweight_ = getInternalToBIon().getMonoWeight()
double internal_to_c_monoweight_ = getInternalToCIon().getMonoWeight()
double internal_to_x_monoweight_ = getInternalToXIon().getMonoWeight()
double internal_to_y_monoweight_ = getInternalToYIon().getMonoWeight()
double internal_to_z_monoweight_ = getInternalToZIon().getMonoWeight()
static char residueTypeToIonLetter (const ResidueType &res_type)
 helper for mapping residue types to letters for Text annotations and labels More...
bool hasNeutralLoss () const
 true if the residue has neutral loss More...
bool hasNTermNeutralLosses () const
 true if N-terminal neutral losses are set More...
bool operator== (const Residue &residue) const
 equality operator More...
bool operator!= (const Residue &residue) const
 inequality operator More...
bool operator== (char one_letter_code) const
 equality operator for one letter code More...
bool operator!= (char one_letter_code) const
 equality operator for one letter code More...
bool isModified () const
 true if the residue is a modified one More...
bool isInResidueSet (const String &residue_set)
 true if the residue is contained in the set More...
String toString () const

Detailed Description

Representation of a residue.

This class represents residues. Residues can have many different attributes, like the formula physico-chemical values of properties and so on.

A very important property of residues are their modifications. By default no modification is present. Any modification which is present in the ModificationsDB can be applied, if appropriate.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ResidueType


with N-terminus and C-terminus


internal, without any termini


only N-terminus


only C-terminus


MS:1001229 N-terminus up to the C-alpha/carbonyl carbon bond.


MS:1001224 N-terminus up to the peptide bond.


MS:1001231 N-terminus up to the amide/C-alpha bond.


MS:1001228 amide/C-alpha bond up to the C-terminus.


MS:1001220 peptide bond up to the C-terminus.


MS:1001230 C-alpha/carbonyl carbon bond.


MS:1001523 Precursor ion.


MS:1001222 b ion without water.


MS:1001223 y ion without water.


MS:1001232 b ion without ammonia.


MS:1001233 y ion without ammonia.


MS:1001240 Non-identified ion.


no stored annotation


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Residue() [1/4]

Residue ( )

Default constructor (needed by pyOpenMS)

◆ Residue() [2/4]

Residue ( const Residue )

Copy constructor.

◆ Residue() [3/4]

Residue ( Residue &&  )

Move constructor.

◆ Residue() [4/4]

Residue ( const String name,
const String three_letter_code,
const String one_letter_code,
const EmpiricalFormula formula,
double  pka = 0,
double  pkb = 0,
double  pkc = -1,
double  gb_sc = 0,
double  gb_bb_l = 0,
double  gb_bb_r = 0,
const std::set< String > &  synonyms = std::set< String >() 

◆ ~Residue()

virtual ~Residue ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ addLossFormula()

void addLossFormula ( const EmpiricalFormula )

adds a neutral loss formula

◆ addLossName()

void addLossName ( const String name)

add neutral loss molecule name

◆ addNTermLossFormula()

void addNTermLossFormula ( const EmpiricalFormula )

adds N-terminal losses

◆ addNTermLossName()

void addNTermLossName ( const String name)

adds a N-terminal loss name

◆ addResidueSet()

void addResidueSet ( const String residue_sets)

adds a residue set to the residue sets

◆ addSynonym()

void addSynonym ( const String synonym)

adds a synonym

◆ getAverageWeight()

double getAverageWeight ( ResidueType  res_type = Full) const

returns average weight of the residue

◆ getBackboneBasicityLeft()

double getBackboneBasicityLeft ( ) const

returns the backbone basicitiy if located in N-terminal direction

◆ getBackboneBasicityRight()

double getBackboneBasicityRight ( ) const

returns the C-terminal direction backbone basicitiy

◆ getFormula()

EmpiricalFormula getFormula ( ResidueType  res_type = Full) const

returns the empirical formula of the residue

◆ getInternalToAIon()

static const EmpiricalFormula& getInternalToAIon ( )

◆ getInternalToBIon()

static const EmpiricalFormula& getInternalToBIon ( )

◆ getInternalToCIon()

static const EmpiricalFormula& getInternalToCIon ( )

◆ getInternalToCTerm()

static const EmpiricalFormula& getInternalToCTerm ( )

◆ getInternalToFull()

static const EmpiricalFormula& getInternalToFull ( )

◆ getInternalToNTerm()

static const EmpiricalFormula& getInternalToNTerm ( )

◆ getInternalToXIon()

static const EmpiricalFormula& getInternalToXIon ( )

◆ getInternalToYIon()

static const EmpiricalFormula& getInternalToYIon ( )

