CBALL::Addition< First, Second, DataType > | |
CBALL::AmberFF::Default | |
CBALL::AmberFF::Option | |
CBALL::AmberTorsion::SingleAmberTorsion | |
CBALL::AromaticityProcessor::Default | Default values for options |
CBALL::AromaticityProcessor::Option | Option names |
CBALL::AromaticRingStacking::Default | |
CBALL::AromaticRingStacking::Option | |
CBALL::AssignBondOrderProcessor::Algorithm | |
CBALL::AssignBondOrderProcessor::Default | Default values for options |
CBALL::AssignBondOrderProcessor::Option | Option names |
CBALL::AStarBondOrderStrategy::Default | |
CBALL::AStarBondOrderStrategy::Heuristic | |
CBALL::AStarBondOrderStrategy::Option | Option names |
CBALL::Atom::BondIteratorTraits | |
►CBALL::AtomTyper | |
CBALL::MMFF94AtomTyper | |
►CBALL::AutoDeletable | |
►CBALL::Object | |
►CBALL::PersistentObject | |
►CBALL::Composite | |
►CBALL::Atom | |
CBALL::PDBAtom | |
CBALL::SmilesParser::SPAtom | |
►CBALL::AtomContainer | |
CBALL::Chain | |
►CBALL::Fragment | |
CBALL::Nucleotide | |
CBALL::Residue | |
►CBALL::Molecule | |
CBALL::NucleicAcid | |
CBALL::Protein | |
CBALL::SecondaryStructure | |
CBALL::System | |
►CBALL::Bond | |
CBALL::SmilesParser::SPBond | |
CBALL::CrystalInfo | |
CBALL::NamedProperty | |
CBALL::PDBInfo | |
CBALL::PDBRecords | |
CBALL::TVector2< T > | |
►CBALL::VIEW::Stage::Material | |
CBALL::VIEW::Stage::RaytracingMaterial | |
CBALL::TVector2< float > | |
CBALL::VIEW::RepresentationManager | |
CBALL::ResourceEntry | |
CBALL::BALLPlugin | |
►CBALL::BaseIterator< Container, DataType, Position, Traits > | |
►CBALL::ConstForwardIterator< Container, DataType, Position, Traits > | |
►CBALL::ConstBidirectionalIterator< Container, DataType, Position, Traits > | |
CBALL::BidirectionalIterator< Container, DataType, Position, Traits > | Mutable bidirectional iterator |
►CBALL::ConstRandomAccessIterator< Container, DataType, Position, Traits > | |
CBALL::RandomAccessIterator< Container, DataType, Position, Traits > | |
CBALL::ForwardIterator< Container, DataType, Position, Traits > | |
CBALL::BinaryFileAdaptor< T > | |
CBALL::BinaryFingerprintMethods | This class provides efficient similarity calculation functionality for 2D binary fingerprints |
CBALL::BinaryFingerprintMethods::Default | |
CBALL::BinaryFingerprintMethods::Option | |
CBALL::BinaryFunctor< FirstArgumentType, SecondArgumentType, ResultType > | |
CBALL::BindingPocketProcessor::Default | |
CBALL::BindingPocketProcessor::Option | |
CBALL::Bit | |
CBALL::BitVector | |
►CBALL::BondOrderAssignmentStrategy | Base class for bond order assignment algorithms |
►CBALL::AStarBondOrderStrategy | |
►CBALL::KGreedyBondOrderStrategy | |
CBALL::BranchAndBoundBondOrderStrategy | |
CBALL::FPTBondOrderStrategy | |
CBALL::ILPBondOrderStrategy | |
CBALL::BranchAndBoundBondOrderStrategy::Default | |
CBALL::BranchAndBoundBondOrderStrategy::Option | Option names |
CBALL::BuildBondsProcessor::Default | Default values for options |
CBALL::BuildBondsProcessor::Option | Option names |
CBALL::BuriedPolar::Default | |
CBALL::BuriedPolar::Option | |
CBALL::CanonicalMD::AuxFactors | Helper class containing auxiliary factors |
CBALL::CharmmEEF1::Data | |
CBALL::CharmmEEF1::Values | |
CBALL::CharmmFF::Default | |
CBALL::CharmmFF::Option | |
CBALL::CharmmTorsion::SingleCharmmTorsion | |
CBALL::CHPI::AromaticRing | |
CBALL::CHPI::CHGroup | |
CBALL::CHPI::Default | |
CBALL::CHPI::Option | |
CBALL::CHPISlick::AromaticRing | |
CBALL::CHPISlick::CHGroup | |
CBALL::CHPISlick::Default | |
CBALL::CHPISlick::Option | |
CBALL::CIFFile::Datablock | |
CBALL::CIFFile::Datacontent | |
CBALL::CIFFile::Item | |
CBALL::CIFFile::SaveFrame | |
CBALL::CIFFile::State | |
CBALL::Client | |
CBALL::CommandlineParser | |
CBALL::Comparator< T > | |
CBALL::Composite::AncestorIteratorTraits | |
CBALL::Composite::ChildCompositeIteratorTraits | |
CBALL::Composite::CompositeIteratorTraits | |
►CBALL::CompositeIteratorTraits | |
CBALL::AtomContainerIteratorTraits | |
CBALL::AtomIteratorTraits | |
CBALL::ChainIteratorTraits | |
CBALL::FragmentIteratorTraits | |
CBALL::MoleculeIteratorTraits | |
CBALL::NucleicAcidIteratorTraits | |
CBALL::NucleotideIteratorTraits | |
CBALL::PDBAtomIteratorTraits | |
CBALL::ProteinIteratorTraits | |
CBALL::ResidueIteratorTraits | |
CBALL::SecondaryStructureIteratorTraits | |
CBALL::Conformation | |
CBALL::ConformationSet | |
CBALL::ConjugateGradientMinimizer::Default | |
CBALL::ConjugateGradientMinimizer::Option | |
CBALL::ConnectedToPredicate::CTPNode | |
CBALL::Constant | |
CBALL::ConstantFunction< constant_template > | |
►CBALL::Constraint | |
CBALL::PharmacophoreConstraint | |
CBALL::ReferenceArea | |
CBALL::CosineTorsion::Data | |
CBALL::CosineTorsion::SingleData | |
CBALL::CosineTorsion::SingleValues | |
CBALL::CosineTorsion::Values | |
CBALL::CrystalGenerator | |
CBALL::CrystalGenerator::Default | |
CBALL::CrystalGenerator::Option | |
CBALL::CrystalInfo::Default | |
CBALL::CrystalInfo::Option | |
CBALL::CubicFunction< Function, DataType > | |
CBALL::CubicSpline1D | |
CBALL::CubicSpline2D | |
CBALL::Directory | |
CBALL::Division< First, Second, DataType > | |
►CBALL::DockingAlgorithm | |
CBALL::EvolutionaryDocking | |
CBALL::GeometricFit | |
CBALL::IMGDock | |
CBALL::DockProblem | |
CBALL::DockResult | |
CBALL::DockResult::Compare_ | |
CBALL::DockResult::Scoring_ | |
CBALL::DoubleTraits | |
CBALL::EdgeItem< Node, Edge > | |
CBALL::ElectrostaticPotentialCalculator | |
CBALL::ElectrostaticPotentialCalculator::Default | |
CBALL::ElectrostaticPotentialCalculator::Option | |
CBALL::Element | |
►CBALL::Embeddable | |
CBALL::Peptides::NameConverter | This class provides conversion of atom names between naming schemata |
►CBALL::VIEW::DatasetController | |
CBALL::VIEW::DockResultController | |
CBALL::VIEW::RaytraceableGridController | |
CBALL::VIEW::RegularData3DController | |
CBALL::VIEW::TrajectoryController | |
CBALL::VIEW::VectorGridController | |
CBALL::VIEW::LightSettings | |
►CBALL::VIEW::MainControl | |
CBALL::Mainframe | |
►CBALL::VIEW::ModularWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::AssignBondOrderConfigurationDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::AssignBondOrderResultsDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::DemoTutorialDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::DisplayProperties | |
CBALL::VIEW::DockingController | |
►CBALL::VIEW::DockWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::DockableRegularData1DWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::DockableRegularData2DWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::EditFunctions | |
CBALL::VIEW::FileObserver | |
►CBALL::VIEW::GenericControl | |
CBALL::VIEW::DatasetControl | |
CBALL::VIEW::GeometricControl | |
CBALL::VIEW::MolecularControl | |
CBALL::VIEW::HelpViewer | |
CBALL::VIEW::LogView | |
CBALL::VIEW::PyWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::DownloadElectronDensity | |
CBALL::VIEW::DownloadPDBFile | |
CBALL::VIEW::EditOperationDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::GenerateCrystalDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::LabelDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::ModifyRepresentationDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::MolecularFileDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::MolecularStructure | |
CBALL::VIEW::OpenBruker1DFile | |
CBALL::VIEW::OpenBruker2DFile | |
CBALL::VIEW::PluginDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::PubChemDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::RaytraceableContourSurfaceDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::RegularData1DWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::RegularData2DWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::Scene | |
CBALL::VIEW::ServerWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::ShortcutDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::SnapshotVisualisationDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::StereoSettingsDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::TestFramework | |
CBALL::VIEW::UndoManagerDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::ShortcutRegistry | |
CBALL::EmpiricalHSShiftProcessor::Default | Default values for options |
CBALL::EmpiricalHSShiftProcessor::Option | Option names |
CBALL::EmpiricalHSShiftProcessor::PropertiesForShift_ | |
CBALL::EmpiricalHSShiftProcessor::ShiftHyperSurface_ | |
►CBALL::EnergeticEvaluation | |
►CBALL::ForceFieldEvaluation | |
CBALL::AmberEvaluation | |
CBALL::RandomEvaluation | |
►CBALL::EnergyMinimizer | |
CBALL::ConjugateGradientMinimizer | |
CBALL::ShiftedLVMMMinimizer | |
CBALL::SteepestDescentMinimizer | |
CBALL::StrangLBFGSMinimizer | |
CBALL::EnergyMinimizer::Default | |
CBALL::EnergyMinimizer::Option | |
CBALL::Enumerator< Container, SiteIterator, Variant > | |
CBALL::Enumerator< Container, SiteIterator, Variant >::IteratorTraits_ | |
CBALL::EvolutionaryDocking::Default | |
CBALL::EvolutionaryDocking::Option | |
CBALL::Exception::GlobalExceptionHandler | |
CBALL::Expression | |
CBALL::ExpressionParser | |
CBALL::ExpressionParser::State | |
CBALL::ExpressionParser::SyntaxTree | |
CBALL::ExpressionTree | |
CBALL::Factory< T > | |
CBALL::FDPB::Boundary | |
CBALL::FDPB::ChargeDistribution | |
CBALL::FDPB::Default | |
CBALL::FDPB::DielectricSmoothing | |
CBALL::FDPB::FastAtomStruct | |
CBALL::FDPB::Option | |
CBALL::FileSystem | |
CBALL::FlexDefinition | |
►CBALL::FlexibleMolecule | |
CBALL::Receptor | |
CBALL::FloatTraits | |
