Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
BALL::VIEW::AddBackboneModel AddBackboneModel class
BALL::VIEW::AddBallAndStickModel AddBallAndStickModel class
BALL::VIEW::AddCartoonModel AddCartoonModel class
BALL::AddHydrogenProcessor Saturate atoms with hydrogen atoms
BALL::Addition< First, Second, DataType > Addition class
BALL::PDB::AdditionalAtomInfo A structure tracking the current values of all auxiliary information required to write ATOM or HETATM records
BALL::VIEW::AddLineModel AddLineModel class
BALL::VIEW::AddSurfaceModel AddSurfaceModel class
BALL::VIEW::AddVanDerWaalsModel AddVanDerWaalsModel class
BALL::AmberBend Amber bond stretch component
BALL::VIEW::AmberConfigurationDialog Dialog for changing the options of the AMBER forcefield
BALL::AmberEvaluation A class for energetic evaluators of docking results using an AMBER force field as scoring function
BALL::AmberFF AMBER force field class
BALL::AmberFF::AmberFF::Default Default values for AMBER options
BALL::AmberFF::AmberFF::Option Option names
BALL::AmberNonBonded Amber NonBonded (VdW + Electrostatic) component
BALL::AmberStretch Amber bond stretch component
BALL::AmberTorsion Amber bond stretch component
BALL::Peptides::AminoAcidDescriptor This class represents one amino acid in the sequence
BALL::AnisotropyShiftProcessor Shift assignment processor implementing Anisotropy
BALL::AromaticBondsPredicate Predicate class for atoms bearing a certain number of aromatic bonds
BALL::AromaticityProcessor Processor method to detect aromaticity of AtomContainers
BALL::AromaticityProcessor::AromaticityProcessor::Default Default values for options
BALL::AromaticityProcessor::AromaticityProcessor::Option Option names
BALL::AssignBaseProcessor Only used for deriving interface
BALL::VIEW::AssignBondOrderConfigurationDialog Dialog for changing the options of the assignBondOrderProcessor
BALL::AssignBondOrderProcessor Bond Order assignment processor
BALL::AssignBondOrderProcessor::AssignBondOrderProcessor::Default Default values for options
BALL::AssignBondOrderProcessor::AssignBondOrderProcessor::Option Option names
BALL::VIEW::AssignBondOrderResultsDialog Dialog for presenting the bond order assingment sets and generating structures for each found solution
BALL::AssignChargeProcessor Assigns a charge to each atom
BALL::AssignRadiusProcessor Assigns the radius to each atom
BALL::AssignShiftProcessor Set a property called chemical_shift
BALL::AssignTypeNameProcessor Assign type names to atoms
BALL::AssignTypeProcessor Type assignment processor
BALL::Atom Atom class
BALL::AtomBijection Atom bijection
BALL::VIEW::AtomBondModelBaseProcessor AtomBondModelBaseProcessor class
BALL::VIEW::AtomChargeColorProcessor AtomChargeColorProcessor class
BALL::AtomContainer Atom Container Base Class
BALL::AtomContainerIteratorTraits Traits class for the AtomContainerIterators
BALL::VIEW::AtomDistanceColorProcessor AtomDistanceColorProcessor class
BALL::AtomicPolarizabilities This descriptor adds up the atomic polarizabilities for all atoms
BALL::AtomInformationContent This descriptor is $n$ times MeanAtomInformationContent
BALL::AtomIteratorTraits Traits class for the AtomIterators
BALL::AtomNamePredicate Predicate for matching atom names
BALL::VIEW::AtomOverview Dialog for creating labels for a selection of molecular objects
BALL::AtomTypePredicate Predicate for matching atom types
BALL::AtomTyper Base class for a programable Atom typer
BALL::AtomTypes Force Field Atom Type Class
BALL::AtomVector Atom vector class
BALL::AutoDeletable Auto-deletable concept
BALL::AxialPredicate Axial predicate
BALL::BackBonePredicate Predicate indicating backbone atoms
BALL::BalabanIndexJ The Balaban index J is topological index
BALL::VIEW::BALLThread Baseclass for threads in BALL
BALL::BaseIterator< Container, DataType, Position, Traits > Generic Iterator Class
BALL::BidirectionalIterator< Container, DataType, Position, Traits > Mutable bidirectional iterator
BALL::BinaryFileAdaptor< T > Helper class for data conversion
BALL::BinaryFunctor< FirstArgumentType, SecondArgumentType, ResultType > Generic Binary Functor Class
BALL::BinaryPredicate< T1, T2 > Generic Binary Predicate Class
BALL::BinaryProcessor< T1, T2 > Generic Binary Processor Class
BALL::BindingPocketProcessor This processor searches for binding pockets in a given atom container
BALL::BindingPocketProcessor::BindingPocketProcessor::Default Defaults
BALL::BindingPocketProcessor::BindingPocketProcessor::Option Options
BALL::Bit Bit Class
BALL::Bit::Bit::IllegalOperation Exception thrown if a file could not be processed right
BALL::BitVector Bit vector class
BALL::Bond Bond class
BALL::Bond::Bond::NotBound Not bound to two atoms
BALL::BondPolarizabilities This descriptor is calculated by adding up the differences in atomic polarizabilities of the both participating atoms through all bonds
BALL::VIEW::BondProperties Dialog for showing and changing the properties of the bonds of an atom
BALL::PDB::BookKeeping This struct contains the number of records in a PDB file as required for the MASTER record
BALL::BoundingBoxProcessor Bounding box creating processor
BALL::VIEW::Box Box class
BALL::Bruker1DFile Bruker 1D spectrum format
BALL::Bruker2DFile Bruker 2D spectrum format
BALL::VIEW::BufferedRenderer Interface for Buffered Rendering
BALL::Exception::BufferOverflow Buffer overflow exception
BALL::BuildBondsProcessor Bond creation processor
BALL::BuildBondsProcessor::BuildBondsProcessor::Default Default values for options
BALL::BuildBondsProcessor::BuildBondsProcessor::Option Option names
BALL::BuriedPolar Fresno buried polar component
BALL::BuriedPolar::BuriedPolar::Default Default values for SLICK options
BALL::BuriedPolar::BuriedPolar::Option Option names
BALL::VIEW::ButtonEvent This event encodes button states of a custom input device
BALL::VIEW::Camera Camera with viewpoint, a look at point and an up-vector
BALL::CanonicalMD A MD simulation in the canoncial ensemble
BALL::CanonicalMD::CanonicalMD::AuxFactors Helper class containing auxiliary factors
BALL::Chain Protein chain class
BALL::ChainBuilder This class provides methods for analysis of the chains in a molecule
BALL::ChainIteratorTraits Traits class for the various ChainIterators
BALL::ChainPredicate Predicate for matching chains
BALL::ChargePredicate Charge predicate
BALL::ChargeRuleProcessor Charge Rule Processor
BALL::CharmmBend Charmm bond stretch component
BALL::VIEW::CharmmConfigurationDialog Dialog for changing the options of the CHARMM forcefield
BALL::CharmmEEF1 Force Field Parameter Section for CHARMM EEF1
BALL::CharmmEEF1::CharmmEEF1::Data ?????
BALL::CharmmEEF1::CharmmEEF1::Values ?????
