These specialized sorting methods are supported in addition to the standard sorting methods of std::vector. All use stable sorting.
void | sortByIntensity (bool reverse=false) |
| Sorts the peaks according to ascending intensity. More...
void | sortByRT () |
| Sorts the peaks to RT position. More...
void | sortByMZ () |
| Sorts the peaks to m/z position. More...
void | sortByPosition () |
| Lexicographically sorts the peaks by their position (First RT then m/z). More...
void | sortByQuality (bool reverse=false) |
| Sorts the peaks according to ascending quality. More...
void | sortBySize () |
| Sorts with respect to the size (number of elements) More...
void | sortByMaps () |
| Sorts with respect to the sets of maps covered by the consensus features (lexicographically). More...
void | sortPeptideIdentificationsByMapIndex () |
| Sorts PeptideIdentifications of consensus features with respect to their map index. More...
void | updateRanges () override |
void | swap (ConsensusMap &from) |
| Swaps the content of this map with the content of from . More...
const std::vector< ProteinIdentification > & | getProteinIdentifications () const |
| non-mutable access to the protein identifications More...
std::vector< ProteinIdentification > & | getProteinIdentifications () |
| mutable access to the protein identifications More...
void | setProteinIdentifications (const std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &protein_identifications) |
| sets the protein identifications More...
void | setProteinIdentifications (std::vector< ProteinIdentification > &&protein_identifications) |
| sets the protein identifications by moving More...
const std::vector< PeptideIdentification > & | getUnassignedPeptideIdentifications () const |
| non-mutable access to the unassigned peptide identifications More...
std::vector< PeptideIdentification > & | getUnassignedPeptideIdentifications () |
| mutable access to the unassigned peptide identifications More...
void | setUnassignedPeptideIdentifications (const std::vector< PeptideIdentification > &unassigned_peptide_identifications) |
| sets the unassigned peptide identifications More...
const std::vector< DataProcessing > & | getDataProcessing () const |
| returns a const reference to the description of the applied data processing More...
std::vector< DataProcessing > & | getDataProcessing () |
| returns a mutable reference to the description of the applied data processing More...
void | setDataProcessing (const std::vector< DataProcessing > &processing_method) |
| sets the description of the applied data processing More...
void | setPrimaryMSRunPath (const StringList &s) |
| set the file paths to the primary MS run (stored in ColumnHeaders) More...
void | setPrimaryMSRunPath (const StringList &s, MSExperiment &e) |
void | getPrimaryMSRunPath (StringList &toFill) const |
| returns the MS run path (stored in ColumnHeaders) More...
bool | operator== (const ConsensusMap &rhs) const |
| Equality operator. More...
bool | operator!= (const ConsensusMap &rhs) const |
| Equality operator. More...
template<typename Type > |
Size | applyMemberFunction (Size(Type::*member_function)()) |
| Applies a member function of Type to the container itself and all consensus features. The returned values are accumulated. More...
template<typename Type > |
Size | applyMemberFunction (Size(Type::*member_function)() const) const |
| The "const" variant. More...
bool | isMapConsistent (Logger::LogStream *stream=nullptr) const |
| checks if the given maps are unique and all FeatureHandles actually refer to a registered map More...
std::vector< FeatureMap > | split (SplitMeta mode=SplitMeta::DISCARD) const |
| splits ConsensusMap into its original FeatureMaps More...
std::set< IdentificationData::ObservationMatchRef > | getUnassignedIDMatches () const |
| Return observation matches (e.g. PSMs) from the identification data that are not assigned to any feature in the map. More...
const IdentificationData & | getIdentificationData () const |
| Immutable access to the contained identification data. More...
IdentificationData & | getIdentificationData () |
| Mutable access to the contained identification data. More...
| MetaInfoInterface () |
| Constructor. More...
| MetaInfoInterface (const MetaInfoInterface &rhs) |
| Copy constructor. More...
| MetaInfoInterface (MetaInfoInterface &&) noexcept |
| Move constructor. More...
| ~MetaInfoInterface () |
| Destructor. More...
MetaInfoInterface & | operator= (const MetaInfoInterface &rhs) |
| Assignment operator. More...
MetaInfoInterface & | operator= (MetaInfoInterface &&) noexcept |
| Move assignment operator. More...
void | swap (MetaInfoInterface &rhs) |
| Swap contents. More...
bool | operator== (const MetaInfoInterface &rhs) const |
| Equality operator. More...
bool | operator!= (const MetaInfoInterface &rhs) const |
| Equality operator. More...
const DataValue & | getMetaValue (const String &name) const |
| Returns the value corresponding to a string, or DataValue::EMPTY if not found. More...