►CBALL::ForceField | |
CBALL::AmberFF | |
CBALL::CharmmFF | |
CBALL::FPTBondOrderStrategy::AdditionalBagProperties_ | |
CBALL::FPTBondOrderStrategy::Assignment_ | |
CBALL::FPTBondOrderStrategy::BackTrackingState_ | |
CBALL::FPTBondOrderStrategy::ComputingData_ | |
CBALL::FPTBondOrderStrategy::Default | Default option values |
CBALL::FPTBondOrderStrategy::DPBackTracking_ | |
CBALL::FPTBondOrderStrategy::DPBackTracking_::StateComparator_ | |
CBALL::FPTBondOrderStrategy::DPBackTrackingCombiner_ | |
CBALL::FPTBondOrderStrategy::DPConfig_ | |
CBALL::FPTBondOrderStrategy::DPJoinMapComparator_ | |
CBALL::FPTBondOrderStrategy::DPTable_ | |
CBALL::FPTBondOrderStrategy::EdgeComparator_ | |
CBALL::FPTBondOrderStrategy::FPTBondOrderAssignment_ | |
CBALL::FPTBondOrderStrategy::Option | Option names |
CBALL::FragmentDB | |
CBALL::FragmentDB::BuildBondsProcessor::Connection | |
CBALL::FresnoTypes | |
CBALL::GAFFCESParser::APSMatcher | |
CBALL::GAFFCESParser::APSMatcher::APSTerm | |
►CBALL::GAFFCESParser::CESPredicate | |
CBALL::GAFFCESParser::CESelementConnectionPredicate | |
CBALL::GAFFCESParser::CESelementPredicate | |
CBALL::GAFFCESParser::CESwildcardsConnectionPredicate | |
CBALL::GAFFCESParser::CESwildcardsPredicate | |
CBALL::GAFFCESParser::TruePredicate | |
CBALL::GAFFCESParser::State | |
CBALL::GAFFTypeProcessor::Default | |
CBALL::GAFFTypeProcessor::Option | |
CBALL::GAFFTypeProcessor::TypeDefinition | Nested class definitions |
CBALL::GAMESSDatFile::block | |
CBALL::GAMESSDatFile::State | |
CBALL::GAMESSLogFile::State | |
CBALL::GeneralizedBornModel | |
CBALL::GeneralizedBornModel::Default | |
CBALL::GeneralizedBornModel::Option | |
►CBALL::GenericGene | |
CBALL::DoubleGene | |
CBALL::QuaternionGene | |
►CBALL::GenericParameter | |
CBALL::DoubleParameter | |
CBALL::QuaternionParameter | |
CBALL::GeneticAlgorithm | |
CBALL::GeneticIndividual | |
CBALL::GeometricFit::Default | |
CBALL::GeometricFit::Option | |
CBALL::GeometricFit::Peak_ | |
CBALL::GeometricFit::RotationAngles_ | |
CBALL::GlobalInitializer | |
CBALL::GRAPH::EditableEdgeCopier< Graph1, Graph2 > | |
CBALL::GRAPH::EditableVertexCopier< Graph1, Graph2 > | |
CBALL::GRAPH::GraphTraits< Graph > | |
CBALL::GRAPH::PostOrderFolding< Tree, From, To, Functor > | |
CBALL::GRAPH::UndoEliminateOperation< UndirectedGraph > | |
CBALL::GraphEdge< Vertex, Edge, Face > | |
CBALL::GraphFace< Vertex, Edge, Face > | |
CBALL::GraphTriangle< Vertex, Edge, Face > | |
CBALL::GraphVertex< Vertex, Edge, Face > | |
CBALL::GridAnalysis | |
CBALL::GridBasedScoring::Default | |
CBALL::GridBasedScoring::GridSetsResult | |
CBALL::GridBasedScoring::Option | |
CBALL::HashGrid3< Item > | |
CBALL::HashGrid3< Item >::BoxIteratorTraits | |
CBALL::HashGridBox3< Item > | |
CBALL::HashGridBox3< Item >::BoxIteratorTraits | |
CBALL::HashGridBox3< Item >::DataIteratorTraits | |
CBALL::HashSet< Key > | |
CBALL::HashSet< Key >::IteratorTraits | |
CBALL::HashSet< Key >::Node | |
CBALL::HBondProcessor::Default | Default values for options |
CBALL::HBondProcessor::HBond | |
CBALL::HBondProcessor::Option | Option names |
CBALL::HBondProcessor::PredictionMethod | Default values for options |
CBALL::HBondProcessor::ResidueData | |
CBALL::HMOFile::HMOCharge | |
CBALL::HybridisationProcessor::AtomNames_ | |
CBALL::HybridisationProcessor::Default | Default values for options |
CBALL::HybridisationProcessor::Elements_ | |
CBALL::HybridisationProcessor::Method | |
CBALL::HybridisationProcessor::Option | Option names |
CBALL::HydrogenBond::Default | |
CBALL::HydrogenBond::Option | |
CBALL::HydrogenBondSlick::Default | |
CBALL::HydrogenBondSlick::Option | |
CBALL::IMGDock::Default | |
CBALL::IMGDock::Option | |
CBALL::INIFile | |
CBALL::INIFile::IteratorTraits_ | Interface for the LineIterator |
CBALL::INIFile::Section | |
CBALL::JohnsonBoveyShiftProcessor::Ring | |
CBALL::Kekuliser | |
CBALL::KGreedyBondOrderStrategy::Default | |
CBALL::KGreedyBondOrderStrategy::Option | Option names |
CBALL::LennardJones::Data | |
CBALL::LennardJones::Values | |
CBALL::Limits< T > | |
CBALL::Limits< bool > | |
CBALL::Limits< char > | |
CBALL::Limits< double > | |
CBALL::Limits< float > | |
CBALL::Limits< int > | |
CBALL::Limits< long > | |
CBALL::Limits< short > | |
CBALL::Limits< signed char > | |
CBALL::Limits< unsigned char > | |
CBALL::Limits< unsigned int > | |
CBALL::Limits< unsigned long > | |
CBALL::Limits< unsigned short > | |
CBALL::LineSearch | |
CBALL::Lipophilic::Default | |
CBALL::Lipophilic::Option | |
CBALL::LogP | |
CBALL::LogStreamBuf::LoglineStruct | |
CBALL::LogStreamBuf::StreamStruct | |
►CBALL::LogStreamNotifier | |
CBALL::VIEW::LogView | |
CBALL::LongDoubleTraits | |
CBALL::MicroCanonicalMD::AuxFactors | |
CBALL::MMFF94::Default | |
CBALL::MMFF94::Option | |
CBALL::MMFF94AtomType | Class to store the values of an atom type from MMFFPROP.PAR |
CBALL::MMFF94AtomTyper::AromaticType | |
CBALL::MMFF94NonBonded::NonBondedPairData | |
CBALL::MMFF94OutOfPlaneBend::OutOfPlaneBend | |
►CBALL::MMFF94ParametersBase | |
CBALL::MMFF94AtomTypeEquivalences | |
CBALL::MMFF94AtomTypes | |
CBALL::MMFF94BendParameters | |
CBALL::MMFF94ESParameters | |
CBALL::MMFF94PlaneParameters | |
CBALL::MMFF94StretchBendParameters | |
CBALL::MMFF94StretchParameters | |
CBALL::MMFF94TorsionParameters | |
CBALL::MMFF94VDWParameters | |
CBALL::MMFF94StretchBend::Bend | See MMFFANG.PAR |
CBALL::MMFF94StretchBend::Stretch | |
CBALL::MMFF94StretchBend::StretchBend | |
CBALL::MMFF94StretchParameters::BondData | |
CBALL::MMFF94StretchParameters::EmpiricalBondData | |
CBALL::MMFF94Torsion::Torsion | See MMFFTOR.PAR |
CBALL::MMFF94VDWParameters::VDWEntry | |
CBALL::MOL2File::AtomStruct | |
CBALL::MOL2File::BondStruct | |
CBALL::MOL2File::CommentStruct | |
CBALL::MOL2File::MoleculeStruct | |
CBALL::MOL2File::SetStruct | A class used for storing TRIPOS sets |
CBALL::MOL2File::SubstructureStruct | |
CBALL::MolDB | |
CBALL::MolDB::VendorInfo | |
►CBALL::MolecularDynamics | |
CBALL::CanonicalMD | |
CBALL::MicroCanonicalMD | |
CBALL::MolecularDynamics::Default | |
CBALL::MolecularDynamics::Option | |
CBALL::MolecularInteractions | |
CBALL::MolecularSimilarity | |
CBALL::MOLFile::AtomStruct | |
CBALL::MOLFile::BondStruct | |
CBALL::MOLFile::CountsStruct | |
CBALL::MOLFile::Property | |
CBALL::MolFileFactory | |
CBALL::MPISupport | |
CBALL::MutableConstant< DataType > | |
CBALL::MutablePower< Function, DataType > | |
►CBALL::Mutator | |
CBALL::DNAMutator | |
CBALL::NMRStarFile::BALLToBMRBMapper | |
CBALL::NMRStarFile::EntryInformation | |
CBALL::NMRStarFile::MolecularSystem | |
CBALL::NMRStarFile::MolecularSystem::ChemicalUnit | |
CBALL::NMRStarFile::MolecularSystem::RelatedDB | |
CBALL::NMRStarFile::MonomericPolymer | |
CBALL::NMRStarFile::MonomericPolymer::HomologDB | Database with homolog entries |
CBALL::NMRStarFile::NMRAtomData | |
CBALL::NMRStarFile::NMRAtomDataSet | |
CBALL::NMRStarFile::NMRSpectrometer | |
CBALL::NMRStarFile::Sample | |
CBALL::NMRStarFile::Sample::Component | |
CBALL::NMRStarFile::SampleCondition | |
CBALL::NMRStarFile::ShiftReferenceElement | |
CBALL::NMRStarFile::ShiftReferenceSet | |
CBALL::NodeItem< Node, Edge > | |
CBALL::NonpolarSolvation::Default | |
CBALL::NonpolarSolvation::Option | |
CBALL::NucleotideMapping | |
►CBALL::NumericalIntegrator< Function, DataType > | |
CBALL::RombergIntegrator< Function, DataType > | |
CBALL::NumericalSAS | |
CBALL::NumericalSAS::Default | |
CBALL::NumericalSAS::Option | |
►CBALL::ObjectCreator | |
CBALL::MoleculeObjectCreator | |
CBALL::Pair6_12InteractionEnergyProcessor::Default | |
CBALL::Pair6_12InteractionEnergyProcessor::Option | |
CBALL::Pair6_12RDFIntegrator::Default | |
CBALL::Pair6_12RDFIntegrator::Option | |
CBALL::PairExpInteractionEnergyProcessor::Default | |
CBALL::PairExpInteractionEnergyProcessor::Option | |
CBALL::PairExpRDFIntegrator::Default | |
CBALL::PairExpRDFIntegrator::Option | |
CBALL::ParameterDescription | |
►CBALL::Parameters | |
CBALL::ForceFieldParameters | |
►CBALL::ParameterSection | |
CBALL::AtomTypes | |
CBALL::CharmmEEF1 | |
CBALL::ClaverieParameter | |
CBALL::CosineTorsion | |
CBALL::LennardJones | |
CBALL::Potential1210 | |
CBALL::QuadraticAngleBend | |
CBALL::QuadraticBondStretch | |
CBALL::QuadraticImproperTorsion | |
CBALL::RDFParameter | |
CBALL::RDFSection | |
CBALL::ResidueTorsions | |
CBALL::SolventParameter | |
CBALL::SpaceGroupParameters | |
CBALL::Templates | |
►CBALL::PartialBondOrderAssignment | A full or partial solution to the AStar-based bond order assignment problem |
CBALL::BondOrderAssignment | A solution to the bond order assignment problem |
CBALL::Path | |
CBALL::PCMCavFreeEnergyProcessor::Default | |
CBALL::PCMCavFreeEnergyProcessor::Option | |
CBALL::PDB::AdditionalAtomInfo | |
