Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- u -
- ui
: FLASHDeconvWizardBase
, FLASHDeconvTabWidget
, SwathTabWidget
, SwathWizardBase
- ui_
: DataFilterDialog
, FeatureEditDialog
, InputFile
, FilterableList
, FilterList
, InputFileList
, Plot1DPrefDialog
, Plot2DPrefDialog
, Plot3DPrefDialog
, PythonModuleRequirement
, PythonSelector
, TOPPViewPrefDialog
, LayerStatisticsDialog
, ListFilterDialog
, OutputDirectory
, ParamEditor
, Plot1DGoToDialog
, Plot2DGoToDialog
, SpectrumAlignmentDialog
, SwathLibraryStats
, TheoreticalSpectrumGenerationDialog
, TOPPASInputFileDialog
, TOPPASInputFilesDialog
, TOPPASIOMappingDialog
, TOPPASOutputFilesDialog
, TOPPASVertexNameDialog
, TOPPViewOpenDialog
- uis_threshold_peak_area_
: MRMFeatureFinderScoring
- uis_threshold_sn_
: MRMFeatureFinderScoring
- uisTransitions()
: MRMAssay
- ulod_
: AbsoluteQuantitationMethod
- uloq_
: AbsoluteQuantitationMethod
- umap_index2children_naive_
: ACTrie
- umap_index2needles_
: ACTrie
- UnableToCalibrate()
: UnableToCalibrate
- UnableToCreateFile()
: UnableToCreateFile
- UnableToFit()
: UnableToFit
- unambiguous_score_
: AScore
- Unannotated
: NASequence
, Residue
- unassigned_contaminants_ratio
: Contaminants::ContaminantsSummary
- unassigned_peptide_identifications_
: ConsensusMap
, FeatureMap
- unassignedIDs_
: FeatureFinderIdentificationAlgorithm
- unassignedMS2
: FeatureMapping::FeatureToMs2Indices
: LPWrapper
- uncalibrated_calibrated_mz_mda
: MQExporterHelper::MQCommonOutputs
- uncalibrated_calibrated_mz_ppm
: MQExporterHelper::MQCommonOutputs
- uncalibrated_mass_error_da
: MQExporterHelper::MQCommonOutputs
- uncalibrated_mass_error_ppm
: MQExporterHelper::MQCommonOutputs
- uncompressString()
: ZlibCompression
: IsotopeDistribution
, LPWrapper
- undo()
: Colorizer
- undo_()
: AcquisitionInfoVisualizer
, AcquisitionVisualizer
, Colorizer
, ContactPersonVisualizer
, DataProcessingVisualizer
, DigestionVisualizer
, DocumentIdentifierVisualizer
, ExperimentalSettingsVisualizer
, GradientVisualizer
, HPLCVisualizer
, InstrumentSettingsVisualizer
, InstrumentVisualizer
, IonDetectorVisualizer
, IonSourceVisualizer
, MassAnalyzerVisualizer
, MetaInfoDescriptionVisualizer
, MetaInfoVisualizer
, ModificationVisualizer
, PeptideHitVisualizer
, PeptideIdentificationVisualizer
, PrecursorVisualizer
, ProductVisualizer
, ProteinHitVisualizer
, ProteinIdentificationVisualizer
, SampleVisualizer
, ScanWindowVisualizer
, SoftwareVisualizer
, SourceFileVisualizer
, SpectrumSettingsVisualizer
, TaggingVisualizer
- undo_all_
: Colorizer
- undo_button_
: BaseVisualizerGUI
- undoAll()
: Colorizer
- undobutton_
: MetaDataBrowser
- undos_only
: Colorizer
: OpenPepXLAlgorithm
, OpenPepXLLFAlgorithm
, PeptideIndexing
, TOPPBase
, XFDRAlgorithm
- unfindable()
: NeighborSeq::NeighborStats
- unfindable_peptides
: NeighborSeq::NeighborStats
- unidentified
: IDMapper::SpectraIdentificationState
- unify()
: SpectrumSettings
- unimod_
: MzIdentMLDOMHandler
, MzIdentMLHandler
- unimod_id
: Peptide::Modification
, LightModification
- unimod_record_id_
: ResidueModification
- UnimodXMLFile()
: UnimodXMLFile
