OpenMS  2.8.0
Public Slots | Public Member Functions | List of all members
TOPPASBase Class Reference

Main window of the TOPPAS tool. More...


Inheritance diagram for TOPPASBase:
Collaboration diagram for TOPPASBase:

Public Slots

void addTOPPASFile (const String &file_name, bool in_new_window=true)
 opens the file in a new window More...
void openFilesByDialog ()
 shows the dialog for opening files More...
void openExampleDialog ()
 shows the dialog for opening example files More...
void newPipeline ()
 creates a new tab More...
void includePipeline ()
 shows the dialog for including another workflow in the currently opened one More...
void saveCurrentPipelineAs ()
 shows the dialog for saving the current file and updates the current tab caption More...
void savePipeline ()
 saves the pipeline (determined by Qt's sender mechanism) More...
void exportAsImage ()
 exports the current pipeline as image More...
void loadPipelineResourceFile ()
 shows a file dialog for selecting the resource file to load More...
void savePipelineResourceFile ()
 shows a file dialog for selecting the resource file to write to More...
void openOnlinePipelineRepository ()
 opens the OpenMS Homepage to download example workflows More...
void preferencesDialog ()
 shows the preferences dialog More...
void updateCurrentPath ()
 changes the current path according to the currently active window/layer More...
void updateTabBar (QMdiSubWindow *w)
 brings the tab corresponding to the active window in front More...
void showAboutDialog ()
 Shows the 'About' dialog. More...
void showURL ()
 shows the URL stored in the data of the sender QAction More...
void showStatusMessage (std::string msg, OpenMS::UInt time)
 Shows a status message in the status bar. More...
void showCursorStatus (double x, double y)
 shows x,y coordinates in the status bar More...
void closeFile ()
 closes the active window More...
void updateToolBar ()
 updates the toolbar More...
void runPipeline ()
 Runs the pipeline of the current window. More...
void abortPipeline ()
 Terminates the current pipeline. More...
void toolStarted ()
 Called when a tool is started. More...
void toolFinished ()
 Called when a tool is finished. More...
void toolCrashed ()
 Called when a tool crashes. More...
void toolFailed ()
 Called when a tool execution fails. More...
void outputVertexFinished (const String &file)
 Called when a file was successfully written to an output vertex. More...
void updateTOPPOutputLog (const QString &out)
 Called when a TOPP tool produces (error) output. More...
void showPipelineFinishedLogMessage ()
 Called by the scene if the pipeline execution finishes successfully. More...
void saveToClipboard (TOPPASScene *scene)
 Saves scene to the clipboard. More...
void sendClipboardContent ()
 Sends the clipboard content to the sender of the connected signal. More...
void refreshParameters ()
 Refreshes the parameters of the TOPP tools of the current workflow and stores an updated workflow including the current parameters. More...
void openFilesInTOPPView (QStringList all_files)
 Open files in a new TOPPView instance. More...
void openToppasFile (QString filename)
 Opens a toppas file. More...

Public Member Functions

 TOPPASBase (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 Constructor. More...
 ~TOPPASBase () override
 Destructor. More...
void loadPreferences (String filename="")
 Loads the preferences from the filename given. More...
void savePreferences ()
 stores the preferences (used when this window is closed) More...
void loadFiles (const std::vector< String > &list, QSplashScreen *splash_screen)
 loads the files and updates the splash screen More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from DefaultParamHandler
 DefaultParamHandler (const String &name)
 Constructor with name that is displayed in error messages. More...
 DefaultParamHandler (const DefaultParamHandler &rhs)
 Copy constructor. More...
virtual ~DefaultParamHandler ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual DefaultParamHandleroperator= (const DefaultParamHandler &rhs)
 Assignment operator. More...
virtual bool operator== (const DefaultParamHandler &rhs) const
 Equality operator. More...
void setParameters (const Param &param)
 Sets the parameters. More...
const ParamgetParameters () const
 Non-mutable access to the parameters. More...
const ParamgetDefaults () const
 Non-mutable access to the default parameters. More...
const StringgetName () const
 Non-mutable access to the name. More...
void setName (const String &name)
 Mutable access to the name. More...
const std::vector< String > & getSubsections () const
 Non-mutable access to the registered subsections. More...