CBALL::PDB::BookKeeping | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordATOM | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordCON06 | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordCON061 | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordCON062 | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordCON063 | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordCON064 | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordCRYST1 | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordCRYST1::UnitCell | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordDBREF::EndingDatabaseSegment | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordDBREF::EndingSequence | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordDBREF::InitialDatabaseSegment | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordDBREF::InitialSequence | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordEND | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordHET | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordHYDBND::HydrogenAtom | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordHYDBND::HydrogenPartnerAtom | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordJRNL | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordLINK | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordLINK::LinkPartner | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordMTRIX1 | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordMTRIX2 | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordMTRIX3 | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordORIGX1 | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordORIGX2 | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordORIGX3 | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordSCALE1 | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordSCALE2 | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordSCALE3 | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordSITE | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordSLTBRG::PartnerAtom | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordTER | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordTURN | |
CBALL::PDB::RecordTypeFormat | |
CBALL::PDB::Residue | |
CBALL::PDB::Structure | |
CBALL::PDB::Structure::AtomEntry | |
CBALL::PDB::Structure::ConectAtomList | |
CBALL::PDB::Structure::NCSMatrix | |
CBALL::PDB::Structure::UnitCellInfo | |
CBALL::PDBFile::Default | |
CBALL::PDBFile::Option | |
CBALL::Peptides::AminoAcidDescriptor | |
CBALL::Peptides::NameConverter::Default | Default values for options |
CBALL::Peptides::NameConverter::Option | Option names |
►CBALL::Peptides::PeptideBuilder | |
CBALL::VIEW::PeptideDialog | |
CBALL::PeriodicBoundary | |
CBALL::PeriodicBoundary::Default | Default values |
CBALL::PeriodicBoundary::Option | |
►CBALL::PersistenceManager | |
CBALL::TextPersistenceManager | |
CBALL::XDRPersistenceManager | |
►CBALL::PiecewiseFunction | |
CBALL::PiecewisePolynomial | |
CBALL::PierottiCavFreeEnergyProcessor::Default | |
CBALL::PierottiCavFreeEnergyProcessor::Option | |
CBALL::PLP::NonBondedPairData | |
►CBALL::PluginHandler | |
CBALL::VIEW::InputDevPluginHandler | |
CBALL::VIEW::ModularWidgetPluginHandler | |
CBALL::VIEW::PluginDialog | |
CBALL::PluginManager | |
CBALL::PolarSolvation::Default | |
CBALL::PolarSolvation::Option | |
CBALL::PoseClustering | Computation of clusters of docking poses |
CBALL::PoseClustering::ClusterProperties | |
CBALL::PoseClustering::ClusterTreeNodeComparator | |
CBALL::PoseClustering::ClusterTreeWriter_ | |
CBALL::PoseClustering::Default | Default values for options |
CBALL::PoseClustering::Option | Option names |
CBALL::PoseClustering::PosePointer | |
CBALL::PoseClustering::RigidTransformation | |
CBALL::Potential1210::Data | |
CBALL::Potential1210::Values | |
CBALL::PreciseTime | |
CBALL::Processor | |
CBALL::Product< First, Second, DataType > | |
►CBALL::PropertyManager | |
CBALL::Atom | |
CBALL::AtomContainer | |
CBALL::Bond | |
CBALL::PDBFile | |
CBALL::Peak< PositionType > | |
CBALL::RingAnalyser::Ring | |
►CBALL::VIEW::ModelProcessor | |
►CBALL::VIEW::AddBackboneModel | |
CBALL::VIEW::AddCartoonModel | |
CBALL::VIEW::AddSurfaceModel | |
►CBALL::VIEW::AtomBondModelBaseProcessor | |
CBALL::VIEW::AddBallAndStickModel | |
CBALL::VIEW::AddLineModel | |
CBALL::VIEW::AddVanDerWaalsModel | |
CBALL::VIEW::HBondModelProcessor | |
CBALL::VIEW::ForceModel | |
CBALL::VIEW::LabelModel | |
CBALL::VIEW::Representation | |
CBALL::Peak< float > | |
CBALL::PTE_::SymbolToElement | |
CBALL::PubChemDownloader | Downloads PubChem entries |
CBALL::PyInterpreter | |
CBALL::QSAR::AutomaticModelCreator | |
CBALL::QSAR::ConfigIO | |
CBALL::QSAR::FeatureSelection | |
CBALL::QSAR::FeatureSelectionConfiguration | |
CBALL::QSAR::InputConfiguration | |
CBALL::QSAR::InputPartitioningConfiguration | |
CBALL::QSAR::Kernel | |
►CBALL::QSAR::LatentVariableModel | |
►CBALL::QSAR::PLSModel | |
►CBALL::QSAR::Model | |
►CBALL::QSAR::ClassificationModel | |
►CBALL::QSAR::BayesModel | |
CBALL::QSAR::NBModel | |
CBALL::QSAR::LogitModel | |
►CBALL::QSAR::RegressionModel | |
►CBALL::QSAR::LinearModel | |
►CBALL::QSAR::MLRModel | |
CBALL::QSAR::RRModel | |
►CBALL::QSAR::NonLinearModel | |
►CBALL::QSAR::ALLModel | |
►CBALL::QSAR::KernelModel | |
CBALL::QSAR::GPModel | |
►CBALL::QSAR::SVRModel | |
CBALL::QSAR::LibsvmModel | |
CBALL::QSAR::ModelConfiguration | |
CBALL::QSAR::ModelFactory< T > | |
CBALL::QSAR::PredictionConfiguration | |
CBALL::Rescoring::RescoreQSARData | |
CBALL::QSAR::Registry | |
CBALL::QSAR::RegistryEntry | |
CBALL::QSAR::Statistics | |
►CBALL::QSAR::Validation | |
CBALL::QSAR::ClassificationValidation | |
CBALL::QSAR::RegressionValidation | |
CBALL::QSAR::ValidationConfiguration | |
CBALL::QuadraticAngleBend::Data | |
CBALL::QuadraticAngleBend::Values | |
CBALL::QuadraticBondStretch::Data | |
CBALL::QuadraticBondStretch::Values | |
CBALL::QuadraticImproperTorsion::Data | |
CBALL::QuadraticImproperTorsion::Values | |
CBALL::Quadruple< T1, T2, T3, T4 > | |
CBALL::RadialDistributionFunction | |
CBALL::RandomNumberGenerator | |
►CBALL::RDFIntegrator | |
CBALL::Pair6_12RDFIntegrator | |
CBALL::PairExpRDFIntegrator | |
CBALL::Reciprocal< Function, DataType > | |
CBALL::ReducedSurface | |
CBALL::RegularExpression | |
CBALL::ReissCavFreeEnergyProcessor::Default | |
CBALL::ReissCavFreeEnergyProcessor::Option | |
CBALL::Rescorer | |
►CBALL::Rescoring | |
CBALL::Rescoring1D | |
►CBALL::Rescoring3D | |
CBALL::Rescoring4D | |
CBALL::ResidueRotamerSet | |
CBALL::ResidueTorsions::Data | |
CBALL::ResourceEntry::IteratorTraits_ | |
CBALL::Result | |
CBALL::Result::ResultData | |
CBALL::RGroupAssembler | |
CBALL::RingFinder | |
CBALL::RingPerceptionProcessor::Default | Default options for the ring perception |
CBALL::RingPerceptionProcessor::Option | Option names |
CBALL::RingPerceptionProcessor::PathMessage_ | |
CBALL::RingPerceptionProcessor::TNode_ | |
CBALL::RMSDMinimizer | |
CBALL::Rotamer | |
CBALL::RotamerLibrary | Rotamer Library Class |
CBALL::RotateBond | |
CBALL::RotateBonds | |
CBALL::RSComputer | |
CBALL::RSComputer::ProbePosition | |
CBALL::RuleEvaluator | |
CBALL::SASTriangulator | |
CBALL::ScoreGridSet | |
►CBALL::ScoringBaseFunction | |
CBALL::FermiBaseFunction | |
CBALL::LinearBaseFunction | |
►CBALL::ScoringComponent | |
CBALL::AromaticRingStacking | |
CBALL::BurialDepth | |
CBALL::BuriedPolar | |
CBALL::CHPISlick | |
►CBALL::Electrostatic | |
CBALL::AdvancedElectrostatic | |
►CBALL::ForceFieldComponent | |
CBALL::AmberNonBonded | |
CBALL::AmberTorsion | |
►CBALL::BendComponent | |
CBALL::AmberBend | |
CBALL::CharmmBend | |
CBALL::CharmmImproperTorsion | |
CBALL::CharmmNonBonded | |
CBALL::CharmmTorsion | |
CBALL::MMFF94NonBonded | |
CBALL::MMFF94OutOfPlaneBend | |
CBALL::MMFF94StretchBend | |
CBALL::MMFF94Torsion | |
►CBALL::StretchComponent | |
CBALL::AmberStretch | |
CBALL::CharmmStretch | |
CBALL::HydrogenBond | |
CBALL::HydrogenBondSlick | |
CBALL::Lipophilic | |
CBALL::NonpolarSolvation | |
CBALL::Polarity | |
CBALL::PolarSolvation | |
CBALL::RotationalEntropy | |
►CBALL::Solvation | |
CBALL::FragmentationalSolvation | |
CBALL::VanDerWaals | |
CBALL::VanDerWaalsSlick | |
►CBALL::ScoringFunction | |
►CBALL::DifferentiableScoringFunction | |
CBALL::MMScoring | |
►CBALL::GridBasedScoring | |
►CBALL::DiffGridBasedScoring | |
CBALL::GridedMM | |
CBALL::GridedPLP | |
CBALL::PBScoring | |
CBALL::PLPScoring | |
CBALL::SLICKEnergy | |
CBALL::ScoringFunction::Default | |
CBALL::ScoringFunction::Option | |
CBALL::ScoringFunction::Result | |
CBALL::ScoringOptimizer | |
CBALL::ScoringOptimizer::Result | |
CBALL::SDGenerator | |
CBALL::SDGenerator::AtomComparator | |
CBALL::SDGenerator::Default | Default values for options |
CBALL::SDGenerator::Option | Option names |
►CBALL::Selectable | |
CBALL::Composite | |
CBALL::SESComputer | |
CBALL::SESSingularityCleaner | |
CBALL::SESSingularityCleaner::ProbeIntersection | |
CBALL::SESTriangulator | |
CBALL::ShiftedLVMMMinimizer::Default | |
CBALL::ShiftedLVMMMinimizer::Option | |
CBALL::SideChainOptimizer | |
CBALL::SideChainPlacementProcessor::Default | Default values for options |
CBALL::SideChainPlacementProcessor::Method | |
CBALL::SideChainPlacementProcessor::Option | Option names |
CBALL::SLICKEnergy::Default | |
CBALL::SLICKEnergy::Option | |
CBALL::SLICKScore::Default | |
CBALL::SLICKScore::Option | |
CBALL::SmartsMatcher | |
CBALL::SmartsMatcher::RecStruct_ | Wrapper class which is used as an interface in the matching code to the pool |
CBALL::SmartsMatcher::RecStructCore_ | Core structure of the recursive matching algorithm for the object pool |
CBALL::SmartsMatcher::RecStructPool_ | Class which does the pool operations of the RecStructCore_ pool |
CBALL::SmartsParser | |
CBALL::SmartsParser::SPAtom | Smarts Parser Atom class |
CBALL::SmartsParser::SPAtom::Property | Property struct of smarts parser atom |
CBALL::SmartsParser::SPAtom::PropertyValue | Possible types of the properties |
CBALL::SmartsParser::SPBond | Bond representation of the smarts parser |
CBALL::SmartsParser::SPEdge | Edge representation of the smarts parser graph |
CBALL::SmartsParser::SPNode | Representation of a node in the smarts parser graph |
CBALL::SmartsParser::State | Parser state (used by the parser itself) |