- UnimodXMLHandler()
: UnimodXMLHandler
- uniprot_id
: TransitionTSVFile::TSVTransition
- unique
: MzTabOligonucleotideSectionRow
, MzTabPeptideSectionRow
, MzTabPSMSectionRow
- unique_id
: ConsensusMap::ColumnHeader
- unique_id_
: UniqueIdInterface
- unique_id_scores_
: XFDRAlgorithm
- unique_ids_
: XFDRAlgorithm
- unique_peptides
: IdentificationSummary::Result
- unique_proteins
: IdentificationSummary::Result
- unique_xerces_ptr()
: unique_xerces_ptr< T >
- uniqueid_to_index_
: UniqueIdIndexer< T >
- UniqueIdGenerator()
: UniqueIdGenerator
- UniqueIdInterface()
: UniqueIdInterface
- UniqueIdMap
: UniqueIdIndexer< T >
- uniqueIdToIndex()
: UniqueIdIndexer< T >
- Unit()
: CVTerm::Unit
- unit_
: CVTerm
, DataValue
, DimBase
- unit_accession
: SemanticValidator::CVTerm
- unit_accession_att_
: SemanticValidator
- unit_mapper_
: PlotCanvas
- unit_multiplier
: MzMLHandlerHelper::BinaryData
- unit_name
: SemanticValidator::CVTerm
- unit_name_att_
: SemanticValidator
: DataValue
- unit_ppm_
: BinnedSpectrum
- unit_type_
: DataValue
- unitAcc
: QcMLFile::Attachment
, QcMLFile::QualityParameter
- united()
: DRange< D >
- UnitRange
: PlotCanvas
- unitRef
: QcMLFile::Attachment
, QcMLFile::QualityParameter
- units
: ControlledVocabulary::CVTerm
- UnitType
: DataValue
: FileTypes
, Instrument
, InstrumentSettings
, ReactionMonitoringTransition
, ResidueModification
, SpectrumSettings
: PeptideEvidence
: SourceFile
: TOPPBase
: LogStreamBuf
: ParentMatch
: IDRipper
: ParentMatch
, PeptideEvidence
- unlock()
: GUILock
- Unmatched
: PeptideIndexing
- unmatched_action_
: PeptideIndexing
- unmodified_seq
: OPXLDataStructs::AASeqWithMass
- UnnormalizedComparator()
: UnnormalizedComparator
- unparsed
: ControlledVocabulary::CVTerm
- unquote()
: String
- unregister()
: LogStreamNotifier
- UnregisteredParameter()
: UnregisteredParameter
- unregisterStream()
: StreamHandler
- unselectAll()
- UnspecificCleavage
: EnzymaticDigestion
- untargetedMatching()
: TargetedSpectraExtractor
: FeatureFinderDefs
- unWeightData()
: TransformationModel
- unWeightDatum()
: TransformationModel
- UP
: MassAnalyzer
- update()
: LayerListView
, BasicStatistics< RealT >
, Param
, QTCluster
, SwathLibraryStats
, TOPPViewMenu
- update_()
: AcquisitionInfoVisualizer
, AcquisitionVisualizer
, BaseVisualizer< ObjectType >
, ContactPersonVisualizer
, DataProcessingVisualizer
, DigestionVisualizer
, DocumentIdentifierVisualizer
, ExperimentalSettingsVisualizer
, GradientVisualizer
, HPLCVisualizer
, InstrumentSettingsVisualizer
, InstrumentVisualizer
, IonDetectorVisualizer
, IonSourceVisualizer
, MassAnalyzerVisualizer
, MetaInfoDescriptionVisualizer
, ModificationVisualizer
, PeptideHitVisualizer
, Plot3DCanvas
, PlotCanvas
, PrecursorVisualizer
, ProductVisualizer
, ProteinHitVisualizer
, SampleVisualizer
, ScanWindowVisualizer
, SoftwareVisualizer
, SourceFileVisualizer
, SpectrumSettingsVisualizer
, TaggingVisualizer
- update_buffer_
: PlotCanvas
- updateAllIDReferences()
: Feature
- updateAndMovePepIDs_()
: IDMergerAlgorithm
- updateAvgDaError_()
: PeakGroup
- updateAvgPPMError_()
: PeakGroup
- updateAxes()