BALL::CharmmFF CHARMM force field class
BALL::CharmmFF::CharmmFF::Default Default values
BALL::CharmmFF::CharmmFF::Option Options names
BALL::CharmmImproperTorsion Charmm improper torsion component
BALL::CharmmNonBonded Charmm NonBonded component
BALL::CharmmStretch Charmm bond stretch component
BALL::CharmmTorsion CHARMM torsion component
BALL::ChemScoreMetal ChemScore Metal component { Definition:} {BALL/MOLMEC/SLICK/chemScoreMetal.h}
BALL::CHPI SLICK ringstacking component
BALL::CHPI::CHPI::AromaticRing A class for storing aromatic rings and information associated with them
BALL::CHPI::CHPI::CHGroup A class for storing aliphatic CH groups suitable for building CH- interactions with aromatic rings
BALL::ClaverieParameter ClaverieParameter class
BALL::ClearChargeProcessor Clears the charge on all atoms
BALL::ClearRadiusProcessor Clears the radius of all atoms
BALL::ClearShiftProcessor Clear assigned shift data of all atoms
BALL::Client Client class
BALL::Client::Client::InvalidClient InvalidClient exception class
BALL::Client::Client::NoPersistentObject NoPersistentObject exception class
BALL::VIEW::ClippingDialog Dialog for selcting which Representations are clipped by one clipping plane
BALL::VIEW::ClippingPlane ClippingPlane
BALL::VIEW::ColorExtension2 Base class for geometric objects that need two colors
BALL::VIEW::ColorHSV ColorHSV class
BALL::VIEW::ColoringSettingsDialog Dialog for the molecular model coloring settings
BALL::VIEW::ColorMap This class is used to implement a color Map that can be used to map a floating point value into a color
BALL::VIEW::ColorProcessor Calculating colors for given GeometricObject instances
BALL::VIEW::ColorRGBA ColorRGBA class
BALL::VIEW::ColorUnit ColorUnit class
BALL::VIEW::ColorUnit::ColorUnit::NotInHexFormat NotInHexFormat Exception class
BALL::VIEW::ColorUnitHue Value for the hue component of the class ColorHSV
BALL::Comparator< T > Generic Comparator Class
BALL::ComposedEnergyProcessor A class for composed energy calculations
BALL::Composite Composite Class
BALL::CompositeIteratorTraits Composite Iterator Traits This class is used in the implementation of the kernel iterators
BALL::VIEW::CompositeManager CompositeManager class
BALL::VIEW::CompositeMessage CompositeMessage is the base class of all messages concerning the change of one Composite
BALL::VIEW::CompositeProperties Dialog for showing and changing the properties of an Composite, e.g
BALL::Conformation4C1Predicate Predicate for determining whether a sugar ring is in 4C1 conformation
BALL::ConformationSet Data structure for conformation results
BALL::ConjugateGradientMinimizer A minimizer for geometry optimization based on different conjugate gradient (CG) algorithms
BALL::ConjugateGradientMinimizer::ConjugateGradientMinimizer::Default Defaults for all options
BALL::ConjugateGradientMinimizer::ConjugateGradientMinimizer::Option Options names
BALL::ConnectedToPredicate Predicate class for atoms being connected to a constellation defined by an expression
BALL::VIEW::ConnectionObject Base class for all widgets and dialogs that handles communication through message posting
BALL::ConnectivityBase Generic QSAR molecular connectivity descriptors class \
BALL::Constant Python constants namespace wrapper
BALL::ConstantFunction< constant_template > Constant function class
BALL::ConstBidirectionalIterator< Container, DataType, Position, Traits > Constant Bidirectional Iterator
BALL::ConstForwardIterator< Container, DataType, Position, Traits > Generic non-mutable forward itterator
BALL::VIEW::ContourSurfaceDialog Dialog for creating contour surfaces from RegularData3D
BALL::VIEW::ControlSelectionMessage Used to inform MainControl of selection in MolecularControl (not the one of the checkboxes!) and the other way round
BALL::CosineTorsion Cosine Torsion
BALL::VIEW::CreateRepresentationMessage Notify the DisplayProperties dialog so that it creates a new Representation
BALL::CreateSpectrumProcessor Processor creates peaklist_
BALL::CubicFunction< Function, DataType > CubicFunction class
BALL::Exception::CUDAError CUDA Error CUDA or any of its calls caused an error
BALL::VIEW::CustomColorProcessor CustomColorProcessor colorizes every GeometricObject with the default color
BALL::VIEW::Dataset Baseclass for datasets
BALL::VIEW::DatasetControl DatasetControl is a widget to manage and manipulate arbitrary data types
BALL::VIEW::DatasetController Controller base class for one type of Dataset A DatasetController provides all neccessary means to manage and manipulate a kind of data in the DatasetControl
BALL::VIEW::DatasetMessage Message to notify about changes in a Dataset
BALL::DCDFile DCD Trajectory file format
BALL::Density This descriptor calculates the density of the molecule, by deviding the molecular weight by the van der Waals surface area
BALL::Descriptor Generic QSAR molecular descriptor class
BALL::VIEW::DeselectControlsMessage Message send by one GenericControl to notify all other GenericControl instances to deselect their QListView
BALL::Directory Directory class
BALL::VIEW::Disc Disc class
BALL::VIEW::DisplayProperties Dialog for creating and changing representations for a selection of molecular objects
BALL::Division< First, Second, DataType > Division class
BALL::Exception::DivisionByZero Division by zero error
BALL::VIEW::DockDialog Dialog for docking / redocking two systems
BALL::DockingAlgorithm Interface class for docking algorithms
BALL::VIEW::DockingController Class for docking two systems
BALL::VIEW::DockingFinishedMessage Message to notify docking has finished
BALL::VIEW::DockingThread Thread for Docking
BALL::VIEW::DockProgressDialog Dialog for showing the progress during a docking calculation
BALL::DockResult Result of a (re)docking calculation
BALL::DockResult::DockResult::Compare_ Nested class in DockResult
BALL::DockResult::DockResult::Scoring_ Nested class in DockResult
BALL::VIEW::DockResultController Controller base class for one type of Dataset
BALL::VIEW::DockResultDialog Dialog for showing the docking results
BALL::VIEW::DockResultDialog::DockResultDialog::Compare_ Nested class in DockResultDialog
BALL::VIEW::DockWidget Class for ModularWidget, which can be docked in the MainApplication window
BALL::DoubleBondsPredicate Predicate for atoms bearing double bonds
BALL::VIEW::DownloadPDBFile Dialog to search for and download structure files from the PDB data bank
BALL::DSN6File DSN6 density map file format
BALL::VIEW::EditableScene Extended 3D view for editing molecules
BALL::VIEW::EditFunctions EditFunctions class
BALL::VIEW::EditOperationDialog Dialog for storing the undo Operations of EditableScene
BALL::VIEW::EditSettings EditSettings is a widget that will be inserted into the tab dialog Preferences
BALL::VIEW::EditSingleShortcut Widget for customizing BALLView shortcuts
BALL::EFShiftProcessor Shift assignment processor implementing the electric field effect
BALL::ElectrostaticPotentialCalculator This class is used to compute the electrostatic potential for of a system