CBALL::SmilesParser | |
CBALL::SmilesParser::State | |
CBALL::SnapShot | |
CBALL::SnapShotManager | |
CBALL::SnapShotManager::Default | Local class for handling default values for the options |
CBALL::SnapShotManager::Option | Local class for handling options |
CBALL::SolventAccessibleSurface | |
CBALL::SolventAtomDescriptor | |
CBALL::SolventDescriptor | |
CBALL::SolventExcludedSurface | |
CBALL::SortedPosition2 | |
CBALL::SortedPosition3 | |
CBALL::Spectrum< DataT, PeakT, PositionT > | |
CBALL::SquareFunction< Function, DataType > | |
CBALL::StaticLigandFragment | |
CBALL::StaticLigandFragment::Connection | |
CBALL::StrangLBFGSMinimizer::Default | |
CBALL::StrangLBFGSMinimizer::Option | |
CBALL::String | |
CBALL::StructurePreparer | |
CBALL::Substring | |
CBALL::Subtraction< First, Second, DataType > | |
CBALL::TAngle< T > | |
►CBALL::TBox3< T > | |
CBALL::VIEW::Box | |
►CBALL::TCircle3< T > | |
CBALL::VIEW::Disc | |
CBALL::TContour< T > | |
CBALL::TContourLine< T > | |
CBALL::TContourSurface< T >::Cube | |
►CBALL::TCPServer | |
►CBALL::TCPServerThread | |
CBALL::VIEW::ServerWidget::BALLViewServer | |
CBALL::Timer | |
CBALL::TimeStamp | |
CBALL::TLine3< T > | |
CBALL::TMatrix4x4< T > | Default Type |
CBALL::TPlane3< T > | |
CBALL::TrajectoryFileFactory | |
CBALL::TransformationManager | |
CBALL::TreeWidth< UndirectedGraph > | |
CBALL::TreeWidth< UndirectedGraph >::BagContentWriter | |
CBALL::TreeWidth< UndirectedGraph >::ComponentFilter_< ComponentMap > | |
CBALL::TreeWidthImplementation< EditableGraph > | |
CBALL::TreeWidthImplementation< EditableGraph >::FillInHeuristic | |
CBALL::TreeWidthImplementation< EditableGraph >::MinorMinWidthCriterion | |
CBALL::TreeWidthImplementation< EditableGraph >::MinorMinWidthReducer | |
CBALL::TreeWidthImplementation< EditableGraph >::QuickBB< Lowerbound, Upperbound > | |
CBALL::TreeWidthImplementation< EditableGraph >::QuickBB< Lowerbound, Upperbound >::QuickBBState | |
CBALL::TreeWidthImplementation< EditableGraph >::TreeDecompositionBuilder< OriginalGraphType > | |
CBALL::TRegularData1D< ValueType > | |
CBALL::TRegularData1D< ValueType >::BlockValueType | The block data type for reading and writing binary data |
CBALL::TRegularData2D< ValueType > | |
CBALL::TRegularData2D< ValueType >::BlockValueType | The block data type for reading and writing binary data |
CBALL::TRegularData2D< ValueType >::IndexType | The index type used to refer to a specific element in the grid (x-, and y-index) |
CBALL::TRegularData3D< ValueType > | |
CBALL::TRegularData3D< ValueType >::BlockValueType | The block data type for reading and writing binary data |
CBALL::TRegularData3D< ValueType >::IndexType | The index type used to refer to a specific element in the grid (x-, y-, and z-index) |
CBALL::TriangulatedSphere::Face | |
►CBALL::TriangulatedSurface | |
CBALL::TriangulatedSAS | |
CBALL::TriangulatedSES | |
CBALL::TriangulatedSphere | |
CBALL::Triple< T1, T2, T3 > | |
CBALL::TRRFile::TRRHeader | |
CBALL::TSimpleBox3< T > | |
CBALL::TSimpleMolecularGraph< Node, Edge > | |
►CBALL::TSphere3< T > | |
CBALL::VIEW::Sphere | |
►CBALL::TSurface< T > | |
CBALL::TContourSurface< T > | |
CBALL::TSurface< T >::Triangle | |
CBALL::TVector3< T > | |
CBALL::TVector4< T > | |
CBALL::UhligCavFreeEnergyProcessor::Default | |
CBALL::UhligCavFreeEnergyProcessor::Option | |
CBALL::UnaryFunctor< ArgumentType, ResultType > | |
CBALL::VanDerWaalsSlick::Default | |
CBALL::VanDerWaalsSlick::Option | |
CBALL::VIEW::AddBackboneModel::ModelPart | |
CBALL::VIEW::Camera | |
CBALL::VIEW::ChannelFormat | |
CBALL::VIEW::ClippingPlane | |
►CBALL::VIEW::ColorExtension2 | |
CBALL::VIEW::TwoColoredLine | |
CBALL::VIEW::TwoColoredTube | |
CBALL::VIEW::ColorUnit | |
CBALL::VIEW::ColorUnitHue | |
CBALL::VIEW::CompositeManager | |
►CBALL::VIEW::ConnectionObject | |
CBALL::VIEW::MainControl | |
CBALL::VIEW::ModularWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::Dataset | |
CBALL::VIEW::DockResultDialog::Compare_ | |
CBALL::VIEW::EditOperation | |
►CBALL::VIEW::FieldLineCreator | |
CBALL::VIEW::FieldLinesDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::FrameBuffer | |
CBALL::VIEW::FrameBufferFormat | |
►CBALL::VIEW::GeometricObject | |
CBALL::VIEW::Box | |
CBALL::VIEW::Disc | |
CBALL::VIEW::GridVisualisation | |
CBALL::VIEW::Label | |
CBALL::VIEW::Line | |
CBALL::VIEW::Mesh | |
CBALL::VIEW::MultiLine | |
CBALL::VIEW::Point | |
CBALL::VIEW::QuadMesh | |
CBALL::VIEW::SimpleBox | |
CBALL::VIEW::Sphere | |
CBALL::VIEW::Tube | |
CBALL::VIEW::TwoColoredLine | |
CBALL::VIEW::TwoColoredTube | |
CBALL::VIEW::GLDisplayList | |
CBALL::VIEW::Hotkey | |
CBALL::VIEW::IconLoader | |
►CBALL::VIEW::InputDeviceDriver | |
CBALL::VIEW::FakeDriver | |
CBALL::VIEW::InputPlugin | |
CBALL::VIEW::LightSource | |
CBALL::VIEW::MeshBuffer | |
►CBALL::VIEW::Message | |
CBALL::VIEW::CompositeMessage | |
CBALL::VIEW::CreateRepresentationMessage | |
CBALL::VIEW::DatasetMessage | |
CBALL::VIEW::DeselectControlsMessage | |
CBALL::VIEW::DockingFinishedMessage | Message to notify docking has finished |
CBALL::VIEW::FinishedSimulationMessage | |
►CBALL::VIEW::GenericSelectionMessage | |
CBALL::VIEW::ControlSelectionMessage | |
CBALL::VIEW::GeometricObjectSelectionMessage | |
CBALL::VIEW::MolecularTaskMessage | |
CBALL::VIEW::NewSelectionMessage | |
CBALL::VIEW::RegisterHelpSystemMessage | |
CBALL::VIEW::RepresentationMessage | Base class for all messages concerning a Representation |
CBALL::VIEW::SceneMessage | |
CBALL::VIEW::ShowDisplayPropertiesMessage | |
CBALL::VIEW::ShowHelpMessage | |
CBALL::VIEW::SyncClippingPlanesMessage | |
CBALL::VIEW::TransformationMessage | |
CBALL::VIEW::ModelInformation | |
CBALL::VIEW::ModularWidgetPlugin | |
►CBALL::VIEW::MultiColorExtension | |
CBALL::VIEW::Mesh | |
CBALL::VIEW::MultiLine | |
CBALL::VIEW::QuadMesh | |
CBALL::VIEW::PixelFormat | |
CBALL::VIEW::POVRenderer::POVRendererClippingPlane | |
►CBALL::VIEW::PreferencesEntry | |
CBALL::VIEW::AmberConfigurationDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::AssignBondOrderConfigurationDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::CharmmConfigurationDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::ColoringSettingsDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::ConfigDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::DisplayProperties | |
CBALL::VIEW::DockDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::EditSettings | |
CBALL::VIEW::GeometricFitDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::LightSettings | |
CBALL::VIEW::MainControlPreferences | |
CBALL::VIEW::MaterialSettings | |
CBALL::VIEW::MinimizationDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::MMFF94ConfigurationDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::ModelSettingsDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::MolecularDynamicsDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::NetworkPreferences | |
CBALL::VIEW::OpenSavePreferences | |
CBALL::VIEW::PluginDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::PythonSettings | |
CBALL::VIEW::ServerPreferences | |
CBALL::VIEW::ShortcutDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::StageSettings | |
►CBALL::VIEW::PreferencesEntry::ExtendedPreferencesObject | |
CBALL::VIEW::ColorTable | |
CBALL::VIEW::HotkeyTable | |
CBALL::VIEW::ShortcutRegistry | |
CBALL::VIEW::PubChemDialog::ParsedResult_ | |
CBALL::VIEW::QuadMesh::Quadruple | |
CBALL::VIEW::RaytraceableGrid | |
►CBALL::VIEW::Renderer | |
►CBALL::VIEW::BufferedRenderer | |
►CBALL::VIEW::RaytracingRenderer | |
CBALL::VIEW::CudaVolumeRenderer | |
CBALL::VIEW::RTfactRenderer | |
CBALL::VIEW::GLRenderer | |
CBALL::VIEW::POVRenderer | |
CBALL::VIEW::STLRenderer | |
CBALL::VIEW::TilingRenderer | |
CBALL::VIEW::VRMLRenderer | |
CBALL::VIEW::XML3DRenderer | |
►CBALL::VIEW::RenderTarget | |
►CBALL::VIEW::TRenderWindow< taPixelDatatype > | |
CBALL::VIEW::GLOffscreenTarget | |
CBALL::VIEW::GLRenderWindow | |
CBALL::VIEW::Resolution | |
CBALL::VIEW::RTfactRenderer::RTfactData | |
CBALL::VIEW::SDWidget::Default | Default values for options |
CBALL::VIEW::SDWidget::Option | Option names |
CBALL::VIEW::SnapshotManagerInterface | |
CBALL::VIEW::Stage | |
CBALL::VIEW::UIOperationMode | |
►CBALL::VIEW::Vertex | |
CBALL::VIEW::Label | |
CBALL::VIEW::Point | |
►CBALL::VIEW::Vertex2 | |
CBALL::VIEW::Line | |
CBALL::VIEW::Tube | |
CBALL::VIEW::TwoColoredLine | |
CBALL::VIEW::TwoColoredTube | |
CBALL::VIEW::XML3DRenderer::XML3DRendererClippingPlane | |
CBALL::Visitor< Host > | |
►Ciostream | |
CBALL::TCPIOStream | |
►CBALL::BaseIterator< Composite, Composite, Composite *, CompositeIteratorTraits > | |
►CBALL::ConstForwardIterator< Composite, Composite, Composite *, CompositeIteratorTraits > | |
►CBALL::ConstBidirectionalIterator< Composite, Composite, Composite *, CompositeIteratorTraits > | |
CBALL::BidirectionalIterator< Composite, Composite, Composite *, CompositeIteratorTraits > | |
CBALL::BinaryFileAdaptor< BALL_SIZE_TYPE > | |
CBALL::BinaryFileAdaptor< char > | |
CBALL::BinaryFileAdaptor< double > | |
CBALL::BinaryFileAdaptor< float > | |
►CBALL::BinaryFunctor< T1, T2, Processor::Result > | |
CBALL::BinaryProcessor< T1, T2 > | |
CBALL::ConstBinaryProcessor< T1, T2 > | |
►Cenable_shared_from_this | |
CBALL::VIEW::RenderSetup | |
Cboost::hash< BALL::Quadruple< T1, T2, T3, T4 > > | |
Cboost::hash< BALL::SortedPosition2 > | |
Cboost::hash< BALL::SortedPosition3 > | |
Cboost::hash< BALL::String > | |
