OpenSwathWorkflow Class Reference

Execute all steps in an OpenSwath analysis. More...

#include <OpenMS/ANALYSIS/OPENSWATH/OpenSwathWorkflow.h>

Inheritance diagram for OpenSwathWorkflow:
Collaboration diagram for OpenSwathWorkflow:

Public Member Functions

 OpenSwathWorkflow (bool use_ms1_traces, bool use_ms1_ion_mobility, bool prm, bool pasef, int threads_outer_loop)
 Constructor. More...
void performExtraction (const std::vector< OpenSwath::SwathMap > &swath_maps, const TransformationDescription &trafo, const ChromExtractParams &chromatogram_extraction_params, const ChromExtractParams &ms1_chromatogram_extraction_params, const Param &feature_finder_param, const OpenSwath::LightTargetedExperiment &assay_library, FeatureMap &result_featureFile, bool store_features_in_featureFile, OpenSwathTSVWriter &result_tsv, OpenSwathOSWWriter &result_osw, Interfaces::IMSDataConsumer *result_chromatograms, int batchSize, int ms1_isotopes, bool load_into_memory)
 Execute OpenSWATH analysis on a set of SwathMaps and transitions. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ProgressLogger
 ProgressLogger ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~ProgressLogger ()
 Destructor. More...
 ProgressLogger (const ProgressLogger &other)
 Copy constructor. More...
ProgressLoggeroperator= (const ProgressLogger &other)
 Assignment Operator. More...
void setLogType (LogType type) const
 Sets the progress log that should be used. The default type is NONE! More...
LogType getLogType () const
 Returns the type of progress log being used. More...
void startProgress (SignedSize begin, SignedSize end, const String &label) const
 Initializes the progress display. More...
void setProgress (SignedSize value) const
 Sets the current progress. More...
void endProgress () const
 Ends the progress display. More...
void nextProgress () const
 increment progress by 1 (according to range begin-end) More...

Protected Member Functions

void writeOutFeaturesAndChroms_ (std::vector< OpenMS::MSChromatogram > &chromatograms, std::vector< MSChromatogram > &ms1_chromatograms, const FeatureMap &featureFile, FeatureMap &out_featureFile, bool store_features, Interfaces::IMSDataConsumer *chromConsumer)
 Write output features and chromatograms. More...
void scoreAllChromatograms_ (const std::vector< OpenMS::MSChromatogram > &ms2_chromatograms, const std::vector< OpenMS::MSChromatogram > &ms1_chromatograms, const std::vector< OpenSwath::SwathMap > &swath_maps, const OpenSwath::LightTargetedExperiment &transition_exp, const Param &feature_finder_param, const TransformationDescription &trafo, const double rt_extraction_window, FeatureMap &output, OpenSwathTSVWriter &tsv_writer, OpenSwathOSWWriter &osw_writer, int nr_ms1_isotopes=0, bool ms1only=false) const
 Perform scoring on a set of chromatograms. More...
void selectCompoundsForBatch_ (const OpenSwath::LightTargetedExperiment &transition_exp_used_all, OpenSwath::LightTargetedExperiment &transition_exp_used, int batch_size, size_t batch_idx)
 Select which compounds to analyze in the next batch (and copy to output) More...
void copyBatchTransitions_ (const std::vector< OpenSwath::LightCompound > &used_compounds, const std::vector< OpenSwath::LightTransition > &all_transitions, std::vector< OpenSwath::LightTransition > &output)
 Helper function for selectCompoundsForBatch_() More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OpenSwathWorkflowBase
 OpenSwathWorkflowBase ()
 Default constructor. More...
 OpenSwathWorkflowBase (bool use_ms1_traces, bool use_ms1_ion_mobility, bool prm, bool pasef, int threads_outer_loop)
 Constructor. More...
void MS1Extraction_ (const OpenSwath::SpectrumAccessPtr &ms1_map, const std::vector< OpenSwath::SwathMap > &swath_maps, std::vector< MSChromatogram > &ms1_chromatograms, const ChromExtractParams &cp, const OpenSwath::LightTargetedExperiment &transition_exp, const TransformationDescription &trafo_inverse, bool ms1only=false, int ms1_isotopes=0)
 Perform MS1 extraction and store result in ms1_chromatograms. More...
void prepareExtractionCoordinates_ (std::vector< OpenSwath::ChromatogramPtr > &chrom_list, std::vector< ChromatogramExtractorAlgorithm::ExtractionCoordinates > &coordinates, const OpenSwath::LightTargetedExperiment &transition_exp_used, const TransformationDescription &trafo_inverse, const ChromExtractParams &cp, const bool ms1=false, const int ms1_isotopes=-1) const
 Function to prepare extraction coordinates that also correctly handles RT transformations. More...