Static Public Member Functions

common functions used in TOPPAS and TOPPView
static TOPPASTreeViewcreateTOPPToolsTreeWidget (QWidget *parent_widget=nullptr)
 Creates and fills a tree widget with all available tools. More...
static QString savePipelineAs (TOPPASWidget *w, QString current_path)
static QString loadPipelineResourceFile (TOPPASWidget *w, QString current_path)
 Loads and sets the resources of the TOPPASWidget. More...
static QString savePipelineResourceFile (TOPPASWidget *w, QString current_path)
 Saves the resources of the TOPPASWidget. More...
static QString refreshPipelineParameters (TOPPASWidget *tw, QString current_path)
 Refreshes the TOPP tools parameters of the pipeline. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from DefaultParamHandler
static void writeParametersToMetaValues (const Param &write_this, MetaInfoInterface &write_here, const String &key_prefix="")
 Writes all parameters to meta values. More...

Protected Attributes

QToolBar * tool_bar_
RecentFilesMenu recent_files_menu_
 manages recent list of filenames and the menu that goes with it More...
 Main workspace. More...
QWebView * webview_
 OpenMS homepage workflow browser. More...
QNetworkAccessManager * network_manager_
 download .toppas files from homepage More...
QNetworkReply * network_reply_
 the content of the network request More...
 Tab bar. The address of the corresponding window to a tab is stored as an int in tabData() More...
 Tree view of all available TOPP tools. More...
 List of ready analysis pipelines. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from DefaultParamHandler
Param param_
 Container for current parameters. More...
Param defaults_
 Container for default parameters. This member should be filled in the constructor of derived classes! More...
std::vector< Stringsubsections_
 Container for registered subsections. This member should be filled in the constructor of derived classes! More...
String error_name_
 Name that is displayed in error messages during the parameter checking. More...
bool check_defaults_
 If this member is set to false no checking if parameters in done;. More...
bool warn_empty_defaults_
 If this member is set to false no warning is emitted when defaults are empty;. More...

Tab bar slots

 Log output window. More...
 Workflow Description window. More...
void closeByTab (int id)
 Closes the window corresponding to the data of the tab with identifier id. More...
void focusByTab (int id)
 Raises the window corresponding to the data of the tab with identifier id. More...
void updateMenu ()
 enable/disable menu entries depending on the current state More...
void showAsWindow_ (TOPPASWidget *sw, const String &caption)
 Shows the widget as window in the workspace. More...
void insertNewVertex_ (double x, double y, QTreeWidgetItem *item=nullptr)
 Inserts a new TOPP tool in the current window at (x,y) More...
void insertNewVertexInCenter_ (QTreeWidgetItem *item)
 Inserts the item in the middle of the current window. More...
void downloadTOPPASfromHomepage_ (const QUrl &url)
 triggered when user clicks a link - if it ends in .TOPPAS we're done More...
void toppasFileDownloaded_ (QNetworkReply *r)
 triggered when download of .toppas file is finished, so we can store & open it More...
void TOPPASreadyRead ()
 debug... More...
void descriptionUpdated_ ()
 user edited the workflow description More...