Cboost::hash< BALL::Triple< T1, T2, T3 > > | |
Cboost::hash< RTpieCpp::InstanceHandle > | |
Cboost::hash< RTpieCpp::InstanceHandle >::conv | |
Cboost::hash< RTpieCpp::MeshHandle > | |
Cboost::hash< RTpieCpp::MeshHandle >::conv | |
►Cquaternion | |
CBALL::TQuaternion< T > | |
CBALL::TQuaternion< float > | |
►Cunordered_map | |
►CBALL::HashMap< Key, T > | HashMap class based on the STL map (containing serveral convenience functions) |
CBALL::StringHashMap< BALL::Atom::Type > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< BALL::GAFFCESParser * > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< BALL::GAMESSDatFile::block > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< BALL::HybridisationProcessor::Elements_ > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< BALL::JohnsonBoveyShiftProcessor::Ring > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< BALL::Options * > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< BALL::ParameterDescription > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< BALL::String > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< BALL::StringHashMap< BALL::StringHashMap< std::multimap< float, BALL::HybridisationProcessor::AtomNames_ > > > > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< BALL::TVector3 > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< BALL::VIEW::ColorRGBA > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< BALL_INDEX_TYPE > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< BALL_SIZE_TYPE > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< boost::shared_ptr< BALL::BondOrderAssignmentStrategy > > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< CreateMethod > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< CreationMethod > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< double * > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< double(*)(double)> | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< EmbeddableVector > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< float > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< JCAMPValue > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< list< BALL_SIZE_TYPE > > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< RuleList > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< SectionIterator > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< std::list< BALL::String >::iterator > | |
►CBALL::StringHashMap< String > | |
CBALL::Options | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< StringHashMap< String > > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< vector< BALL::ResidueTorsions::Data > > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< vector< BALL_SIZE_TYPE > > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::Atom *, BALL::NodeItem * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::Atom *, BALL_INDEX_TYPE > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::Atom *, int > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::Atom const *, BALL::TSurface > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::Atom const *, float > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::Atom::Type, BALL::HashMap< BALL::Atom::Type, BALL_SIZE_TYPE > > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::Atom::Type, BALL_INDEX_TYPE > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::Bond *, BALL::EdgeItem * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::Bond *, BALL_INDEX_TYPE > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::Bond *, int > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::Bond *, vector< float > > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::Bond const *, std::deque< BALL_SIZE_TYPE > > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::Embeddable *, string > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::Molecule *, BALL::TimeStamp > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::NodeItem< BALL_INDEX_TYPE, BALL_INDEX_TYPE > *, BALL::RingPerceptionProcessor::TNode_ * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::RingPerceptionProcessor::TNode_ *, BALL::NodeItem< BALL_INDEX_TYPE, BALL_INDEX_TYPE > * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::SnapShotManager *, boost::shared_ptr< BALL::VIEW::SnapshotVisualisationDialog > > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::SortedPosition2, std::deque< BALL_INDEX_TYPE > > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::SortedPosition3, BALL::RSComputer::ProbePosition * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::String, BALL::Conformation * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::String, BALL::MMFF94AtomTyper::AromaticType > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::String, BALL::ResidueRotamerSet > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::String, BALL::Result::ResultData > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::String, BALL::TVector3 > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::String, float > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::String, QIcon * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::String, QImage > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::String, vector< BALL::Result::ResultData > > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::VIEW::ClippingPlane *, QTreeWidgetItem * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::VIEW::Dataset *, QTreeWidgetItem * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::VIEW::Representation *, QTreeWidgetItem * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL::VIEW::Representation const *, BALL::VIEW::RTfactRenderer::RTfactData > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL_INDEX_TYPE, BALL::HashMap< BALL_INDEX_TYPE, BALL::HashMap< BALL::String, BALL::ResidueRotamerSet > > > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL_SIZE_TYPE, BALL::HashMap< BALL_SIZE_TYPE, BALL::HashMap< BALL_SIZE_TYPE, BALL::SESSingularityCleaner::ProbeIntersection * > > > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL_SIZE_TYPE, BALL::HashMap< BALL_SIZE_TYPE, BALL::HashMap< int, float > > > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL_SIZE_TYPE, BALL::HashMap< BALL_SIZE_TYPE, float > > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL_SIZE_TYPE, BALL::TriangulatedSurface > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL_SIZE_TYPE, BALL::TVector3 > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL_SIZE_TYPE, QMenu * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< BALL_SIZE_TYPE, std::list< BALL::TrianglePoint * > > | |
CBALL::HashMap< char, std::pair< BALL::ConnectedToPredicate::CTPNode *, BALL::ConnectedToPredicate::CTPNode * > > | |
CBALL::HashMap< const Atom *, float > | |
CBALL::HashMap< const BALL::Atom *, BALL_SIZE_TYPE > | |
CBALL::HashMap< const BALL::Atom *, bool > | |
CBALL::HashMap< const BALL::Composite *, BALL_SIZE_TYPE > | |
CBALL::HashMap< const BALL::Residue *, BALL_SIZE_TYPE > | |
CBALL::HashMap< const BALL::Residue *, const BALL::Residue * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< const BALL::TRegularData3D *, BALL_SIZE_TYPE > | |
CBALL::HashMap< const GeometricObject *, Name > | |
CBALL::HashMap< const QObject *, BALL::String > | |
CBALL::HashMap< const QObject *, String > | |
CBALL::HashMap< const Representation *, GLDisplayList * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< const Representation *, vector< MeshBuffer * > > | |
CBALL::HashMap< int, QDialog * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< int, QTreeWidgetItem * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< int, vector< int > > | |
CBALL::HashMap< LongSize, void * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< Name, const GeometricObject * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< PDB::Integer, PDBAtom * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< Position, BondData > | |
CBALL::HashMap< Position, EmpiricalBondData > | |
CBALL::HashMap< Position, std::pair< double, double > > | |
CBALL::HashMap< QTreeWidgetItem *, BALL::VIEW::ClippingPlane * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< QTreeWidgetItem *, BALL::VIEW::Dataset * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< QTreeWidgetItem *, BALL::VIEW::PreferencesEntry * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< QTreeWidgetItem *, BALL::VIEW::Representation * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< QTreeWidgetItem *, QWidget * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< QWidget *, QTreeWidgetItem * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< Residue *, Residue * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< ResidueQuadruple, Residue * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< RTpieCpp::InstanceHandle, BALL::VIEW::GeometricObject * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< RTpieCpp::MeshHandle, BALL::VIEW::GeometricObject * > | |
CBALL::HashMap< String, double > | |
CBALL::HashMap< String, Size > | |
CBALL::HashMap< String, std::vector< double > > | |
►CBALL::HashMap< String, Value > | |
CBALL::StringHashMap< Value > | |
CBALL::HashMap< unsigned long, Composite * > | |
►CBALL::GraphEdge< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace > | |
CBALL::RSEdge | |
►CBALL::GraphEdge< SASVertex, SASEdge, SASFace > | |
CBALL::SASEdge | |
►CBALL::GraphEdge< SESVertex, SESEdge, SESFace > | |
CBALL::SESEdge | |
►CBALL::GraphEdge< TrianglePoint, TriangleEdge, Triangle > | |
CBALL::TriangleEdge | |