◆ getInternalToZIon()

static const EmpiricalFormula& getInternalToZIon ( )

◆ getLossFormulas()

const std::vector<EmpiricalFormula>& getLossFormulas ( ) const

returns the neutral loss formulas

◆ getLossNames()

const std::vector<String>& getLossNames ( ) const

gets neutral loss name (if there is one, else returns an empty string)

◆ getLowMassIons()

const std::vector<EmpiricalFormula>& getLowMassIons ( ) const

returns a vector of formulas with the low mass markers of the residue

◆ getModification()

const ResidueModification* getModification ( ) const

returns a pointer to the modification, or zero if none is set

◆ getModificationName()

const String& getModificationName ( ) const

returns the name (ID) of the modification, or an empty string if none is set

◆ getMonoWeight()

double getMonoWeight ( ResidueType  res_type = Full) const

returns monoisotopic weight of the residue

◆ getName()

const String& getName ( ) const

returns the name of the residue

◆ getNTermLossFormulas()

const std::vector<EmpiricalFormula>& getNTermLossFormulas ( ) const

returns N-terminal loss formulas

◆ getNTermLossNames()

const std::vector<String>& getNTermLossNames ( ) const

returns the N-terminal loss names

◆ getOneLetterCode()

const String& getOneLetterCode ( ) const

returns the name as one letter code (String of size 1)

Referenced by AAIndex::calculateGB().

◆ getPiValue()

double getPiValue ( ) const

calculates the isoelectric point using the pk* values

◆ getPka()

double getPka ( ) const

returns the pka of the residue

◆ getPkb()

double getPkb ( ) const

returns the pkb of the residue

◆ getPkc()

double getPkc ( ) const

returns the pkc of the residue if it exists otherwise -1

◆ getResidueSets()

const std::set<String>& getResidueSets ( ) const

returns the residue sets this residue is contained in

◆ getResidueTypeName()

static String getResidueTypeName ( const ResidueType  res_type)

returns the ion name given as a residue type

◆ getSideChainBasicity()

double getSideChainBasicity ( ) const

returns the side chain basicity

◆ getSynonyms()

const std::set<String>& getSynonyms ( ) const

returns the synonyms

◆ getThreeLetterCode()

const String& getThreeLetterCode ( ) const

returns the name of the residue as three letter code (String of size 3)

◆ hasNeutralLoss()

bool hasNeutralLoss ( ) const

true if the residue has neutral loss

◆ hasNTermNeutralLosses()

bool hasNTermNeutralLosses ( ) const

true if N-terminal neutral losses are set

◆ isInResidueSet()

bool isInResidueSet ( const String residue_set)

true if the residue is contained in the set

◆ isModified()

bool isModified ( ) const

true if the residue is a modified one

◆ operator!=() [1/2]

bool operator!= ( char  one_letter_code) const

equality operator for one letter code

◆ operator!=() [2/2]

bool operator!= ( const Residue residue) const

inequality operator

◆ operator=() [1/2]

Residue& operator= ( const Residue )

Assignment operator.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

Residue& operator= ( Residue &&  ) &

Move assignment operator.

◆ operator==() [1/2]

bool operator== ( char  one_letter_code) const

equality operator for one letter code

◆ operator==() [2/2]

bool operator== ( const Residue residue) const

equality operator

◆ residueTypeToIonLetter()

static char residueTypeToIonLetter ( const ResidueType res_type)

helper for mapping residue types to letters for Text annotations and labels

◆ setAverageWeight()

void setAverageWeight ( double  weight)

sets average weight of the residue (must be full, with N and C-terminus)

◆ setBackboneBasicityLeft()

void setBackboneBasicityLeft ( double  gb_bb_l)

sets the N-terminal direction backbone basicitiy

◆ setBackboneBasicityRight()

void setBackboneBasicityRight ( double  gb_bb_r)

sets the C-terminal direction backbone basicity

◆ setFormula()

void setFormula ( const EmpiricalFormula formula)

set empirical formula of the residue (must be full, with N and C-terminus)

◆ setLossFormulas()

void setLossFormulas ( const std::vector< EmpiricalFormula > &  )

sets the neutral loss formulas

◆ setLossNames()

void setLossNames ( const std::vector< String > &  name)

set the neutral loss molecule name

◆ setLowMassIons()

void setLowMassIons ( const std::vector< EmpiricalFormula > &  low_mass_ions)

sets the low mass marker ions as a vector of formulas

◆ setModification() [1/3]

void setModification ( const ResidueModification mod)

sets the modification by looking for an exact match in the DB first, otherwise creating a new entry

◆ setModification() [2/3]

void setModification ( const ResidueModification mod)

sets the modification by existing ResMod (make sure it exists in ModificationDB)

◆ setModification() [3/3]

void setModification ( const String name)

sets the modification by name; the mod should be present in ModificationsDB

◆ setModificationByDiffMonoMass()

void setModificationByDiffMonoMass ( double  diffMonoMass)

sets a modification by monoisotopic mass difference. Searches in DBs first with a tolerance. If not found, creates a new entry with name = OneLetterResidueCode[+/-diffMonoMass] and adds this as user-defined mod.

