Model Processors


class  BALL::VIEW::AtomBondModelBaseProcessor
class  BALL::VIEW::AddBackboneModel
class  BALL::VIEW::AddBallAndStickModel
class  BALL::VIEW::AddCartoonModel
class  BALL::VIEW::ColorProcessor
class  BALL::VIEW::InterpolateColorProcessor
class  BALL::VIEW::FieldLineCreator
class  BALL::VIEW::ForceModel
class  BALL::VIEW::HBondModelProcessor
class  BALL::VIEW::LabelModel
class  BALL::VIEW::AddLineModel
class  BALL::VIEW::ModelProcessor
class  BALL::VIEW::ElementColorProcessor
class  BALL::VIEW::ResidueNumberColorProcessor
class  BALL::VIEW::ResidueNameColorProcessor
class  BALL::VIEW::AtomChargeColorProcessor
class  BALL::VIEW::AtomDistanceColorProcessor
class  BALL::VIEW::CustomColorProcessor
class  BALL::VIEW::TemperatureFactorColorProcessor
class  BALL::VIEW::OccupancyColorProcessor
class  BALL::VIEW::ForceColorProcessor
class  BALL::VIEW::SecondaryStructureColorProcessor
class  BALL::VIEW::ResidueTypeColorProcessor
class  BALL::VIEW::AddSurfaceModel
class  BALL::VIEW::AddVanDerWaalsModel

Detailed Description

Molecular Models

There are several model types to visualise molecular structures in VIEW:

Every model is implemeted in a class derived from ModelProcessor, which operates on Kernel objects (Atoms , Bonds , ...).

If you want to add a new model, you have to do four things:

The new model will be automaticaly added to the DisplayProperties dialog.

Coloring Methods

There are also several methods to colorize the molecular models and every method is implemented in a class derived from ColorProcessor . Every instance of Representation can have a pointer to an object of ColorProcessor , which it calls to get the color for the GeometricObjects .

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