►CBALL::GraphFace< SASVertex, SASEdge, SASFace > | |
CBALL::SASFace | |
►CBALL::GraphFace< SESVertex, SESEdge, SESFace > | |
CBALL::SESFace | |
►CBALL::GraphTriangle< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace > | |
CBALL::RSFace | |
►CBALL::GraphTriangle< TrianglePoint, TriangleEdge, Triangle > | |
CBALL::Triangle | |
►CBALL::GraphVertex< RSVertex, RSEdge, RSFace > | |
CBALL::RSVertex | |
►CBALL::GraphVertex< SASVertex, SASEdge, SASFace > | |
CBALL::SASVertex | |
►CBALL::GraphVertex< SESVertex, SESEdge, SESFace > | |
CBALL::SESVertex | |
►CBALL::GraphVertex< TrianglePoint, TriangleEdge, Triangle > | |
CBALL::TrianglePoint | |
CBALL::HashGrid3< BALL::Atom * > | |
CBALL::HashGrid3< const Atom * > | |
CBALL::HashGrid3< Sphere_ > | |
CBALL::HashGridBox3< BALL::Atom * > | |
CBALL::HashGridBox3< BALL_INDEX_TYPE > | |
CBALL::HashGridBox3< const Atom * > | |
CBALL::HashGridBox3< Sphere_ > | |
CBALL::HashSet< BALL::Atom * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< BALL::Bond * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< BALL::Composite * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< BALL::ConnectedToPredicate::CTPNode * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< BALL::Element::AtomicNumber > | |
CBALL::HashSet< BALL::Residue * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< BALL::RSFace * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< BALL::RSVertex * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< BALL::String > | |
CBALL::HashSet< BALL::VIEW::PreferencesEntry * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< BALL::VIEW::Representation * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< const ::BALL::BALL::Atom * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< const BALL::Atom * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< const BALL::Bond * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< const BALL::VIEW::Mesh * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< const BALL::VIEW::Representation * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< const PersistentObject * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< Edge * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< Face * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< QAction * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< QObject * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< RSEdge * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< RSFace * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< SASEdge * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< SASFace * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< SESEdge * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< SESFace * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< String > | |
CBALL::HashSet< Triangle * > | |
CBALL::HashSet< TriangleEdge * > | |
►CMolecularGraphBase | |
CBALL::MolecularGraph | |
►CMutexLockerType | |
CBALL::TMutexLocker< MutexLockerType, MutexType > | |
►CQAbstractListModel | |
CBALL::VIEW::PluginDirectoryModel | |
CBALL::VIEW::PluginModel | |
►CQAbstractTableModel | |
CBALL::VIEW::ShortcutTableModel | |
►CQCanvasRectangle | |
CBALL::VIEW::CanvasWidget::PixmapItem | |
►CQCanvasView | |
►CBALL::VIEW::CanvasWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::RegularData1DWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::RegularData2DWidget | |
►CQDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::AmberConfigurationDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::AssignBondOrderConfigurationDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::AssignBondOrderResultsDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::AtomOverview | |
CBALL::VIEW::BondProperties | |
CBALL::VIEW::CharmmConfigurationDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::ClippingDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::CompositeProperties | |
CBALL::VIEW::ConfigDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::ContourSurfaceDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::DemoTutorialDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::DisplayProperties | |
CBALL::VIEW::DockDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::DockProgressDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::DockResultDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::DownloadElectronDensity | |
CBALL::VIEW::DownloadPDBFile | |
CBALL::VIEW::EditOperationDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::EditSingleShortcut | |
CBALL::VIEW::ExportGeometryDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::FieldLinesDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::GenerateCrystalDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::GeometricFitDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::GridVisualizationDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::LabelDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::MinimizationDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::MMFF94ConfigurationDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::ModifyRepresentationDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::MolecularDynamicsDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::ParsedFunctionDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::PeptideDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::Preferences | |
CBALL::VIEW::PTEDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::PubChemDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::RaytraceableContourSurfaceDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::SetCamera | |
CBALL::VIEW::SetClippingPlane | |
CBALL::VIEW::SnapshotVisualisationDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::StereoSettingsDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::UndoManagerDialog | |
►CQDockWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::DockWidget | |
►CQEvent | |
►CBALL::VIEW::DeviceEvent | |
CBALL::VIEW::ButtonEvent | |
CBALL::VIEW::HeadTrackingEvent | |
CBALL::VIEW::MotionTrackingEvent | |
CBALL::VIEW::TransformationEvent6D | |
CBALL::VIEW::LogEvent | Event class used for thread safe output to logview |
CBALL::VIEW::MessageEvent | |
CBALL::VIEW::NotificationEvent | |
CBALL::VIEW::RenderToBufferFinishedEvent | |
►CQGLWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::GLRenderWindow | |
►CQItemDelegate | |
CBALL::VIEW::ComboBoxDelegate | |
CQLineEdit | |
►CQMainWindow | |
CBALL::VIEW::MainControl | |
CQMouseEvent | |
►CQObject | |
CBALL::PreferencesObject | |
CBALL::SimpleDownloader | |
►CBALL::SimpleDownloaderHelper::BasicHelper | |
CBALL::SimpleDownloaderHelper::DLArrayHelper | |
CBALL::SimpleDownloaderHelper::DLHelper | |
CBALL::SimpleDownloaderHelper::QFtpHackHelper | |
CBALL::VIEW::DatasetController | |
►CBALL::VIEW::InteractionMode | |
CBALL::VIEW::EditMode | |
CBALL::VIEW::MoveMode | |
CBALL::VIEW::PickingMode | |
CBALL::VIEW::RotateMode | |
CBALL::VIEW::InteractionModeManager | |
CBALL::VIEW::ServerWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::ShortcutRegistry | |
►CQPaintDevice | |
CBALL::VIEW::GLOffscreenTarget | |
►CQPlainTextEdit | |
CBALL::VIEW::TextEditorWidget | |
►CQPushButton | |
CBALL::VIEW::ColorButton | |
►CQSyntaxHighlighter | |
CBALL::VIEW::PythonHighlighter | |
►CQTableView | |
CBALL::VIEW::ShortcutTableView | |
►CQTableWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::ColorTable | |
CBALL::VIEW::HotkeyTable | |
►CQTextBrowser | |
CBALL::VIEW::DragLogView | |
CBALL::VIEW::MyTextBrowser | |
►CQThread | |
►CBALL::SimpleDownloaderHelper::HelperThread | |
CBALL::SimpleDownloaderHelper::DLThread | |
CBALL::SimpleDownloaderHelper::UPThread | |
CBALL::SimpleDownloaderHelper::QFtpHackThread | |
CBALL::TCPServerThread | |
CBALL::VIEW::AnimationThread | |
►CBALL::VIEW::BALLThread | |
CBALL::VIEW::CalculateFDPBThread | |
CBALL::VIEW::DockingThread | Thread for Docking |
CBALL::VIEW::GenerateCrystalThread | |
CBALL::VIEW::ServerWidget::BALLViewServer | |
►CBALL::VIEW::SimulationThread | |
CBALL::VIEW::EnergyMinimizerThread | Thread for EnergyMinimization |
CBALL::VIEW::MDSimulationThread | Thread for MDSimulation |
CBALL::VIEW::UpdateRepresentationThread | |
CBALL::VIEW::FakeDriver | |
CBALL::VIEW::RenderSetup | |
CBALL::VIEW::RunPythonThread | |
►CQTreeWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::TreeWidget | |
CQTreeWidgetItem | |
►CQValidator | |
CBALL::VIEW::PythonValidator | |
►CQWebView | |
►CQWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::ColoringSettingsDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::DockingController | |
CBALL::VIEW::EditSettings | |
CBALL::VIEW::GridColorWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::LightSettings | |
CBALL::VIEW::MainControlPreferences | |
CBALL::VIEW::MaterialSettings | |
CBALL::VIEW::ModelSettingsDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::MolecularFileDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::MolecularStructure | |
CBALL::VIEW::NetworkPreferences | |
CBALL::VIEW::OpenBruker1DFile | |
CBALL::VIEW::OpenBruker2DFile | |
CBALL::VIEW::OpenSavePreferences | |
CBALL::VIEW::PluginDialog | |
►CBALL::VIEW::PropEditorWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::BoolEditorWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::DoubleEditorWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::FloatEditorWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::IntEditorWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::PDBInfoEditorWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::PropDeleteWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::StringEditorWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::UIntEditorWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::PropertyEditor | |
