OpenMS  2.8.0
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TOPPASMergerVertex Class Reference

A special vertex that allows to merge several inputs. More...

#include <OpenMS/VISUAL/TOPPASMergerVertex.h>

Inheritance diagram for TOPPASMergerVertex:
Collaboration diagram for TOPPASMergerVertex:


void mergeFailed (const QString message)
 Emitted when merging upstream data failed. More...
- Signals inherited from TOPPASVertex
void clicked ()
 Emitted when this item is clicked. More...
void released ()
 Emitted when this item is released. More...
void hoveringEdgePosChanged (const QPointF &new_pos)
 Emitted when the position of the hovering edge changes. More...
void newHoveringEdge (const QPointF &pos)
 Emitted when a new out edge is supposed to be created. More...
void finishHoveringEdge ()
 Emitted when the mouse is released after having dragged a new edge somewhere. More...
void somethingHasChanged ()
 Emitted when something has changed. More...
void itemDragged (qreal dx, qreal dy)
 Emitted when the item is dragged. More...
void parameterChanged (const bool invalidates_running_pipeline)

Public Member Functions

 TOPPASMergerVertex ()=default
 Default constructor. More...
 TOPPASMergerVertex (bool round_based)
 Constructor. More...
 TOPPASMergerVertex (const TOPPASMergerVertex &rhs)=default
 Copy constructor. More...
 ~TOPPASMergerVertex () override=default
 Destructor. More...
TOPPASMergerVertexoperator= (const TOPPASMergerVertex &rhs)=default
 Assignment operator. More...
String getName () const override
 returns "MergerVertex" More...
void run () override
 check if upstream nodes are finished and call downstream nodes More...
bool roundBasedMode () const
 Determines whether this merger is merging round based or merging all inputs into one list. More...
void paint (QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) override
QRectF boundingRect () const override
 Returns the bounding rectangle of this item. More...
void markUnreachable () override
 Marks this node (and everything further downstream) as unreachable. Overridden behavior in mergers. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TOPPASVertex
 TOPPASVertex ()
 Default Constructor. More...
 TOPPASVertex (const TOPPASVertex &rhs)
 Copy constructor. More...
 ~TOPPASVertex () override=default
 Destructor. More...
TOPPASVertexoperator= (const TOPPASVertex &rhs)
 Assignment operator. More...
void paint (QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *, bool round_shape=true)
 base paint method for all derived classes. should be called first in child-class paint More...
bool buildRoundPackages (RoundPackages &pkg, String &error_msg)
bool isUpstreamFinished () const
 check if all upstream nodes are ready to go ( 'finished_' is true) More...
QPainterPath shape () const final
 Returns a more precise shape. More...
ConstEdgeIterator outEdgesBegin () const
 Returns begin() iterator of outgoing edges. More...
ConstEdgeIterator outEdgesEnd () const
 Returns end() iterator of outgoing edges. More...
ConstEdgeIterator inEdgesBegin () const
 Returns begin() iterator of incoming edges. More...
ConstEdgeIterator inEdgesEnd () const
 Returns end() iterator of incoming edges. More...
Size incomingEdgesCount ()
 Returns the number of incoming edges. More...
Size outgoingEdgesCount ()
 Returns the number of outgoing edges. More...
void addInEdge (TOPPASEdge *edge)
 Adds an incoming edge. More...
void addOutEdge (TOPPASEdge *edge)
 Adds an outgoing edge. More...
void removeInEdge (TOPPASEdge *edge)
 Removes an incoming edge. More...
void removeOutEdge (TOPPASEdge *edge)
 Removes an outgoing edge. More...
DFS_COLOR getDFSColor ()
 Returns the DFS color of this node. More...
void setDFSColor (DFS_COLOR color)
 Sets the DFS color of this node. More...
TOPPASVertex::SUBSTREESTATUS getSubtreeStatus () const
 Checks if all tools in the subtree below this node are finished. More...
bool isTopoSortMarked () const
 Returns whether the vertex has been marked already (during topological sort) More...
void setTopoSortMarked (bool b)
 (Un)marks the vertex (during topological sort) More...
UInt getTopoNr () const
 Returns the topological sort number. More...
virtual void setTopoNr (UInt nr)
 Sets the topological sort number (overridden in tool and output vertices) More...
virtual void reset (bool reset_all_files=false)
bool isReachable () const
 Returns whether this node is reachable. More...
bool isFinished () const
 Returns whether this node has already been processed during the current pipeline execution. More...
virtual bool invertRecylingMode ()
 invert status of recycling More...
bool isRecyclingEnabled () const
 get status of recycling More...
void setRecycling (const bool is_enabled)
 set status of recycling More...
QStringList getFileNames (int param_index, int round) const
 gets filenames for a certain output parameter (from this vertex), for a certain TOPPAS round More...
QStringList getFileNames () const
 get all output files for all parameters for all rounds More...
const RoundPackagesgetOutputFiles () const
bool allInputsReady () const
 check if all upstream nodes are finished More...