Status bar

QLabel * message_label_
 Label for messages in the status bar. More...
String current_path_
String tmp_path_
 The path for temporary files. More...
static int node_offset_ = 0
 Offset counter for new inserted nodes (to avoid invisible stacking) More...
static qreal z_value_ = 42.0
 z-value counter for new inserted nodes (new nodes should be on top) More...
TOPPASWidgetwindow_ (int id) const
 returns the window with id id More...
TOPPASWidgetactiveSubWindow_ () const
 returns a pointer to the active TOPPASWidget (0 if none is active) More...

reimplemented Qt events

 The clipboard. More...
void closeEvent (QCloseEvent *event) override
void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *e) override

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from DefaultParamHandler
virtual void updateMembers_ ()
 This method is used to update extra member variables at the end of the setParameters() method. More...
void defaultsToParam_ ()
 Updates the parameters after the defaults have been set in the constructor. More...

Detailed Description

Main window of the TOPPAS tool.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TOPPASBase()

TOPPASBase ( QWidget parent = nullptr)


References TOPPASBase::abortPipeline(), EnhancedTabBar::addTab(), TOPPASBase::addTOPPASFile(), TOPPASBase::closeByTab(), TOPPASBase::closeFile(), EnhancedTabBar::closeRequested(), TOPPASBase::createTOPPToolsTreeWidget(), TOPPASBase::current_path_, EnhancedTabBar::currentIdChanged(), DefaultParamHandler::defaults_, DefaultParamHandler::defaultsToParam_(), TOPPASBase::desc_, TOPPASBase::descriptionUpdated_(), TOPPASBase::exportAsImage(), TOPPASBase::focusByTab(), RecentFilesMenu::getMenu(), File::getTempDirectory(), File::getUniqueName(), Param::getValue(), TOPPASBase::includePipeline(), TOPPASBase::insertNewVertexInCenter_(), TOPPASBase::loadPipelineResourceFile(), TOPPASBase::loadPreferences(), TOPPASBase::log_, TOPPASBase::message_label_, TOPPASBase::network_manager_, TOPPASBase::newPipeline(), TOPPASBase::openExampleDialog(), TOPPASBase::openFilesByDialog(), DefaultParamHandler::param_, TOPPASBase::recent_files_menu_, RecentFilesMenu::recentFileClicked(), TOPPASBase::refreshParameters(), EnhancedTabBar::removeId(), TOPPASBase::runPipeline(), TOPPASBase::saveCurrentPipelineAs(), TOPPASBase::savePipeline(), TOPPASBase::savePipelineResourceFile(), LogWindow::setMaxLength(), Param::setValidStrings(), Param::setValue(), TOPPASBase::showAboutDialog(), TOPPASBase::showURL(), DefaultParamHandler::subsections_, TOPPASBase::tab_bar_, TOPPASBase::tmp_path_, TOPPASBase::tools_tree_view_, TOPPASBase::toppasFileDownloaded_(), String::toQString(), OpenMS::StringUtils::toQString(), ParamValue::toString(), TOPPASBase::updateMenu(), TOPPASBase::updateTabBar(), and TOPPASBase::ws_.

◆ ~TOPPASBase()

~TOPPASBase ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ abortPipeline

void abortPipeline ( )

◆ activeSubWindow_()

TOPPASWidget * activeSubWindow_ ( ) const

◆ addTOPPASFile

void addTOPPASFile ( const String file_name,
bool  in_new_window = true 

◆ closeByTab

void closeByTab ( int  id)

Closes the window corresponding to the data of the tab with identifier id.

References TOPPASBase::updateMenu(), and TOPPASBase::window_().

Referenced by TOPPASBase::addTOPPASFile(), and TOPPASBase::TOPPASBase().

◆ closeEvent()

void closeEvent ( QCloseEvent *  event)

◆ closeFile

void closeFile ( )

closes the active window

References TOPPASBase::updateMenu(), and TOPPASBase::ws_.

Referenced by TOPPASBase::TOPPASBase().

◆ createTOPPToolsTreeWidget()

TOPPASTreeView * createTOPPToolsTreeWidget ( QWidget parent_widget = nullptr)

Creates and fills a tree widget with all available tools.

References ToolHandler::getTOPPToolList(), ToolHandler::getTypes(), ToolHandler::getUtilList(), and String::toQString().

