OpenMS  2.8.0
Classes | Typedefs

Auxiliary datastructures. More...


class  ChargePair
 Representation of a (putative) link between two Features, which stem from the same compound but have different charge (including different adduct ions (H+, Na+, ..) More...
class  ConstRefVector< ContainerT >
 This vector holds pointer to the elements of another container. More...
class  ConvexHull2D
 A 2-dimensional hull representation in [counter]clockwise direction - depending on axis labelling. More...
class  CVMappingRule
 Representation of a CV Mapping rule used by CVMappings. More...
class  CVMappingTerm
 Representation of controlled vocabulary term. More...
class  CVReference
 Controlled Vocabulary Reference. More...
class  DataValue
 Class to hold strings, numeric values, lists of strings and lists of numeric values. More...
class  Date
 Date Class. More...
class  DateTime
 DateTime Class. More...
class  DBoundingBox< D >
 A D-dimensional bounding box. More...
class  DefaultParamHandler
 A base class for all classes handling default parameters. More...
class  DistanceMatrix< Value >
 A two-dimensional distance matrix, similar to OpenMS::Matrix. More...
class  DPosition< D, TCoordinateType >
 Representation of a coordinate in D-dimensional space. More...
class  DRange< D >
 A D-dimensional half-open interval. More...
class  ListUtils
 Collection of utility functions for management of vectors. More...
class  Map< Key, T >
 Map class based on the STL map (containing several convenience functions) More...
class  MassExplainer
 computes empirical formulas for given mass differences using a set of allowed elements More...
class  Matrix< Value >
 A two-dimensional matrix. Similar to std::vector, but uses a binary operator(,) for element access. More...
class  Param
 Management and storage of parameters / INI files. More...
class  ParamValue
 Class to hold strings, numeric values, vectors of strings and vectors of numeric values using the stl types. More...
class  QTCluster
 A representation of a QT cluster used for feature grouping. More...
class  String
 A more convenient string class. More...
class  StringListUtils
 Utilities operating on lists of Strings. More...
struct  ToolDescriptionInternal
 ToolDescription Class. More...
class  MapUtilities< MapType >
 Utilities for Feature and ConsensusMap. More...


typedef std::vector< IntIntList
 Vector of signed integers. More...
typedef std::vector< double > DoubleList
 Vector of double precision real types. More...
typedef std::vector< StringStringList
 Vector of String. More...

Detailed Description

Auxiliary datastructures.

Typedef Documentation

◆ DoubleList

typedef std::vector<double> DoubleList

Vector of double precision real types.

◆ IntList

typedef std::vector<Int> IntList

Vector of signed integers.

◆ StringList

typedef std::vector<String> StringList

Vector of String.