Private Types

typedef OpenSwath::LightTransition TransitionType
typedef MRMTransitionGroup< MSChromatogram, TransitionTypeMRMTransitionGroupType

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ProgressLogger
enum  LogType { CMD , GUI , NONE }
 Possible log types. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ProgressLogger
static String logTypeToFactoryName_ (LogType type)
 Return the name of the factory product used for this log type. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from OpenSwathWorkflowBase
OpenSwath::SpectrumAccessPtr ms1_map_ = nullptr
 Spectrum Access to the MS1 map (note that this is *not* threadsafe!) More...
bool use_ms1_traces_
 Whether to use the MS1 traces. More...
bool use_ms1_ion_mobility_
 Whether to use ion mobility extraction on MS1 traces. More...
bool prm_
 Whether data is acquired in targeted DIA (e.g. PRM mode) with potentially overlapping windows. More...
bool pasef_
 Whether data is diaPASEF data. More...
int threads_outer_loop_
 How many threads should be used for the outer loop. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from ProgressLogger
LogType type_
time_t last_invoke_
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from ProgressLogger
static int recursion_depth_

Detailed Description

Execute all steps in an OpenSwath analysis.

The workflow will perform a complete OpenSWATH analysis. Optionally, a calibration of m/z and retention time (mapping peptides to normalized space and correcting m/z error) can be performed beforehand using the OpenSwathCalibrationWorkflow class.

For diaPASEF workflows where ion mobility windows are overlapping, precursors may be found in multiple SWATHs. In this case, precursors are only extracted from the SWATH in which they are most centered across ion mobility (Provided -pasef flag is set).

The overall execution flow in this class is as follows (see performExtraction() function)

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ MRMTransitionGroupType

◆ TransitionType

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ OpenSwathWorkflow()

OpenSwathWorkflow ( bool  use_ms1_traces,
bool  use_ms1_ion_mobility,
bool  prm,
bool  pasef,
int  threads_outer_loop 


use_ms1_tracesWhether to use MS1 data
use_ms1_ion_mobilityWhether to use ion mobility extraction on MS1 traces
threads_outer_loopHow many threads should be used for the outer loop (-1 will use all threads in the outer loop)
prmWhether data is acquired in targeted DIA (e.g. PRM mode) with potentially overlapping windows
The total number of threads should be divisible by this number (e.g. use 8 in outer loop if you have 24 threads in total and 3 will be used for the inner loop).

Member Function Documentation

◆ copyBatchTransitions_()

void copyBatchTransitions_ ( const std::vector< OpenSwath::LightCompound > &  used_compounds,
const std::vector< OpenSwath::LightTransition > &  all_transitions,
std::vector< OpenSwath::LightTransition > &  output 

Helper function for selectCompoundsForBatch_()

Copy all transitions matching to one of the compounds in the selected peptide vector from all_transitions to the output.

used_compoundsWhich peptides or metabolites to be used
all_transitionsTransitions vector from which to select transitions
outputOutput vector containing matching transitions (taken from all_transitions)

◆ performExtraction()

void performExtraction ( const std::vector< OpenSwath::SwathMap > &  swath_maps,
const TransformationDescription trafo,
const ChromExtractParams chromatogram_extraction_params,
const ChromExtractParams ms1_chromatogram_extraction_params,
const Param feature_finder_param,
const OpenSwath::LightTargetedExperiment assay_library,
FeatureMap result_featureFile,
bool  store_features_in_featureFile,
OpenSwathTSVWriter result_tsv,
OpenSwathOSWWriter result_osw,
Interfaces::IMSDataConsumer result_chromatograms,
int  batchSize,
int  ms1_isotopes,
bool  load_into_memory 

Execute OpenSWATH analysis on a set of SwathMaps and transitions.