Protected Attributes

bool round_based_mode_ {true}
 Stores whether this merger is merging round based or merging all inputs into one list. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from TOPPASVertex
EdgeContainer in_edges_
 The list of incoming edges. More...
EdgeContainer out_edges_
 The list of outgoing edges. More...
bool edge_being_created_ {false}
 Indicates whether a new out edge is currently being created. More...
QColor pen_color_ {Qt::black}
 The color of the pen. More...
QColor brush_color_ { Qt::lightGray}
 The color of the brush. More...
DFS_COLOR dfs_color_ {DFS_WHITE}
 The DFS color of this node. More...
bool topo_sort_marked_ {false}
 "marked" flag for topological sort More...
UInt topo_nr_
 The number in a topological sort of the entire graph. More...
RoundPackages output_files_
 Stores the current output file names for each output parameter. More...
int round_total_ {-1}
 number of rounds this node will do ('Merge All' nodes will pass everything, thus do only one round) More...
int round_counter_ {0}
 currently finished number of rounds (TODO: do we need that?) More...
bool finished_ {false}
 Stores whether this node has already been processed during the current pipeline execution. More...
bool reachable_ {true}
 Indicates whether this node is reachable (i.e. there is an input node somewhere further upstream) More...
bool allow_output_recycling_ {false}
 shall subsequent tools be allowed to recycle the output of this node to match the number of rounds imposed by other parent nodes? More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from TOPPASVertex
 The color of a vertex during depth-first search. More...
 The color of a vertex during depth-first search. More...
typedef QList< TOPPASEdge * > EdgeContainer
 The container for in/out edges. More...
typedef EdgeContainer::iterator EdgeIterator
 A mutable iterator for in/out edges. More...
typedef EdgeContainer::const_iterator ConstEdgeIterator
 A const iterator for in/out edges. More...
typedef std::map< Int, VertexRoundPackageRoundPackage
typedef RoundPackage::const_iterator RoundPackageConstIt
typedef RoundPackage::iterator RoundPackageIt
typedef std::vector< RoundPackageRoundPackages
 all information a node needs to process all rounds More...
- Public Slots inherited from TOPPASVertex
virtual void inEdgeHasChanged ()
 Called by an incoming edge when it has changed. More...
virtual void outEdgeHasChanged ()
 Called by an outgoing edge when it has changed. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TOPPASVertex
void mouseReleaseEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *e) override
void mousePressEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *e) override
void mouseDoubleClickEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *e) override
void mouseMoveEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *e) override
void contextMenuEvent (QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event) override
virtual void moveNewEdgeTo_ (const QPointF &pos)
 Moves the target pos of the edge which is just being created to pos. More...
String get3CharsNumber_ (UInt number) const
 Returns a three character string (i.e. 001 instead of 1) for the given number. More...
void debugOut_ (const String &) const
 Displays the debug output message, if TOPPAS_DEBUG is defined. More...

Detailed Description

A special vertex that allows to merge several inputs.

A special vertex that allows to merge several inputs. Mergers have two modes: The normal, round-based merging mode and a "wait & merge all" mode. In round-based mode, a merger first takes the first files of each incoming file list and merges them into a list (which has as many elements as the merger has incoming edges).

In "wait & merge all" mode, the merger first waits for all upstream mergers to finish all their merging rounds and then merges all collected files from all merging rounds for all incoming edges into one single list and calls the next tool with this list of files as input.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TOPPASMergerVertex() [1/3]

TOPPASMergerVertex ( )

Default constructor.

◆ TOPPASMergerVertex() [2/3]

TOPPASMergerVertex ( bool  round_based)


◆ TOPPASMergerVertex() [3/3]

TOPPASMergerVertex ( const TOPPASMergerVertex rhs)

Copy constructor.

◆ ~TOPPASMergerVertex()

~TOPPASMergerVertex ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ boundingRect()

QRectF boundingRect ( ) const

Returns the bounding rectangle of this item.

Implements TOPPASVertex.

◆ getName()

String getName ( ) const

returns "MergerVertex"

Implements TOPPASVertex.

◆ markUnreachable()

void markUnreachable ( )

Marks this node (and everything further downstream) as unreachable. Overridden behavior in mergers.

Reimplemented from TOPPASVertex.

◆ mergeFailed

void mergeFailed ( const QString  message)

Emitted when merging upstream data failed.

◆ operator=()

TOPPASMergerVertex& operator= ( const TOPPASMergerVertex rhs)

Assignment operator.

◆ paint()

void paint ( QPainter *  painter,
const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *  option,
QWidget widget 

◆ roundBasedMode()

bool roundBasedMode ( ) const

Determines whether this merger is merging round based or merging all inputs into one list.

◆ run()

void run ( )

check if upstream nodes are finished and call downstream nodes

Reimplemented from TOPPASVertex.

Member Data Documentation

◆ round_based_mode_

bool round_based_mode_ {true}

Stores whether this merger is merging round based or merging all inputs into one list.