Referenced by TOPPASBase::TOPPASBase().

◆ descriptionUpdated_

void descriptionUpdated_ ( )

◆ downloadTOPPASfromHomepage_

void downloadTOPPASfromHomepage_ ( const QUrl &  url)

triggered when user clicks a link - if it ends in .TOPPAS we're done

References LogWindow::appendNewHeader(), TOPPASBase::log_, TOPPASBase::network_manager_, TOPPASBase::network_reply_, and TOPPASBase::TOPPASreadyRead().

◆ exportAsImage

void exportAsImage ( )

◆ focusByTab

void focusByTab ( int  id)

Raises the window corresponding to the data of the tab with identifier id.

References TOPPASBase::desc_, TOPPASScene::getDescription(), TOPPASWidget::getScene(), and TOPPASBase::window_().

Referenced by TOPPASBase::TOPPASBase().

◆ includePipeline

void includePipeline ( )

shows the dialog for including another workflow in the currently opened one

References TOPPASBase::addTOPPASFile(), TOPPASBase::current_path_, and String::toQString().

Referenced by TOPPASBase::TOPPASBase().

◆ insertNewVertex_

void insertNewVertex_ ( double  x,
double  y,
QTreeWidgetItem *  item = nullptr 

◆ insertNewVertexInCenter_

void insertNewVertexInCenter_ ( QTreeWidgetItem *  item)

Inserts the item in the middle of the current window.

References TOPPASBase::activeSubWindow_(), TOPPASBase::insertNewVertex_(), TOPPASBase::node_offset_, and TOPPASBase::tools_tree_view_.

Referenced by TOPPASBase::TOPPASBase().

◆ keyPressEvent()

void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent *  e)

◆ loadFiles()

void loadFiles ( const std::vector< String > &  list,
QSplashScreen *  splash_screen 

loads the files and updates the splash screen

References TOPPASBase::addTOPPASFile(), and OpenMS::StringUtils::toQString().

Referenced by main().

◆ loadPipelineResourceFile [1/2]

void loadPipelineResourceFile ( )

shows a file dialog for selecting the resource file to load

References TOPPASBase::activeSubWindow_(), TOPPASBase::current_path_, and String::toQString().

Referenced by TOPPASBase::TOPPASBase().

◆ loadPipelineResourceFile() [2/2]

QString loadPipelineResourceFile ( TOPPASWidget w,
QString  current_path 

Loads and sets the resources of the TOPPASWidget.

References TOPPASWidget::getScene(), TOPPASResources::load(), and TOPPASScene::loadResources().

◆ loadPreferences()

void loadPreferences ( String  filename = "")

◆ newPipeline

void newPipeline ( )

creates a new tab

References TOPPASBase::showAsWindow_(), TOPPASBase::tmp_path_, and TOPPASBase::ws_.

Referenced by main(), and TOPPASBase::TOPPASBase().

◆ openExampleDialog

void openExampleDialog ( )

shows the dialog for opening example files

References TOPPASBase::addTOPPASFile(), File::getOpenMSDataPath(), and OpenMS::StringUtils::toQString().

Referenced by TOPPASBase::TOPPASBase().

◆ openFilesByDialog

void openFilesByDialog ( )

shows the dialog for opening files

References TOPPASBase::addTOPPASFile(), TOPPASBase::current_path_, and String::toQString().

Referenced by TOPPASBase::TOPPASBase().

◆ openFilesInTOPPView

void openFilesInTOPPView ( QStringList  all_files)

Open files in a new TOPPView instance.

References OpenMS::GUIHelpers::startTOPPView().

Referenced by TOPPASBase::showAsWindow_().

◆ openOnlinePipelineRepository

void openOnlinePipelineRepository ( )

opens the OpenMS Homepage to download example workflows

◆ openToppasFile

void openToppasFile ( QString  filename)

Opens a toppas file.

References TOPPASBase::addTOPPASFile().