BALL::ElectrostaticPotentialCalculator::ElectrostaticPotentialCalculator::Default Default values for the options in ElectrostaticPotentialCalculator::options
BALL::ElectrostaticPotentialCalculator::ElectrostaticPotentialCalculator::Option Symbolic names for option keys
BALL::Element Element class
BALL::VIEW::ElementColorProcessor ElementColorProcessor class
BALL::ElementPredicate Predicate for matching elements
BALL::Embeddable Python Embedding Base Class
BALL::EnergeticEvaluation Base class for energetic evaluators of docking results
BALL::EnergyMinimizer EnergyMinimizer
BALL::EnergyMinimizer::EnergyMinimizer::Option Option names
BALL::VIEW::EnergyMinimizerThread Thread for EnergyMinimization
BALL::EnergyProcessor Processor for energy calculations
BALL::Enumerator< Container, SiteIterator, Variant > Enumerator class
BALL::EnumeratorIndex EnumeratorIndex class
BALL::EnumeratorIndex::EnumeratorIndex::IncompatibleIndex Exception for reporting incompatible EnumeratorIndex instances, i.e
BALL::Experiment< PeakListType > Class describing a certain type of NMR experiment
BALL::Expression Expression class
BALL::ExpressionParser Expression Parser
BALL::ExpressionParser::ExpressionParser::SyntaxTree SyntaxTree
BALL::ExpressionPredicate ExpressionPredicate
BALL::ExpressionTree Expression tree class
BALL::Factory< T > Factory class
BALL::FalsePredicate False predicate
BALL::FDPB Finite Difference Poisson Boltzmann Solver
BALL::FDPB::FDPB::Boundary This struct contains symbols for the available boundary conditions
BALL::FDPB::FDPB::ChargeDistribution Constants to define the charge distribution methods
BALL::FDPB::FDPB::Default Default values for FDPB options
BALL::FDPB::FDPB::DielectricSmoothing Constants to define the dielectric smoothing methods
BALL::FDPB::FDPB::FastAtomStruct Compact internal datastructure for the administration of the atoms extracted from the system
BALL::FDPB::FDPB::Option Symbolic names for option keys
BALL::VIEW::FDPBDialog Dialog for performing Finite Distance Poisson Bolzmann calculations
BALL::FermiBaseFunction Sigmoidal base function
BALL::VIEW::FetchHTMLThread Thread to fetch a file over TCP network traffic
BALL::VIEW::FieldLineCreator FieldLineCreator class
BALL::VIEW::FieldLinesDialog Dialog for creating field lines
BALL::File File Class
BALL::File::File::CannotWrite Exception CannotWrite A given file could not be written, either because its not open or it has a wrong open mode
BALL::Exception::FileNotFound File not found
BALL::VIEW::FileObserver Class for observing changes in a molecular file
BALL::FileSystem File System Class This class is a wrapper around some very basic properties of the machine's file system properties
BALL::VIEW::ForceColorProcessor Coloring by the forces, acting on atoms
BALL::ForceField Force field class
BALL::ForceFieldComponent Generic force field component class
BALL::ForceFieldEvaluation Base class for energetic evaluators of docking results using a force field as scoring function
BALL::ForceFieldParameters Force field parameter class
BALL::VIEW::ForceModel ForceModel class
BALL::FormalCharge This descriptor adds up the formal charges
BALL::Exception::FormatUnsupported BufferedRenderer error An unsuported format was requested from BufferedRenderer via setFrameBufferFormat
BALL::ForwardIterator< Container, DataType, Position, Traits > Generic mutable forward iterator class
BALL::Fragment Fragment class
BALL::FragmentDB FragmentDB - fragment database class
BALL::FragmentDB::FragmentDB::BuildBondsProcessor Bond creation processor
BALL::FragmentDB::FragmentDB::NoFragmentNode No fragment node found
BALL::FragmentDB::FragmentDB::NormalizeNamesProcessor Name normalization processor
BALL::FragmentDistanceCollector Collects all MolecularFragments that are close enough to another molecular fragment
BALL::FragmentIteratorTraits Traits class for the FragmentIterator
BALL::VIEW::FrameBufferFormat This is used by the RenderTarget to specify in which formats it can provide buffers
BALL::GAFFTypeProcessor::GAFFTypeProcessor::TypeDefinition Nested class definitions
BALL::GAMESSDatFile GAMESSDat file class
BALL::GAMESSDatFile::GAMESSDatFile::block Nested class for the data blocks of the GAMESSFile
BALL::GAMESSDatFile::GAMESSDatFile::State State of the parser
BALL::GAMESSLogFile GAMESSLog file class
BALL::GAMESSLogFile::GAMESSLogFile::State State of the parser
BALL::Exception::GeneralException General exception class
BALL::GeneralizedBornModel Compute the electrostatics of a molecule in solution
BALL::VIEW::GenericControl GenericControl is a widget to display the structure of Composite objects
BALL::GenericMolFile Base class for all molecule file format classes
BALL::VIEW::GenericSelectionMessage GenericSelectionMessage class
BALL::GeometricCenterProcessor Calculates the geometric center of a given Composite object
BALL::VIEW::GeometricControl GeometricControl is a widget to display the list of representations
BALL::GeometricFit GeometricFit This class is derived from class DockingAlgorithm
BALL::GeometricFit::GeometricFit::Option Symbolic names for option keys
BALL::GeometricFit::GeometricFit::Peak_ Nested class Peak_ This class is needed for an efficient handling of all peaks corresponding to one orientation in a multiset
BALL::GeometricFit::GeometricFit::RotationAngles_ Nested class RotationAngles_
BALL::VIEW::GeometricFitDialog Dialog for options of the docking algorithm GeometricFit
BALL::VIEW::GeometricObject GeometricObject class
BALL::VIEW::GeometricObjectSelectionMessage GeometricObjectSelectionMessage class
BALL::VIEW::GLDisplayList GLDisplayList class
BALL::VIEW::GLDisplayList::GLDisplayList::DisplayListRedeclaration DisplayListRedeclaration exception class
BALL::VIEW::GLDisplayList::GLDisplayList::NestedDisplayList NestedDisplayList exception class
BALL::VIEW::GLDisplayList::GLDisplayList::NoDisplayListAvailable NoDisplayListAvailable exception class
BALL::Exception::GlobalExceptionHandler Class handling uncaught exception globally
BALL::GlobalInitializer General initialization class for the BALL library
BALL::VIEW::GLOffscreenTarget Model of the RenderWindow which uses OpenGL to render its buffer into a file
BALL::VIEW::GLRenderer GLRenderer Renderer which provides hardware accelerated OPENGL rendering
BALL::VIEW::GLRenderer::GLRenderer::WrongModes WrongModes Exception class
BALL::VIEW::GLRenderWindow Model of the RenderWindow which uses OpenGL to render its buffer to the screen
BALL::Gradient Gradient class
BALL::GraphEdge< Vertex, Edge, Face > Generic GraphEdge Class
BALL::GraphFace< Vertex, Edge, Face > Generic GraphFace Class
BALL::GraphTriangle< Vertex, Edge, Face > Generic GraphTriangle Class
BALL::GraphVertex< Vertex, Edge, Face > Generic GraphVertex Class
BALL::VIEW::GridVisualisation GridVisualisation
BALL::VIEW::GridVisualizationDialog Dialog for visualizing grids
BALL::HaighMallionShiftProcessor Shift assignment processor implementing Haigh Mallion theory
BALL::HashFunction< T > General Hash Function Template
BALL::HashGrid3< Item > Three-dimensional Hash Grid Class
BALL::HashGridBox3< Item > Grid Box Class
BALL::HashGridBox3< Item >::HashGridBox3::DataItem ?????
