![]() |
Mathematical and physical constants namespace. More...
Namespaces | |
UserParam | |
Variables | |
const unsigned int | DEFAULT_NUM_OF_INTERPOLATION_POINTS = 3 |
const double | MASS_EPSILON = 1e-4f |
const double | MARR_WAVELET_CUTOFF = 4.f |
const double | PEPTIDE_MASS_RULE_FACTOR = 0.000507f |
const double | PEPTIDE_MASS_RULE_THEO_PPM_BOUND = 200 |
const double | IW_NEUTRON_MASS = 1.00866491578f |
const double | IW_HALF_NEUTRON_MASS = 0.5043325f |
const double | IW_QUARTER_NEUTRON_MASS = 0.252166228f |
const double | WAVELET_PERIODICITY = 6.229209734f |
const double | ONEOLOG2E = 0.6931471806f |
const double | IW_PROTON_MASS = 1.00727646688f |
const double | LAMBDA_L_0 = 0.120398590399013419f |
const double | LAMBDA_L_1 = 0.635926795694698589e-3f |
const double | CUT_LAMBDA_Q_0_A = 1.9498e+00f |
const double | CUT_LAMBDA_Q_0_B = 2.4244e-03f |
const double | CUT_LAMBDA_Q_0_C = -2.4183e-07f |
const double | CUT_LAMBDA_Q_1_A = 3.6870e+00f |
const double | CUT_LAMBDA_Q_1_B = 1.1561e-03f |
const double | CUT_LAMBDA_Q_1_C = -1.0329e-08f |
const double | CUT_LAMBDA_L_2_A = 5.7661e+00f |
const double | CUT_LAMBDA_L_2_B = 8.6301e-04f |
const double | CUT_LAMBDA_BREAK_0_1 = 2739.4f |
const double | CUT_LAMBDA_BREAK_1_2 = 1.4187e+04f |
const int | SHIFT23 = (1 << 23) |
const double | SHIFT23_00 = (1.0 / (1 << 23)) |
const double | LOG_CONST = 0.346607f |
const double | POW_CONST = 0.33971f |
Mathematical constants. | |
const double | PI = 3.14159265358979323846 |
PI. More... | |
const double | E = 2.718281828459045235 |
Euler's number - base of the natural logarithm. More... | |
double | EPSILON = 1e-6 |
Chemical/physical constants. | |
const double | ELEMENTARY_CHARGE = 1.60217738E-19 |
const double | e0 = ELEMENTARY_CHARGE |
Elementary charge (alias) More... | |
const double | ELECTRON_MASS = 9.1093897E-31 |
const double | ELECTRON_MASS_U = 1.0 / 1822.8885020477 |
const double | PROTON_MASS = 1.6726230E-27 |
const double | PROTON_MASS_U = 1.0072764667710 |
const double | C13C12_MASSDIFF_U = 1.0033548378 |
const double | NEUTRON_MASS = 1.6749286E-27 |
const double | NEUTRON_MASS_U = 1.00866491566 |
const double | AVOGADRO = 6.0221367E+23 |
const double | NA = AVOGADRO |
const double | MOL = AVOGADRO |
const double | BOLTZMANN = 1.380657E-23 |
const double | k = BOLTZMANN |
const double | PLANCK = 6.6260754E-34 |
const double | h = PLANCK |
const double | GAS_CONSTANT = NA * k |
const double | R = GAS_CONSTANT |
const double | FARADAY = NA * e0 |
const double | F = FARADAY |
const double | BOHR_RADIUS = 5.29177249E-11 |
const double | a0 = BOHR_RADIUS |
const double | VACUUM_PERMITTIVITY = 8.85419E-12 |
const double | VACUUM_PERMEABILITY = (4 * PI * 1E-7) |
const double | SPEED_OF_LIGHT = 2.99792458E+8 |
const double | c = SPEED_OF_LIGHT |
const double | GRAVITATIONAL_CONSTANT = 6.67259E-11 |
const double | FINE_STRUCTURE_CONSTANT = 7.29735E-3 |
Conversion factors | |
const double | DEG_PER_RAD = 57.2957795130823209 |
const double | RAD_PER_DEG = 0.0174532925199432957 |
const double | MM_PER_INCH = 25.4 |
const double | M_PER_FOOT = 3.048 |
const double | JOULE_PER_CAL = 4.184 |
const double | CAL_PER_JOULE = (1 / 4.184) |
Mathematical and physical constants namespace.