CBALL::VIEW::PythonSettings | |
CBALL::VIEW::Scene | |
CBALL::VIEW::SDWidget | |
CBALL::VIEW::ServerPreferences | |
CBALL::VIEW::ShortcutDialog | |
CBALL::VIEW::StageSettings | |
CBALL::VIEW::TestFramework | |
CBALL::VIEW::TextEditorWidget::LineNumbers | |
►CReadLockerType | |
CBALL::TReadLocker< ReadLockerType, ReadWriteLockType > | |
►Cbinary_function | |
CBALL::ResidueRotamerSet::RotamerProbabilityGreaterThan_ | |
►Cstd::exception | STL class |
►CBALL::Exception::GeneralException | |
CBALL::Bit::IllegalOperation | |
CBALL::Bond::NotBound | |
CBALL::Client::InvalidClient | |
CBALL::Client::NoPersistentObject | |
CBALL::EnumeratorIndex::IncompatibleIndex | |
CBALL::Exception::BufferOverflow | |
CBALL::Exception::CUDAError | |
CBALL::Exception::DivisionByZero | |
CBALL::Exception::FileNotFound | |
CBALL::Exception::FormatUnsupported | |
CBALL::Exception::IllegalPosition | |
CBALL::Exception::IllegalSelfOperation | |
CBALL::Exception::IllegalTreeOperation | |
CBALL::Exception::IncompatibleIterators | |
CBALL::Exception::IndexOverflow | |
CBALL::Exception::IndexUnderflow | |
CBALL::Exception::InvalidArgument | |
CBALL::Exception::InvalidFormat | |
CBALL::Exception::InvalidIterator | |
CBALL::Exception::InvalidOption | Exception to be thrown if an invalid option is given |
CBALL::Exception::InvalidRange | |
CBALL::Exception::InvalidSize | |
CBALL::Exception::NoBufferAvailable | |
CBALL::Exception::NotImplemented | |
CBALL::Exception::NotInitialized | |
CBALL::Exception::NullPointer | |
CBALL::Exception::OutOfGrid | |
CBALL::Exception::OutOfMemory | |
CBALL::Exception::OutOfRange | |
CBALL::Exception::ParseError | |
CBALL::Exception::Postcondition | |
CBALL::Exception::Precondition | |
CBALL::Exception::SizeUnderflow | |
CBALL::Exception::TooManyBonds | Exception to be thrown if too many bonds for one atom |
CBALL::Exception::TooManyErrors | Exception to be thrown if too many errors occur, e.g. in ForceField |
CBALL::File::CannotWrite | |
CBALL::FragmentDB::NoFragmentNode | |
CBALL::GRAPH::IllegalStateException | |
CBALL::GRAPH::UnconnectedGraphException | |
CBALL::HashMap< Key, T >::IllegalKey | HashMap illegal key exception |
CBALL::HashSet< Key >::IllegalKey | |
CBALL::QSAR::Exception::ConfigurationReadingError | |
CBALL::QSAR::Exception::FeatureSelectionParameterError | |
CBALL::QSAR::Exception::InconsistentUsage | |
CBALL::QSAR::Exception::InvalidActivityID | |
CBALL::QSAR::Exception::KernelParameterError | |
CBALL::QSAR::Exception::ModelParameterError | |
CBALL::QSAR::Exception::NoPCAVariance | |
CBALL::QSAR::Exception::PropertyError | |
CBALL::QSAR::Exception::SingularMatrixError | |
CBALL::QSAR::Exception::TooManyPLSComponents | |
CBALL::QSAR::Exception::WrongDataType | |
CBALL::QSAR::Exception::WrongFileFormat | |
CBALL::RMSDMinimizer::IncompatibleCoordinateSets | |
CBALL::RMSDMinimizer::TooFewCoordinates | |
CBALL::Substring::InvalidSubstring | |
CBALL::Substring::UnboundSubstring | |
CBALL::VIEW::ColorUnit::NotInHexFormat | |
CBALL::VIEW::GLDisplayList::DisplayListRedeclaration | |
CBALL::VIEW::GLDisplayList::NestedDisplayList | |
CBALL::VIEW::GLDisplayList::NoDisplayListAvailable | |
CBALL::VIEW::GLRenderer::WrongModes | |
CBALL::VIEW::ServerWidget::NotCompositeObject | |
►Cstd::bad_alloc | STL class |
CBALL::Exception::OutOfMemory | |
►Cstd::ios_base | STL class |
►Cstd::basic_ios< Char > | STL class |
►Cstd::basic_istream< Char > | STL class |
►Cstd::basic_iostream< Char > | STL class |
►Cstd::basic_fstream< Char > | STL class |
►Cstd::fstream | STL class |
►CBALL::File | |
CBALL::AmiraMeshFile | |
CBALL::Bruker1DFile | |
CBALL::Bruker2DFile | |
CBALL::CCP4File | |
►CBALL::CIFFile | |
CBALL::NMRStarFile | This class provides methods for reading and assigning chemical shifts |
CBALL::DSN6File | |
►CBALL::LineBasedFile | |
►CBALL::GenericMolFile | |
CBALL::AntechamberFile | |
CBALL::DockResultFile | |
CBALL::HINFile | |
CBALL::KCFFile | |
CBALL::MOL2File | |
►CBALL::MOLFile | |
CBALL::SDFile | |
CBALL::MOPACInputFile | |
CBALL::MOPACOutputFile | |
CBALL::PDBFile | |
CBALL::XYZFile | |
CBALL::HMOFile | |
CBALL::SCWRLRotamerFile | Reads Dunbrack/SCWRL rotamer library files |
CBALL::ParamFile | |
CBALL::ResourceFile | |
►CBALL::TrajectoryFile | |
CBALL::DCDFile | |
CBALL::TRRFile | |
►Cstd::basic_ostream< Char > | STL class |
Cstd::basic_iostream< Char > | STL class |
►Cstd::ostream | STL class |
CBALL::LogStream | |
►Cstd::list< T > | STL class |
CBALL::List< Value > | |
CBALL::PeakList< PT > | |
CBALL::PyCompositeList | |
CBALL::PyIndexList | |
CBALL::PeakList< Peak< float > > | |
►Cstreambuf | |
CBALL::LogStreamBuf | |
►Cstd::vector< T > | STL class |
CBALL::AtomBijection | |
CBALL::AtomVector | |
CBALL::EnumeratorIndex | |
CBALL::Gradient | |
CBALL::PyColorRGBAVector | |
CBALL::PyDatasetVector | |
CBALL::VIEW::ColorMap | |
CBALL::TAngle< double > | |
CBALL::TAngle< float > | |
CBALL::TCircle3< double > | |
CBALL::TMatrix4x4< float > | |
CBALL::TreeWidth< OriginalGraphType > | |
CBALL::TRegularData1D< float > | |
►CBALL::TRegularData1D< std::complex< ComplexTraits::ComplexPrecision > > | |
CBALL::TFFT1D< ComplexTraits > | |
CBALL::TRegularData2D< float > | |
►CBALL::TRegularData2D< std::complex< ComplexTraits::ComplexPrecision > > | |
CBALL::TFFT2D< ComplexTraits > | |
CBALL::TRegularData3D< BALL::TVector3 > | |
CBALL::TRegularData3D< char > | |
CBALL::TRegularData3D< float > | |
►CBALL::TRegularData3D< std::complex< ComplexTraits::ComplexPrecision > > | |
CBALL::TFFT3D< ComplexTraits > | |
CBALL::TRegularData3D< T > | |
CBALL::TSimpleBox3< double > | |
►CBALL::TSimpleBox3< float > | |
CBALL::VIEW::SimpleBox | |
CBALL::TSphere3< double > | |
►CBALL::TSurface< float > | |
CBALL::VIEW::Mesh | |
CBALL::TVector3< double > | |
CBALL::TVector3< float > | |
►CFieldLinesDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::FieldLinesDialog | |
►CUi_AmberConfigurationDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::AmberConfigurationDialog | |
►CUi_AssignBondOrderConfigurationDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::AssignBondOrderConfigurationDialog | |
►CUi_AssignBondOrderResultsDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::AssignBondOrderResultsDialog | |
►CUi_AtomOverviewData | |
CBALL::VIEW::AtomOverview | |
►CUi_BondPropertiesData | |
CBALL::VIEW::BondProperties | |
►CUi_CharmmConfigurationDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::CharmmConfigurationDialog | |
►CUi_ClippingDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::ClippingDialog | |
►CUi_ColoringSettingsDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::ColoringSettingsDialog | |
►CUi_CompositePropertiesData | |
CBALL::VIEW::CompositeProperties | |
►CUi_ContourSurfaceDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::ContourSurfaceDialog | |
►CUi_DemoTutorialDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::DemoTutorialDialog | |
►CUi_DisplayPropertiesData | |
CBALL::VIEW::DisplayProperties | |
►CUi_DockDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::DockDialog | |
►CUi_DockProgressDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::DockProgressDialog | |
►CUi_DockResultDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::DockResultDialog | |
►CUi_DownloadElectronDensityData | |
CBALL::VIEW::DownloadElectronDensity | |
►CUi_DownloadPDBFileData | |
CBALL::VIEW::DownloadPDBFile | |
►CUi_EditOperationDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::EditOperationDialog | |
►CUi_EditSettingsData | |
CBALL::VIEW::EditSettings | |
►CUi_EditSingleShortcutData | |
CBALL::VIEW::EditSingleShortcut | |
►CUi_ExportGeometryDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::ExportGeometryDialog | |
►CUi_FDPBDialogData | |
►CUi_GenerateCrystalDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::GenerateCrystalDialog | |
►CUi_GeometricFitDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::GeometricFitDialog | |
►CUi_GridVisualizationDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::GridVisualizationDialog | |
►CUi_LabelDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::LabelDialog | |
►CUi_LightSettingsData | |
CBALL::VIEW::LightSettings | |
►CUi_MainControlPreferencesData | |
CBALL::VIEW::MainControlPreferences | |
►CUi_MaterialSettingsData | |
CBALL::VIEW::MaterialSettings | |
►CUi_MinimizationDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::MinimizationDialog | |
►CUi_MMFF94ConfigurationDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::MMFF94ConfigurationDialog | |
►CUi_ModelSettingsDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::ModelSettingsDialog | |
►CUi_ModifyRepresentationDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::ModifyRepresentationDialog | |
►CUi_MolecularDynamicsDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::MolecularDynamicsDialog | |
►CUi_NetworkPreferencesData | |
CBALL::VIEW::NetworkPreferences | |
►CUi_OpenSavePreferencesData | |
CBALL::VIEW::OpenSavePreferences | |
►CUi_ParsedFunctionDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::ParsedFunctionDialog | |
►CUi_PeptideDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::PeptideDialog | |
►CUi_PreferencesData | |
CBALL::VIEW::Preferences | |