BALL::HashMap< Key, T > HashMap class based on the STL map (containing serveral convenience functions)
BALL::HashMap< Key, T >::HashMap::IllegalKey HashMap illegal key exception
BALL::HashSet< Key > Generic Hash Set Class
BALL::HashSet< Key >::HashSet::IllegalKey Illegal key exception
BALL::VIEW::HBondModelProcessor HBondModelProcessor class
BALL::HBondProcessor This processor computes all hydrogen bonds occuring between amino acids in the composite it is applied to
BALL::HBondShiftProcessor Shift assignment processor implementing the effect of hydrogen bonds
BALL::VIEW::HelpViewer DockWidget to show online help texts e.g
BALL::HINFile HyperChem file class
BALL::VIEW::HotkeyTable Class for storing Python hotkeys in a GUI table
BALL::HybridisationProcessor Hybridisation processor
BALL::HybridisationProcessor::HybridisationProcessor::AtomNames_ The atom names for each bond angle
BALL::HybridisationProcessor::HybridisationProcessor::Default Default values for options
BALL::HybridisationProcessor::HybridisationProcessor::Elements_ Struct for atom types and hybridization states
BALL::HybridisationProcessor::HybridisationProcessor::Option Option names
BALL::HydrogenBond Fresno Hydrogen Bond component
BALL::HydrogenBond::HydrogenBond::Default Default values for SLICK options
BALL::HydrophobicVdWSurface This descriptor calculates the sum of atomic SAS van der Waals surface areas of the molecule, of the hydrophobic atoms
BALL::Exception::IllegalPosition Invalid Position
BALL::Exception::IllegalSelfOperation Illegal self operation
BALL::Exception::IllegalTreeOperation Illegal tree operation
BALL::Exception::IncompatibleIterators Incompatible iterator
BALL::Exception::IndexOverflow Index overflow
BALL::Exception::IndexUnderflow Index underflow
BALL::INIFile::INIFile::IteratorTraits_ Interface for the LineIterator
BALL::INIFile::INIFile::Section A section within an INI file
BALL::VIEW::InputDevPluginHandler See PluginHandler for detailed documentation
BALL::InRingPredicate Predicate for atoms being included in rings of a certain number
BALL::VIEW::InterpolateColorProcessor Base class for ColorProcessors, that interpolate between two values
BALL::Exception::InvalidArgument Invalid Argument Use this exception when a function is called with an invalid argument and no other exception applies
BALL::Exception::InvalidFormat Invalid format
BALL::Exception::InvalidIterator Invalid iterator
BALL::Exception::InvalidOption Exception to be thrown if an invalid option is given
BALL::Exception::InvalidRange Invalid range
BALL::Exception::InvalidSize Invalid Size Throw this exception to indicate that a size was unexpected
BALL::JCAMPFile JCAMP file class
BALL::JohnsonBoveyShiftProcessor Shift assignment processor implementing Johnson Bovey theory
BALL::KCFFile KEGG KCF file class
BALL::Kekuliser Class to transform bonds with type "aromatic" to conjugated single and double bonds
BALL::KernelPredicate< T > Kernel predicate class
BALL::VIEW::Label Label class
BALL::VIEW::LabelDialog Dialog for creating labels for a selection of molecular objects
BALL::VIEW::LabelModel LabelModel class
BALL::LennardJones Lennard Jones parameter section
BALL::VIEW::LightSettings Dialog for setting the lighting, which is added to the Preferences
BALL::VIEW::LightSource Light source is mainly used for Renderer classes (e.g
BALL::Limits< T > Numeric limits class
BALL::VIEW::Line Line class
BALL::LinearBaseFunction Linear base function
BALL::LineBasedFile A class for the convenient parsing of line-based file formats
BALL::LineSearch Basic line search class
BALL::Lipophilic Fresno lipophilic component
BALL::Lipophilic::Lipophilic::Default Default values for SLICK options
BALL::Lipophilic::Lipophilic::Option Option names
BALL::List< Value > Extended list object
BALL::VIEW::LogEvent Event class used for thread safe output to logview
BALL::LogStream Log Stream Class
BALL::LogStreamBuf Stream buffer used by LogStream
BALL::VIEW::LogView LogView class
BALL::VIEW::MainControl MainControl is the main administration unit for a program and must be used by all applications
BALL::VIEW::MainControlPreferences MainControlPreferences is a widget that will be inserted into the tab dialog Preferences
BALL::VIEW::MaterialSettings Dialog for setting the Material, which is added to the Preferences
BALL::MD5Hash MD5 hash of a string
BALL::VIEW::MDSimulationThread Thread for MDSimulation
BALL::MeanAtomInformationContent Atom information content (mean)
BALL::VIEW::Mesh Mesh class
BALL::VIEW::MeshBuffer Wrapper class to draw BALLView Mesh instances with OpenGL vertex buffer objects
BALL::VIEW::Message General Message class
BALL::VIEW::MessageEvent A QT Event, that can contain a VIEW message
BALL::MicroCanonicalMD Microcanonical MD: A class for doing molecular dynamics simulations according to the principle of a microcanonical ensemble (NVE), i.e., the total energy of the system is kept constant
BALL::MicroCanonicalMD::MicroCanonicalMD::AuxFactors A local auxiliary class
BALL::VIEW::MinimizationDialog Dialog for performing energy minimisations
BALL::MMFF94 MMFF94 force field class
BALL::MMFF94::MMFF94::Default Default values for MMFF94 options
BALL::MMFF94::MMFF94::Option Option names
BALL::MMFF94AtomType Class to store the values of an atom type from MMFFPROP.PAR
BALL::MMFF94AtomTypeEquivalences MMFF94 equivalences for atom types (see MMFFDEF.PAR)
BALL::MMFF94AtomTypes MMFF94 parameters for atom types (see MMFFPROP.PAR)
BALL::MMFF94BendParameters MMFF94 parameters for bond bending (see MMFFANG.PAR)
BALL::MMFF94ChargeProcessor Assign MMFF94 Charges
BALL::VIEW::MMFF94ConfigurationDialog Dialog for changing the options of the MMFF94 forcefield
BALL::MMFF94ESParameters MMFF94 parameters for partial charges for electrostatics (see MMFFCHG.PAR MMFFPBCI.PAR)
BALL::MMFF94NonBonded MMFF94 NonBonded (VdW + Electrostatic) component
BALL::MMFF94OutOfPlaneBend MMFF94 Out of plane component
BALL::MMFF94ParametersBase MMFF94 component parameters base class
BALL::MMFF94PlaneParameters MMFF94 parameters for out of plane bending (see MMFFOOR.PAR)
BALL::MMFF94StretchBend MMFF94 bond stretch component
BALL::MMFF94StretchBend::MMFF94StretchBend::Bend See MMFFANG.PAR
BALL::MMFF94StretchBendParameters MMFF94 parameters for stretch-bend interactions (see MMFFSTBN.PAR)
BALL::MMFF94StretchParameters MMFF94 parameters for bond stretching (see MMFFBOND.PAR)
BALL::MMFF94Torsion MMFF94 bond stretch component
BALL::MMFF94Torsion::MMFF94Torsion::Torsion See MMFFTOR.PAR
BALL::MMFF94TorsionParameters MMFF94 parameters for torsions (see MMFFTOR.PAR)
BALL::MMFF94VDWParameters MMFF94 parameters for VDW (see MMFFVDW.PAR)
BALL::VIEW::ModelInformation ModelInformation class
BALL::VIEW::ModelProcessor Base class for all model processors
BALL::VIEW::ModelSettingsDialog Dialog for the molecular model settings, it is inserted into the Preferences
BALL::VIEW::ModifyRepresentationDialog Dialog for coloring of surfaces The surfaces can be colored by a given color, or from the values, contained in a RegularData3D grid
BALL::VIEW::ModularWidget ModularWidget is a base class for widely independent widget that realize one feature domain
BALL::MOL2File SYBYL MOL2 file class
BALL::MOL2File::MOL2File::SetStruct A class used for storing TRIPOS sets
BALL::VIEW::MolecularControl MolecularControl is a widget to display the molecular structure of Composite objects
BALL::MolecularDynamics Molecular Dynamics base class
BALL::MolecularDynamics::MolecularDynamics::Option Local classes for option names and default option values for all MD(sub)classes
BALL::VIEW::MolecularDynamicsDialog Dialog for performing MD simulations
BALL::VIEW::MolecularFileDialog Dialog for opening molecular data files
BALL::MolecularInformation MolecularInformation class
BALL::VIEW::MolecularStructure MolecularStructure provides means to modify molecular structures and do several calculations
BALL::VIEW::MolecularTaskMessage Message to perform specific tasks for molecular items
BALL::MolecularWeight This descriptor calculates the molecular weight
BALL::Molecule Molecule class
BALL::MoleculeAssembler Class, providing methods for the assembly of a structure diagram
BALL::MoleculeIteratorTraits MoleculeIteratorTratis_
BALL::MoleculeObjectCreator MoleculeObjectCreator class
BALL::MoleculePredicate Predicate for matching molecules
BALL::MOLFile MDL MOL file class
BALL::MOLFile::MOLFile::Property String constants used for named properties
BALL::MolFileFactory This class offers a factory method that given a path to a molecule file determines the file type based on the file extension and returns a pointer to an appropriate subclass of GenericMolFile
BALL::VIEW::MultiColorExtension Base class for geometric objects that need multiple colors
BALL::VIEW::MultiLine A line with multiple vertices and colors
BALL::MutableConstant< DataType > Constant function class
BALL::MutablePower< Function, DataType > MutablePower class
BALL::NamedProperty Named Property Class
BALL::NegativePolarVdWSurface This descriptor calculates the sum of atomic SAS van der Waals surface areas of the molecule, where the partial charge of the atom is negative and the atom is a polar atom
