BALL::TSurface< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for BALL::TSurface< T >, including all inherited members.
clear()BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
clearNormals()BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
clearTriangles()BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
clearVertices()BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
get(TSurface &surface) const BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
getArea() const BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
getNormal(Position index)BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
getNormal(Position index) const BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
getNumberOfNormals() const BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
getNumberOfTriangles() const BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
getNumberOfVertices() const BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
getTriangle(Position index)BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
getTriangle(Position index) const BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
getVertex(Position index)BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
getVertex(Position index) const BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
Normal typedefBALL::TSurface< T >
normalBALL::TSurface< T >
operator!=(const TSurface &surface) const BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
operator=(const TSurface &surface)BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
operator==(const TSurface &surface) const BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
pushBackNormal(const Normal &n)BALL::TSurface< T >
pushBackTriangle(const Triangle &triangle)BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
pushBackVertex(const Vertex &vertex)BALL::TSurface< T >
readMSMSFile(const String &vert_filename, const String &face_filename)BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
resizeNormals(Size size)BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
resizeTriangles(Size size)BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
resizeVertices(Size size)BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
set(const TSurface &surface)BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
triangleBALL::TSurface< T >
TSurface()BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
TSurface(const TSurface &surface)BALL::TSurface< T > [inline]
vertexBALL::TSurface< T >
Vertex typedefBALL::TSurface< T >
~TSurface()BALL::TSurface< T > [inline, virtual]
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