: PlotWidget
- updateBarsAndMenus()
: TOPPViewBase
- updateBaseline()
: FeatureFinderAlgorithmPickedHelperStructs::MassTraces
- updateCandidateMassBins_()
: FLASHDeconvAlgorithm
- updateChannelMap()
: ItraqConstants
- updateChargeFitScoreAndChargeIntensities_()
: PeakGroup
- updateChargeRange_()
: PeakGroup
- updateCheckBoxItem()
: TableView
- updateClustering_()
: QTClusterFinder
- updateClusterProxies_()
: FeatureGroupingAlgorithmKD
- updateColor()
- updateCurrentFeature_()
: FeatureXMLHandler
- updateCurrentOutputFileNames()
: TOPPASToolVertex
- updateCurrentPath()
, TOPPViewBase
- updateCursor_()
: PlotCanvas
- updateCWD_()
: InputFileList
- updatedCWD()
: InputFile
, InputFileList
- updatedFile()
: InputFile
- updatedSingleCell_()
: SpectraIDViewTab
- updatedSingleProteinCell_()
: SpectraIDViewTab
- updateEdgeColors()
- updateEditorGeometry()
: ListEditorDelegate
, ParamEditorDelegate
- updateEntries()
: DataTabBase
, DIATreeTab
, SpectraIDViewTab
, SpectraTreeTab
- updateEntries_()
: SpectraIDViewTab
- updateFeatureVariant_()
: ILPDCWrapper
- updateFilterBar()
: TOPPViewBase
- updateFLASHDeconvParamFromWidgets_()
: FLASHDeconvTabWidget
- updateFromFile()
: SwathLibraryStats
- updateGridDimension_()
: HashGrid< Cluster >
- updateHitRanks()
: IDFilter
- updateHoveringEdgePos()
- updateHScrollbar()
: PlotCanvas
, PlotWidget
- updateIDReferences()
: BaseFeature
- updateIntensityScale()
: Plot3DOpenGLCanvas
- updateInternalList_()
: FilterableList
- updateIonTypes_()
: TheoreticalSpectrumGenerationDialog
- updateIsotopeMatrixFromStringList()
: ItraqConstants
- updateIterativeWeightedMeanMZ()
: MassTraceDetection
- updateLayer()
: Plot1DCanvas
, Plot2DCanvas
, Plot3DCanvas
, PlotCanvas
- updateLayerBar()
: TOPPViewBase
- updateLogMzPeaks_()
: FLASHDeconvAlgorithm
- updateMassBins_()
: FLASHDeconvAlgorithm
- updateMaximum()
: FeatureFinderAlgorithmPickedHelperStructs::MassTrace
- updateMeanMZ()
: MassTrace
- updateMedianMZ()
: MassTrace
- updateMedianRT()
: MassTrace
- updateMembers_()
: AbsoluteQuantitation
, AccurateMassSearchEngine
, AScore
, BaseModel
, BayesianProteinInferenceAlgorithm
, BiGaussFitter1D
, BiGaussModel
, BinnedSharedPeakCount
, BinnedSpectralContrastAngle
, BinnedSumAgreeingIntensities
, ConsensusIDAlgorithm
, ConsensusIDAlgorithmPEPIons
, ConsensusIDAlgorithmPEPMatrix
, DefaultParamHandler
, DiaPrescore
, DIAScoring
, EGHTraceFitter
, ElutionPeakDetection
, EmgFitter1D
, EmgGradientDescent
, EmgModel
, ExtendedIsotopeFitter1D
, ExtendedIsotopeModel
, FeatureDeconvolution
, FeatureDistance
, FeatureFinderAlgorithmMetaboIdent
, FeatureFinderAlgorithmPicked
, FeatureFinderIdentificationAlgorithm
, FeatureFindingMetabo
, FIAMSDataProcessor
, Fitter1D
, FLASHDeconvAlgorithm
, GaussFilter
, GaussFitter1D
, GaussModel
, GaussTraceFitter
, IDMapper
, IDScoreSwitcherAlgorithm
, IncludeExcludeTarget
, InterpolationModel
, IsobaricChannelExtractor
, IsobaricQuantifier
, IsotopeFitter1D
, IsotopeLabelingMDVs
, IsotopeModel
, ItraqEightPlexQuantitationMethod
, ItraqFourPlexQuantitationMethod
, KDTreeFeatureMaps
, LevMarqFitter1D
, LinearResampler
, LinearResamplerAlign