See OpenSwathWorkflow class for a detailed description of this function.

swath_mapsThe raw data (swath maps)
rt_trafoRetention time transformation description (translating this runs' RT to normalized RT space)
chromatogram_extraction_paramsParameter set for the chromatogram extraction
ms1_chromatogram_extraction_paramsParameter set for the chromatogram extraction of the MS1 data
feature_finder_paramParameter set for the feature finding in chromatographic dimension
assay_libraryThe set of assays to be extracted and scored
result_featureFileOutput feature map to store identified features
store_features_in_featureFileWhether features should be appended to the output feature map (if this is false, then out_featureFile will be empty)
result_tsvTSV Writer object to store identified features in csv format (set store_features to false if using this option)
result_oswOSW Writer object to store identified features in SQLite format (set store_features to false if using this option)
result_chromatogramsChromatogram consumer object to store the extracted chromatograms
batchSizeSize of the batches which should be extracted and scored
intms1_isotopes Number of MS1 isotopes to extract (zero means only monoisotopic peak)
load_into_memoryWhether to cache the current SWATH map in memory
Speed and memory performance can be influenced by batchSize and load_into_memory where larger batch sizes increase memory and potentially decrease the utility of parallelization while loading data into memory will increase memory usage but decrease execution time.

◆ scoreAllChromatograms_()

void scoreAllChromatograms_ ( const std::vector< OpenMS::MSChromatogram > &  ms2_chromatograms,
const std::vector< OpenMS::MSChromatogram > &  ms1_chromatograms,
const std::vector< OpenSwath::SwathMap > &  swath_maps,
const OpenSwath::LightTargetedExperiment transition_exp,
const Param feature_finder_param,
const TransformationDescription trafo,
const double  rt_extraction_window,
FeatureMap output,
OpenSwathTSVWriter tsv_writer,
OpenSwathOSWWriter osw_writer,
int  nr_ms1_isotopes = 0,
bool  ms1only = false 
) const

Perform scoring on a set of chromatograms.

This will generate a new object of type MRMTransitionGroup for each compound or peptide in the provided assay library and link the transition meta information with the extracted chromatograms. This will then be used to perform peak picking and peak scoring through MRMTransitionGroupPicker and MRMFeatureFinderScoring. The assay library is provided as transition_exp and the chromatograms in ms2_chromatograms.

The overall execution flow is as follows:

  • Iterate over all assays (compounds / peptides) in the transition_exp
ms2_chromatogramsInput chromatograms (MS2 level)
ms1_chromatogramsInput chromatograms (MS1-level)
swath_mapsSet of swath map(s) for the current swath window (for SONAR multiple maps are provided)
transition_expThe transition experiment (assay library)
feature_finder_paramParameters for the MRMFeatureFinderScoring
trafoRT Transformation function
rt_extraction_windowRT extraction window
outputOutput map
tsv_writerTSV writer for storing output (on the fly)
osw_writerOSW Writer object to store identified features in SQLite format
ms1onlyIf true, will only score on MS1 level and ignore MS2 level

◆ selectCompoundsForBatch_()

void selectCompoundsForBatch_ ( const OpenSwath::LightTargetedExperiment transition_exp_used_all,
OpenSwath::LightTargetedExperiment transition_exp_used,
int  batch_size,
size_t  batch_idx 

Select which compounds to analyze in the next batch (and copy to output)

This function will select which compounds or peptides should be analyzed in the current batch (with index "batch_idx"). The selected compounds will be copied into the output structure. The output will contain "batch_size" compounds or peptides.

transition_exp_used_allThe full set of transitions (this will be used to select transitions from)
transition_exp_usedThe selected set of transitions (will contain only transitions for the next batch)
batch_sizeHow many compounds or peptides should be used per batch
batch_idxCurrent batch index (only compounds or peptides from batch_idx*batch_size to batch_idx*batch_size+batch_size will be copied)
The proteins will be copied completely without checking for a match

◆ writeOutFeaturesAndChroms_()

void writeOutFeaturesAndChroms_ ( std::vector< OpenMS::MSChromatogram > &  chromatograms,
std::vector< MSChromatogram > &  ms1_chromatograms,
const FeatureMap featureFile,
FeatureMap out_featureFile,
bool  store_features,
Interfaces::IMSDataConsumer chromConsumer 

Write output features and chromatograms.

Writes output chromatograms to the provided chromatogram consumer (presumably to disk) and output features to the provided FeatureMap.

chromatogramsOutput chromatograms to be passed to the consumer
featureFileFeatures to be appended to the output FeatureMap
out_featureFileOutput FeatureMap to which the features will be appended
store_featuresWhether features should be appended to the output feature map (if this is false, then out_featureFile will be empty)
chromConsumerChromatogram consumer object to store the extracted chromatograms
This should be wrapped in an OpenMP critical block