◆ outputVertexFinished

void outputVertexFinished ( const String file)

Called when a file was successfully written to an output vertex.

References LogWindow::appendNewHeader(), and TOPPASBase::log_.

Referenced by TOPPASBase::addTOPPASFile(), and TOPPASBase::insertNewVertex_().

◆ preferencesDialog

void preferencesDialog ( )

shows the preferences dialog

References TOPPASBase::savePreferences().

◆ refreshParameters

void refreshParameters ( )

Refreshes the parameters of the TOPP tools of the current workflow and stores an updated workflow including the current parameters.

References TOPPASBase::activeSubWindow_(), File::basename(), TOPPASBase::current_path_, TOPPASBase::refreshPipelineParameters(), EnhancedTabBar::setTabText(), TOPPASBase::tab_bar_, String::toQString(), and OpenMS::StringUtils::toQString().

Referenced by TOPPASBase::TOPPASBase().

◆ refreshPipelineParameters()

QString refreshPipelineParameters ( TOPPASWidget tw,
QString  current_path 

◆ runPipeline

void runPipeline ( )

Runs the pipeline of the current window.

References TOPPASBase::activeSubWindow_(), TOPPASWidget::getScene(), and TOPPASScene::runPipeline().

Referenced by TOPPASBase::TOPPASBase().

◆ saveCurrentPipelineAs

void saveCurrentPipelineAs ( )

◆ savePipeline

void savePipeline ( )

◆ savePipelineAs()

QString savePipelineAs ( TOPPASWidget w,
QString  current_path 

Saves the workflow in the provided TOPPASWidget to a user defined location. Returns the full file name or "" if no valid one is selected.

References File::basename(), TOPPASWidget::getScene(), TOPPASScene::store(), and String::toQString().

Referenced by TOPPASBase::refreshPipelineParameters(), TOPPASBase::saveCurrentPipelineAs(), and TOPPASBase::savePipeline().

◆ savePipelineResourceFile [1/2]

void savePipelineResourceFile ( )

shows a file dialog for selecting the resource file to write to

References TOPPASBase::activeSubWindow_(), TOPPASBase::current_path_, and String::toQString().

Referenced by TOPPASBase::TOPPASBase().

◆ savePipelineResourceFile() [2/2]

QString savePipelineResourceFile ( TOPPASWidget w,
QString  current_path 

◆ savePreferences()

void savePreferences ( )

◆ saveToClipboard

void saveToClipboard ( TOPPASScene scene)

Saves scene to the clipboard.

References TOPPASBase::clipboard_scene_.

Referenced by TOPPASBase::showAsWindow_().

◆ sendClipboardContent

void sendClipboardContent ( )

Sends the clipboard content to the sender of the connected signal.

References TOPPASBase::clipboard_scene_, and TOPPASScene::setClipboard().

Referenced by TOPPASBase::showAsWindow_().

◆ showAboutDialog

void showAboutDialog ( )

Shows the 'About' dialog.

References QApplicationTOPP::showAboutDialog().

Referenced by TOPPASBase::TOPPASBase().

◆ showAsWindow_

void showAsWindow_ ( TOPPASWidget sw,
const String caption 

◆ showCursorStatus

void showCursorStatus ( double  x,
double  y 

shows x,y coordinates in the status bar

Referenced by TOPPASBase::showAsWindow_().

◆ showPipelineFinishedLogMessage

void showPipelineFinishedLogMessage ( )

Called by the scene if the pipeline execution finishes successfully.

References LogWindow::appendNewHeader(), and TOPPASBase::log_.

Referenced by TOPPASBase::showAsWindow_().

◆ showStatusMessage

void showStatusMessage ( std::string  msg,
OpenMS::UInt  time 

Shows a status message in the status bar.

If time is 0 the status message is displayed until showStatusMessage is called with an empty message or a new message. Otherwise the message is displayed for time ms.

References TOPPASBase::message_label_.

