Benchmarking of classes.

source/BENCHMARKS/Skeleton_bench.C More...
Collaboration diagram for Benchmarking of classes.:


#define START_SECTION(name, weight)
Start a new benchmark section.
End of a benchmark section.
#define STATUS(a)
Status output.
#define START_TIMER BENCHMARK::timer.start();\
Start the timer.
#define STOP_TIMER BENCHMARK::timer.stop();
Stop the timer.
#define START_BENCHMARK(class_name, overall_weight, version)
Program body for the benchmark.
End of the test program.

Detailed Description


Define Documentation



  BENCHMARK::section_time = BENCHMARK::timer.getCPUTime() - BENCHMARK::section_time;\
  if (BENCHMARK::verbose > 0)\
    std::cout << BENCHMARK::section_name << ": " \
      << BENCHMARK::section_time << " s"\
      << " (weight = " << BENCHMARK::section_weight << ")" << std::endl;\
  BENCHMARK::total_time += BENCHMARK::section_time * BENCHMARK::section_weight;\
End of a benchmark section.

#define START_BENCHMARK ( class_name,
version )

Program body for the benchmark.

The parameter weight determines the overall weight of this test in the accumulated benchmark (BALLStones).

#define START_SECTION ( name,
weight )


BENCHMARK::section_time = BENCHMARK::timer.getCPUTime();\
  BENCHMARK::section_name = #name;\
  BENCHMARK::section_weight = weight;
Start a new benchmark section.

The argument weight determines the weighting factor of the section.

#define START_TIMER BENCHMARK::timer.start();\

Start the timer.

This macro is used to determine the running time of a set of commands. It may be used in benchmarks and requires a prior invocation of the START_BENCHMARK macro. All commands that are between the START_TIMER and the STOP_TIMER command contribute to the overall running time of the benchmark.

#define STATUS ( a )


if (BENCHMARK::verbose > 0)\
    std::cout << "  status: " << a << std::endl;\
Status output.

Print debugging information if called with -v.

#define STOP_TIMER BENCHMARK::timer.stop();

Stop the timer.

This macro is used to determine the running time of a set of commands. It may be used in benchmarks and requires a prior invocation of the START_BENCHMARK and START_TIMER macros. All commands that are between the START_TIMER and the STOP_TIMER command contribute to the overall running time of the benchmark.

Generated on Thu Aug 6 18:29:58 2009 for BALL by doxygen 1.5.8