This namespace contains definitions for some basic mathematical and physical constants. All constants are double precision.
There are basically two ways of accessing these constants:
double my_pi = OpenMS::Constants::PI
using directive
: using namespace OpenMS::Constants;
double my_pi = PI;
inline |
Bohr radius (alias)
inline |
Avogadro constant. In units of (
inline |
Bohr radius. In units m ( m).
inline |
Boltzmann constant. In units of J/K ( J/K).
inline |
Speed of Light (alias)
Referenced by seqan::_consumeChar(), seqan::_createSecondarySpawns(), seqan::_getSpawnRange(), seqan::_masterConsumeChar(), seqan::_spawnConsumeChar(), IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType >::checkPositionForPlausibility_(), IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType >::checkPPMTheoModel_(), OpenMS::ChromatogramExtractor::extract_id_< OpenMS::TargetedExperiment >(), GridBasedClustering< Metric >::cluster(), IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType >::clusterSeeds_(), SignalToNoiseEstimatorMeanIterative< Container >::computeSTN_(), SignalToNoiseEstimatorMedian< Container >::computeSTN_(), ListUtils::create(), StringUtils::fillLeft(), StringUtils::fillRight(), seqan::find(), OpenMS::Math::gcd(), seqan::getPath(), IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType >::getTransform(), IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType >::getTransformHighRes(), Precursor::getUnchargedMass(), IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType >::identifyCharge(), SignalToNoiseEstimator< Container >::init(), IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType >::initializeScan(), seqan::isAmbiguous(), LayerStatisticsDialog::MetaStatsValue_::MetaStatsValue_(), IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType >::push2Box_(), IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType >::push2TmpBox_(), StringUtils::removeWhitespaces(), IDConflictResolverAlgorithm::resolveConflict_(), IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType >::scoreThis_(), DIntervalBase< D >::setMaxX(), DIntervalBase< D >::setMaxY(), DIntervalBase< D >::setMinX(), DIntervalBase< D >::setMinY(), DPosition< D, TCoordinateType >::setX(), DPosition< D, TCoordinateType >::setY(), IndexedMzMLFileLoader::store(), and OpenMS::StringConversions::toString().
inline |
C13C12 mass difference. In units ( u)
Referenced by MSExperiment::ContainerAdd_< ContainerValueType, true >::addData_(), NucleicAcidSearchEngine::calculatePrecursorMass_(), and NucleicAcidSearchEngine::deisotopeAndSingleChargeMSSpectrum_().
inline |
Calories per Joule. 1/JOULE_PER_CAL
const double CUT_LAMBDA_BREAK_0_1 = 2739.4f |
const double CUT_LAMBDA_BREAK_1_2 = 1.4187e+04f |
const double CUT_LAMBDA_L_2_A = 5.7661e+00f |
const double CUT_LAMBDA_L_2_B = 8.6301e-04f |
const double CUT_LAMBDA_Q_0_A = 1.9498e+00f |
const double CUT_LAMBDA_Q_0_B = 2.4244e-03f |
const double CUT_LAMBDA_Q_0_C = -2.4183e-07f |
const double CUT_LAMBDA_Q_1_A = 3.6870e+00f |
const double CUT_LAMBDA_Q_1_B = 1.1561e-03f |
const double CUT_LAMBDA_Q_1_C = -1.0329e-08f |
inline |
Degree per rad. 57.2957795130823209
inline |
Euler's number - base of the natural logarithm.
inline |
Elementary charge (alias)
inline |
Electron mass. In units of kg ( kg).
inline |
Electron mass In units ( u).
inline |
Elementary charge. In units of C ( ).
inline |
Internal threshold for equality comparisons. Default value is 1e-6.
inline |
Faraday constant (alias)
inline |
Fine structure constant. Without unit ( ).