, LowessSmoothing
, MapAlignmentAlgorithmKD
, MapAlignmentAlgorithmPoseClustering
, MapAlignmentAlgorithmTreeGuided
, MascotGenericFile
, MascotRemoteQuery
, MassDecompositionAlgorithm
, MassFeatureTrace
, MassTraceDetection
, MaxLikeliFitter1D
, MetaboliteFeatureDeconvolution
, MetaboliteSpectralMatching
, MRMDecoy
, MRMFeatureFilter
, MRMFeatureFinderScoring
, MRMMapping
, MRMTransitionGroupPicker
, MSPGenericFile
, NLargest
, Normalizer
, NucleicAcidSpectrumGenerator
, OpenPepXLAlgorithm
, OpenPepXLLFAlgorithm
, PeakIntegrator
, PeakPickerChromatogram
, PeakPickerHiRes
, PeakPickerIterative
, PeptideAndProteinQuant
, PeptideIndexing
, ReactionMonitoringTransition
, SavitzkyGolayFilter
, SignalToNoiseEstimatorMeanIterative< Container >
, SignalToNoiseEstimatorMedian< Container >
, SimpleSearchEngineAlgorithm
, SpectraMerger::SpectraDistance_
, SpectrumAnnotator
, StablePairFinder
, SwathMapMassCorrection
, TargetedSpectraExtractor
, TheoreticalSpectrumGenerator
, TheoreticalSpectrumGeneratorXLMS
, TMTEighteenPlexQuantitationMethod
, TMTElevenPlexQuantitationMethod
, TMTSixPlexQuantitationMethod
, TMTSixteenPlexQuantitationMethod
, TMTTenPlexQuantitationMethod
, TraceFitter
, TransitionTSVFile
, XFDRAlgorithm
- updateMenu()
, TOPPViewBase
- updateMetaValue()
: MRMFeatureFilter
- updateMinElement()
: DistanceMatrix< Value >
- updateMonoMassAndIsotopeIntensities()
: PeakGroup
- updateMzBins_()
: FLASHDeconvAlgorithm
- updateOutpuMap_()
: IsobaricIsotopeCorrector
- updateOutputParamFromPerInputFile()
: FLASHDeconvTabWidget
- updateOutputParamFromWidgets_()
: FLASHDeconvTabWidget
- updatePeakGroupQvalues()
: Qvalue
- updatePeptideHitAnnotations_()
: LayerData1DPeak
- updatePerChargeCos_()
: PeakGroup
- updatePerChargeInformation_()
: PeakGroup
- updatePosition()
: FuzzyStringComparator::InputLine
- updateProcessLog()
: TOPPViewBase
- updateProteinEntries_()
: SpectraIDViewTab
- updateProteinGroups()
: IDFilter
- updateProteinReferences()
: IDFilter
- updateProteinScores_()
: BasicProteinInferenceAlgorithm
- updateQscore()
: PeakGroup
- updateRange()
: MRMFeatureFilter
- updateRanges()
: ConsensusMap
, FeatureMap
, LayerData1DChrom
, LayerData1DIonMobility
, LayerData1DPeak
, LayerDataBase
, LayerDataChrom
, LayerDataConsensus
, LayerDataFeature
, LayerDataIdent
, LayerDataIonMobility
, LayerDataPeak
, Mobilogram
, MSChromatogram
, MSExperiment
, MSSpectrum
, RangeManagerContainer< RangeBases >
- updateScores()
: PosteriorErrorProbabilityModel
- updateScrollbars_()
: Plot1DCanvas
, Plot2DCanvas
, PlotCanvas
- updateSmoothedMaxRT()
: MassTrace
- updateSmoothedWeightedMeanRT()
: MassTrace
- updateSNR_()
: PeakGroup
- updateSwathParamFromWidgets_()
: SwathTabWidget
- updateTabBar()
- updateToolBar()
, TOPPViewBase
- updateTOPPOutputLog()
- updateTree_()
: PeptideIdentificationVisualizer
, ProteinIdentificationVisualizer
- updateUniqueIdToIndex()
: UniqueIdIndexer< T >
- updateViewBar()
: TOPPViewBase
- updateViewMode_()
: TOPPViewOpenDialog
- updateVisibleList_()
: FilterableList
- updateVScrollbar()
: PlotCanvas
, PlotWidget
- updateWeightedMeanMZ()
: MassTrace