BALL::NegativeVdWSurface This descriptor calculates the sum of atomic SAS van der Waals surface areas of the molecule, where the atoms have a negative partial charge
BALL::VIEW::NetworkPreferences NeworkPreferences is a widget that will be inserted into the tab dialog Preferences
BALL::VIEW::NewSelectionMessage Send by MainControl to Control objects to sync selection
BALL::NMRAtomData Name Data classes and structures
BALL::NMRStarFile NMRStarFile
BALL::Exception::NoBufferAvailable RenderTarget error A buffer was requested from RenderTarget but could not be supplied for some reason at the given moment
BALL::NodeItem< Node, Edge > The node type in a molecular graph
BALL::NonpolarSolvation SLICK nonpolar solvation component
BALL::NotificationTarget< NotificationSource > Notification Target Class
BALL::Exception::NotImplemented Not implemented exception
BALL::NucleicAcid Nucleic acid class
BALL::NucleicAcidIteratorTraits NucleicAcidIteratorTraits
BALL::Nucleotide Nucleotide class
BALL::NucleotideIteratorTraits NucleotideIteratorTraits
BALL::NucleotidePredicate Predicate indicating nucleotide atoms
BALL::Exception::NullPointer Null pointer argument is invalid
BALL::NumberOfAromaticAtoms This descriptor counts the number of aromatic atoms, a atom is aromatic if it participates a aromatic bond
BALL::NumberOfAromaticBonds This descriptor counts the number of aromatic bonds
BALL::NumberOfAtoms This descriptor counts the number of aromatic atoms
BALL::NumberOfBonds This descriptor counts the number of bonds of the molecule
BALL::NumberOfBondsPredicate Predicate class for atoms bearing a certain number of bonds
BALL::NumberOfBoron This descriptor counts the number of boron
BALL::NumberOfBromine This descriptor counts the number of bromine
BALL::NumberOfCarbon This descriptor counts the number of carbon
BALL::NumberOfChlorine This descriptor counts the number of chlorine
BALL::NumberOfDoubleBonds This descriptor counts the number of double bonds of the molecule
BALL::NumberOfFlourine This descriptor counts the number of flourine
BALL::NumberOfHeavyAtoms This descriptor counts the heavy atoms, heavy atoms are atoms with an atomic number strictly greater than 1 (all but hydrgen)
BALL::NumberOfHeavyBonds This descriptor counts the number of heavy bonds, a bond is heavy if both participating atoms are heavy
BALL::NumberOfHydrogen This descriptor counts the number of hydrogen
BALL::NumberOfHydrogenBondAcceptors This descriptor returns the number of hydrogen bonds acceptor atoms
BALL::NumberOfHydrogenBondDonors This descriptor returns the number of the hydrogen bond donors of the molecule
BALL::NumberOfHydrophobicAtoms This descriptor return the number of hydrophobic atoms
BALL::NumberOfIodine This descriptor counts the number of iodine
BALL::NumberOfNitrogen This descriptor counts the number of nitrogen
BALL::NumberOfOxygen This descriptor counts the number of oxygen
BALL::NumberOfPhosphorus This descriptor counts the number of phosphorus
BALL::NumberOfRotatableBonds This descriptor counts the number of rotatable bonds, a bond ia rotatble if it is heavy, not in a ring and not bounds lone atoms like halogens
BALL::NumberOfRotatableSingleBonds This descriptor counts the number of single bonds which are rotatable
BALL::NumberOfSingleBonds This descriptor counts the number of single bonds of the molecule
BALL::NumberOfSulfur This descriptor counts the number of sulfur
BALL::NumberOfTripleBonds This descriptor counts the number of triple bonds of the molecule
BALL::NumericalIntegrator< Function, DataType > Numerical integrator class
BALL::NumericalSAS::NumericalSAS::Default Default values for NumericalSAS options
BALL::NumericalSAS::NumericalSAS::Option Option names
BALL::Object Generic object class
BALL::ObjectCreator ObjectCreator class
BALL::VIEW::OccupancyColorProcessor Coloring by the occupancy of atoms from a PDBFile
BALL::VIEW::OpenBruker1DFile Interface to select and open spectra stored in the bruker file format
BALL::VIEW::OpenBruker2DFile Interface to select and open spectra stored in the bruker file format
BALL::Options Options class
BALL::Exception::OutOfGrid Out of grid error
BALL::Exception::OutOfMemory Out of memory
BALL::Exception::OutOfRange Out of range
BALL::Pair6_12InteractionEnergyProcessor Processor for the computation of the van-der-Waals interaction energy of a molecule with its surrounding
BALL::Pair6_12InteractionEnergyProcessor::Pair6_12InteractionEnergyProcessor::Default Default values for interaction energy calculations
BALL::Pair6_12InteractionEnergyProcessor::Pair6_12InteractionEnergyProcessor::Option Symbolic names for option keys
BALL::Pair6_12RDFIntegrator 6-12 pair potential integrator
BALL::Pair6_12RDFIntegrator::Pair6_12RDFIntegrator::Option Symbolic names for option keys
BALL::PairExpInteractionEnergyProcessor Processor for the computation of the van-derWaals interaction energy of a molecule
BALL::PairExpInteractionEnergyProcessor::PairExpInteractionEnergyProcessor::Default Default values for interaction energy calculations
BALL::PairExpInteractionEnergyProcessor::PairExpInteractionEnergyProcessor::Option Symbolic names for option keys
BALL::PairExpRDFIntegrator 6-exp pair potential integrator
BALL::PairExpRDFIntegrator::PairExpRDFIntegrator::Option Symbolic names for option keys
BALL::Parameters General Parameter class
BALL::ParameterSection General Parameter Section Class
BALL::ParsedFunction< arg > ParsedFunction
BALL::VIEW::ParsedFunctionDialog Dialog to visualise a parsed function
BALL::Exception::ParseError Parse Error
BALL::PartialChargeBase Generic QSAR molecular partial charge descriptor class \
BALL::PartialChargeProcessor Generic
BALL::Path Data path management class
BALL::PCMCavFreeEnergyProcessor Processor for the computation of the cavitation free energy
BALL::PCMCavFreeEnergyProcessor::PCMCavFreeEnergyProcessor::Default Default values for cavitation free energy calculations
BALL::PCMCavFreeEnergyProcessor::PCMCavFreeEnergyProcessor::Option Symbolic names for option keys
BALL::PDBAtom Atom class with additional attributes
BALL::PDBAtomIteratorTraits Traits class for the PDBAtomIterator
BALL::PDBFile PDB file class
BALL::PDBFile::PDBFile::Default Default values for PDBFile options
BALL::PDBFile::PDBFile::Option Symbolic names for option keys
BALL::PDBInfo PDB information class
BALL::PDBRecords PDB record class
BALL::Peak< PositionType > Generic Peak Class
BALL::PeakList< PT > A generic peak list for spectra of arbitrary dimension
BALL::Peptides::PeptideBuilder Build a Peptide from a sequence and the corresponing angles
BALL::VIEW::PeptideDialog Dialog for building peptides
BALL::PeriodicBoundary Periodic boundary class for force field simulations
BALL::PeriodicBoundary::PeriodicBoundary::Default Default values
BALL::PersistenceManager Persistence manager class
BALL::PersistentObject The persistent object
BALL::PiecewiseFunction Piecewise function object
BALL::PiecewisePolynomial Piecewise polynomial curve object
BALL::PierottiCavFreeEnergyProcessor Processor for the computation of the cavitation free energy
BALL::PierottiCavFreeEnergyProcessor::PierottiCavFreeEnergyProcessor::Default Default values for cavitation free anergy calculations
BALL::PierottiCavFreeEnergyProcessor::PierottiCavFreeEnergyProcessor::Option Symbolic names for option keys
BALL::VIEW::PluginDialog Dialog for handling the BALLView plugins
BALL::PluginHandler A PluginHandler is a class that is responsible for initializing a certain plugin type
BALL::PluginManager A singleton that takes care of handling all plugins
BALL::VIEW::Point Point class
BALL::PolarSolvation SLICK polar solvation component \ { Definition:} {BALL/SCORING/COMPONENTS/polarSolvation.h}
BALL::PolarVdWSurface This descriptor calculates the sum of atomic SAS van der Waals surface areas of the molecule, of the polar atoms
BALL::PositivePolarVdWSurface This descriptor calculates the sum of atomic SAS van der Waals surface areas of the molecule, where the partial charge of the atom is positive and the atom is a polar atom
BALL::PositiveVdWSurface This descriptor calculates the sum of atomic SAS van der Waals surface areas of the molecule, where the atoms have a positive partial charge
BALL::Exception::Postcondition Postcondition failed
BALL::Potential1210 Potential1210
BALL::VIEW::POVRenderer POVRenderer class
BALL::PreciseTime Time class
BALL::Exception::Precondition Precondition failed
BALL::VIEW::Preferences Preferences is a dialog for other preference pages to be inserted
BALL::VIEW::PreferencesEntry Base class for a dialog or a Preferences page
BALL::VIEW::PreferencesEntry::PreferencesEntry::ExtendedPreferencesObject Base class for the more sophisticated GUI elements in a dialog, to support reading and (re)storing their state
BALL::PreferencesObject Base class for objects that can store settings in an INIFile
BALL::PrincipalMomentOfInertia This descriptor returns the principle moment of inertia calculated from the filed coordinates!