DataValue | getMetaValue (const String &name, const DataValue &default_value) const |
| Returns the value corresponding to a string, or a default value (e.g.: DataValue::EMPTY) if not found. More...
const DataValue & | getMetaValue (UInt index) const |
| Returns the value corresponding to the index, or DataValue::EMPTY if not found. More...
DataValue | getMetaValue (UInt index, const DataValue &default_value) const |
| Returns the value corresponding to the index, or a default value (e.g.: DataValue::EMPTY) if not found. More...
bool | metaValueExists (const String &name) const |
| Returns whether an entry with the given name exists. More...
bool | metaValueExists (UInt index) const |
| Returns whether an entry with the given index exists. More...
void | setMetaValue (const String &name, const DataValue &value) |
| Sets the DataValue corresponding to a name. More...
void | setMetaValue (UInt index, const DataValue &value) |
| Sets the DataValue corresponding to an index. More...
void | removeMetaValue (const String &name) |
| Removes the DataValue corresponding to name if it exists. More...
void | removeMetaValue (UInt index) |
| Removes the DataValue corresponding to index if it exists. More...
void | addMetaValues (const MetaInfoInterface &from) |
| function to copy all meta values from one object to this one More...
void | getKeys (std::vector< String > &keys) const |
| Fills the given vector with a list of all keys for which a value is set. More...
void | getKeys (std::vector< UInt > &keys) const |
| Fills the given vector with a list of all keys for which a value is set. More...
bool | isMetaEmpty () const |
| Returns if the MetaInfo is empty. More...
void | clearMetaInfo () |
| Removes all meta values. More...
virtual | ~RangeManagerContainer ()=default |
| D'tor. More...
const ThisRangeType & | getRange () const |
| get range of current data (call updateRanges() before to ensure the range is accurate) More...
ThisRangeType & | getRange () |
| get mutable range, provided for efficiency reasons (avoid updateRanges(), if only minor changes were made) More...
bool | operator== (const RangeManager &rhs) const |
bool | operator!= (const RangeManager &rhs) const |
bool | assignUnsafe (const RangeManager< RangeBasesOther... > &rhs) |
auto & | assign (const RangeManager< RangeBasesOther... > &rhs) |
bool | extendUnsafe (const RangeManager< RangeBasesOther... > &rhs) |
void | extend (const RangeManager< RangeBasesOther... > &rhs) |
void | scaleBy (const double factor) |
| calls RangeBase::scale() for each dimension More...
void | minSpanIfSingular (const double min_span) |
| If any dimension is a single point, e.g. min==max, then extend this dimension by min_span / 2 on either side. More...
bool | pushIntoUnsafe (const RangeManager< RangeBasesOther... > &rhs) |
void | pushInto (const RangeManager< RangeBasesOther... > &sandbox) |
bool | clampToUnsafe (const RangeManager< RangeBasesOther... > &rhs) |
void | clampTo (const RangeManager< RangeBasesOther... > &rhs) |
const RangeBase & | getRangeForDim (MSDim dim) const |
| obtain a range dimension at runtime using dim More...
RangeBase & | getRangeForDim (MSDim dim) |
| obtain a range dimension at runtime using dim More...
HasRangeType | hasRange () const |
| is any/some/all dimension in this range populated? More...
bool | containsAll (const RangeManager< RangeBasesOther... > &rhs) const |
void | clearRanges () |
| Resets all ranges. More...
ThisRangeType & | clear (const DIM_UNIT range) |
void | printRange (std::ostream &out) const |
| print each dimension (base classes) to a stream More...
| DocumentIdentifier () |
| Default constructor. More...
| DocumentIdentifier (const DocumentIdentifier &)=default |
| Copy constructor. More...
| DocumentIdentifier (DocumentIdentifier &&)=default |
| Move constructor. More...
virtual | ~DocumentIdentifier () |
| Destructor. More...
DocumentIdentifier & | operator= (const DocumentIdentifier &)=default |
| Assignment operator. More...
DocumentIdentifier & | operator= (DocumentIdentifier &&) &=default |
| Move assignment operator. More...
bool | operator== (const DocumentIdentifier &rhs) const |
| Equality operator. More...
void | setIdentifier (const String &id) |
| set document identifier (e.g. an LSID) More...
const String & | getIdentifier () const |
| retrieve document identifier (e.g. an LSID) More...
void | swap (DocumentIdentifier &from) |
| exchange content with from More...
void | setLoadedFilePath (const String &file_name) |
| set the file_name_ according to absolute path of the file loaded from preferably done whilst loading More...
const String & | getLoadedFilePath () const |
| get the file_name_ which is the absolute path to the file loaded from More...
void | setLoadedFileType (const String &file_name) |
| set the file_type according to the type of the file loaded from (see FileHandler::Type) preferably done whilst loading More...
const FileTypes::Type & | getLoadedFileType () const |
| get the file_type (e.g. featureXML, consensusXML, mzData, mzXML, mzML, ...) of the file loaded from More...
| ExposedVector ()=default |
| ExposedVector (const size_t n) |
| ExposedVector (const size_t n, const ConsensusFeature &val) |
| ExposedVector (Iter begin, Iter end) |
| ExposedVector (const ExposedVector &rhs)=default |
| Copy C'tor. More...
| ExposedVector (ExposedVector &&rhs) noexcept=default |
| Move C'tor. More...