◆ setMonoWeight()

void setMonoWeight ( double  weight)

sets monoisotopic weight of the residue (must be full, with N and C-terminus)

◆ setName()

void setName ( const String name)

sets the name of the residue

◆ setNTermLossFormulas()

void setNTermLossFormulas ( const std::vector< EmpiricalFormula > &  )

sets the N-terminal losses

◆ setNTermLossNames()

void setNTermLossNames ( const std::vector< String > &  name)

sets the N-terminal loss names

◆ setOneLetterCode()

void setOneLetterCode ( const String one_letter_code)

sets the name as one letter code (String of size 1)

◆ setPka()

void setPka ( double  value)

sets the pka of the residue

◆ setPkb()

void setPkb ( double  value)

sets the pkb of the residue

◆ setPkc()

void setPkc ( double  value)

sets the pkc of the residue

◆ setResidueSets()

void setResidueSets ( const std::set< String > &  residues_sets)

sets the residue sets the amino acid is contained in

◆ setSideChainBasicity()

void setSideChainBasicity ( double  gb_sc)

sets the side chain basicity

◆ setSynonyms()

void setSynonyms ( const std::set< String > &  synonyms)

sets the synonyms

◆ setThreeLetterCode()

void setThreeLetterCode ( const String three_letter_code)

sets the name of the residue as three letter code (String of size 3)

◆ toString()

String toString ( ) const

Write as Origin+Modification, e.g. M(Oxidation), or X[945.34] or N[+14.54] for user-defined mods. This requires the Residue to have a valid OneLetterCode and an optional (but valid) ResidueModification (see ResidueModification::toString())

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator<<

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Residue residue 

ostream iterator to write the residue to a stream

◆ ResidueDB

friend class ResidueDB

Member Data Documentation

◆ average_weight_

double average_weight_

◆ formula_

EmpiricalFormula formula_

◆ gb_bb_l_

double gb_bb_l_

◆ gb_bb_r_

double gb_bb_r_

◆ gb_sc_

double gb_sc_

◆ internal_formula_

EmpiricalFormula internal_formula_

◆ internal_to_a_monoweight_

double internal_to_a_monoweight_ = getInternalToAIon().getMonoWeight()

◆ internal_to_b_monoweight_

double internal_to_b_monoweight_ = getInternalToBIon().getMonoWeight()

◆ internal_to_c_monoweight_

double internal_to_c_monoweight_ = getInternalToCIon().getMonoWeight()

◆ internal_to_cterm_monoweight_

double internal_to_cterm_monoweight_ = getInternalToCTerm().getMonoWeight()

◆ internal_to_full_monoweight_

double internal_to_full_monoweight_ = getInternalToFull().getMonoWeight()

◆ internal_to_nterm_monoweight_

double internal_to_nterm_monoweight_ = getInternalToNTerm().getMonoWeight()

◆ internal_to_x_monoweight_

double internal_to_x_monoweight_ = getInternalToXIon().getMonoWeight()

◆ internal_to_y_monoweight_

double internal_to_y_monoweight_ = getInternalToYIon().getMonoWeight()

◆ internal_to_z_monoweight_

double internal_to_z_monoweight_ = getInternalToZIon().getMonoWeight()

◆ loss_average_weight_

double loss_average_weight_

◆ loss_formulas_

std::vector<EmpiricalFormula> loss_formulas_

◆ loss_mono_weight_

double loss_mono_weight_

◆ loss_names_

std::vector<String> loss_names_

◆ low_mass_ions_

std::vector<EmpiricalFormula> low_mass_ions_

◆ modification_

const ResidueModification* modification_

◆ mono_weight_

double mono_weight_

◆ name_

String name_

◆ NTerm_loss_formulas_

std::vector<EmpiricalFormula> NTerm_loss_formulas_

◆ NTerm_loss_names_

std::vector<String> NTerm_loss_names_

◆ one_letter_code_

String one_letter_code_

◆ pka_

double pka_

◆ pkb_

double pkb_

◆ pkc_

double pkc_

◆ residue_sets_

std::set<String> residue_sets_

◆ synonyms_

std::set<String> synonyms_

◆ three_letter_code_

String three_letter_code_