BALL::PrincipalMomentOfInertiaX This descripor adds up the x-axis component of the principal moment of inertia over all atoms, calculated from the filed coordinates!
BALL::PrincipalMomentOfInertiaY This descriptor adds up the y-axis component of the principal moment of inertia over all atoms, calculated from the filed coordinates!
BALL::PrincipalMomentOfInertiaZ This descriptor adds up the z-axis component of the principal moment of interia over all atoms, calculated from the filed coordinates!
BALL::Processor Global Types and Enums for Processors
BALL::Product< First, Second, DataType > Multiplication class
BALL::PropertyManager Property Manager class
BALL::Protein Protein Class
BALL::ProteinIteratorTraits ProteinIteratorTraits
BALL::ProteinPredicate Predicate for matching proteins
BALL::PTE_ Periodic Table of Elements Class
BALL::VIEW::PTEDialog Dialog for choosing the element type for the edit mode of scene
BALL::VIEW::PubChemDialog Dialog for querying PubChem and generating structures from a SMILES string
BALL::PyColorRGBAVector Equivalent for a STL::vector of ColorRGBA in Python
BALL::PyCompositeList Equivalent for a STL::List of Composite Pointers in Python
BALL::PyDatasetVector Equivalent for a STL::Vector of Dataset Pointers in Python
BALL::PyIndexList Equivalent for an STL::List of numbers/indices in Python
BALL::PyInterpreter Embedded Python interpreter
BALL::VIEW::PythonHighlighter Class for syntax highlighting of Python code
BALL::VIEW::PythonSettings Dialog for setting the Python preferences
BALL::VIEW::PyWidget Python Widget This class is a Window for a Python interpreter interface
BALL::VIEW::QColorTable Class for storing colors in a GUI table
BALL::VIEW::QuadMesh QuadMesh class
BALL::QuadraticAngleBend QuadraticAngleBend
BALL::QuadraticBondStretch QuadraticBondStretch
BALL::QuadraticImproperTorsion QuadraticImproperTorsion
BALL::Quadruple< T1, T2, T3, T4 > Quadruple Class
BALL::RadialDistributionFunction Radial distribution function
BALL::RadiusRuleProcessor Radius Rule Processor
BALL::RandomAccessIterator< Container, DataType, Position, Traits > Random Access Iterator Class
BALL::RandomCoilShiftProcessor Random coil shift assignment processor
BALL::RandomEvaluation A basis class for energetic evaluators of docking results
BALL::RandomNumberGenerator The following code is taken (and adapted to BALL's C++ interface) from the code provided at
BALL::VIEW::RaytraceableContourSurfaceDialog Dialog for selecting contour urface thresholds for the raytracing mode of scene
BALL::VIEW::RaytraceableGridController Controller class for RaytraceableGrid
BALL::RDFIntegrator Integrator class for radial distribution functions
BALL::RDFParameter Parametersection for radial distribution function ?????
BALL::RDFSection Helper class for RDFParameter
BALL::Reciprocal< Function, DataType > Reciprocal class
BALL::ReconstructFragmentProcessor ReconstructFragmentProcessor
BALL::ReducedSurface Generic ReducedSurface Class
BALL::VIEW::RegisterHelpSystemMessage Register a QObject to a URL in the documentation This message is send by ModularWidget::registerForHelpSystem and should probably not be used otherwise
BALL::VIEW::RegularData1DWidget Widget used to display one-dimensional data
BALL::VIEW::RegularData2DWidget Widget used to display two-dimensional data
BALL::VIEW::RegularData3DController Controller base class for one type of Dataset
BALL::RegularExpression Regular expression class
BALL::ReissCavFreeEnergyProcessor Processor for the computation of the cavitation free energy
BALL::ReissCavFreeEnergyProcessor::ReissCavFreeEnergyProcessor::Default Default values for cavitation free anergy calculations
BALL::ReissCavFreeEnergyProcessor::ReissCavFreeEnergyProcessor::Option Symbolic names for option keys
BALL::RelHydrophobicVdWSurface This descriptor returns the fraction of the atomic SAS van der Waals surface, where the atoms are hydrophobic
BALL::RelNegativePartialCharge This descriptor returns the fraction of negative partial charges, which is calculated by deviding the most negative partial charge value by the sum of negative partial charges
BALL::RelNegativePolarVdWSurface This descriptor returns the fraction of the atomic SAS van der Waals surface, where the partial charge is negative and the atoms are polar
BALL::RelNegativeVdWSurface This descriptor returns the fraction of the atomic SAS van der Waals surface, where the partial charge is negative
BALL::RelNumberOfRotatableBonds This descriptor returns the fraction of rotatble bonds
BALL::RelNumberOfRotatableSingleBonds This descriptor counts the fraction of the rotatble single bonds
BALL::RelPolarVdWSurface This descriptor returns the fraction of the atomic SAS van der Waals surface, where the atoms are polar
BALL::RelPositivePartialCharge This descriptor returns the fraction of positive partial charges, which is calculated by deviding the biggest partial charges value by the sum of positive partial charges
BALL::RelPositivePolarVdWSurface This descriptor returns the fraction of the atomic SAS van der Waals surface, where the partial charge is positive and the atoms are polar
BALL::RelPositiveVdWSurface This descriptor returns the fraction of the atomic SAS van der Waals surface, where the partial charge is positive
BALL::VIEW::Renderer Renderer is just a generic base class
BALL::VIEW::RenderSetup This class encapsulates a (renderer, target) pair for Scene
BALL::VIEW::RenderWindow< taPixelDatatype > General rendering window interface
BALL::VIEW::Representation Representation A Representation is a collection of geometric objects for a group of composites and a given model, for example a surface
BALL::VIEW::RepresentationManager RepresentationManager manages the graphical Representation objects and all GeometricObject
BALL::VIEW::RepresentationMessage Base class for all messages concerning a Representation
BALL::Residue Residue class
BALL::ResidueChecker Residue Consistency Checker
BALL::ResidueIDPredicate Predicate for matching residues IDs
BALL::ResidueIteratorTraits ResidueIteratorTraits
BALL::VIEW::ResidueNameColorProcessor ResidueNameColorProcessor is derived from the class ColorProcessor
BALL::VIEW::ResidueNumberColorProcessor ColorProcessor for coloring by the numbers of the Residue 's
BALL::ResiduePredicate Predicate for matching residues
BALL::ResidueRotamerSet Residue Rotamer Set
BALL::ResidueTorsions Parameter class containing all proper torsions occuring in a residue
BALL::ResidueTorsions::ResidueTorsions::Data Strcuture containing the names of the residue and the atoms for a torsion
BALL::VIEW::ResidueTypeColorProcessor Coloring by the type of a Residue
BALL::VIEW::Resolution Stores a resolution consisting of width and height
BALL::ResourceEntry Resource entry class
BALL::ResourceFile Resource file class
BALL::RingAnalyser Class, providing methods for the analysis of the structure of ringsystems
BALL::RingClusterer Class, providing a method for agglomerative clustering of single rings to ringsystems
BALL::RingFinder Helper class for all predicates that need ring information
BALL::RingPerceptionProcessor Processor, which marks all atoms and bonds in a ring structure with the Composite Property "InRing"
BALL::RingPerceptionProcessor::RingPerceptionProcessor::Default Default options for the ring perception
BALL::RingPerceptionProcessor::RingPerceptionProcessor::Option Option names
BALL::RMSDMinimizer RMSD minimizer class
BALL::RombergIntegrator< Function, DataType > A numerical integration of a BALL-Function using a Romberg integration scheme
BALL::Rotamer Rotamer class
