| IncludeExcludeTarget () |
| default constructor More...
| IncludeExcludeTarget (const IncludeExcludeTarget &rhs) |
| copy constructor More...
| ~IncludeExcludeTarget () override |
| destructor More...
IncludeExcludeTarget & | operator= (const IncludeExcludeTarget &rhs) |
| assignment operator More...
void | setName (const String &name) |
const String & | getName () const |
void | setPeptideRef (const String &peptide_ref) |
const String & | getPeptideRef () const |
void | setCompoundRef (const String &compound_ref) |
const String & | getCompoundRef () const |
void | setPrecursorMZ (double mz) |
| sets the precursor mz (Q1 value) More...
double | getPrecursorMZ () const |
void | setPrecursorCVTermList (const CVTermList &list) |
void | addPrecursorCVTerm (const CVTerm &cv_term) |
const CVTermList & | getPrecursorCVTermList () const |
void | setProductMZ (double mz) |
double | getProductMZ () const |
void | setProductCVTermList (const CVTermList &list) |
void | addProductCVTerm (const CVTerm &cv_term) |
const CVTermList & | getProductCVTermList () const |
void | setInterpretations (const std::vector< CVTermList > &interpretations) |
const std::vector< CVTermList > & | getInterpretations () const |
void | addInterpretation (const CVTermList &interpretation) |
void | setConfigurations (const std::vector< Configuration > &configuration) |
const std::vector< Configuration > & | getConfigurations () const |
void | addConfiguration (const Configuration &configuration) |
void | setPrediction (const CVTermList &prediction) |
void | addPredictionTerm (const CVTerm &prediction) |
const CVTermList & | getPrediction () const |
void | setRetentionTime (RetentionTime rt) |
const RetentionTime & | getRetentionTime () const |
| CVTermList ()=default |
| Defaults constructor. More...
| CVTermList (const CVTermList &)=default |
| Copy constructor. More...
| CVTermList (CVTermList &&) noexcept |
| Move constructor. More...
virtual | ~CVTermList () |
| Destructor. More...
CVTermList & | operator= (const CVTermList &rhs) &=default |
| Assignment operator. More...
CVTermList & | operator= (CVTermList &&) &=default |
| Move assignment operator. More...
void | setCVTerms (const std::vector< CVTerm > &terms) |
| sets the CV terms More...
void | replaceCVTerm (const CVTerm &cv_term) |
| replaces the specified CV term More...
void | replaceCVTerms (const std::vector< CVTerm > &cv_terms, const String &accession) |
| replaces the specified CV terms using the given accession number More...
void | replaceCVTerms (const std::map< String, std::vector< CVTerm > > &cv_term_map) |
| replaces all cv terms with a map (can be obtained via getCVTerms) More...
void | consumeCVTerms (const std::map< String, std::vector< CVTerm > > &cv_term_map) |
| merges the given map into the member map, no duplicate checking More...
const std::map< String, std::vector< CVTerm > > & | getCVTerms () const |
| returns the accession string of the term More...
void | addCVTerm (const CVTerm &term) |
| adds a CV term More...
bool | operator== (const CVTermList &cv_term_list) const |
| equality operator More...
bool | operator!= (const CVTermList &cv_term_list) const |
| inequality operator More...
bool | hasCVTerm (const String &accession) const |
| checks whether the term has a value More...
bool | empty () const |
| return true if no terms are available More...
| MetaInfoInterface () |
| Constructor. More...
| MetaInfoInterface (const MetaInfoInterface &rhs) |
| Copy constructor. More...
| MetaInfoInterface (MetaInfoInterface &&) noexcept |
| Move constructor. More...
| ~MetaInfoInterface () |
| Destructor. More...
MetaInfoInterface & | operator= (const MetaInfoInterface &rhs) |
| Assignment operator. More...
MetaInfoInterface & | operator= (MetaInfoInterface &&) noexcept |
| Move assignment operator. More...
void | swap (MetaInfoInterface &rhs) |
| Swap contents. More...
bool | operator== (const MetaInfoInterface &rhs) const |
| Equality operator. More...
bool | operator!= (const MetaInfoInterface &rhs) const |
| Equality operator. More...
const DataValue & | getMetaValue (const String &name) const |
| Returns the value corresponding to a string, or DataValue::EMPTY if not found. More...
DataValue | getMetaValue (const String &name, const DataValue &default_value) const |
| Returns the value corresponding to a string, or a default value (e.g.: DataValue::EMPTY) if not found
const DataValue & | getMetaValue (UInt index) const |
| Returns the value corresponding to the index, or DataValue::EMPTY if not found. More...
DataValue | getMetaValue (UInt index, const DataValue &default_value) const |
| Returns the value corresponding to the index, or a default value (e.g.: DataValue::EMPTY) if not found
bool | metaValueExists (const String &name) const |
| Returns whether an entry with the given name exists. More...
bool | metaValueExists (UInt index) const |
| Returns whether an entry with the given index exists. More...
void | setMetaValue (const String &name, const DataValue &value) |
| Sets the DataValue corresponding to a name. More...
void | setMetaValue (UInt index, const DataValue &value) |
| Sets the DataValue corresponding to an index. More...
void | removeMetaValue (const String &name) |
| Removes the DataValue corresponding to name if it exists. More...
void | removeMetaValue (UInt index) |
| Removes the DataValue corresponding to index if it exists. More...
void | addMetaValues (const MetaInfoInterface &from) |
| function to copy all meta values from one object to this one More...
void | getKeys (std::vector< String > &keys) const |
| Fills the given vector with a list of all keys for which a value is set. More...
void | getKeys (std::vector< UInt > &keys) const |
| Fills the given vector with a list of all keys for which a value is set. More...
bool | isMetaEmpty () const |
| Returns if the MetaInfo is empty. More...
void | clearMetaInfo () |
| Removes all meta values. More...