►CUi_PTEDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::PTEDialog | |
►CUi_PythonSettingsData | |
CBALL::VIEW::PythonSettings | |
►CUi_RaytraceableContourSurfaceDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::RaytraceableContourSurfaceDialog | |
►CUi_RunGAMESSDialogData | |
►CUi_SetCameraData | |
CBALL::VIEW::SetCamera | |
►CUi_SetClippingData | |
CBALL::VIEW::SetClippingPlane | |
►CUi_ShortcutDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::ShortcutDialog | |
►CUi_SnapshotVisualisationDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::SnapshotVisualisationDialog | |
►CUi_StageSettingsData | |
CBALL::VIEW::StageSettings | |
►CUi_StereoSettingsDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::StereoSettingsDialog | |
►CUi_UndoManagerDialogData | |
CBALL::VIEW::UndoManagerDialog | |
►CBALL::UnaryFunctor< Atom, Processor::Result > | |
►CBALL::ConstUnaryProcessor< Atom > | |
CBALL::BoundingBoxProcessor | |
CBALL::GeometricCenterProcessor | |
►CBALL::UnaryProcessor< Atom > | |
►CBALL::AssignBaseProcessor | Only used for deriving interface |
CBALL::AssignTypeNameProcessor | |
CBALL::AssignTypeProcessor | |
►CBALL::AssignRadiusProcessor | |
CBALL::AssignChargeProcessor | |
CBALL::ClearChargeProcessor | |
CBALL::ClearRadiusProcessor | |
CBALL::MMFF94ChargeProcessor | |
►CBALL::RuleProcessor | |
CBALL::ChargeRuleProcessor | |
CBALL::RadiusRuleProcessor | |
CBALL::TypenameRuleProcessor | |
CBALL::TypeRuleProcessor | |
CBALL::SurfaceProcessor | |
►CBALL::TransformationProcessor | |
CBALL::StructureMapper | |
CBALL::TranslationProcessor | |
►CBALL::UnaryFunctor< AtomContainer, Processor::Result > | |
►CBALL::UnaryProcessor< AtomContainer > | |
CBALL::AromaticityProcessor | This processor provides methods for detection and assignment of aromaticity |
CBALL::AssignBondOrderProcessor | Assignment of bond orders from topology information |
CBALL::BuildBondsProcessor | |
CBALL::ConnectedComponentsProcessor | |
►CBALL::Descriptor | |
►CBALL::ConnectivityBase | |
CBALL::BalabanIndexJ | |
CBALL::ZagrebIndex | |
►CBALL::PartialChargeBase | |
CBALL::RelNegativePartialCharge | |
CBALL::RelPositivePartialCharge | |
CBALL::TotalNegativePartialCharge | |
CBALL::TotalPositivePartialCharge | |
►CBALL::SimpleBase | |
CBALL::AtomicPolarizabilities | |
CBALL::AtomInformationContent | |
CBALL::BondPolarizabilities | |
CBALL::FormalCharge | |
CBALL::MeanAtomInformationContent | |
CBALL::MolecularWeight | |
CBALL::NumberOfAromaticAtoms | |
CBALL::NumberOfAromaticBonds | |
CBALL::NumberOfAtoms | |
CBALL::NumberOfBonds | |
CBALL::NumberOfBoron | |
CBALL::NumberOfBromine | |
CBALL::NumberOfCarbon | |
CBALL::NumberOfChlorine | |
CBALL::NumberOfDoubleBonds | |
CBALL::NumberOfFlourine | |
CBALL::NumberOfHeavyAtoms | |
CBALL::NumberOfHeavyBonds | |
CBALL::NumberOfHydrogen | |
CBALL::NumberOfHydrogenBondAcceptors | |
CBALL::NumberOfHydrogenBondDonors | |
CBALL::NumberOfHydrophobicAtoms | |
CBALL::NumberOfIodine | |
CBALL::NumberOfNitrogen | |
CBALL::NumberOfOxygen | |
CBALL::NumberOfPhosphorus | |
CBALL::NumberOfRotatableBonds | |
CBALL::NumberOfRotatableSingleBonds | |
CBALL::NumberOfSingleBonds | |
CBALL::NumberOfSulfur | |
CBALL::NumberOfTripleBonds | |
CBALL::PrincipalMomentOfInertia | |
CBALL::PrincipalMomentOfInertiaX | |
CBALL::PrincipalMomentOfInertiaY | |
CBALL::PrincipalMomentOfInertiaZ | |
CBALL::RelNumberOfRotatableBonds | |
CBALL::RelNumberOfRotatableSingleBonds | |
CBALL::VertexAdjacency | |
CBALL::VertexAdjacencyEquality | |
►CBALL::SurfaceBase | |
CBALL::Density | |
CBALL::HydrophobicVdWSurface | |
CBALL::NegativePolarVdWSurface | |
CBALL::NegativeVdWSurface | |
CBALL::PolarVdWSurface | |
CBALL::PositivePolarVdWSurface | |
CBALL::PositiveVdWSurface | |
CBALL::RelHydrophobicVdWSurface | |
CBALL::RelNegativePolarVdWSurface | |
CBALL::RelNegativeVdWSurface | |
CBALL::RelPolarVdWSurface | |
CBALL::RelPositivePolarVdWSurface | |
CBALL::RelPositiveVdWSurface | |
CBALL::VdWSurface | |
CBALL::VdWVolume | |
CBALL::DisulfidBondProcessor | |
►CBALL::EnergyProcessor | |
CBALL::ComposedEnergyProcessor | |
CBALL::Pair6_12InteractionEnergyProcessor | |
CBALL::PairExpInteractionEnergyProcessor | |
CBALL::PCMCavFreeEnergyProcessor | |
CBALL::PierottiCavFreeEnergyProcessor | |
CBALL::ReissCavFreeEnergyProcessor | |
CBALL::UhligCavFreeEnergyProcessor | |
CBALL::HybridisationProcessor | |
CBALL::PartialChargeProcessor | |
CBALL::RingAnalyser | Methods for the analysis of the structure of ringsystems |
CBALL::RingPerceptionProcessor | |
CBALL::SideChainPlacementProcessor | |
►CBALL::UnaryFunctor< BALL::Composite, Processor::Result > | |
CBALL::UnaryProcessor< BALL::Composite > | |
►CBALL::UnaryFunctor< Chain, Processor::Result > | |
►CBALL::UnaryProcessor< Chain > | |
CBALL::PeptideCapProcessor | This processor adds ACE-N and NME-C caps to proteins |
►CBALL::UnaryFunctor< Composite, Processor::Result > | |
►CBALL::ConstUnaryProcessor< Composite > | |
CBALL::FragmentDistanceCollector | |
►CBALL::UnaryProcessor< Composite > | |
CBALL::AddHydrogenProcessor | |
CBALL::BindingPocketProcessor | |
CBALL::GAFFTypeProcessor | |
CBALL::HBondProcessor | Computation of hydrogen bonds from topology information |
CBALL::SecondaryStructureProcessor | Secondary structure extraction from 3D structure |
CBALL::Selector | |
►CBALL::ShiftModule | |
CBALL::AnisotropyShiftProcessor | |
CBALL::ClearShiftProcessor | |
CBALL::CreateSpectrumProcessor | |
CBALL::EFShiftProcessor | |
CBALL::EmpiricalHSShiftProcessor | |
►CBALL::Experiment< PeakListType > | |
CBALL::SimpleExperiment1D | |
CBALL::HaighMallionShiftProcessor | |
CBALL::HBondShiftProcessor | |
CBALL::JohnsonBoveyShiftProcessor | |
CBALL::RandomCoilShiftProcessor | |
CBALL::ShiftModel | |
CBALL::ShiftModel1D | |
CBALL::ShiftModel2D | |
CBALL::VIEW::AtomOverview::ApplyProcessor | |
CBALL::VIEW::AtomOverview::OverviewProcessor | |
CBALL::VIEW::ModelProcessor | |
►CBALL::UnaryFunctor< Fragment, Processor::Result > | |
►CBALL::UnaryProcessor< Fragment > | |
CBALL::FragmentDB::BuildBondsProcessor | |
CBALL::FragmentDB::NormalizeNamesProcessor | |
CBALL::ReconstructFragmentProcessor | |
►CBALL::UnaryFunctor< GeometricObject *, Processor::Result > | |
►CBALL::UnaryProcessor< GeometricObject * > | |
►CBALL::VIEW::ColorProcessor | |
CBALL::VIEW::AtomDistanceColorProcessor | |
CBALL::VIEW::ColorByGridProcessor | |
CBALL::VIEW::CustomColorProcessor | |
CBALL::VIEW::ElementColorProcessor | |
►CBALL::VIEW::InterpolateColorProcessor | |
CBALL::VIEW::AtomChargeColorProcessor | |
CBALL::VIEW::ForceColorProcessor | |
CBALL::VIEW::OccupancyColorProcessor | |
CBALL::VIEW::TemperatureFactorColorProcessor | |
►CBALL::VIEW::PositionColorProcessor | |
CBALL::VIEW::ChainColorProcessor | |
CBALL::VIEW::MoleculeColorProcessor | |
CBALL::VIEW::ResidueNameColorProcessor | |
CBALL::VIEW::ResidueNumberColorProcessor | |
CBALL::VIEW::ResidueTypeColorProcessor | |
CBALL::VIEW::SecondaryStructureColorProcessor | |
►CBALL::UnaryFunctor< Residue, Processor::Result > | |
►CBALL::UnaryProcessor< Residue > | |
CBALL::ResidueChecker | |
►CBALL::UnaryFunctor< T, Processor::Result > | |
CBALL::ConstUnaryProcessor< T > | |
CBALL::UnaryProcessor< T > | |
►CBALL::UnaryFunctor< UndirectedGraph, Size > | |
CBALL::TreeWidthImplementation< EditableGraph >::GeneralLowerBoundAlgorithm< Criterion, Reducer > | Generic lower bound algorithm on graphs |
►CBALL::UnaryFunctor< UndirectedGraph, std::pair< std::vector< boost::graph_traits< UndirectedGraph::vertex_descriptor > >, Size > > | |
CBALL::TreeWidthImplementation< EditableGraph >::GreedyX< Criterion > | |
►CBALL::Visitor< Composite > | |
CBALL::MolecularInformation | |
►CWriteLockerType | |
CBALL::TWriteLocker< WriteLockerType, ReadWriteLockType > | |
►CMutexType | |
CBALL::TMutex< MutexType > | |
►CReadWriteLockType | |
CBALL::TReadWriteLock< ReadWriteLockType > | |
CSESVertex * | |
Cbool | |
Cdouble | |
Cfloat | |
CPT | |
►CQMutex | |
CBALL::TMutex< QMutex > | |
►CQReadWriteLock | |
CBALL::TReadWriteLock< QReadWriteLock > | |
►Cbinary_function | |
CBALL::BinaryPredicate< T1, T2 > | |
Cpair< Atom *, Atom * > | |
►Cunary_function | |
CBALL::ParsedFunction< arg > | |
CBALL::UnaryPredicate< T > | |
►CBALL::UnaryPredicate< Atom > | |
►CBALL::ExpressionPredicate | |
CBALL::AromaticBondsPredicate | |
CBALL::AtomNamePredicate | |
CBALL::AtomTypePredicate | |
CBALL::AxialPredicate | |
CBALL::BackBonePredicate | |
CBALL::ChainPredicate | |
CBALL::ChargePredicate | |
CBALL::Conformation4C1Predicate | |
CBALL::ConnectedToPredicate | |
CBALL::ElementPredicate | |
CBALL::FalsePredicate | |
CBALL::InRingPredicate | |
CBALL::MoleculePredicate | |
CBALL::NucleicAcidPredicate | |
CBALL::NucleotidePredicate | |
►CBALL::NumberOfBondsPredicate | |
►CBALL::DoubleBondsPredicate | |
CBALL::TripleBondsPredicate | |
CBALL::SingleBondsPredicate | |
CBALL::ProteinPredicate | |
CBALL::ResidueIDPredicate | |
CBALL::ResiduePredicate | |
CBALL::SecondaryStructurePredicate | |
CBALL::SelectedPredicate | |
CBALL::SMARTSPredicate | |
CBALL::SolventPredicate | |
CBALL::Sp2HybridizedPredicate | |
CBALL::Sp3HybridizedPredicate | |
CBALL::SpHybridizedPredicate | |
CBALL::TruePredicate | |
CBALL::UnaryPredicate< BALL::Composite > | |
►CBALL::UnaryPredicate< Composite > | |
CBALL::KernelPredicate< T > | Kernel predicate class |
CBALL::KernelPredicate< Atom > | |
CBALL::KernelPredicate< Chain > | |
CBALL::KernelPredicate< Fragment > | |
CBALL::KernelPredicate< Molecule > | |
CBALL::KernelPredicate< Protein > | |
CBALL::KernelPredicate< Residue > | |
CValue | |