- updateWeightedMeanRT()
: MassTrace
- updateWeightedMZsd()
: MassTrace
- updateWhiteMSExperiment_()
: MultiplexFiltering
- updateWidgetsfromSwathParam_()
: SwathTabWidget
- updateWindowTitle()
: INIFileEditorWindow
- uploadProgress()
: MascotRemoteQuery
- upper
: SwathMap
- upper_
: LinearRegression
: LPWrapper
- upperq
: SummaryStatistics< T >
- uri
: MzTabMDatabaseMetaData
, MzTabMetaData
, MzTabMMetaData
, MzTabMSmallMoleculeEvidenceSectionRow
, MzTabMSmallMoleculeSectionRow
, MzTabNucleicAcidSectionRow
, MzTabOligonucleotideSectionRow
, MzTabOSMSectionRow
, MzTabPeptideSectionRow
, MzTabProteinSectionRow
, MzTabPSMSectionRow
, MzTabSmallMoleculeSectionRow
: CV
- url()
: ControlledVocabulary
, MzTabCVMetaData
- url_
: ContactPerson
, ContactPersonVisualizer
, ControlledVocabulary
, NetworkGetRequest
, TOPPASResource
- usage()
: SysInfo::MemUsage
- use_adducts_
: MapAlignmentAlgorithmIdentification
- use_chauvenet_
: AbsoluteQuantitation
- use_coelution_score_
: OpenSwath_Scores_Usage
- use_consensus_
: MRMTransitionGroupPicker
- use_dia_scores_
: OpenSwath_Scores_Usage
- use_elution_model_score_
: OpenSwath_Scores_Usage
- use_external_boundaries_
: FullSwathFileConsumer
- use_feature_rt_
: MapAlignmentAlgorithmIdentification
- use_gauss_
: PeakPickerChromatogram
, TargetedSpectraExtractor
- use_IDs_
: QTCluster
, QTClusterFinder
, StablePairFinder
- use_im_scores
: OpenSwath_Scores_Usage
- use_intensity_score_
: OpenSwath_Scores_Usage
- use_ionseries_scores
: OpenSwath_Scores_Usage
- use_library_score_
: OpenSwath_Scores_Usage
- use_lossy_compression_
: MzMLSqliteHandler
- use_lossy_numpress
: SqMassFile::SqMassConfig
- use_mi_score_
: OpenSwath_Scores_Usage
- use_ms1_correlation
: OpenSwath_Scores_Usage
- use_ms1_fullscan
: OpenSwath_Scores_Usage
- use_ms1_ion_mobility_
: MRMFeatureFinderScoring
, OpenSwathScoring
, OpenSwathWorkflowBase
- use_ms1_mi
: OpenSwath_Scores_Usage
- use_ms1_traces_
: OpenSwathTSVWriter
, OpenSwathWorkflowBase
- use_ms2_isotope_scores
: OpenSwath_Scores_Usage
- use_mz_scoring_by_element_range_
: FeatureFindingMetabo
- use_mz_scoring_C13_
: FeatureFindingMetabo
- use_nr_peaks_score_
: OpenSwath_Scores_Usage
- use_peak_shape_metrics
: OpenSwath_Scores_Usage
- use_ppm_
: CalibrationData
, MZTrafoModel
- use_ppm_tolerance_
: GaussFilterAlgorithm
- use_precursor_data_
: PepXMLFile
- use_precursors_
: MRMTransitionGroupPicker
- use_prefix_
: FuzzyStringComparator
- use_psm_cutoff_
: FeatureFinderIdentificationAlgorithm
- use_rt_score_
: OpenSwath_Scores_Usage
- use_sequence_tags_
: OpenPepXLLFAlgorithm
- use_shape_score_
: OpenSwath_Scores_Usage
- use_smoothed_intensities_
: FeatureFindingMetabo
- use_sn_score_
: OpenSwath_Scores_Usage
- use_ssl_
: MascotRemoteQuery
- use_term_
: CVMappingTerm
- use_term_name_
: CVMappingTerm
- use_total_mi_score_
: OpenSwath_Scores_Usage
- use_total_prob_
: FineIsotopePatternGenerator
- use_total_xic_score_
: OpenSwath_Scores_Usage
- use_uis_scores
: OpenSwath_Scores_Usage
: FeatureFinderDefs
- usePPM()
: CalibrationData
- user_specified_out_dir_
- user_ticks
: StopWatch::TimeDiff_
- userTime()
: StopWatch::TimeDiff_