BALL::RotamerLibrary Rotamer Library Class
BALL::RotationalEntropyLoss SLICK rotational entropy loss contrbution { Definition:} {BALL/SCORING/COMPONENTS/rotationalEntropyLoss.h}
BALL::RotationalEntropyLoss::RotationalEntropyLoss::Default Default values for SLICK options
BALL::RotationalEntropyLoss::RotationalEntropyLoss::Option Option names
BALL::RSComputer Generic RSComputer Class
BALL::RSConstructor Class, performing the prefabication of ringsystems (i.e
BALL::RSEdge Generic RSEdge Class
BALL::RSFace Generic RSFace Class
BALL::RSVertex Generic RSVertex Class
BALL::RuleEvaluator Rule evaluator class
BALL::RuleProcessor Rule Processor class
BALL::SampleCondition SampleConditions
BALL::SASEdge Generic SASEdge Class
BALL::SASFace Generic SASFace Class
BALL::SASTriangulator Generic SASTriangulator Class
BALL::SASVertex Generic SASVertex Class
BALL::VIEW::Scene Scene is the main visualization widget that shows the graphical Representation 's
BALL::VIEW::SceneMessage SceneMessage is the message class that is responsible for changing the content of the Scene
BALL::ScoringBaseFunction Define the interface for the base function
BALL::ScoringTypes Define the interface for the base function
BALL::SCWRLRotamerFile Reads Dunbrack/SCWRL rotamer library files
BALL::SDFile MDL SD file class
BALL::SDGenerator The main class, provides methods for analysis of the input
BALL::SDGenerator::SDGenerator::Default Default values for options
BALL::SDGenerator::SDGenerator::Option Option names
BALL::VIEW::SDWidget::SDWidget::Default Default values for options
BALL::VIEW::SDWidget::SDWidget::Option Option names
BALL::SecondaryStructure Secondary structure class
BALL::VIEW::SecondaryStructureColorProcessor Coloring by the secondary structure, a Composite is in
BALL::SecondaryStructureIteratorTraits SecondaryStructureIteratorTraits
BALL::SecondaryStructurePredicate Predicate for matching secondary structures
BALL::SecondaryStructureProcessor Secondary structure extraction from 3D structure
BALL::Selectable Selectable Concept
BALL::SelectedPredicate Selection predicate
BALL::Selector Atom Selection from BALL Expression
BALL::VIEW::ServerPreferences Preferences tab for the Server
BALL::VIEW::ServerWidget ServerWidget class
BALL::VIEW::ServerWidget::ServerWidget::BALLViewServer BALLView server thread
BALL::VIEW::ServerWidget::ServerWidget::NotCompositeObject NotCompositeObject Exception class
BALL::SESComputer Generic SESComputer Class
BALL::SESEdge Generic SESEdge Class
BALL::SESFace Generic SESFace Class
BALL::SESSingularityCleaner Generic SESComputer Class
BALL::SESTriangulator Generic SESTriangulator Class
BALL::SESVertex Generic SESVertex Class
BALL::VIEW::SetCamera Dialog to set the camera to a given value
BALL::VIEW::SetClippingPlane Dialog to set a clipping plane to a given value
BALL::ShiftedLVMMMinimizer Shifted limited-memory variable metric methods minimizer
BALL::ShiftedLVMMMinimizer::ShiftedLVMMMinimizer::Option Symbolic names for option keys
BALL::ShiftModel A class representing a complete parameterized NMR shift model
BALL::ShiftModule A single contribution of a NMR shift model
BALL::ShiftReferenceElement ShiftReferenceElement
BALL::ShiftReferenceSet ShiftReferenceSet
BALL::VIEW::ShortcutDialog Dialog for changing the BALLView shortcuts
BALL::VIEW::ShortcutRegistry ShortcutRegistry
BALL::VIEW::ShowDisplayPropertiesMessage Notify the DisplayProperties dialog to show itself
BALL::SimpleBase QSAR molecular simple descriptors base class, this class implements some methods to calculate simple descriptors
BALL::VIEW::SimpleBox SimpleBox class
BALL::SimpleExperiment1D Simple 1D NMR experiment class
BALL::VIEW::SimulationThread Baseclass for threads, which perform a simulation
BALL::SingleBondsPredicate Predicate class for atoms bearing single bonds
BALL::SizeOfSSSR This descriptor returns the number of rings in the SSSR
BALL::Exception::SizeUnderflow Size underflow
BALL::SLICKEnergy SLICKEnergy scoring function { Definition:} {BALL/SCORING/FUNCTIONS/slickEnergy.h}
BALL::SLICKEnergy::SLICKEnergy::Default Default values for SLICKEnergy options
BALL::SLICKEnergy::SLICKEnergy::Option Option names
BALL::SLICKScore SLICKEnergy scoring function { Definition:} {BALL/SCORING/FUNCTIONS/slickScore.h}
BALL::SLICKScore::SLICKScore::Default Default values for SLICKEnergy options
BALL::SLICKScore::SLICKScore::Option Option names
BALL::SmartsMatcher::SmartsMatcher::RecStruct_ Wrapper class which is used as an interface in the matching code to the pool
BALL::SmartsMatcher::SmartsMatcher::RecStructCore_ Core structure of the recursive matching algorithm for the object pool
BALL::SmartsMatcher::SmartsMatcher::RecStructPool_ Class which does the pool operations of the RecStructCore_ pool
BALL::SmartsParser SMARTS Parser
BALL::SmartsParser::SmartsParser::SPAtom Smarts Parser Atom class
BALL::SmartsParser::SmartsParser::SPAtom::SmartsParser::SPAtom::Property Property struct of smarts parser atom
BALL::SmartsParser::SmartsParser::SPAtom::SmartsParser::SPAtom::PropertyValue Possible types of the properties
BALL::SmartsParser::SmartsParser::SPBond Bond representation of the smarts parser
BALL::SmartsParser::SmartsParser::SPEdge Edge representation of the smarts parser graph
BALL::SmartsParser::SmartsParser::SPNode Representation of a node in the smarts parser graph
BALL::SmartsParser::SmartsParser::State Parser state (used by the parser itself)
BALL::SMARTSPredicate Predicate for using smarts
BALL::SnapShot SnapShot class, containing the actual data of one single snapshot
BALL::SnapShotManager Snapshot management e.g
BALL::SnapShotManager::SnapShotManager::Default Local class for handling default values for the options
BALL::SnapShotManager::SnapShotManager::Option Local class for handling options
BALL::VIEW::SnapshotVisualisationDialog Dialog to visualise SnapShot instances
BALL::SolventAccessibleSurface Generic SolventAccessibleSurface Class
BALL::SolventAtomDescriptor This struct contains the information for one atom type of the solvent
BALL::SolventDescriptor Solvent Description
BALL::SolventExcludedSurface Generic SolventExcludedSurface Class
BALL::SolventParameter Parameter section for the solvent description
BALL::SolventPredicate Predicate indicating solvent atoms
BALL::Sp2HybridizedPredicate Predicate indicating sp2 hybridized atoms
BALL::Sp3HybridizedPredicate Predicate indicating sp3 hybridized atoms
BALL::Spectrum< DataT, PeakT, PositionT > A generic NMR spectrum class
BALL::VIEW::Sphere Sphere class
BALL::SpHybridizedPredicate Predicate indicating sp hybridized atoms
BALL::SquareFunction< Function, DataType > SquareFunction class
BALL::VIEW::Stage A Stage has a Camera, LightSources and a background color
BALL::VIEW::Stage::Stage::RaytracingMaterial This class holds all material parameters passed on to a raytracer
BALL::VIEW::StageSettings Dialog for the Stage setup
BALL::SteepestDescentMinimizer A minimizer for geometry optimization based on steepest descent steps
BALL::VIEW::StereoSettingsDialog Dialog to set the focal plane to a given value
BALL::VIEW::STLRenderer STLRenderer class
BALL::StrangLBFGSMinimizer Limited-memory BFGS minimizer based on the Strang recurrence
BALL::StrangLBFGSMinimizer::StrangLBFGSMinimizer::Option Symbolic names for option keys
BALL::String Extended String class
BALL::StringHashMap< Value > StringHashMap
BALL::StructureMapper Structure mapping class
BALL::Substring A substring class
BALL::Substring::Substring::InvalidSubstring Exception thrown if an invalid substring is accessed
BALL::Substring::Substring::UnboundSubstring Exception thrown if an unbound substring is accessed