ExposedVector & | operator= (const ExposedVector &rhs)=default |
| Assignment. More...
ExposedVector & | operator= (ExposedVector &&rhs) noexcept=default |
| Move Assignment. More...
iterator | begin () noexcept |
const_iterator | begin () const noexcept |
iterator | end () noexcept |
const_iterator | end () const noexcept |
const_iterator | cbegin () const noexcept |
const_iterator | cend () const noexcept |
size_t | size () const noexcept |
void | resize (const size_t new_size) |
void | reserve (const size_t new_size) |
bool | empty () const noexcept |
ConsensusFeature & | operator[] (size_t i) noexcept |
const ConsensusFeature & | operator[] (size_t i) const noexcept |
ConsensusFeature & | at (size_t i) |
const ConsensusFeature & | at (size_t i) const |
ConsensusFeature & | back () noexcept |
const ConsensusFeature & | back () const noexcept |
void | push_back (const ConsensusFeature &f) |
void | push_back (ConsensusFeature &&f) |
decltype(auto) | emplace_back (Args &&... args) |
void | pop_back () noexcept |
iterator | erase (const_iterator where) noexcept |
iterator | erase (const_iterator from, const_iterator to) noexcept |
iterator | insert (const_iterator where, T from, T to) |
const VecMember & | getData () const |
| read-only access to the underlying data More...
VecMember & | getData () |
| read access to the underlying data More...
| UniqueIdInterface () |
| Default constructor - the unique id will be invalid More...
| UniqueIdInterface (const UniqueIdInterface &rhs)=default |
| Copy constructor - copies the unique id. More...
| UniqueIdInterface (UniqueIdInterface &&rhs)=default |
| Move constructor. More...
UniqueIdInterface & | operator= (UniqueIdInterface const &rhs)=default |
| Assignment operator - copies the unique id. More...
UniqueIdInterface & | operator= (UniqueIdInterface &&) &=default |
| Move Assignment operator - copies the unique id. More...
virtual | ~UniqueIdInterface ()=default |
| Destructor. More...
bool | operator== (UniqueIdInterface const &rhs) const |
| Equality comparison operator - the unique ids must be equal (!) More...
UInt64 | getUniqueId () const |
| Non-mutable access to unique id - returns the unique id. More...
Size | clearUniqueId () |
| Clear the unique id. The new unique id will be invalid. Returns 1 if the unique id was changed, 0 otherwise. More...
void | swap (UniqueIdInterface &from) |
Size | hasValidUniqueId () const |
| Returns whether the unique id is valid. Returns 1 if the unique id is valid, 0 otherwise. More...
Size | hasInvalidUniqueId () const |
| Returns whether the unique id is invalid. Returns 1 if the unique id is invalid, 0 otherwise. More...
Size | setUniqueId () |
| Assigns a new, valid unique id. Always returns 1. More...
Size | ensureUniqueId () |
| Assigns a valid unique id, but only if the present one is invalid. Returns 1 if the unique id was changed, 0 otherwise. More...
void | setUniqueId (UInt64 rhs) |
| Assigns the given unique id. More...
void | setUniqueId (const String &rhs) |
| Mutable access to unique id. More...
Size | uniqueIdToIndex (UInt64 unique_id) const |
| Returns the index of the feature with the given unique id, or Size(-1) if none exists in this random access container. More...
void | updateUniqueIdToIndex () const |
| Updates the hash map from unique id to index. More...
Size | resolveUniqueIdConflicts () |
| Assign new UID's to doubly occurring UID's. More...
void | swap (UniqueIdIndexer &rhs) |
| Swap. More...
void | applyFunctionOnPeptideHits (T &&f, bool include_unassigned=true) |
| applies a function on all PeptideHits or only assigned ones More...
void | applyFunctionOnPeptideHits (T &&f, bool include_unassigned=true) const |
| applies a const function on all PeptideHits or only assigned ones More...
void | applyFunctionOnPeptideIDs (T &&f, bool include_unassigned=true) |
| applies a function on all PeptideIDs or only assigned ones More...
void | applyFunctionOnPeptideIDs (T &&f, bool include_unassigned=true) const |
| applies a const function on all PeptideIDs or only assigned ones More...