Gas constant (= NA * k)
Referenced by AAIndex::calculateGB().
inline |
Gravitational constant. In units of (
inline |
Planck constant (alias)
Referenced by EmgGradientDescent_friend::applyEstimatedParameters(), EmgGradientDescent_friend::emg_point(), EmgGradientDescent_friend::Loss_function(), OpenMS::Math::quantile(), and PeakIntegrator::simpson_().
const double IW_HALF_NEUTRON_MASS = 0.5043325f |
const double IW_NEUTRON_MASS = 1.00866491578f |
const double IW_PROTON_MASS = 1.00727646688f |
const double IW_QUARTER_NEUTRON_MASS = 0.252166228f |
Referenced by IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType >::checkPositionForPlausibility_(), IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType >::getTransform(), IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType >::getTransformHighRes(), IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType >::identifyCharge(), IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType >::initializeScan(), and IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType >::mapSeeds2Features().
inline |
Joules per calorie. 4.184
inline |
Boltzmann constant (alias)
Referenced by TOPPViewBase::addDataFile(), EmgScoring::calcElutionFitScore(), MRMTransitionGroupPicker::computeQuality_(), OpenSwathHelper::computeTransitionGroupId(), ChromatogramExtractor::extractChromatograms(), TwoDOptimization::optimizeRegions_(), PeakPickerIterative::pick(), PeakPickerSH::pick(), MRMTransitionGroupPicker::pickApex(), MRMTransitionGroupPicker::pickFragmentChromatograms(), MRMTransitionGroupPicker::pickPrecursorChromatograms(), PeakPickerIterative::pickRecenterPeaks_(), MRMTransitionGroupPicker::pickTransitionGroup(), RANSAC< TModelType >::ransac(), MRMTransitionGroupPicker::recalculatePeakBorders_(), MRMTransitionGroupPicker::remove_overlapping_features(), DistanceMatrix< Value >::resize(), TOPPViewBase::showCurrentPeaksAsDIA(), PeakIntegrator::simpson_(), and ContinuousWaveletTransformNumIntegration::transform().
const double LAMBDA_L_0 = 0.120398590399013419f |
const double LAMBDA_L_1 = 0.635926795694698589e-3f |
const double LOG_CONST = 0.346607f |
inline |
m per foot. 3.048
const double MARR_WAVELET_CUTOFF = 4.f |
const double MASS_EPSILON = 1e-4f |
inline |
mm per inch. 25.4
inline |
Avogadro constant (alias)
inline |
Avogadro constant (alias)
inline |
Neutron mass. In units of kg ( kg).
inline |
Neutron mass. In units ( u)
const double ONEOLOG2E = 0.6931471806f |
Referenced by IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType >::peptideMassRule_().
const double PEPTIDE_MASS_RULE_FACTOR = 0.000507f |
Referenced by IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType >::peptideMassRule_().
Referenced by IsotopeWaveletTransform< PeakType >::checkPPMTheoModel_().
inline |
inline |
Planck constant. In units of Js ( Js).
const double POW_CONST = 0.33971f |
inline |
Proton mass. In units of kg ( kg).
inline |
Proton mass. In units ( u)
Referenced by NucleicAcidSearchEngine::calculatePrecursorMass_(), NucleicAcidSearchEngine::deisotopeAndSingleChargeMSSpectrum_(), Precursor::getUnchargedMass(), and DTAFile::load().
inline |
Gas constant (alias)
Referenced by AAIndex::calculateGB(), and KDTree< __K, _Val, _Acc, _Dist, _Cmp, _Alloc >::visit_within_range().
inline |
Rad per degree. 0.0174532925199432957
const int SHIFT23 = (1 << 23) |
const double SHIFT23_00 = (1.0 / (1 << 23)) |
inline |
Speed of light. In units of m/s ( ).
inline |
Vacuum permittivity. In units of (
const double WAVELET_PERIODICITY = 6.229209734f |