BALL::Subtraction< First, Second, DataType > Subtraction class
BALL::SurfaceBase Generic QSAR molecular surface descriptors class \
BALL::SurfaceProcessor SurfaceProcessor
BALL::System System class
BALL::TAngle< T > Generic Angle Class
BALL::TBox3< T > Generic three-dimensional Box
BALL::TCircle3< T > Generic Circle in Three-Dimensional Space
BALL::TContour< T > This class is intended to create and store ContourLines belonging to the same data-set
BALL::TContourLine< T > This class is intended to store a single contour line generated from a RegularData2D - class
BALL::TContourSurface< T > This class contains a contour surface
BALL::TContourSurface< T >::TContourSurface::Cube A cube in the grid
BALL::TCPIOStream This class provides a very thin layer around the asio (or boost::asio, depending on your setup) functions for handling asynchronous io
BALL::TCPServer This class provides a base for very simple TCP-based servers
BALL::TCPServerThread This class provides a simple TCP Server running in its own QThread
BALL::TCPTransfer Class for TCPTransfers
BALL::TCPTransfer::TCPTransfer::TransferFailed TransferFailed exception
BALL::VIEW::TemperatureFactorColorProcessor Coloring by the temperature factor of atoms from a PDBFile
BALL::Templates Force Field Residue Template Class
BALL::VIEW::TestFramework Class for recording mouse and keyboard inputs, storing them in a line based file and replaying them
BALL::TextPersistenceManager Text-format-based persistence manager
BALL::TFFT1D< ComplexTraits > A class to perform Fast Fourier Transforms and inverse Fast Fourier Transforms on regularly spaced one dimensional data
BALL::TFFT2D< ComplexTraits > A class to perform Fast Fourier Transforms and inverse Fast Fourier Transforms on regularly spaced two dimensional data
BALL::TFFT3D< ComplexTraits > A class to perform Fast Fourier Transforms and inverse Fast Fourier Transforms on regularly spaced three dimensional data
BALL::VIEW::TilingRenderer Offscreen rendering with arbitrary resolution
BALL::Timer Timer Class
BALL::TimeStamp Time stamp concept
BALL::TLine3< T > Generic Line in Three-Dimensional Space
BALL::TMatrix4x4< T > Generic 4x4 Matrix Class
BALL::TMutex< MutexType > This class provides a very thin wrapper around different mutex types
BALL::TMutexLocker< MutexLockerType, MutexType > This class provides a very thin wrapper around different mutex locker types
BALL::Exception::TooManyBonds Exception to be thrown if too many bonds for one atom
BALL::Exception::TooManyErrors Exception to be thrown if too many errors occur, e.g. in ForceField
BALL::TotalNegativePartialCharge This descriptor adds up all negative partial charges over all atoms
BALL::TotalPositivePartialCharge This descriptor adds up all positive partial charges over all atoms
BALL::TPlane3< T > Threedimensional plane
BALL::TQuaternion< T > Generic Quaternion Class
BALL::VIEW::TrajectoryController Controller base class for one type of Dataset
BALL::TrajectoryFile Trajectory file format for MD simulation
BALL::TransformationManager This class handles automatic file transformation methods
BALL::TransformationProcessor Transformation applicator
BALL::TranslationProcessor Translation processor
BALL::TReadLocker< ReadLockerType, ReadWriteLockType > This class provides a very thin wrapper around different mutex read-locker types
BALL::TReadWriteLock< ReadWriteLockType > This class provides a very thin wrapper around different read-write mutex types
BALL::VIEW::TreeWidget Base class for all control widgets
BALL::TRegularData1D< ValueType > A class to store regularaly spaced data
BALL::TRegularData1D< ValueType >::TRegularData1D::BlockValueType The block data type for reading and writing binary data
BALL::TRegularData2D< ValueType > Two-dimensional grid class
BALL::TRegularData2D< ValueType >::TRegularData2D::BlockValueType The block data type for reading and writing binary data
BALL::TRegularData2D< ValueType >::TRegularData2D::IndexType The index type used to refer to a specific element in the grid (x-, and y-index)
BALL::TRegularData3D< ValueType > Three-dimensional grid class
BALL::TRegularData3D< ValueType >::TRegularData3D::BlockValueType The block data type for reading and writing binary data
BALL::TRegularData3D< ValueType >::TRegularData3D::IndexType The index type used to refer to a specific element in the grid (x-, y-, and z-index)
BALL::Triangle Generic TriangleEdge Class
BALL::TriangleEdge Generic TriangleEdge Class
BALL::TrianglePoint Generic TriangleEdge Class
BALL::TriangulatedSAS Generic TriangulatedSAS Class
BALL::TriangulatedSES Generic TriangulatedSES Class
BALL::TriangulatedSphere Generic TriangulatedSphere Class
BALL::TriangulatedSurface Generic TriangulatedSurface Class
BALL::Triple< T1, T2, T3 > Triple Class
BALL::TripleBondsPredicate Predicate class for atoms bearing triple bonds
BALL::TRRFile TRR Trajectory file format
BALL::TRRFile::TRRFile::TRRHeader The header for each coordinate set stored in the TRR file
BALL::TruePredicate Default predicate
BALL::TSimpleBox3< T > Generic three-dimensional Box
BALL::TSphere3< T > Generic Sphere Class
BALL::TSurface< T > Generic Three-dimensional Surface class
BALL::VIEW::Tube Tube class
BALL::TVector2< T > Generic Two-Dimensional Vector
BALL::TVector3< T > Generic Three-Dimensional Vector
BALL::TVector4< T > Generic Four-Dimensional Vector
BALL::VIEW::TwoColoredLine TwoColoredLine class
BALL::VIEW::TwoColoredTube TwoColoredTube class
BALL::TWriteLocker< WriteLockerType, ReadWriteLockType > This class provides a very thin wrapper around different mutex write-locker types
BALL::TypenameRuleProcessor Typename Rule Processor
BALL::TypeRuleProcessor Type Rule Processor
BALL::UCK Unique Chemical Key
BALL::UhligCavFreeEnergyProcessor Processor for the computation of the cavitation free energy
BALL::UhligCavFreeEnergyProcessor::UhligCavFreeEnergyProcessor::Default Default values for cavitation free energy calculations
BALL::UhligCavFreeEnergyProcessor::UhligCavFreeEnergyProcessor::Option Symbolic names for option keys
BALL::UnaryFunctor< ArgumentType, ResultType > Generic Unary Functor Class
BALL::UnaryPredicate< T > Generic Unary Predicate Class
BALL::UnaryProcessor< T > Generic Unary Processor Class
BALL::VanDerWaals SLICK van-der-Waals Component based on AmberNonBonded \ { Definition:} {BALL/SCORING/COMPONENTS/vanDerWaals.h}
BALL::VdWSurface This descriptor calculates the van der Waals surface area of the molecule
BALL::VdWVolume This descriptor calculates the van der Waals volume of the molecule
BALL::VIEW::VectorGridController Controller class for VectorGrid
BALL::VersionInfo Version information class
BALL::VIEW::Vertex Vertex is a base class for all GeometricObject 's that have a single vertex
BALL::VIEW::Vertex2 Vertex2 is a base class for all GeometricObject 's that have two vertices
BALL::VertexAdjacency The vertex adjacency is calculated using the formula \( 1 + m \), where $m$ is the number of heavy bonds
BALL::VertexAdjacencyEquality The vertex adjacency equality si calculateed using the formula: \(-(1-f) (1-f) - f f \), where $f$ is defined as: \( f = {(n^2 -2m)}{n^2}\), where $n$ is the number of heavy atoms and $m$ is the number of heavy bonds
BALL::Visitor< Host > Generic Visitor Class
BALL::VIEW::VRMLRenderer VRMLRenderer class
BALL::XDRPersistenceManager XDR-format-based persistence manager
BALL::XYZFile XYZ file class
BALL::ZagrebIndex This descriptor returns the Zagreb Index, which is calculated as: $ d_i^2$, over all heavy atoms

Generated on Thu Aug 6 18:30:05 2009 for BALL by doxygen 1.5.8