Referenced by TOPPASBase::showAsWindow_().

◆ showURL

void showURL ( )

shows the URL stored in the data of the sender QAction

References OpenMS::GUIHelpers::openURL().

Referenced by TOPPASBase::TOPPASBase().

◆ toolCrashed

void toolCrashed ( )

◆ toolFailed

void toolFailed ( )

◆ toolFinished

void toolFinished ( )

◆ toolStarted

void toolStarted ( )

◆ toppasFileDownloaded_

void toppasFileDownloaded_ ( QNetworkReply *  r)

triggered when download of .toppas file is finished, so we can store & open it

Referenced by TOPPASBase::TOPPASBase().

◆ TOPPASreadyRead

void TOPPASreadyRead ( )

◆ updateCurrentPath

void updateCurrentPath ( )

changes the current path according to the currently active window/layer

References TOPPASBase::current_path_, Param::getValue(), DefaultParamHandler::param_, and ParamValue::toString().

◆ updateMenu

void updateMenu ( )

◆ updateTabBar

void updateTabBar ( QMdiSubWindow *  w)

brings the tab corresponding to the active window in front

References EnhancedTabBarWidgetInterface::getWindowId(), EnhancedTabBar::show(), and TOPPASBase::tab_bar_.

Referenced by TOPPASBase::TOPPASBase().

◆ updateToolBar

void updateToolBar ( )

updates the toolbar

◆ updateTOPPOutputLog

void updateTOPPOutputLog ( const QString &  out)

Called when a TOPP tool produces (error) output.

References TOPPASBase::log_.

Referenced by TOPPASBase::addTOPPASFile(), TOPPASBase::insertNewVertex_(), and TOPPASBase::showAsWindow_().

◆ window_()

TOPPASWidget * window_ ( int  id) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ blocks_list_

QListWidget* blocks_list_

List of ready analysis pipelines.

◆ clipboard_scene_

TOPPASScene* clipboard_scene_

◆ current_path_

String current_path_

◆ desc_

QTextEdit* desc_

◆ log_

LogWindow* log_

◆ message_label_

QLabel* message_label_

Label for messages in the status bar.

Referenced by TOPPASBase::showStatusMessage(), and TOPPASBase::TOPPASBase().

◆ network_manager_

QNetworkAccessManager* network_manager_

download .toppas files from homepage

Referenced by TOPPASBase::downloadTOPPASfromHomepage_(), and TOPPASBase::TOPPASBase().

◆ network_reply_

QNetworkReply* network_reply_

the content of the network request

Referenced by TOPPASBase::downloadTOPPASfromHomepage_(), and TOPPASBase::TOPPASreadyRead().

◆ node_offset_

int node_offset_ = 0

Offset counter for new inserted nodes (to avoid invisible stacking)

Referenced by TOPPASBase::insertNewVertexInCenter_().

◆ recent_files_menu_

RecentFilesMenu recent_files_menu_

manages recent list of filenames and the menu that goes with it

Referenced by TOPPASBase::addTOPPASFile(), TOPPASBase::loadPreferences(), TOPPASBase::savePreferences(), and TOPPASBase::TOPPASBase().

◆ tab_bar_

EnhancedTabBar* tab_bar_

◆ tmp_path_

String tmp_path_

◆ tool_bar_

QToolBar* tool_bar_

◆ tools_tree_view_

QTreeWidget* tools_tree_view_

Tree view of all available TOPP tools.

Referenced by TOPPASBase::insertNewVertex_(), TOPPASBase::insertNewVertexInCenter_(), and TOPPASBase::TOPPASBase().

◆ webview_

QWebView* webview_

OpenMS homepage workflow browser.

◆ ws_

EnhancedWorkspace* ws_

◆ z_value_

qreal z_value_ = 42.0

z-value counter for new inserted nodes (new nodes should be on top)

Referenced by TOPPASBase::insertNewVertex_().